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The lizard genus Phymaturus is widely distributed in Argentina and along the eastern edge of Chile between 25° and 45° south. We sampled 27 of the 38 currently recognized species plus 22 candidate species using two mitochondrial genes (cytb and 12S), four protein coding nuclear genes and seven anonymous nuclear loci, and present the first comprehensive molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the clade. We recovered two large clades (the palluma or northern group and patagonicus or southern group) previously recognized on the basis of morphological and mitochondrial sequence evidence, and compared results obtained from concatenated-gene analyses with results of a coalescent-based species-tree approach (BEST). With both methods we identified four main clades within the palluma group (mallimaccii, roigorum, verdugo, and vociferator) and five main clades within the patagonicus group (calcogaster, indistinctus, payuniae, somuncurensis, and spurcus). We found several instances of non-monophyly with cytb and cases of incongruence between mitochondrial vs nuclear data for which we discuss alternative hypotheses. Although with lower support values, combined BEST results are more congruent with concatenated nuclear data than with combined concatenated analyses, suggesting that BEST is less influenced by demographic processes than combined concatenated analyses. We discuss the taxonomic, biogeographic and conservation implications of these results and how the future integration of phylogeographic and morphological approaches will allow the further testing of demographic and biogeographic hypotheses.  相似文献   
Background/Objectives: Parasites of the subgenus Leishmania (Viannia) cause varying clinical symptoms ranging from cutaneous leishmaniases (CL) with single or few lesions, disseminated CL (DL) with multiple lesions to disfiguring forms of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). In this population genetics study, 37 strains of L. (V.) guyanensis, 63 of L. (V.) braziliensis, four of L. (V.) shawi, six of L. (V.) lainsoni, seven of L. (V.) naiffi, one each of L. (V.) utingensis and L. (V.) lindenbergi, and one L. (V.) lainsoni/L. naiffi hybrid from different endemic foci in Brazil were examined for variation at 15 hyper-variable microsatellite markers. Methodology/Principal findings: The multilocus microsatellite profiles obtained for the 120 strains were analysed using both model- and distance-based methods. Significant genetic diversity was observed for all L. (Viannia) strains studied. The two cluster analysis approaches identified two principal genetic groups or populations, one consisting of strains of L. (V.) guyanensis from the Amazon region and the other of strains of L. (V.) braziliensis isolated along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. A third group comprised a heterogeneous assembly of species, including other strains of L. braziliensis isolated from the north of Brazil, which were extremely polymorphic. The latter strains seemed to be more closely related to those of L. (V.) shawi, L. (V.) naiffi, and L. (V.) lainsoni, also isolated in northern Brazilian foci. The MLMT approach identified an epidemic clone consisting of 13 strains of L. braziliensis from Minas Gerais, but evidence for recombination was obtained for the populations of L. (V.) braziliensis from the Atlantic coast and for L. (V.) guyanensis. Conclusions/Significance: Different levels of recombination versus clonality seem to occur within the subgenus L. (Viannia). Though clearly departing from panmixia, sporadic, but long-term sustained recombination might explain the tremendous genetic diversity and limited population structure found for such L. (Viannia) strains.  相似文献   
Altitudinal migration is the seasonal altitudinal movement of birds from breeding areas to non‐breeding or wintering areas at different elevations. Although this type of migration is widely reported, questions remain concerning the number of species that perform altitudinal migration, possible variation among different taxa and geographic locations in the extent of altitudinal migration, and the foraging guilds of altitudinal migrants. We conducted an extensive bibliographic survey and compiled a list of altitudinal migrant birds worldwide. We characterized species in terms of their foraging guilds because the spatial distribution of food resources along altitudinal gradients is often evoked as a driver of bird altitudinal migration. We identified 1238 species of altitudinal migrants, ~10% of the ~10,000 extant species of birds. We found a strong geographic bias in publications focusing on avian altitudinal migration toward the United States and Costa Rica, and a paucity of studies in megadiverse regions such as the Afrotropical and Indomalayan realms, and areas in the Neotropics other than Costa Rica. We also found that most species of altitudinal migrants were invertivores rather than frugivores or nectarivores. This general pattern held true for all zoogeographic realms except the Neotropics, where nectarivores and frugivores predominated among altitudinal migrants. The prevalence of invertivore birds among altitudinal migrants is not unexpected because this is the most common foraging guild among birds worldwide. Overall, we found no prevalence of any specific foraging guild among altitudinal migrants across zoogeographic regions. The results of studies to date suggest that altitudinal migration by birds may be driven by a number of factors, including access to increased food resources for breeding or molting, weather conditions, and mating and nesting opportunities. However, to better understand the mechanisms underlying altitudinal migration, broadening the geographic scope of studies is paramount, with additional study of altitudinal migration especially needed in the megadiverse tropical regions of sub‐Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America.  相似文献   
Nitrate reductase (NR), a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism, has been implicated in the production of nitric oxide (NO) in plants. The effect of photosynthetic electron transport chain inhibitors and NO scavengers or donors on NR activity of Gracilaria chilensis was studied under experimental laboratory conditions. Effective quantum yield (Φ PSII) and NR activity were significantly diminished by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, two photosynthetic electron flux inhibitors of photosystem (PS) II and PSI, respectively, but not by diphenyleneiodonium, a NADPH oxidase inhibitor, indicating a direct dependence of NR activity on the PSII and PSI electron flux. Nitrate reductase activity was sensitive to a decrease or increase of NO levels when NO scavenger (2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) and NO donor (sodium nitroprusside) were added. Moreover, the addition of 8Br-cGMP, a secondary signal molecule, stimulated NR activity. These results evidence a modulation of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and NO balance on G. chilensis NR activity. This association could be linked to the crucial tight modulation of nitrogen assimilation and carbon metabolism to guarantee nitrite incorporation into organic compounds and to avoid toxicity by nitrite, reactive oxygen species, or nitric oxide in the cells. Nitric oxide showed to be an important signaling molecule regulating NR activity and cGMP could participate as secondary messenger on this regulation by phosphorylation and desphosphorylation processes.  相似文献   
In a screening for antimicrobial metabolites, amides of D-allo- and L-isoleucine derivatives were isolated from the culture of a marine strain of Acremonium furcatum. Structural elucidation of these compounds was performed by analysis of spectroscopic data and confirmed by synthesis. All of the compounds, natural and synthetic intermediates, were bioassayed against bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi, with many showing remarkable antifungal activities.  相似文献   
Human astroviruses (HAstVs) are a major cause of gastroenteritis. HAstV assembles from the structural protein VP90 and undergoes a cascade of proteolytic cleavages. Cleavage to VP70 is required for release of immature particles from cells, and subsequent cleavage by trypsin confers infectivity. We used electron cryomicroscopy and icosahedral image analysis to determine the first experimentally derived, three-dimensional structures of an immature VP70 virion and a fully proteolyzed, infectious virion. Both particles display T = 3 icosahedral symmetry and nearly identical solid capsid shells with diameters of ~ 350 Å. Globular spikes emanate from the capsid surface, yielding an overall diameter of ~ 440 Å. While the immature particles display 90 dimeric spikes, the mature capsid only displays 30 spikes, located on the icosahedral 2-fold axes. Loss of the 60 peripentonal spikes likely plays an important role in viral infectivity. In addition, immature HAstV bears a striking resemblance to the structure of hepatitis E virus (HEV)-like particles, as previously predicted from structural similarity of the crystal structure of the astrovirus spike domain with the HEV P-domain [Dong, J., Dong, L., Méndez, E. &; Tao, Y. (2011). Crystal structure of the human astrovirus capsid spike. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 12681–12686]. Similarities between their capsid shells and dimeric spikes and between the sequences of their capsid proteins suggest that these viral families are phylogenetically related and may share common assembly and activation mechanisms.  相似文献   
This study examines prey selection by Magellanic horned owls (Bubo magellanicus) in an ecotonal steppe area of northwestern Argentine Patagonia, and analyzes morphological and behavioral traits of the owls main rodent prey. The owls diet was studied for two years, along with field estimates of rodent abundance. The frequency distribution of rodents was significantly different from that estimated from trapping, indicating that Magellanic horned owl behaved as a selective predator. Eligmodontia morgani and Abrothrix xanthorhinus, the smallest species inhabiting open areas, were consumed in lower proportion than their occurrence estimated from the trapped sample, whereas the larger Abrothrix longipilis and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, which inhabited bushy habitats, were eaten in a greater proportion than their estimated abundance. It is suggested that distinctive morphological and behavioral characteristics among prey interacting with the owl hunting strategy, accounted for their differential vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   


Transcutaneous electrical stimulation has been proven to modulate nervous system activity, leading to changes in pain perception, via the peripheral sensory system, in a bottom up approach. We tested whether different sensory behavioral tasks induce significant effects in pain processing and whether these changes correlate with cortical plasticity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This randomized parallel designed experiment included forty healthy right-handed males. Three different somatosensory tasks, including learning tasks with and without visual feedback and simple somatosensory input, were tested on pressure pain threshold and motor cortex excitability using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Sensory tasks induced hand-specific pain modulation effects. They increased pain thresholds of the left hand (which was the target to the sensory tasks) and decreased them in the right hand. TMS showed that somatosensory input decreased cortical excitability, as indexed by reduced MEP amplitudes and increased SICI. Although somatosensory tasks similarly altered pain thresholds and cortical excitability, there was no significant correlation between these variables and only the visual feedback task showed significant somatosensory learning.


Lack of correlation between cortical excitability and pain thresholds and lack of differential effects across tasks, but significant changes in pain thresholds suggest that analgesic effects of somatosensory tasks are not primarily associated with motor cortical neural mechanisms, thus, suggesting that subcortical neural circuits and/or spinal cord are involved with the observed effects. Identifying the neural mechanisms of somatosensory stimulation on pain may open novel possibilities for combining different targeted therapies for pain control.  相似文献   
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