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Aedes aegypti is among the best‐studied mosquitoes due to its critical role as a vector of human pathogens and ease of laboratory rearing. Until now, this species was thought to have originated in continental Africa, and subsequently colonized much of the world following the establishment of global trade routes. However, populations of this mosquito on the islands in the southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO), where the species occurs with its nearest relatives referred to as the Aegypti Group, have received little study. We re‐evaluated the evolutionary history of Ae. aegypti and these relatives, using three data sets: nucleotide sequence data, 18,489 SNPs and 12 microsatellites. We found that: (a) the Aegypti Group diverged 16 MYA (95% HPD: 7–28 MYA) from its nearest African/Asian ancestor; (b) SWIO populations of Ae. aegypti are basal to continental African populations; (c) after diverging 7 MYA (95% HPD: 4–15 MYA) from its nearest formally described relative (Ae. mascarensis), Ae. aegypti moved to continental Africa less than 85,000 years ago, where it recently (<1,000 years ago) split into two recognized subspecies Ae. aegypti formosus and a human commensal, Ae. aegypti aegypti; (d) the Madagascar samples form a clade more distant from all other Ae. aegypti than the named species Ae. mascarensis, implying that Madagascar may harbour a new cryptic species; and (e) there is evidence of introgression between Ae. mascarensis and Ae. aegypti on Réunion, and between the two subspecies elsewhere in the SWIO, a likely consequence of recent introductions of domestic Ae. aegypti aegypti from Asia.  相似文献   
Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria are a phylogenetically diverse and ubiquitous group of prokaryotes that use organic matter but can harvest light using bacteriochlorophyll a. Although the factors regulating AAP ecology have long been investigated through field surveys, the few available experimental studies have considered AAPs as a group, thus disregarding the potential differential responses between taxonomically distinct AAP assemblages. Here, we used sequencing of the pufM gene to describe the diversity of AAPs in 10 environmentally distinct temperate lakes, and to investigate the taxonomic responses of AAP communities in these lakes when subjected to similar experimental manipulations of light and predator removal. The studied communities were clearly dominated by Limnohabitans AAP but presented a clear taxonomic segregation between lakes presumably driven by local conditions, which was maintained after experimental manipulations. Predation reduction (but not light exposure) caused significant compositional shifts across most assemblages, but the magnitude of these changes could not be clearly related to changes in bulk AAP abundances or taxonomic richness of AAP assemblages during experiments. Only a few operational taxonomic units, which differed taxonomically between lakes, were found to respond positively during experimental treatments. Our results highlight that different freshwater AAP communities respond differently to similar control mechanisms, highlighting that in‐depth knowledge on AAP diversity is essential to understand the ecology and potential role of these photoheterotrophs.  相似文献   
Pathogen‐mediated balancing selection is commonly considered to play an important role in the maintenance of genetic diversity, in particular in immune genes. However, the factors that may influence which immune genes are the targets of such selection are largely unknown. To address this, here we focus on Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) signalling pathways, which play a key role in innate immunity. We used whole‐genome resequencing data from a population of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) to test for associations between balancing selection, pleiotropy and gene function in a set of 123 PRR signalling pathway genes. To investigate the effect of gene function, we compared genes encoding (a) receptors for microbial ligands versus downstream signalling proteins, and (b) receptors recognizing components of microbial cell walls, flagella and capsids versus receptors recognizing features of microbial nucleic acids. Analyses based on the nucleotide diversity of full coding sequences showed that balancing selection primarily targeted receptor genes with a low degree of pleiotropy. Moreover, genes encoding receptors recognizing components of microbial cell walls etc. were more important targets of balancing selection than receptors recognizing nucleic acids. Tests for localized signatures of balancing selection in coding and noncoding sequences showed that such signatures were mostly located in introns, and more evenly distributed among different functional categories of PRR pathway genes. The finding that signatures of balancing selection in full coding sequences primarily occur in receptor genes, in particular those encoding receptors for components of microbial cell walls etc., is consistent with the idea that coevolution between hosts and pathogens is an important cause of balancing selection on immune genes.  相似文献   
Because telomere length and dynamics relate to individual growth, reproductive investment and survival, telomeres have emerged as possible markers of individual quality. Here, we tested the hypothesis that, in species with parental care, parental telomere length can be a marker of parental quality that predicts offspring phenotype and survival. In king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), we experimentally swapped the single egg of 66 breeding pairs just after egg laying to disentangle the contribution of prelaying parental quality (e.g., genetics, investment in the egg) and/or postlaying parental quality (e.g., incubation, postnatal feeding rate) on offspring growth, telomere length and survival. Parental quality was estimated through the joint effects of biological and foster parent telomere length on offspring traits, both soon after hatching (day 10) and at the end of the prewinter growth period (day 105). We expected that offspring traits would be mostly related to the telomere lengths (i.e., quality) of biological parents at day 10 and to the telomere lengths of foster parents at day 105. Results show that chick survival up to 10 days was negatively related to biological fathers’ telomere length, whereas survival up to 105 days was positively related to foster fathers’ telomere lengths. Chick growth was not related to either biological or foster parents’ telomere length. Chick telomere length was positively related to foster mothers’ telomere length at both 10 and 105 days. Overall, our study shows that, in a species with biparental care, parents’ telomere length is foremost a proxy of postlaying parental care quality, supporting the “telomere – parental quality hypothesis.”  相似文献   
Knowledge of zooplankton in situ diet is critical for accurate assessment of marine ecosystem function and structure, but due to methodological constraints, there is still a limited understanding of ecological networks in marine ecosystems. Here, we used DNA‐metabarcoding to study trophic interactions, with the aim to unveil the natural diet of zooplankton species under temporal variation of food resources. Several target consumers, including copepods and cladocerans, were investigated by sequencing 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes to identify prokaryote and eukaryote potential prey present in their guts. During the spring phytoplankton bloom, we found a dominance of diatom and dinoflagellate trophic links to copepods. During the summer period, zooplankton including cladocerans showed a more diverse diet dominated by cyanobacteria and heterotrophic prey. Our study suggests that copepods present trophic plasticity, changing their natural diet over seasons, and adapting their feeding strategies to the available prey spectrum, with some species being more selective. We did not find a large overlap of prey consumed by copepods and cladocerans, based on prey diversity found in their guts, suggesting that they occupy different roles in the trophic web. This study represents the first molecular approach to investigate several zooplankton–prey associations under seasonal variation, and highlights how, unlike other techniques, the diversity coverage is high when using DNA, allowing the possibility to detect a wide range of trophic interactions in plankton communities.  相似文献   
Encompassing some of the major hotspots of biodiversity on Earth, large mountain systems have long held the attention of evolutionary biologists. The region of the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP) is considered a biogeographic source for multiple colonization events into adjacent areas including the northern Palearctic. The faunal exchange between the QTP and adjacent regions could thus represent a one‐way street (“out of” the QTP). However, immigration into the QTP region has so far received only little attention, despite its potential to shape faunal and floral communities of the QTP. In this study, we investigated centers of origin and dispersal routes between the QTP, its forested margins and adjacent regions for five clades of alpine and montane birds of the passerine superfamily Passeroidea. We performed an ancestral area reconstruction using BioGeoBEARS and inferred a time‐calibrated backbone phylogeny for 279 taxa of Passeroidea. The oldest endemic species of the QTP was dated to the early Miocene (ca. 20 Ma). Several additional QTP endemics evolved in the mid to late Miocene (12–7 Ma). The inferred centers of origin and diversification for some of our target clades matched the “out of Tibet hypothesis’ or the “out of Himalayas hypothesis” for others they matched the “into Tibet hypothesis.” Three radiations included multiple independent Pleistocene colonization events to regions as distant as the Western Palearctic and the Nearctic. We conclude that faunal exchange between the QTP and adjacent regions was bidirectional through time, and the QTP region has thus harbored both centers of diversification and centers of immigration.  相似文献   
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