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The impact of macrophyte communities on benthic fluxes has been analyzed in three shallow coastal environments: Etang du Prévost (Mediterranean coast of France), characterized by the large floating macro-alga Ulva rigida; Certes fishponds (Bassin d'Arcachon), covered by Ruppia cirrhosa; and the inner intertidal mud-flat in the Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic coast), which has extensive Zostera noltii meadows. In these bodies of water, primary production is dependent primarily on the dominant seagrasses and macroalgae that are also responsible for the large quantity of organic matter deposited on the sediment surface. In 1993 and 1994, fluxes of oxygen, sulphide and nutrients were measured in early and late summer, which were selected in order to represent the production and decomposition phases of the dominant macrophytes. Experimental work was undertaken to measure: (1) standing crop of dominant macroalgae and rooted phanerogams and the elemental and macromolecular composition of plant biomass; (2) benthic fluxes of oxygen, sulphide, nitrogen and phosphorus using incubation of multiple dark and light benthic chambers; (3) water-sediment profiles of free-sulphide in sediment cores with rooted phanerogams (Ruppia) as well as with floating Seaweeds (Ulva).At the selected sampling sites, in addition to external (tides) and/or internal (sediment reactivity) factors, we observed differences in benthic fluxes which were clearly related to growth patterns and structure of the macrophyte communities. The Z. noltii meadows were stable and characterized by slow growth and almost constant biomass. In the more sheltered sampling station in the Certes fishponds, R. cirrhosa beds showed a summer decrease due to extensive epiphyte growth. During the decomposition phase, significant fluxes of free-sulphide occurred inside the dark benthic chambers, probably due to the metabolism of the epiphytic layer. In the Etang du Prévost, U. rigida achieved high biomass levels, even though the macroalgal beds exhibited a patchy distribution due to wind action and the hydrodynamics of the lagoon. In the decomposition phase, which was coincident with the annual dystrophic crisis the rapid decomposition of Ulva led to high fluxes of free sulphide.The shift from the production to decomposition phase resulted in substantial changes in nutrient recycling only in the macro-algal-dominated system. During the growth period dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were kept at low levels due to macrophyte uptake. In contrast during the decomposition phase when the macroalgal biomass was mineralised, nitrogen and phosphorus were rapidly recycled. The same processes did not occur in the Certes fishponds probably because of the greater internal buffering capacity linked either to plant morphology/physiology or to the properties of the sediment.  相似文献   
The river typology ‘volcanic rivers’ represents a unique typology in the Mediterranean eco-region in Europe but its type-specific diatom assemblages are still poorly investigated. The main aims of this study were (i) to analyse the diatom diversity of this river type, (ii) to investigate the relationships between diatom diversity and environmental variables and (iii) to identify the characterizing diatom community structure of different environmental groups. To this end, we selected 13 streams located in central Italy, belonging to a single river type and covering the whole quality range from human impacted sites to those in ‘reference conditions’. Most frequent and abundant diatom species found were Cocconeis placentula var. lineata, Planothidium lanceolatum, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata and Amphora pediculus. Species richness in reference and less impacted sites was not higher than in intermediate and heavily degraded ones, but non-metric multidimensional scaling (N-MDS) analysis revealed a substantial difference among their diatom community structure. The indicator species analysis defined the characteristic species of three environmental groups identified by N-MDS. The findings of this study represent a contribution to the knowledge on diatom communities of Mediterranean volcanic-siliceous rivers and provide information for a data-driven implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Italy for this specific river typology.  相似文献   

Plant scions of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton natans L. were exposed in controlled conditions to different concentrations of copper during approximately 2 weeks; Fv/Fm was monitored at regular intervals and relative growth rate (RGR) was calculated at the end of the trial. P. natans was affected by Cu concentrations starting from 2 μM; C. demersum started to show significant reductions in growth and photosynthetic efficiency from 4 μM Cu. As it results from the observed data, the two aquatic macrophytes can be used as valid bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters.  相似文献   
Recruitment is a principal controlling factor in population dynamics of marine species. In marine invertebrates with a planktonic larval stage, such as echinoids, recruitment is assured by larval supply, settlement and juvenile survival. Larval supply and juvenile survival are affected by a wide range of factors, including temperature, presence of predators, quality and quantity of food. Echinoid larval settlement is mainly conditioned by the finding of a suitable substrate to metamorphose. The sea urchins Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus are considered key species of the Mediterranean infralittoral rocky shores. At high densities, the grazing activity of both species can produce and maintain barren grounds, a particular habitat condition characterized by extremely low cover values of erect algae with high presence of naked substrates and encrusting corallinales, poor in biodiversity and ecosystem functions. We tested the role of different settlement substrates on the metamorphosis competent larvae of the two species. Furthermore, from our larval rearing trails we were able to identify strong temperature effects on larval development of the two species. P. lividus and A. lixula larvae have been reared at 18 °C but for the second species it was necessary to use higher temperatures (22 °C) to perform settlement experiments, as in the 18 °C set all larvae died in the first week. Both species larvae have been fed Cricosphaera elongata. Metamorphosis of competent larvae has been induced using different substrates: naked stones, Lithophyllum incrustans, Stypocaulon scoparium, Corallina elongata, turf forming algae and Posidonia oceanica. For each species, two larval batches were used for settlement experiments; for each larval batch two replicates/substrates were set up. No differences in the rate of metamorphosis on any of the tested substrates were observed for P. lividus, while A. lixula showed to prefer naked stones and encrusting coralline algae Considering that A. lixula population growth may trigger barren extension on rocky shores, this may lead to a positive feedback between barren extension and A. lixula population density. Furthermore, our results suggest that the predicted rise in seawater temperature may favor A. lixula larval survival and inhibit P. lividus. Combining information on temperature tolerance with other sources of information for these species in the Mediterranean, it is possible to develop a conceptual model of the interaction between the two species and the alternative state of their habitats.  相似文献   
Hydractinia angusta Hartlaub, 1904 has been recorded at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) as epizoic on shells of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki. The species can exploit different trophic resources: first, polyps are able to detach and ingest tube feet and pedicellariae from the sea urchins Sterechinus neumayeri, grazing on the scallop shell, and second, they also eat masses of benthic diatoms settled among the hydrorhiza of the colony. The particular relationship observed between the hydroid and one of the most common Antarctic sea urchins may prevent or reduce the damage to A. colbecki shells, otherwise caused by the grazing of sea urchins on the algal film of the upper valve of the scallops. H. angusta is the first known species of hydroid that exploits prey several times its own size and the second that does not ingest entire prey but portions of them. The use of benthic diatoms as a food resource has previously been documented for the sub-Antarctic marine hydroid Silicularia rosea. Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   
A new porphyrin bearing four R or S hydrogenated citronellal units directly bound to the meso positions of the porphyrin ring was synthesized and fully characterized through MALDI‐TOF, NMR, UV/Vis absorption, and fluorescence emission spectroscopies. Both enantiomers exhibit a monomeric nature in a series of organic solvents. Acting on the polarity of the solvent, i.e., increasing the amount of water in mixture with acetone, aggregation occurs, as revealed by UV/Vis absorption, fluorescence emission, and resonance light scattering. The occurrence of both H‐ and J‐type aggregates was suggested by fluorescence lifetime measurements. In contrast to the monomeric species, these aggregates exhibit CD spectra reflecting the chirality of the building blocks. AFM microscopy shows that micrometer ribbon‐like structures form by the casting solution of these porphyrins in acetone/water onto a glass surface. Chirality 27:900–906, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Tropospheric ozone has been proven to trigger biochemical plant responses that are similar to the ones induced by an attack of fungal pathogens, i.e. it resembles fungal elicitors. This suggests that ozone can represent a valid tool for the study of stress responses and induction of resistance to pathogens. This review provides an overview of the implications of such a phenomenon for basic and applied research. After an introduction about the environmental implications of tropospheric ozone and plant responses to biotic stresses, the biochemistry of ozone stress is analysed, pointing out its similarities with plant responses to pathogens and its possible applications.  相似文献   
The base of the Rhaetian stage (Norian/Rhaetian boundary, NRB) is still awaiting formal designation by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. At present, only the 4.30‐m‐thick Steinbergkogel section (Austria) has been proposed as GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) candidate for the base of the Rhaetian. Here we present data from the 63‐m‐thick Pignola‐Abriola section (Southern Apennines, Italy) that we consider an alternative candidate for the Rhaetian GSSP. The Pignola‐Abriola basinal section, represented by hemipelagic–pelagic carbonate successions belonging to the Lagonegro Basin, matches all the requirements for a GSSP: 1, it is well exposed with minimal structural deformation; 2, it is rich in age diagnostic fossils (e.g. conodonts and radiolarians); 3, it yields a geochemical record suitable for correlation (e.g. δ13Corg/carb); and 4, it has a robust magnetostratigraphy and is correlated with the Newark APTS for age approximation of the NRB and additional Rhaetian bioevents. In the Pignola‐Abriola section, we opt to place the NRB at the 44.4 metre level, coincident with a prominent negative shift of ca. 6‰ of the δ13Corg. This level is located 50 cm below the FAD of conodont Misikella posthernsteini s.s within the radiolarian Proparvicingula moniliformis Zone. Both the negative δ13Corg shift and the FAD of Misikella posthernsteini occur within Pignola‐Abriola magnetozone MPA‐5r, at ~205.7 Ma, according to magnetostratigraphical correlation to the Newark APTS. We also illustrate the coeval Mt. Volturino stratigraphical section deposited below the calcite compensation depth (CCD) within the same Lagonegro Basin and characterized by a detailed radiolarian biostratigraphy and strong δ13Corg negative shift around the NRB.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are applied in agriculture to improve plant nutrition and confer better resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Spinacia oleracea L. is an economically important herbaceous crop characterized by limited tolerance to water stress. We compared the effects of three species of AMF belonging to the genus Glomus on gas exchange rates, growth and yield of spinach plants exposed to acute and prolonged water stress. Inoculated plants always gave better results than control (non-inoculated), stressed ones, being G. clarum the species that provided the significantly best effects and G. monosporum the less remarkable ones. Mycorrhizal inoculation is a valid tool to provide water stress resistance to horticultural crops, and experimental comparisons among different mycorrhizal strains can help to optimize the effect through the identification of specific associations.  相似文献   
Connectivity between populations influences both their dynamics and the genetic structuring of species. In this study, we explored connectivity patterns of a marine species with long‐distance dispersal, the edible common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, focusing mainly on the Adriatic–Ionian basins (Central Mediterranean). We applied a multidisciplinary approach integrating population genomics, based on 1,122 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from 2b‐RAD in 275 samples, with Lagrangian simulations performed with a biophysical model of larval dispersal. We detected genetic homogeneity among eight population samples collected in the focal Adriatic–Ionian area, whereas weak but significant differentiation was found with respect to two samples from the Western Mediterranean (France and Tunisia). This result was not affected by the few putative outlier loci identified in our dataset. Lagrangian simulations found a significant potential for larval exchange among the eight Adriatic–Ionian locations, supporting the hypothesis of connectivity of P. lividus populations in this area. A peculiar pattern emerged from the comparison of our results with those obtained from published P. lividus cytochrome b (cytb) sequences, the latter revealing genetic differentiation in the same geographic area despite a smaller sample size and a lower power to detect differences. The comparison with studies conducted using nuclear markers on other species with similar pelagic larval durations in the same Adriatic–Ionian locations indicates species‐specific differences in genetic connectivity patterns and warns against generalizing single‐species results to the entire community of rocky shore habitats.  相似文献   
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