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Molecular mechanics calculations and exciton theory have been used to study pigment organization in chlorosomes of green bacteria. Single and double rod, multiple concentric rod, lamella, and Archimedean spiral macrostructures of bacteriochlorophyll c molecules were created and their spectral properties evaluated. The effects of length, width, diameter, and curvature of the macrostructures as well as orientations of monomeric transition dipole moment vectors on the spectral properties of the aggregates were studied. Calculated absorption, linear dichroism, and polarization dependent fluorescence-excitation spectra of the studied long macrostructures were practically identical, but circular dichroism spectra turned out to be very sensitive to geometry and monomeric transition dipole moment orientations of the aggregates. The simulations for long multiple rod and spiral-type macrostructures, observed in recent high-resolution electron microscopy images (Oostergetel et al., FEBS Lett 581:5435–5439, 2007) gave shapes of circular dichroism spectra observed experimentally for chlorosomes. It was shown that the ratio of total circular dichroism intensity to integrated absorption of the Q y transition is a good measure of degree of tubular structures in the chlorosomes. Calculations suggest that the broad Q y line width of chlorosomes of sulfur bacteria could be due to (1) different orientations of the transition moment vectors in multi-walled rod structures or (2) a variety of Bchl-aggregate structures in the chlorosomes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A procedure to recruit members to enlarge protein family databases is described here. The procedure makes use of UniRef50 clusters produced by UniProt. Current family entries are used to recruit additional members based on the UniRef50 clusters to which they belong. Only those additional UniRef50 members that are not fragments and whose length is within a restricted range relative to the original entry are recruited. The enriched dataset is then limited to contain only genomes from selected clades. We used the COG database - used for genome annotation and for studies of phylogenetics and gene evolution - as a model. To validate the method, a UniRef-Enriched COG0151 (UECOG) was tested with distinct procedures to compare recruited members with the recruiters: PSI-BLAST, secondary structure overlap (SOV), Seed Linkage, COGnitor, shared domain content, and neighbor-joining single-linkage, and observed that the former four agree in their validations. Presently, the UniRef50-based recruitment procedure enriches the COG database for Archaea, Bacteria and its subgroups Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and other bacteria by 2.2-, 8.0-, 7.0-, 8.8-, 8.7-, and 4.2-fold, respectively, in terms of sequences, and also considerably increased the number of species.  相似文献   
Human salivary secretions are supersaturated with respect to basic calcium phosphates but spontaneous precipitation of these salts from saliva, or surface-induced precipitation of calcium phosphates onto dental enamel, does not normally occur. This unexpected stability has been attributed to the inhibitory activities of two kinds of salivary phosphoproteins: statherin and the acidic, proline-rich phosphoproteins (PRP). Investigation of the structure-function relationships of statherin, the most potent inhibitor of primary (spontaneous) and secondary (seeded) precipitation of calcium phosphate salts in human saliva has been limited to studies of peptide segments obtained from the native peptide by specific proteolysis. Solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) is a useful and potentially more flexible alternative. Phosphoserine residues (positions 2 & 3) play critically important roles in the precipitation-inhibition activities of statherin, but SPP synthesis of these phosphorylated peptides is precluded because of the instability of phosphoserine residues in the presence of HF. Thus, this peptide was synthesized by solution-phase methods. The dipeptide possessed substantial inhibitory activity in assays for inhibition of both primary and secondary precipitation of calcium phosphate salts, but was not as active as either N-terminal tryptic hexapeptide of statherin or intact statherin. Syntheses of other model phosphorylated peptides are underway to expand the structure-function relationships.  相似文献   
The authors carried out a comparative quantitative and biological determination of gonadotropins in 32 batches of immunoglobulin preparations made of the abortive, placental, and donor blood sera. The maximal amounts of gonadotropins were contained in preparations obtained from the abortive blood serum. It was shown that purification by Kohn's method (variant B) led only to the partial purification of immunoglobulins from the gonadotropin admixtures.  相似文献   
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