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Fernández-Acero FJ Jorge I Calvo E Vallejo I Carbú M Camafeita E Garrido C López JA Jorrin J Cantoral JM 《Archives of microbiology》2007,187(3):207-215
Botrytis cinerea is a phytopathogenic fungus causing disease in a substantial number of economically important crops. In an attempt to identify putative fungal virulence factors, the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) protein profile
from two B. cinerea strains differing in virulence and toxin production were compared. Protein extracts from fungal mycelium obtained by tissue
homogenization were analyzed. The mycelial 2-DE protein profile revealed the existence of qualitative and quantitative differences
between the analyzed strains. The lack of genomic data from B. cinerea required the use of peptide fragmentation data from MALDI-TOF/TOF and ESI ion trap for protein identification, resulting
in the identification of 27 protein spots. A significant number of spots were identified as malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The different expression patterns revealed by some of the identified proteins
could be ascribed to differences in virulence between strains. Our results indicate that proteomic analysis are becoming an
important tool to be used as a starting point for identifying new pathogenicity factors, therapeutic targets and for basic
research on this plant pathogen in the postgenomic era. 相似文献
Németh ZH Deitch EA Lu Q Szabó C Haskó G 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,283(2):C396-C403
Na+/H+exchanger (NHE) activation has been documented to contribute toendothelial cell injury caused by inflammatory states. However, therole of NHEs in regulation of the endothelial cell inflammatoryresponse has not been investigated. The present study tested thehypothesis that NHEs contribute to endothelial cell inflammationinduced by endotoxin or interleukin (IL)-1. NHE inhibition usingamiloride, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride, and5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)amiloride as well as thenon-amiloride NHE inhibitors cimetidine, clonidine, and harmalinesuppressed endotoxin-induced IL-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1 production by human umbilical endothelial vein cells (HUVECs). The suppressive effect of amiloride on endotoxin-induced IL-8 production was associated with a decreased accumulation of IL-8 mRNA.NHE inhibitors suppressed both inhibitory (I)B degradation andnuclear factor (NF)-B DNA binding, suggesting that a decrease inactivation of the IB-NF-B system contributed to the suppression of HUVEC inflammatory response by NHE blockade. NHE inhibition decreased also the IL-1-induced HUVEC inflammatory response, becauseamiloride suppressed IL-1-induced E-selectin expression on HUVECs.These results demonstrate that maximal activation of the HUVECinflammatory response requires a functional NHE. 相似文献
Japanese knotweed s.l. comprises Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis, F. × bohemica and any F2s or backcrosses. The parental taxa were introduced from the East to the West as garden ornamentals in the nineteenth
century, and soon spread beyond the confines of the garden to become widespread and persistent weeds. Since only female F. japonica var. japonica was introduced, its impressive spread has occurred solely by vegetative means. However, the initial lack of genetic variability
has been complemented by an extensive series of hybridisations in the adventive range. We examine the history, spread, reproductive
biology and ecological impact of these species in the West. The role and importance of polyploidy and hybridisation in their
invasion of the West is discussed, as are the implications of these factors for the potential further evolution of the group. 相似文献
Abarca Héctor Morán-Ordoñez Alejandra Villero Dani Guinart Daniel Brotons Lluís Hermoso Virgilio 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2022,31(4):1197-1215
Biodiversity and Conservation - Biodiversity keeps declining in the European Union despite the large conservation effort done over the last decades. The Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to... 相似文献
Musto H Naya H Zavala A Romero H Alvarez-Valín F Bernardi G 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2006,347(1):1-3
Two years ago, we showed that positive correlations between optimal growth temperature (T(opt)) and genome GC are observed in 15 out of the 20 families of prokaryotes we analyzed, thus indicating that "T(opt) is one of the factors that influence genomic GC in prokaryotes". Our results were disputed, but these criticisms were demonstrated to be mistaken and based on misconceptions. In a recent report, Wang et al. [H.C. Wang, E. Susko, A.J. Roger, On the correlation between genomic G+C content and optimal growth temperature in prokaryotes: data quality and confounding factors, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 342 (2006) 681-684] criticize our results by stating that "all previous simple correlation analyses of GC versus temperature have ignored the fact that genomic GC content is influenced by multiple factors including both intrinsic mutational bias and extrinsic environmental factors". This statement, besides being erroneous, is surprising because it applies in fact not to ours but to the authors' article. Here, we rebut the points raised by Wang et al. and review some issues that have been a matter of debate, regarding the influence of environmental factors upon GC content in prokaryotes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the relationship that exists between genome size and GC level is valid for aerobic, facultative, and microaerophilic species, but not for anaerobic prokaryotes. 相似文献
Rojas P Garduño B Rojas C Vigueras RM Rojas-Castañeda J Rios C Serrano-Garcia N 《Neurochemical research》2001,26(11):1245-1251
EGb761 has been suggested to be an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Excess generation of free radicals, leading to lipid peroxidation (LP), has been proposed to play a role in the damage to striatal neurons induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). We investigated the effects of EGb761 pretreatment on MPP+ neurotoxicity. C-57 black mice were pretreated with EGb761 for 17 days at different doses (0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 5 or 10 mg/kg) followed by administration of MPP+, (0.18, 0.36 or 0.72 mg/kg). LP was analyzed in corpus striatum at 30 min, 1 h, 2 h and 24 h after MPP+ administration. Striatal dopamine content was analyzed by HPLC at the highest EGb761 dose at 2 h and 24 h after MPP+ administration. MPP+-induced LP was blocked (100%) by EGb761 (10 mg/kg). Pretreatment with EGb761 partially prevented (32%) the dopamine-depleting effect of MPP+ at 24 h. These results suggest that supplements of EGb761 may be effective at preventing MPP+-induced oxidative stress. 相似文献
Jorge M. Lopez-Calderon Rafael Riosmena-Rodríguez Jorge Torre Alf Meling Xavier Basurto 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2016,25(2):261-273
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) population estimates show a decreasing trend worldwide in the second half of the twentieth century. Mexico lacks long-term time series to determine trends for major eelgrass populations and has made no conservation efforts. Therefore, we present the first report on the historic presence of this annual coastal ecosystem in two wetlands of the Gulf of California (GC), the Infiernillo Channel (CIF, largest Z. marina population inside GC) and Concepcion Bay (BCP, the only eelgrass population along GC’s west coast), combining field surveys (1999–2010), aerial photography (2000–2010), satellite imagery (1972–2005), and published reports (1994–2007). Three parameters were used as indicators of conservation status: shoot density, seed banks, and aerial coverage. Average shoot density in the CIF (741 shoots m?2) was 3.8 times higher than in BCP (194 shoots m?2), and average seed bank density was similar in both wetlands (17,442 seeds m?2 vs. 17,000 seeds m?2). Opportunistic seagrass Ruppia maritima was observed in both wetlands, with higher abundance in summer when Z. marina disappears due to high water temperatures. Eelgrass coverage was three orders of magnitude greater in the CIF (9725 ha) than in BCP (3 ha). The striking difference between these wetlands is the lack of environmental protection for BCP and the protection of the CIF by the Seri indigenous community, which increases human pressure in the former, putting it at high risk of disappearing. Conservation of eelgrass meadows is not only necessary to preserve their ecosystem services but to insure the survival of migratory populations (Pacific brant goose, Branta bernicla), endangered species (Black turtle, Chelonia mydas), and fisheries-related species. 相似文献
Emma del Carmen Macías-Cortés Lidia Llanes-González Leopoldo Aguilar-Faisal Juan Asbun-Bojalil 《PloS one》2015,10(3)