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Thirty-five women with metabolic syndrome and high plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (≥100 mg/dl) participated in a dietary intervention consisting of a Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load diet for 12 weeks. Participants were randomly allocated to consume diet only (n=15) or diet plus a medical food containing soy protein and plant sterols (n=20). Plasma concentrations of carotenoids, lipoprotein subfractions and oxidized LDL (OxLDL) were measured. Independent of treatment, women had a significant increase in plasma lutein (P<.0001) and β-carotene (P<.0001), while plasma lycopene was reduced (P<.05) after 12 weeks. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was reduced from 138±35 to 114±33 mg/dl (P<.0001). In addition, decreases were observed in the atherogenic subfractions: large very low-density lipoprotein (P<.05), small LDL (P<.00001) and medium high-density lipoprotein (P<.05). Oxidized LDL was significantly reduced by 12% in both groups (P<.01). Changes in OxLDL were inversely correlated with plasma lutein (r=-.478, P<.0001). The data indicate that women complied with the dietary regimen by increasing fruits and vegetable intake. Decreased consumption of high-glycemic foods frequently co-consumed with lycopene-rich tomato sauce such as pasta and pizza may be responsible for the lowering of this carotenoid in plasma after 12 weeks. These results also suggest that plasma lutein concentrations may protect against oxidative stress by reducing the concentrations of OxLDL.  相似文献   
Various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been investigated regarding association with gene expression levels or human diseases. Although different SNPs within one gene are frequently analyzed individually, it is highly probable that in the majority of the cases, a precise combination of SNP alleles, i.e., haplotype, determines a functional trait. Methods commonly used for haplotype determination, involving studies in families, cloning, or somatic cell hybrids, are expensive and time-consuming. We herein suggest a novel and simple strategy for haplotype determination, involving selective haplotype depletion with a restriction enzyme, followed by sequencing. We studied 11 LTA gene polymorphisms in 102 Brazilian individuals, and we applied this novel methodology for haplotyping 67 out of 70 LTA heterozygous individuals. We concluded that the method is rapid and efficient, and, as it includes only simple and widespread-used techniques, it could be used in most of the laboratories without further investment in equipments. The wider usage of haplotyping could be important to clarify contradictory results frequently observed among studies that focus on a single SNP. Maria Gerbase-DeLima and Andrey Morgun are co-senior authors.  相似文献   
Non‐POU domain‐containing octamer‐binding protein (NONO, a.k.a. p54nrb) is a central player in nuclear gene regulation with rapidly emerging medical significance. NONO is a member of the highly conserved Drosophila behaviour/human splicing (DBHS) protein family, a dynamic family of obligatory dimeric nuclear regulatory mediators. However, work with the NONO homodimer has been limited by rapid irreversible sample aggregation. Here, it is reported that l ‐proline stabilizes purified NONO homodimers, enabling good‐quality solution small‐angle X‐ray structure determination and crystallization. NONO crystallized in the apparent space group P21 with a unique axis (b) of 408.9 Å and with evidence of twinning, as indicated by the cumulative intensity distribution L statistic, suggesting the possibility of space group P1. Structure solution by molecular replacement shows a superhelical arrangement of six NONO homodimers (or 12 in P1) oriented parallel to the long axis, resulting in extensive noncrystallographic symmetry. Further analysis revealed that the crystal was not twinned, but the collected data suffered from highly overlapping reflections that obscured the L‐test. Optimized data collection on a new crystal using higher energy X‐rays, a smaller beam width and an increased sample‐to‐detector distance produced non‐overlapping reflections to 2.6 Å resolution. The steps taken to analyse and overcome this series of practical difficulties and to produce a biologically informative structure are discussed.  相似文献   
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has gained growing attention as a strategy for monitoring biodiversity in ecology. However, taxa identifications produced through metabarcoding require sophisticated processing of high-throughput sequencing data from taxonomically informative DNA barcodes. Various sets of universal and taxon-specific primers have been developed, extending the usability of metabarcoding across archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes. Accordingly, a multitude of metabarcoding data analysis tools and pipelines have also been developed. Often, several developed workflows are designed to process the same amplicon sequencing data, making it somewhat puzzling to choose one among the plethora of existing pipelines. However, each pipeline has its own specific philosophy, strengths and limitations, which should be considered depending on the aims of any specific study, as well as the bioinformatics expertise of the user. In this review, we outline the input data requirements, supported operating systems and particular attributes of thirty-two amplicon processing pipelines with the goal of helping users to select a pipeline for their metabarcoding projects.  相似文献   
Transition to novel environments, such as groundwater colonization by surface organisms, provides an excellent research ground to study phenotypic evolution. However, interspecific comparative studies on evolution to groundwater life are few because of the challenge in assembling large ecological and molecular resources for species-rich taxa comprised of surface and subterranean species. Here, we make available to the scientific community an operational set of working tools and resources for the Asellidae, a family of freshwater isopods containing hundreds of surface and subterranean species. First, we release the World Asellidae database (WAD) and its web application, a sustainable and FAIR solution to producing and sharing data and biological material. WAD provides access to thousands of species occurrences, specimens, DNA extracts and DNA sequences with rich metadata ensuring full scientific traceability. Second, we perform a large-scale dated phylogenetic reconstruction of Asellidae to support phylogenetic comparative analyses. Of 424 terminal branches, we identify 34 pairs of surface and subterranean species representing independent replicates of the transition from surface water to groundwater. Third, we exemplify the usefulness of WAD for documenting phenotypic shifts associated with colonization of subterranean habitats. We provide the first phylogenetically controlled evidence that body size of males decreases relative to that of females upon groundwater colonization, suggesting competition for rare receptive females selects for smaller, more agile males in groundwater. By making these tools and resources widely accessible, we open up new opportunities for exploring how phenotypic traits evolve in response to changes in selective pressures and trade-offs during groundwater colonization.  相似文献   
This paper explores emerging domesticities in Atauro, Timor-Leste, in relation to efforts to make homestays available for potential tourists. In exploring these new domesticities, we elucidate the ‘civilising process’ that is happening in terms of the ways in which people consider hygiene, diet, and their relationship with non-human animals. In addition, the advent of potential tourism engenders the emergence of a new trend in domestic architecture. At the same time, this raising of homestays has intensified the workload of especially younger women, preventing them from taking part in collective activities and agriculture, which makes them more dependent on the market economy. Our analysis of these processes points to the heuristic potential of intersectional analysis to better understand development dynamics in contemporary Timor-Leste.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic warming is altering species abundance, distribution, physiology, and more. How changes observed at the species level alter emergent community properties is an active and urgent area of research. Trait-based ecology and regime shift theory provide complementary ways to understand climate change impacts on communities, but these two bodies of work are only rarely integrated. Lack of integration handicaps our ability to understand community responses to warming, at a time when such understanding is critical. Therefore, we advocate for merging trait-based ecology with regime shift theory. We propose a general set of principles to guide this merger and apply these principles to research on marine communities in the rapidly warming North Atlantic. In our example, combining trait distribution and regime shift analyses at the community level yields greater insight than either alone. Looking forward, we identify a clear need for expanding quantitative approaches to collecting and merging trait-based and resilience metrics in order to advance our understanding of climate-driven community change.  相似文献   
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