Plant‐soil feedbacks (PSFs) have been shown to strongly affect plant performance under controlled conditions, and PSFs are thought to have far reaching consequences for plant population dynamics and the structuring of plant communities. However, thus far the relationship between PSF and plant species abundance in the field is not consistent. Here, we synthesize PSF experiments from tropical forests to semiarid grasslands, and test for a positive relationship between plant abundance in the field and PSFs estimated from controlled bioassays. We meta‐analyzed results from 22 PSF experiments and found an overall positive correlation (0.12 ≤ ≤ 0.32) between plant abundance in the field and PSFs across plant functional types (herbaceous and woody plants) but also variation by plant functional type. Thus, our analysis provides quantitative support that plant abundance has a general albeit weak positive relationship with PSFs across ecosystems. Overall, our results suggest that harmful soil biota tend to accumulate around and disproportionately impact species that are rare. However, data for the herbaceous species, which are most common in the literature, had no significant abundance‐PSFs relationship. Therefore, we conclude that further work is needed within and across biomes, succession stages and plant types, both under controlled and field conditions, while separating PSF effects from other drivers (e.g., herbivory, competition, disturbance) of plant abundance to tease apart the role of soil biota in causing patterns of plant rarity versus commonness. 相似文献
Multiple sclerosis (MS) probably occurs by oxidative, inflammatory and autoimmune mechanisms. This study investigated the influence of statin on the stability of erythrocyte membranes in MS patients. The population was composed of one group with simvastatin therapy (20 mg/day), another group without statin therapy and a healthy control group. The stability of erythrocytes was evaluated by the half-transition points, H50 and D50, obtained from the curves of hemolysis induced by hypotonic shock and ethanol action, respectively. Erythrocytes of MS patients were less stable against lysis by both chaotropes. This behavior may be merely a consequence of the lifestyle of MS patients or it may be intrinsically associated with the conjunct of factors responsible for the development of the disease. The use of statin by MS patients was associated with lower levels of LDL and total cholesterol, as expected, and with higher stability of erythrocytes against ethanol compared to the values of untreated MS patients. 相似文献
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterized by a systemic autoimmune response with profound and diverse T cell changes. Dendritic cells (DCs) are important orchestrators of immune responses and have an important role in the regulation of T cell function. The objective of this study was to determine whether myeloid DCs from individuals with SLE display abnormalities in phenotype and promote abnormal T cell function. Monocyte-derived DCs and freshly isolated peripheral blood myeloid DCs from lupus patients displayed an abnormal phenotype characterized by accelerated differentiation, maturation, and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. These abnormalities were characterized by higher expression of the DC differentiation marker CD1a, the maturation markers CD86, CD80, and HLA-DR, and the proinflammatory cytokine IL-8. In addition, SLE patients displayed selective down-regulation of the maturation marker CD83 and had abnormal responses to maturation stimuli. These abnormalities have functional relevance, as SLE DCs were able to significantly increase proliferation and activation of allogeneic T cells when compared with control DCs. We conclude that myeloid DCs from SLE patients display significant changes in phenotype which promote aberrant T cell function and could contribute to the pathogenesis of SLE and organ damage. 相似文献
In Argentina, as in other countries of Latin America, cholera has occurred in an epidemic pattern. Vibrio cholerae O1 is native to the aquatic environment, and it occurs in both culturable and viable but nonculturable (VNC) forms, the latter during interepidemic periods. This is the first report of the presence of VNC V. cholerae O1 in the estuarine and marine waters of the Río de la Plata and the Argentine shelf of the Atlantic Ocean, respectively. Employing immunofluorescence and PCR methods, we were able to detect reservoirs of V. cholerae O1 carrying the virulence-associated genes ctxA and tcpA. The VNC forms of V. cholerae O1 were identified in samples of water, phytoplankton, and zooplankton; the latter organisms were mainly the copepods Acartia tonsa, Diaptomus sp., Paracalanus crassirostris, and Paracalanus parvus. We found that under favorable conditions, the VNC form of V. cholerae can revert to the pathogenic, transmissible state. We concluded that V. cholerae O1 is a resident of Argentinean waters, as has been shown to be the case in other geographic regions of the world. 相似文献
A reduction of sleep time has become common over the last century, and growing evidence from both epidemiological and laboratory-based studies suggests sleep curtailment is a new risk factor for the development of obesity. On this basis, the present review examines the role of sleep curtailment in the metabolic and endocrine alterations, including decreased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, increased evening concentrations of cortisol, increased levels of ghrelin, decreased levels of leptin and increased hunger and appetite. It will be discussed how sleep restriction may lead to increase in food intake and result in greater fatigue, which may favour decreased energy expenditure. Altogether, evidences point to a possible role of decreased sleep duration in the current epidemic of obesity and therefore present literature highlights the importance of getting enough good sleep for metabolic health. Many aspects still need to be clarified and intervention studies also need to be conducted. Copyright ? 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
1-(7-Chloroquinolin-4-yl)-N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-5-methyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole-4- carboxamide (QTC-4-MeOBnE) is a new multi-target directed ligand (MTDL) rationally designed to have affinity with β-secretase (BACE), Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β (GSK3β) and acetylcholinesterase, which are considered promising targets on the development of disease-modifying therapies against Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Previously, QTC-4-MeOBnE treatment showed beneficial effects in preclinical AD-like models by influencing in vivo neurogenesis, oxidative and inflammatory pathways. However, the biological effect and mechanism of action exerted by QTC-4-MeOBnE in AD cellular models have not been elucidated yet. Hereby we investigate the acute effect of QTC-4-MeOBnE on neuronal cells overexpressing Amyloid Protein Precursor (APP) or human tau protein, the two main features of the AD pathophysiology. When compared to the control group, QTC-4-MeOBnE treatment prevented amyloid beta (Aβ) formation through the downregulation of APP and BACE levels in APPswe-expressing cells. Furthermore, in N2a cells overexpressing human tau, QTC-4-MeOBnE reduced the levels of phosphorylated forms of tau via the modulation of the GSK3β pathway. Taken together, our findings provide new insights into the mechanism of action exerted by QTC-4-MeOBnE in AD cellular models, and further support its potential as an interesting therapeutic strategy against AD.
During the last decades, there has been an increasing proportion of patients susceptible to invasive fungal disease (IFD). The epidemiology of IFD varies mainly due to geography, antifungal exposure, and nosocomial reservoirs. We reviewed the Argentinean epidemiology of invasive mold disease (IMD) by analyzing laboratory and clinical data. Invasive mold disease was the second most prevalent IFD following the yeasts, with a prevalence that ranged from 0.98 to 1.31/100,000 population. The majority (60?C85?%) of IMD was caused by hyalohyphomycetes followed by Mucorales (6?C21?%) and phaeohyphomycetes (7?C13?%). The most prevalent genera were Aspergillus (40?C67?% of IMD) followed by Fusarium (10?C14?%). The most prevalent species were A. fumigatus (38?C50?%) followed by A. flavus (27?C43?%). In immunocompromised patients in Argentina the most prevalent agents of IMD are Aspergillus, followed by Fusarium and Mucorales, while the most prevalent Aspergillus species are A. fumigatus followed by A. flavus. 相似文献
The comparison of genetic divergence or genetic distances, estimated by pairwise FST and related statistics, with geographical distances by Mantel test is one of the most popular approaches to evaluate spatial processes driving population structure. There have been, however, recent criticisms and discussions on the statistical performance of the Mantel test. Simultaneously, alternative frameworks for data analyses are being proposed. Here, we review the Mantel test and its variations, including Mantel correlograms and partial correlations and regressions. For illustrative purposes, we studied spatial genetic divergence among 25 populations of Dipteryx alata (“Baru”), a tree species endemic to the Cerrado, the Brazilian savannas, based on 8 microsatellite loci. We also applied alternative methods to analyze spatial patterns in this dataset, especially a multivariate generalization of Spatial Eigenfunction Analysis based on redundancy analysis. The different approaches resulted in similar estimates of the magnitude of spatial structure in the genetic data. Furthermore, the results were expected based on previous knowledge of the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying genetic variation in this species. Our review shows that a careful application and interpretation of Mantel tests, especially Mantel correlograms, can overcome some potential statistical problems and provide a simple and useful tool for multivariate analysis of spatial patterns of genetic divergence. 相似文献
Given that brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) modulates both short-term synaptic function and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus, here we examined signaling mechanisms in vivo in the hippocampus mediating BDNF modulation of long-term memory (LTM) formation of a one-trial fear-motivated learning task in rats. Bilateral infusions of function-blocking anti-BDNF antibody into the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus decreased extracellular-signal regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) and CREB activation and impaired LTM retention scores. Inhibition of ERK1/2 activation by PD098059 produced similar effects and also reduced CREB phosphorylation. In contrast, intrahippocampal administration of recombinant human BDNF increased ERK1/2 and CREB activation and facilitated LTM. Activated-p38, activated-PKC isoforms, and activated-AKT were unaltered after BDNF or anti-BDNF infusion. In addition, no changes were found on PKA and PKA catalytic subunits in nuclear samples. Thus, our results suggest that BDNF exerts its role in LTM formation in vivo in CA1 region of the hippocampus, at least in part, via CREB activation. Moreover, BDNF-induced CREB activation appears to be mediated mainly through the activation of ERK1/2 signaling pathway. 相似文献