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The population dynamics of the carrageenophyte Sarcothalia crispatais described from subtidal beds at two localities in south-central Chile. Seasonal fluctuations in total density and biomass were not evident. Frondswere identified to phase by the presence of reproductive structures and theresorcinol reaction. The monthly changes in abundance of each kind offrond were determined. Permanent gametophytic or sporophyticdominance was not evident: the more exposed site showed a seasonal shiftfrom sporophytic dominance in summer to gametophytic dominance inwinter, whereas the more protected site showed an interannual shift fromgametophytic to sporophytic dominance. The differences between localitiesand years suggest a very local population dynamics with large contributionof self-seeding to the maintenance of the S. crispata beds.  相似文献   
The periodicity of growth ring formation was studied in Tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC, Tabebuia umbellata (Sond.) Sandwith, Symphonia globulifera L., and Alchornea sidifolia Müll. Arg. in a swamp forest within the Atlantic Rain Forest of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Mechanical wounds of the vascular cambium allowed cyclic growth to be observed, and the position of latewood relative to the wounds was analysed. Radial growth was correlated with phenology, temperature, precipitation, photoperiod, flooding regime, and endogenous rhythms. All species showed annual growth rings; however, there were different patterns of radial growth. Phenology was an important factor influencing the activity of the vascular cambium. The period of leaf abscission was correlated with the formation of latewood in three of the species studied, but it occurred at different times for each species. Flooding was a determinant of periodic growth in T. cassinoides; photoperiod was indirectly responsible for radial growth rhythm in T. umbellata, and endogenous rhythms accounted for the radial growth rhythm of S. globulifera and A. sidifolia.  相似文献   
(13)C NMR monitored the dynamics of exchange from specific hydrogens of hepatic [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate with deuterons from intracellular heavy water providing information on alpha-ketoglutarate/glutamate exchange and subcellular compartmentation. Mouse livers were perfused with [3-(13)C]alanine in buffer containing or not 50% (2)H(2)O for increasing periods of time (1 min < t < 30 min). Liver extracts prepared at the end of the perfusions were analyzed by high resolution (13)C NMR (150.13 MHz) with (1)H decoupling only and with simultaneous (1)H and (2)H decoupling. (13)C-(2)H couplings and (2)H-induced isotopic shifts observed in the glutamate C2 resonance, allowed to estimate the apparent rate constants (forward, reverse; min(-1)) for (i) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H2 as catalyzed mainly by aspartate aminotransferase (0.32, 0.56), (ii) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H3(proS) as catalyzed by NAD(P) isocitrate dehydrogenase (0.1, 0.05), and (iii) the irreversible exchanges of glutamate H3(proR) and H3(proS) as catalyzed by the sequential activities of mitochondrial aconitase and NAD isocitrate dehydrogenase of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (0.035), respectively. A similar approach allowed to determine the rates of (1)H-(2)H exchange for the H2 (0.4, 0.5) or H3(proR) (0.3, 0.2) or the H2 and H3(proS) hydrogens (0.20, 0.23) of [3-(13)C]aspartate isotopomers. The ubiquitous subcellular localization of (1)H-(2)H exchange enzymes and the exclusive mitochondrial localization of pyruvate carboxylase and the tricarboxylic acid cycle resulted in distinctive kinetics of deuteration in the H2 and either or both H3 hydrogens of [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate, allowing to follow glutamate and aspartate trafficking through cytosol and mitochondria.  相似文献   
First data from a pollen survey carried out in the city of Murcia (SE Spain) are given in this paper. Using a Burkard Volumetric Spore Trap, daily slides were prepared and 80 pollen types belonging to 51 families andAlternaria spores were identified and counted. Special attention was paid to 14 relevant taxa: Cupressaceae,Pinus, Genisteae,Olea, Morus, Acer, Platanus, Plantago, Quercus, Urticaceae, Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae,Artemisia andAlternaria. The main sources of airborne particles wereAlternaria (27.7%), Cupressaceae (13.5%),Olea (9.36%), Chenopodiaceae (8.31%) and Urticaceae (5.8%). Annual variations in pollen abundance and length of the flowering seasons are given for individual species and are related to environmental factors. Results indicate a main pollen season from March to June and a second minor season in September to October. The relatively high concentrations of Genisteae and the appearance of anArtemisia winter season were noted.  相似文献   
Lipid metabolism, specifically fatty acid oxidation (FAO) mediated by carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) 1A, has been described to be an important actor of ghrelin action in hypothalamus. However, it is not known whether CPT1A and FAO mediate the effect of ghrelin on the cortex. Here, we show that ghrelin produces a differential effect on CPT1 activity and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism in the hypothalamus and cortex of mice. In the hypothalamus, ghrelin enhances CPT1A activity while GABA transaminase (GABAT) activity, a key enzyme in GABA shunt metabolism, is unaltered. However, in cortex CPT1A activity and GABAT activity are reduced after ghrelin treatment. Furthermore, in primary cortical neurons, ghrelin reduces GABA release through a CPT1A reduction. By using CPT1A floxed mice, we have observed that genetic ablation of CPT1A recapitulates the effect of ghrelin on GABA release in cortical neurons, inducing reductions in mitochondrial oxygen consumption, cell content of citrate and α-ketoglutarate, and GABA shunt enzyme activity. Taken together, these observations indicate that ghrelin-induced changes in CPT1A activity modulate mitochondrial function, yielding changes in GABA metabolism. This evidence suggests that the action of ghrelin on GABA release is region specific within the brain, providing a basis for differential effects of ghrelin in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Understanding how corals and their symbionts specialize across depth gradients allows us to understand biodiversity in shallow and mesophotic coral ecosystems. Here we determined the...  相似文献   
In this work, we present a computational investigation on the reactions between two well-known antioxidants (quercetin and morin) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). A density functional theory (DFT) approach with the B3LYP functional and the 6-31G(d,p) basis set was used for the simulations. The structural and energetic parameters (Gibbs free-energy, ΔG, and Gibbs free-energy of activation, ΔG++) were determined to provide information on the antioxidant activity as well as to evaluate the contributions of each hydroxyl group to the referred property. According to the results obtained, quercetin presented three hydroxyls as being thermodynamically spontaneous in the reaction with DPPH (4\(^{\prime }\)-ArOH, 3\(^{\prime }\)-ArOH, and 3-ArOH, with ΔG = -4.93 kcal/mol, -2.89 kcal/mol, and -1.87 kcal/mol, respectively) against only two in the case of morin (2\(^{\prime }\)-ArOH and 3-ArOH, with ΔG = -7.56 kcal/mol and -4.57 kcal/mol, respectively). Hence, quercetin was found to be a more efficient antioxidant, which is in agreement with different experimental and computational investigations of bond dissociation enthalpies (BDEs). However, the order of contribution of the OH groups of each compound to the antioxidant potential present some differences when compared to what was seen in the previous investigations, especially for morin. These findings are in contrast to what was observed in studies based on the determinations of BDEs. Therefore, experimental investigations on the hydrogen-atom transfer mechanism (HAT) for both compounds are encouraged in order to clarify these observations.  相似文献   
The pathogenic bacterium Brucella abortus codes for a multi-domain dimeric cytoplasmic histidine kinase called LOV-HK, which is a key blue light-activated virulence factor in this microorganism. The structural basis of the light activation mechanism of this protein remains unclear. In this work, full-length LOV-HK was cloned, expressed and purified. The protein was activated by light and crystallized under a controlled illumination environment. The merge of 14 individual native data sets collected on a single crystal resulted in a complete X-ray diffraction data set to a resolution of 3.70 Å with over 2 million reflections. Crystals belong to space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 95.96, b = 105.30, c = 164.49 Å with a dimer in the asymmetric unit. Molecular replacement with Phaser using the individual domains as search models allowed for the reconstruction of almost the whole protein. Very recently, improved LOV-HK crystals led to a 3.25-Å resolution dataset. Refinement and model building is underway. This crystal model will represent one of the very few examples of a multi-domain histidine kinase with known structure.  相似文献   
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