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SATB1 is expressed primarily in thymocytes and orchestrates temporal and spatial expression of a large number of genes in the T-cell lineage. SATB1 binds to the bases of chromatin loop domains in vivo, recognizing a special DNA context with strong base-unpairing propensity. The majority of thymocytes are eliminated by apoptosis due to selection processes in the thymus. We investigated the fate of SATB1 during thymocyte and T-cell apoptosis. Here we show that SATB1 is specifically cleaved by a caspase 6-like protease at amino acid position 254 to produce a 65-kDa major fragment containing both a base-unpairing region (BUR)-binding domain and a homeodomain. We found that this cleavage separates the DNA-binding domains from amino acids 90 to 204, a region which we show to be a dimerization domain. The resulting SATB1 monomer loses its BUR-binding activity, despite containing both its DNA-binding domains, and rapidly dissociates from chromatin in vivo. We found this dimerization region to have sequence similarity to PDZ domains, which have been previously shown to be involved in signaling by conferring protein-protein interactions. SATB1 cleavage during Jurkat T-cell apoptosis induced by an anti-Fas antibody occurs concomitantly with the high-molecular-weight fragmentation of chromatin of ~50-kb fragments. Our results suggest that mechanisms of nuclear degradation early in apoptotic T cells involve efficient removal of SATB1 by disrupting its dimerization and cleavage of genomic DNA into loop domains to ensure rapid and efficient disassembly of higher-order chromatin structure.  相似文献   
We followed-up for mortality and cancer incidence 1088 healthy non-smokers from a population-based study, who were characterized for 22 variants in 16 genes involved in DNA repair pathways. Follow-up was 100% complete. The association between polymorphism and mortality or cancer incidence was analyzed using Cox Proportional Hazard regression models. Ninety-five subjects had died in a median follow-up time of 78 months (inter-quartile range 59-93 months). None of the genotypes was clearly associated with total mortality, except variants for two Double-Strand Break DNA repair genes, XRCC3 18067 C>T (rs#861539) and XRCC2 31479 G>A (rs#3218536). Adjusted hazard ratios were 2.25 (1.32-3.83) for the XRCC3 C/T genotype and 2.04 (1.00-4.13) for the T/T genotype (reference C/C), and 2.12 (1.14-3.97) for the XRCC2 G/A genotype (reference G/G). For total cancer mortality, the adjusted hazard ratios were 3.29 (1.23-7.82) for XRCC3 C/T, 2.84 (0.81-9.90) for XRCC3 T/T and 3.17 (1.21-8.30) for XRCC2 G/A. With combinations of three or more adverse alleles, the adjusted hazard ratio for all cause mortality was 17.29 (95% C.I. 8.13-36.74), and for all incident cancers the HR was 5.28 (95% C.I. 2.17-12.85). Observations from this prospective study suggest that polymorphisms of genes involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks significantly influence the risk of cancer and non-cancer disease, and can influence mortality.  相似文献   
Animals have adapted behavioral and physiological strategies to conserve energy during periods of adverse conditions. Heterothermy is one such adaptation used by endotherms. While heterothermy—fluctuations in body temperature and metabolic rate—has been shown in large vertebrates, little is known of the costs and benefits of this strategy, both in terms of energy and in terms of fitness. Hence, our objective was to model the energetics of seasonal heterothermy in the largest Arctic ungulate, the muskox (Ovibos moschatus), using an individual‐based energy budget model of metabolic physiology. We found that the empirically based drop in body temperature (winter max ~−0.8°C) overwinter in adult females resulted in substantial fitness benefits in terms of reduced daily energy expenditure and body mass loss. Body mass and energy reserves were 8.98% and 14.46% greater in modeled heterotherms compared to normotherms by end of winter. Based on environmental simulations, we show that seasonal heterothermy can, to some extent, buffer the negative consequences of poor prewinter body condition or reduced winter food accessibility, leading to greater winter survival (+20%–30%) and spring energy reserves (+10%–30%), and thus increased probability of future reproductive success. These results indicate substantial adaptive short‐term benefits of seasonal heterothermy at the individual level, with potential implications for long‐term population dynamics in highly seasonal environments.  相似文献   
Interspecific gene flow is a common phenomenon in Nothofagaceae species; however, the dynamics of introgression in hybrid zones remains largely unknown. We focused on two ecologically and morphologically different Nothofagus species from Patagonia, Nothofagus nervosa and Nothofagus obliqua. In a natural hybrid zone, we established two plots 280 m apart in altitude (ca. 1.9 °C difference in mean temperature), and two subplots which captured microsite variation (abundance and spatial distribution of species and predominance of wind direction). We used intensive sampling of individuals (2055, including adults and regeneration) and molecular genotyping of 6 highly species-specific nuclear microsatellites for the identification and classification of hybrids, based on estimates of ancestry and interclass heterozygosity. We evaluated the relative contribution of our sampling effects to variation in hybrid incidence and direction of introgression using generalized linear mixed effects models. We determined that introgressive hybridization occurs at a global rate of 7.8% and that variation was mostly explained by plots (frequency at low altitude was approximately twice that found at high altitude), while it was less influenced by subplots. The high altitude plot was dominated by late-generation backcrosses to N. obliqua (asymmetric bimodality), whereas the low altitude plot consisted of intermediate hybrids (unimodality) and showed asymmetry for introgression between subplots. Differences were not detected between adults and regeneration, suggesting early-acting reproductive isolating barriers. F1 hybrids occur at a global frequency of 3.8%, and are fertile, as the detection of first- and late-generation hybrids indicates.  相似文献   
Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) is a salt tolerant, fine textured turfgrass used on golf courses in coastal, tropical, and subtropical regions. A callus induction and plant regeneration protocol for this commercially important turfgrass species has been developed. Induction of highly regenerable callus with approximately 400 shoots per cultured immature inflorescence (1 cm in length) was achieved by culturing 0.2 cm segments on media with 3 mg l−1 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid (dicamba) and 0.1 or 1.0 mg l−1 benzylaminopurine (BA). A multifactorial experiment demonstrated the combination of 3 mg l−1 dicamba and 1.0 mg l−1 BA for induction of callus resulted in 12 times higher plant regeneration frequency compared to 3 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) alone or ten times higher plant regeneration frequency than the combination of 3 mg l−1 2,4-D and 1.0 mg l−1 BA. These results are expected to support the development of a genetic transformation protocol for seashore paspalum.  相似文献   
p53 is a key protein that participates in cell-cycle control, and its malfunction can lead to cancer. This tumour suppressor protein has three main domains; the N-terminal transactivation domain, the CTD (C-terminal domain) and the core domain (p53C) that constitutes the sequence-specific DBD (DNA-binding region). Most p53 mutations related to cancer development are found in the DBD. Aggregation of p53 into amyloid oligomers and fibrils has been shown. Moreover, amyloid aggregates of both the mutant and WT (wild-type) forms of p53 were detected in tumour tissues. We propose that if p53 aggregation occurred, it would be a crucial aspect of cancer development, as p53 would lose its WT functions in an aggregated state. Mutant p53 can also exert a dominant-negative regulatory effect on WT p53. Herein, we discuss the dominant-negative effect in light of p53 aggregation and the fact that amyloid-like mutant p53 can convert WT p53 into more aggregated species, leading into gain of function in addition to the loss of tumour suppressor function. In summary, the results obtained in the last decade indicate that cancer may have characteristics in common with amyloidogenic and prion diseases.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the circadian behaviour of young tuatara (Sphenodon spp.) is relatively scarce because tuatara are difficult to observe in the wild. We document diurnal, nocturnal and crepuscular emergence and movements (half‐body movement, walking and running) of three groups of captive juvenile tuatara (2‐ and 3‐year‐old Sphenodon guntheri, and 5‐year‐old S. punctatus). Juvenile tuatara emerge predominantly at night, but move around above ground, mainly during the day and around sunset. Differences in emergence andmove‐ment scores between the three study groups were evident, probably linked with age, species or housing conditions, which were inevitably coupled in our study. We found that 2‐year‐old tuatara in captive conditions emerged less frequently than, but once above ground, moved more than 3‐ and 5‐year‐olds in semi‐captive conditions. Activities in semi‐captive conditions were not correlated with temperature, light or humidity. We conclude that young tuatara may be primarily adapted to nocturnal activity, but thermal restrictions and possible hardwired adaptations to avoid predators and conspecifics may make day‐time movements safer.  相似文献   
Herein, we describe a case of an infertile man detected in postnatal diagnosis with FISH characterization and array-CGH used for genome-wide screening which allowed the identification of a complex rearrangement involving sex chromosomes, apparently without severe phenotypic consequences. The deletion detected in our patient has been compared with previously reported cases leading us to propose a hypothetical diagnostic algorithm that would be useful in similar clinical situations, with imperative multi disciplinary approach integrated with genetic counseling. Our patient, uniquely of reproductive age, is one of six reported cases of duplication of Xp22.3 (~ 8.4 Mb) segment and contemporary deletion of Yq (~ 42.9 Mb) with final karyotype as follows:
46,X,der(Y),t(X;Y)(Ypter → Yq11.221::Xp22.33 → Xpter).ish der(Y) (Yptel+,Ycen+,RP11-529I21+,RP11-506M9-Yqtel −,Xptel +). arrXp22.33p22.31(702–8,395,963, 8,408,289x1), Yq11.221q12 (14,569,317x1, 14,587,321–57,440,839x0)  相似文献   
The 65-kilodalton DNA-binding protein (65KDBP) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), the product of the UL42 gene, is required for DNA replication both in vitro and in vivo, yet its actual function is unknown. By two independent methods, it was shown that the 65KDBP stimulates the activity of the HSV-1-encoded DNA polymerase (Pol). When Pol, purified from HSV-1-infected cells, was separated from the 65KDBP, much of its activity was lost. However, addition of the 65KDBP, purified from infected cells, stimulated the activity of Pol 4- to 10-fold. The ability of a monoclonal antibody to the 65KDBP to remove the Pol-stimulating activity from preparations of the 65KDBP confirmed that the activity was not due to a trace contaminant. Furthermore, the 65KDBP did not stimulate the activity of other DNA polymerases derived from T4, T7, or Escherichia coli. The 65KDBP gene transcribed in vitro from cloned DNA and translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysates also was capable of stimulating the product of the pol gene when the RNAs were cotranslated. The product of a mutant 65KDBP gene missing the carboxy-terminal 28 amino acids exhibited wild-type levels of Pol stimulation, while the products of two large deletion mutants of the gene could not stimulate Pol activity. These experiments suggest that the 65KDBP may be an accessory protein for the HSV-1 Pol.  相似文献   
Ion channels are proteins expressed in the plasma membrane of electrogenic cells. In the zygote and blastomeres of the developing embryo, electrical modifications result from ion currents that flow through these channels. This phenomenon implies that ion current activity exerts a specific developmental function, and plays a crucial role in signal transduction and the control of embryogenesis, from the early cleavage stages and during growth and development of the embryo. This review describes the involvement of ion currents in early embryo development, from marine invertebrates to human, focusing on the occurrence, modulation, and dynamic role of ion fluxes taking place on the zygote and blastomere plasma membrane, and at the intercellular communication between embryo cell stages. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:6–18, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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