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Following the accidental introduction and spread of the invasive polyphagous agricultural pest Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), the two European egg parasitoids Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) have been investigated for inundative biological control. Since the competititve outcome between the two generalist parasitoids is difficult to predict, intrinsic competition was investigated with a time-course development study. Both species readily oviposited in H. halys eggs containing eggs and early instar larvae of the competitor, but oviposition decreased when eggs contained late instar larvae and pupae. Ooencyrtus telenomicida offspring emergence from multiparasitized eggs was significantly lower than that from rearing controls, independent of the order of parasitization. Anastatus bifasciatus offspring emergence was not influenced by the presence of O. telenomicida when it parasitized as the first species, but emergence was decreased after oviposition in eggs containing O. telenomicida larvae and pupae. There was no indication that O. telenomicida can act as a facultative hyperparasitoid of A. bifasciatus. These results suggest that A. bifasciatus is the superior intrinsic competitor and no or minor negative implications for A. bifasciatus are expected if released in combination with O. telenomicida.  相似文献   
Calonectria leaf spot, caused by Calonectria pteridis, is a serious problem in Eucalyptus crops in both nursery and the field. Under ideal conditions, the disease can cause severe defoliation. It is known that calcium and potassium are directly related to the plant's resistance to pathogens. Thus, the knowledge of how a balanced fertilization of Ca and K interferes in the distribution of these nutrients at the infection site would contribute to elucidate the resistance of the plant related to its nutrition. This study investigated the effect of calcium and potassium fertilizer application on the content and distribution of these nutrients in the symptomatic leaf area, transition zone and asymptomatic leaf area over time. Eucalyptus seedlings were grown in nutrient solution under different Ca and K treatments (6 mmol/L K + 4 mmol/L Ca, 6 mmol/L K + 8 mmol/L Ca and 9 mmol/L K + 12 mmol/L Ca) and inoculated with C. pteridis. Leaves were removed at 24, 48 and 72 hr after inoculation (hai) and evaluated by X-ray microanalysis. The highest calcium content among the different leaf areas was observed in the symptomatic area, and the levels in this area increased over time, with the highest mean value observed at 72 hai in the 6K + 8Ca treatment. In the other treatments, the mean calcium content peaked at 48 hai and then decreased. A similar pattern in asymptomatic tissue was observed for potassium in the 6K + 8Ca treatment. Fertilization with calcium and potassium directly affected the demand and availability of nutrients at different times during infection. These results demonstrate that plant defence responses and their continuity over time during infection rely on balanced calcium and potassium fertilization because these nutrients are directly involved in plant resistance to the pathogen.  相似文献   
Lectins are a group of proteins of non‐immune origin recognized for their ability to bind reversibly to carbohydrates. Researchers have been intrigued by oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates for their involvement as mediators of complex cellular events and then many biotechnological applications of lectins are based on glycocode decoding and their activities. Here, we report a structural and biological study of a ConA‐like mannose/glucose‐specific lectin from Canavalia bonariensis seeds, CaBo. More specifically, we evaluate the binding of CaBo with α‐methyl‐D‐mannoside (MMA) and mannose‐1,3‐α‐D‐mannose (M13) and the resultant in vivo effects on a rat model of acute inflammation. A virtual screening was also carried out to cover a larger number of possible bindings of CaBo. In silico analysis demonstrated the stability of CaBo interaction with mannose‐type ligands, and the lectin was able to induce acute inflammation in rats with the participation of the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) and histamine release. These results confirm the ability of CaBo to interact with hybrid and high‐mannose N‐glycans, supporting the hypothesis that CaBo's biological activity occurs primarily through its interaction with cell surface glycosylated receptors.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are standardized tools based on life cycle assessment (LCA) to communicate and compare environmental...  相似文献   
In oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, excluding angiosperms, flavodiiron proteins (FDPs) catalyze light‐dependent reduction of O2 to H2O. This alleviates electron pressure on the photosynthetic apparatus and protects it from photodamage. In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, four FDP isoforms function as hetero‐oligomers of Flv1 and Flv3 and/or Flv2 and Flv4. An alternative electron transport pathway mediated by the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase‐like complex (NDH‐1) also contributes to redox hemostasis and the photoprotection of photosynthesis. Four NDH‐1 types have been characterized in cyanobacteria: NDH‐11 and NDH‐12, which function in respiration; and NDH‐13 and NDH‐14, which function in CO2 uptake. All four types are involved in cyclic electron transport. Along with single FDP mutants (?flv1 and Δflv3) and the double NDH‐1 mutants (?d1d2, which is deficient in NDH‐11,2 and ?d3d4, which is deficient in NDH‐13,4), we studied triple mutants lacking one of Flv1 or Flv3, and NDH‐11,2 or NDH‐13,4. We show that the presence of either Flv1/3 or NDH‐11,2, but not NDH‐13,4, is indispensable for survival during changes in growth conditions from high CO2/moderate light to low CO2/high light. Our results show functional redundancy between FDPs and NDH‐11,2 under the studied conditions. We suggest that ferredoxin probably functions as a primary electron donor to both Flv1/3 and NDH‐11,2, allowing their functions to be dynamically coordinated for efficient oxidation of photosystem I and for photoprotection under variable CO2 and light availability.  相似文献   
It has been argued that the application of metabolomics to gene‐edited crops would present value in three areas: (i) the detection of gene‐edited crops; (ii) the characterization of unexpected changes that might affect safety; and (iii) building on the track record of rigorous government regulation in supporting consumer acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Here, we offer a different perspective, relative to each of these areas: (i) metabolomics is unable to differentiate whether a mutation has resulted from gene editing or from traditional breeding techniques; (ii) it is risk‐disproportionate to apply metabolomics for regulatory purposes to search for possible compositional differences within crops developed using the least likely technique to generate unexpected compositional changes; and (iii) onerous regulations for genetically engineered crops have only contributed to unwarranted public fears, and repeating this approach for gene‐edited crops is unlikely to result in a different outcome. It is also suggested that article proposing the utility of specific analytical techniques to support risk assessment would benefit from the input of scientists with subject matter expertise in risk assessment.  相似文献   
Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria are a phylogenetically diverse and ubiquitous group of prokaryotes that use organic matter but can harvest light using bacteriochlorophyll a. Although the factors regulating AAP ecology have long been investigated through field surveys, the few available experimental studies have considered AAPs as a group, thus disregarding the potential differential responses between taxonomically distinct AAP assemblages. Here, we used sequencing of the pufM gene to describe the diversity of AAPs in 10 environmentally distinct temperate lakes, and to investigate the taxonomic responses of AAP communities in these lakes when subjected to similar experimental manipulations of light and predator removal. The studied communities were clearly dominated by Limnohabitans AAP but presented a clear taxonomic segregation between lakes presumably driven by local conditions, which was maintained after experimental manipulations. Predation reduction (but not light exposure) caused significant compositional shifts across most assemblages, but the magnitude of these changes could not be clearly related to changes in bulk AAP abundances or taxonomic richness of AAP assemblages during experiments. Only a few operational taxonomic units, which differed taxonomically between lakes, were found to respond positively during experimental treatments. Our results highlight that different freshwater AAP communities respond differently to similar control mechanisms, highlighting that in‐depth knowledge on AAP diversity is essential to understand the ecology and potential role of these photoheterotrophs.  相似文献   
Dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1B (DYRK1B), also known as minibrain-related kinase (MIRK) is one of the best functionally studied members of the DYRK kinase family. DYRKs comprise a family of protein kinases that are emerging modulators of signal transduction pathways, cell proliferation and differentiation, survival, and cell motility. DYRKs were found to participate in several signaling pathways critical for development and cell homeostasis. In this review, we focus on the DYRK1B protein kinase from a functional point of view concerning the signaling pathways through which DYRK1B exerts its cell type-dependent function in a positive or negative manner, in development and human diseases. In particular, we focus on the physiological role of DYRK1B in behavior of stem cells in myogenesis, adipogenesis, spermatogenesis and neurogenesis, as well as in its pathological implication in cancer and metabolic syndrome. Thus, understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate signaling pathways is of high importance. Recent studies have identified a close regulatory connection between DYRK1B and the hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway. Here, we aim to bring together what is known about the functional integration and cross-talk between DYRK1B and several signaling pathways, such as HH, RAS and PI3K/mTOR/AKT, as well as how this might affect cellular and molecular processes in development, physiology, and pathology. Thus, this review summarizes the major known functions of DYRK1B kinase, as well as the mechanisms by which DYRK1B exerts its functions in development and human diseases focusing on the homeostasis of stem and cancer stem cells.  相似文献   
During development, cells may adjust their size to balance between the tissue metabolic demand and the oxygen and resource supply: Small cells may effectively absorb oxygen and nutrients, but the relatively large area of the plasma membrane requires costly maintenance. Consequently, warm and hypoxic environments should favor ectotherms with small cells to meet increased metabolic demand by oxygen supply. To test these predictions, we compared cell size (hindgut epithelium, hepatopancreas B cells, ommatidia) in common rough woodlice (Porcellio scaber) that were developed under four developmental conditions designated by two temperatures (15 or 22°C) and two air O2 concentrations (10% or 22%). To test whether small‐cell woodlice cope better under increased metabolic demand, the CO2 production of each woodlouse was measured under cold, normoxic conditions and under warm, hypoxic conditions, and the magnitude of metabolic increase (MMI) was calculated. Cell sizes were highly intercorrelated, indicative of organism‐wide mechanisms of cell cycle control. Cell size differences among woodlice were largely linked with body size changes (larger cells in larger woodlice) and to a lesser degree with oxygen conditions (development of smaller cells under hypoxia), but not with temperature. Developmental conditions did not affect MMI, and contrary to predictions, large woodlice with large cells showed higher MMI than small woodlice with small cells. We also observed complex patterns of sexual difference in the size of hepatopancreatic cells and the size and number of ommatidia, which are indicative of sex differences in reproductive biology. We conclude that existing theories about the adaptiveness of cell size do not satisfactorily explain the patterns in cell size and metabolic performance observed here in P. scaber. Thus, future studies addressing physiological effects of cell size variance should simultaneously consider different organismal elements that can be involved in sustaining the metabolic demands of tissue, such as the characteristics of gas‐exchange organs and O2‐binding proteins.  相似文献   
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