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Annual growth rates of Antarctic marine organisms are low compared to their relatives from warmer waters. Previous studies hypothesise that high food availability during austral spring–summer may enable Antarctic invertebrates to attain comparatively high short-term growth rates despite the low temperature. Neither a temperature-growth experiment with juvenile Adamussium colbecki (Smith 1902) nor the comparison of A. colbecki summer growth rates with an empirical scallop specific growth-to-temperature relationship could confirm this hypothesis. Hence, summer growth rates of young, immature A. colbecki are strongly affected by temperature, i.e. no uncoupling from temperature.  相似文献   
Couplings between uterine contractions (UC) and fetal heart rate (fHR) provide important information on fetal condition during labor. At present, couplings between UC and fHR are assessed by visual analysis and interpretation of cardiotocography. The application of computerized approaches is restricted due to the non-stationarity of the signal, missing data and noise, typical for fHR. Herein, we propose a novel approach to assess couplings between UC and fHR, based on a signal-processing algorithm termed bivariate phase-rectified signal averaging (BPRSA).


Electrohysterogram (EHG) and fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) were recorded non-invasively by a trans-abdominal device in 73 women at term with uneventful singleton pregnancy during the first stage of labor. Coupling between UC and fHR was analyzed by BPRSA and by conventional cross power spectral density analysis (CPSD). For both methods, degree of coupling was assessed by the maximum coefficient of coherence (CPRSA and CRAW, respectively) in the UC frequency domain. Coherence values greater than 0.50 were consider significant. CPRSA and CRAW were compared by Wilcoxon test.


At visual inspection BPRSA analysis identified coupled periodicities in 86.3% (63/73) of the cases. 11/73 (15%) cases were excluded from further analysis because no 30 minutes of fECG recording without signal loss was available for spectral analysis. Significant coupling was found in 90.3% (56/62) of the cases analyzed by BPRSA, and in 24.2% (15/62) of the cases analyzed by CPSD, respectively. The difference between median value of CPRSA and CRAW was highly significant (0.79 [IQR 0.69–0.90] and 0.29 [IQR 0.17–0.47], respectively; p<0.0001).


BPRSA is a novel computer-based approach that can be reliably applied to trans-abdominally acquired EHG-fECG. It allows the assessment of correlations between UC and fHR patterns in the majority of labors, overcoming the limitations of non-stationarity and artifacts. Compared to standard techniques of cross-correlations, such as CPSD, BPRSA is significantly superior.  相似文献   
Soft-bottom zoobenthic communities at Terra Nova Bay down to 100 m depth are mainly characterised by the presence of three species, generally occurring together and reaching high values of density: the scallop Adamussium colbecki (Smith 1902), the echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri (Meissner 1900) and the asteroid Odontaster validus Koehler 1911. These three species have a planktotrophic larval behaviour, but differ in terms of extent of gametogenic cycle and in feeding behaviour. The aim of this work is to give a first account of their reproductive conditions at Terra Nova Bay, comparing two following summer seasons, characterised by quite different ice-coverage and, consequently, food availability in the water column. The comparative analysis of the data evidences strong inter-annual differences in the scallop, a suspension-feeding species. In contrast, no significant changes were found in the two echinoderms, suggesting that a 2-year oogenic cycle, coupled with the opportunistic feeding behaviour, allow successful management of inter-annual shortcomings in food supply. On a latitudinal perspective, the comparison between data from McMurdo Sound and Terra Nova Bay shows small (for the echinoderms) or greater (for the scallop) geographical shifts in spawning occurrence.  相似文献   
Along the Victoria Land Coast, the population structure of the Antarctic scallop (Adamussium colbecki) was studied in McMurdo Sound (New Harbor), Terra Nova Bay, and Wood Bay, on a latitudinal span of 3 degrees. At a large spatial scale, most relevant differences between the scallop populations are linked to their depth distributions. The McMurdo and Wood Bay populations show a shallower bathymetric distribution with maximum abundance between 5 and 15 m depth. In contrast, inside Terra Nova Bay, at sites with similar near-shore bathymetric profiles, the maximum biomass is found between 40 and 70 m. This difference can be related to the different ice-cover persistency characterising these two areas, being less at Terra Nova Bay than in the other localities. Differences arise also in the reproductive period: at McMurdo, it seems to occur early in the austral spring, while at Terra Nova Bay, mature females are observed at the beginning of February. Also at a small scale, in sites only a few miles from each other, the population structures inside Terra Nova Bay and Wood Bay vary in terms of abundance and size frequency distribution, suggesting various environmental and biological constraints. Among environmental factors, bottom features (slope, sediment grain size, organic content) and water-column food supply during the summer months may be considered. In addition, as Adamussium is preyed upon by starfishes and fishes, its abundance and population structure may be affected by predators and their abundance. Accepted: 7 August 2000  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge of the mollusc fauna of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea), on the basis of more than 100 stations sampled from 25 to 1100 m depth, during Italian Antarctic Expeditions (austral summers 1987/1988, 1989/1990, 1993/1994, 1994/1995, 1995/1996 and 1997/1998). In shallow waters, gastropod fauna is represented by 31 species, among which Neobuccinum eatoni, Onoba gelida, Powellisetia deserta, Philine cf. apertissima and Austrodoris kerguelenensis are the most abundant, while among bivalves (25 species) the commonest species are Adamussium colbecki, Yoldia eightsi, Laternula elliptica and “Montacutanimrodiana. At present, most of the Antarctic mollusc species are known as having circumantarctic distribution and are considered eurybathic. Moreover, in general, only scarce data are available on their substrate preferences, because of their occurrence in scattered sampling stations with different sediment features. In the present study carried out at Terra Nova Bay, based on a relatively high number of stations, a clear zonation of mollusc assemblages is shown, according to depth and sediment features. While gastropods characterise the superficial algal belts dominated by the red algae Iridaea cordata and Phyllophora antarctica, bivalve distribution is wider. Adamussium colbecki is the dominant species in the upper 100 m, both on soft and hard bottoms, if the slope is suitable (density up to 40–60 ind./m2). On coarse sands, this species is frequently accompanied by L. elliptica (density <20 ind./m2), while Y. eightsi characterises organic- enriched bottoms (density 70–80 ind./m2). Below 200 m depth Adacnarca nitens, Limatula hodgsoni, “Montacutanimrodiana and Mysella gibbosa are commonly found on relatively coarse sediments, while Thyasira dearborni and Yoldiella ecaudata prefer muddy bottoms. In order to identify bivalve assemblages, multivariate analyses were applied to stations grouped into depth ranges, sediment features and location. While shallow bathymetric ranges (25–200 m) are clearly defined, deeper clusters of stations are more influenced by the high degree of eurybathy of most of the species and by the scattered distribution of the sediment particle sizes. Accepted: 18 September 1999  相似文献   
Growth of the seaweed Ulva rigida C. Agardh was investigated in relation to biomass densities, internal nutrient pools and external nutrient supply. Research was carried out from 23 March to 5 July 1994 in the Sacca di Goro (Po Delta, Northern Italy), whose south-eastern part was covered by extensive mats of Ulva rigida. Two types of field experiments were conducted by incubating Ulva thalli inside large cages. In the first experiment, beginning on 23 March, 100 g of wet thalli were placed into the cages, allowed to grow for two weeks, then collected and replaced. This procedure was repeated 8 times over the study period. In the second experiment, Ulva thalli were left inside the cages and collected at selected time intervals (14, 27, 41, 64 and 76 days) in order to simulate the effects of increased density on growth and nutrient storage.We recorded specific growth rates (NGR) ranging from 0.025 to 0.081 d–1 for a period up to two months in the repeated short-term experiments performed at relatively low initial algal densities (300–500 g AFDW m–3). These NGR resulted significantly related to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the water column. Tissue concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TN) were almost constant, while extractable nitrate decreased in a similar manner to DIN in the water column. Total phosphorus showed considerable variation, probably linked to pulsed freshwater inflow.In the long-term incubation experiment, NGR of Ulva was inversely related to density. Internal concentrations of both total P and TN reached maximum values after one month; thereafter P concentration remained almost constant, while TN decreased below 2% w/w (by dry weight). The TN decrease was also accompanied by an abrupt decrease in nitrate tissue concentration. The biomass incubated over the two month period suffered a progressive N limitation as shown by a decreasing NY ratio (49.4 to 14.6). The reciprocal control of Ulva against biogeochemical environment and viceversa is a key factor in explaining both resource competition and successional stages in primary producer communities dominated by Ulva. However, when the biomass exceeds a critical threshold level, approximately 1 kg AFDW m–3, the macroalgal community switches from active production to rapid decomposition, probably as a result of selfshading, biomass density and development of anaerobic conditions within the macroalgal beds.  相似文献   
Net daily budgets of dissolved oxygen (O2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NH4++NO2+NO3) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) were determined in a pond colonised by Ulva spp. This pond received wastewater from a land-based fish farm and was used as a phytotreatment plant. Three consecutive 24-h cycles of measurements were performed with 8–14 samplings per day. Water samples were collected at the inlet and outlet of the pond and budgets were estimated from differences between inlet and outlet loadings. The first cycle was started when Ulva biomass was 8 kg m−2, as wet weight. The second cycle was performed after the harvest of ~20% of the macroalgal biomass and the third after the harvest of another ~20% of the remaining biomass. Ulva removal was very fast (<1 h) and samplings for cycles 2 and 3 were started two hours after harvesting, so that the whole experiment lasted ~80 h. When Ulva biomass was at its maximum, the aquatic system was heterotrophic with an O2 demand of 519 mol d−1 and a net regeneration of DIC (2686 mol d−1), NH4+ (49 mol d−1) and SRP (2.5 mol d−1). The DIC to O2 ratio was an indicator of persistent anaerobic metabolism. Following the first harvest intervention, this system displayed a prompt response and shifted toward a lower O2 demand (from −519 to −13 mol d−1), with a lesser regeneration degree of NH4+ (11.4 mol d−1) and DIC (1066 mol d−1). After the second Ulva removal the net budget of SRP became negative (−1.0 mol d−1). By integrating these results over the three days cycle we estimated that in order to operate an efficient nutrient control and maintain macroalgal mats in a healthy status the optimal Ulva biomass should be well below ~4 kg m−2 as wet weight. Above this threshold, self-limitation would render most of the algal mat unable to exploit light and nutrients. An efficient removal of nitrogen and phosphorus could be attained through the management of macroalgal biomass only with an optimisation of recipient surface to nutrient loading ratio.  相似文献   
Benthic consumers influence stream ecosystem structure and function, but these interactions depend on environmental context. We experimentally quantified the effects of central stoneroller minnows (Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque) and Meek’s crayfish (Orconectes meeki meeki (Faxon)) on benthic communities using electric exclusion quadrats in Little Mulberry Creek before (June) and during (August) seasonal stream drying. Unglazed ceramic tiles were deployed in June and August to measure periphyton and invertebrate abundance, and leafpack decomposition and primary production were also measured in August. Relationships between stoneroller and crayfish density and the size of consumer effects were evaluated with multiple linear regression models. Average chlorophyll a abundance was greater on exposed than exclusion tiles in August, but not in June. Sediment dry mass, periphyton ash-free dry mass (AFDM), and chironomid densities on tiles did not differ among treatments in either period. Leaf packs decayed faster in exposed than exclusion treatments (k exposed = 0.038 ± 0.013, k exclusion = 0.007 ± 0.002), but consumer effects were stronger in some pools than others. Leafpack invertebrate biomass and abundance and tile primary productivity did not differ among treatments. Consumer effects on chlorophyll a were related to crayfish and stoneroller density, and effects on chironomid density were related to stoneroller density. These results contrast with a previous exclusion experiment in Little Mulberry Creek that demonstrated strong consumer effects. The influence of stream drying on consumer effects appears to have been reduced by strong spates, underscoring the importance of conducting multi-year studies to determine the magnitude of variability in ecological interactions.  相似文献   
Temperate marine rocky habitats may be alternatively characterized by well vegetated macroalgal assemblages or barren grounds, as a consequence of direct and indirect human impacts (e.g. overfishing) and grazing pressure by herbivorous organisms. In future scenarios of ocean acidification, calcifying organisms are expected to be less competitive: among these two key elements of the rocky subtidal food web, coralline algae and sea urchins. In order to highlight how the effects of increased pCO2 on individual calcifying species will be exacerbated by interactions with other trophic levels, we performed an experiment simultaneously testing ocean acidification effects on primary producers (calcifying and non-calcifying algae) and their grazers (sea urchins). Artificial communities, composed by juveniles of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and calcifying (Corallina elongata) and non-calcifying (Cystoseira amentacea var stricta, Dictyota dichotoma) macroalgae, were subjected to pCO2 levels of 390, 550, 750 and 1000 µatm in the laboratory. Our study highlighted a direct pCO2 effect on coralline algae and on sea urchin defense from predation (test robustness). There was no direct effect on the non-calcifying macroalgae. More interestingly, we highlighted diet-mediated effects on test robustness and on the Aristotle''s lantern size. In a future scenario of ocean acidification a decrease of sea urchins'' density is expected, due to lower defense from predation, as a direct consequence of pH decrease, and to a reduced availability of calcifying macroalgae, important component of urchins'' diet. The effects of ocean acidification may therefore be contrasting on well vegetated macroalgal assemblages and barren grounds: in the absence of other human impacts, a decrease of biodiversity can be predicted in vegetated macroalgal assemblages, whereas a lower density of sea urchin could help the recovery of shallow subtidal rocky areas affected by overfishing from barren grounds to assemblages dominated by fleshy macroalgae.  相似文献   
High Antarctic coastal marine environments are comparatively pristine with strong environmental gradients, which make them important places to investigate biodiversity relationships. Defining how different environmental features contribute to shifts in β-diversity is especially important as these shifts reflect both spatio-temporal variations in species richness and the degree of ecological separation between local and regional species pools. We used complementary techniques (species accumulation models, multivariate variance partitioning and generalized linear models) to assess how the roles of productivity, bio-physical habitat heterogeneity and connectivity change with spatial scales from metres to 100''s of km. Our results demonstrated that the relative importance of specific processes influencing species accumulation and β–diversity changed with increasing spatial scale, and that patterns were never driven by only one factor. Bio-physical habitat heterogeneity had a strong influence on β-diversity at scales <290 km, while the effects of productivity were low and significant only at scales >40 km. Our analysis supports the emphasis on the analysis of diversity relationships across multiple spatial scales and highlights the unequal connectivity of individual sites to the regional species pool. This has important implications for resilience to habitat loss and community homogenisation, especially for Antarctic benthic communities where rates of recovery from disturbance are slow, there is a high ratio of poor-dispersing and brooding species, and high biogenic habitat heterogeneity and spatio-temporal variability in primary production make the system vulnerable to disturbance. Consequently, large areas need to be included within marine protected areas for effective management and conservation of these special ecosystems in the face of increasing anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   
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