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In the course of cold stratification ofAcer pseudoplatanus L. fruits a statistically significant alternation occurs in their seeds of a rise and fall in the level of endogenous growth regulators. In the initial weeks the inhibitory effect slightly declines, or, on the contrary, the stimulatory effect slightly increases; in the middle phase of stratification a marked increase in inhibitions and reduction of stimulations appears, and towards the end of stratification the stimulatory effect of isolated substances in the individual biotests rises again, or their inhibition effect is decreased. No direct dependence was found between the decrease of the degree of dormancy and the drop of inhibitor, or increase of promotor levels. However, a certain analogy was observed between the time course of fluctuations in the level of growth regulators and the germination energy of the seeds investigated. An enhancement of the growth activity of the substances isolated (e.g. those of a gibberellin-like nature) in the last weeks of stratification can already be considered as the result of the release of fruits from dormancy.  相似文献   
Abstract— An enzyme with the specificity of a prolyl endopeptidase was purified about 880-fold from rabbit brain. The enzyme hydrolyzes peptidylprolyl-peptide and peptidylprolyl-amino acid bonds. Several biologically active peptides such as angiotensin, bradykinin, neurotensin. substance P and thyrotropin releasing hormone are degraded by hydrolysis of the bond between the carboxyl group of proline and the adjacent amino acid or ammonia respectively. The enzyme is activated by dithiothreitol and inhibited by heavy metals and thiol blocking agents. The serine protease inhibitor phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride has no effect on activity; however, inhibition was obtained with diisopropylfluorophosphate. Prolyl endopeptidase has a molecular weight of about 66,000 and a pH optimum of about 8.3. A new chromogenic substrate, N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-prolylsulfamethoxazole, was used for determination of enzyme activity. The substrate is hydrolyzed to N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-proline and free sulfamethoxazole which can be conveniently determined by a colorimetric procedure.  相似文献   
An epithelial sheet isolated from the trout saccular macula, highly enriched in acousticolateralis receptor cells (hair cells), has been analyzed for primary amine-containing compounds. The hair cell preparation, compared to the saccular nerve, was found to contain elevated levels of the presumptive receptoneural transmitter, glutamate, as well as beta-alanine, and components eluting in the positions of the standards phosphoserine and phosphoethanolamine on cation-exchange HPLC. Saccular nerve contained a different spectrum of primary amines and was elevated specifically in carnosine/homocarnosine. Acid hydrolysis of perchlorate extracts of both hair cell and nerve fractions yielded large amounts of histidine. For the saccular nerve fraction, production of histidine by acid hydrolysis was matched by production of beta-alanine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and disappearance of carnosine/homocarnosine. The dipeptides carnosine and homocarnosine have been chromatographically resolved by expanded HPLC and found to be present in saccular nerve in a ratio of approximately 10:1, respectively. Production of histidine in the hair cell extract was not coupled with production of beta-alanine and GABA. The hair cell histidine-containing unknown, present in millimolar concentration, has been identified as N-acetylhistidine by the hydrolysis and rechromatography of fractions from cation-exchange HPLC. The large and specific presence of N-acetylhistidine in the hair cell preparation, together with electrophysiological evidence for its facilitatory action on afferent fibers in the frog semicircular canal, is suggestive of a role for this molecule as well as glutamate in acousticolateralis receptoneural transmission.  相似文献   
TheRAD6 gene is a multifunctional gene required for DNA repair, induced mutagenesis and sporulation. The survival and revertibility of two loci in fourrad6-1 mutant strains of different origin after UV irradiation were followed. As expected, all therad6-1 strains tested were more sensitive to UV radiation in comparison withRAD6 strains. The reversion frequency per survivor intrpl-289 andarg4–17 alleles was significantly higher in all fourrad6-1 mutant strains than in wild-type strains after equal doses of UV radiation. On the basis of genetic analysis we suggest that the phenomenon of increased frequency of induced mutagenesis is caused by a suppressor gene.  相似文献   
Summary Two strains (NCIB 11412 and NCIB 10814) of the thermophilic organism Bacillus stearothermophilus were found to produce complex carbohydrase systems. The enzyme activities in each system include -amylase as the major component, maltase, pullulanase, a minor amylase and cyclodextrinase. The latter three activities are produced in low yield in both strains. A crude enzyme preparation from each strain possessed maltogenic properties on hydrolysis of soluble starch. Following rigorous purification procedures, the purified major -amylase from either strain did not produce maltose as a major end-product of starch hydrolysis. However, a partially purified mixture of pullulanase, minor amylase and cyclodextrinase activities from NCIB 11412 and NCIB 10814 produced 56.4% and 62.0% maltose, respectively, from soluble starch.  相似文献   
Summary A simple procedure is described for the in vitro production of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) pollen from microspores isolated just before entering mitosis. During a 3-day culture period in a liquid medium containing pyrimidine nucleosides these microspores develop into young pollen grains to the stage of starch deposition. Pollen maturation and transition to dormancy is achieved during a further 2- to 3-day culture period in the same medium stepwise supplemented by a concentrated solution of sucrose and l-proline. Upon transfer of the pollen to a simple germination medium containing sucrose and boric acid, up to 40% of the grains were observed to produce relatively long tubes. The in vitro-matured pollen grains can be stored at-20° C either suspended in 1.17 M sucrose and 100 mM l-proline or separated from the medium on filter paper discs. The stored pollen germinated both in vitro and on the stigma, the pollen tubes grew through the style into the ovary and pollination produced up to 300 viable seeds per pod. The procedure is of interest for pollen developmental studies and various fields of pollen manipulation, such as in vitro pollen selection.  相似文献   
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) binding factor (BF) was found in surface fluids from competent and noncompetent cells of Streptococcus sanguis strains Challis, Wicky, and Blackburn. Fluids from noncompetent cells exhibited about 10% BF activity compared with extracts from competent cells. BF from competent Wicky cells was purified to homogeneity by electrophoresis and immunodiffusion. Purified BF preparations exhibited slight endonucleolytic activity, directed mainly against single-stranded DNA. Nucleolytic and DNA binding activities present in purified BF could be separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Purified BF was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes and to phospholipase D, and its activity was stimulated in the presence of low Triton X-100 concentrations. The protein component of BF is a single, monomeric polypeptide with a molecular weight of 56,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.8. Binding of purified BF to DNA was a very rapid process at the optimum temperature, pH, and ionic strength and led to the formation of fast-sedimenting complexes. Purified BF was tested for several properties. It exhibited higher affinity to single- than to double-stranded DNA. It bound poorly to glucosylated phage T4 and single-stranded, synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides and did not bind to RNA. It protected single-stranded DNA against nuclease S1 action but did not protect native DNA against deoxyribonuclease I action. No evidence was found for unwinding activity, using double-stranded DNA as a substrate.  相似文献   
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