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Pollens from Pinus canariensis, P. nigra, P. pinaster, P. pinea, Castanea sativa, Magnolia grandiflora, Olea sativa cv frantoio, cv itrana, cv pisciottana were examined for their free amino acid composition. A large amount of proline was found in all species; pollens of Olea also contain a large amount of serine.  相似文献   
Using membrane preparations of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, the end-products of cardiolipin synthesis, cardiolipin and glycerol, were shown to inhibit cardiolipin synthetase at several concentrations. Other phospholipids tested for inhibitory effects, phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidic acid were also shown to inhibit cardiolipin synthesis. Phosphatidic acid was considerably more inhibitory than cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine was similar to cardiolipin, and phosphatidylinositol less inhibitory at the same concentrations. A non-phosphate-containing glycolipid was also inhibitory. In contrast, glycerophosphate had no effect on cardiolipin synthesis.  相似文献   
F. Fillaux  C. De Loz 《Biopolymers》1972,11(10):2063-2077
The influence of the substituents upon the Amide I and νNH frequencies has been analyzed for ten amides substituted by aliphatic side chains. By considering the aliphatic chain field effect, some data are obtained as to the conformation of the N? Cα bond. In two amides, the presence of an equilibrium between two conformers is shown and a semiquantitative estimation of the energies involved is obtained. The consequences for polypeptides conformation, especially for poly-L -valine, are discussed.  相似文献   
Insular mammalian populations living in areas of small size are often characterized by a drastic change in body mass compared to related continental populations or species. Generally, small mammals (less than 100 g) evolve into giant forms while large mammals (up to 100 g) evolve into dwarf forms. These changes, coupled with changes in other life, behavioural, physiological or demographic traits are referred to generally as the insular syndrome. We tested in this study the relative contribution of three factors — area of island, numbers of competitor species and number of predator species — to changes in body size of the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our results, based on a comparative analysis using the phylogenetic independent contrasts method, indicate that the increase in body size is related both to the decrease of island size and to the lower number of predator species. A decrease of competitor species does not seem to have an important effect.  相似文献   
Indirect evidence from observations in the field suggested thata common and often abundant cyclopoid copepod, Tropocyclopsextensus, despite its small size (0.5 mm) and largely algaldiet, is an important predator of the rotifer Polyarthra remata.Laboratory experiments showed that copepodids and adults, butnot nauplii, markedly suppressed the population growth of thisrotifer. The suppression could be attributed entirely to predation,rather than to exploitative competition for shared food resourcesor to interference. Mortality rates predicted from a separatefeeding-rate experiment weresufficient to account for the declinein population size observed in the Tropocyclops treatment ofculture experiments. Also, monitoring the availability of cryptomonadfood in treatments with and without Tropocyclops throughoutthese experiments showed that cryptomonad densities always remainedhigh and were just as high or significantly higher in the copepodtreatments. Furthermore, direct videographic observations ofP. remata from cultures with and without Tropocyclops demonstratedno significant differences in swimming velocity, tendency todeviate from a straight-line path, or frequency and length ofspontaneous escape responses. Per capita ingestion rates ofT. extensus on P. remata varied from 2 to 8 day-1, were significantlyhigher for adult females than adult males or copepodids V, andincreased significantly with rotifer density. A tendency ofcopepods to have higher ingestion rates on young than adultrotifers was not significant. Copepods cultured since birthwith cryptomonads and P. remata ate significantly fewer rotifersthan those cultured only with cryptomonads; this may be explainedby a more sated condition of the former and provided no evidencefor the idea that previous experience with this rotifer mightincrease predation efficiency. The results show that T. extensusin natural communities has the potential to deplete naturalpopulations of susceptible rotifer prey. Accordingly, it mayshift the species structure of rotifer assemblages in favourof resistant species, and provide selection pressure for avoidanceresponses.  相似文献   
In this study, the first reported isolates of the genera Snowella and Woronichinia were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and morphological analysis. Phylogenetic studies and sequences for these genera were not available previously. By botanical criteria, the five isolated strains were identified as Snowella litoralis (Häyrén) Komárek et Hindák Snowella rosea (Snow) Elenkin and Woronichinia naegeliana (Unger) Elenkin. This study underlines the identification of freshly isolated cultures, since the Snowella strains lost the colony structure and were not identifiable after extended laboratory cultivation. In the 16S rRNA gene analysis, the Snowella strains formed a monophyletic cluster, which was most closely related to the Woronichinia strain. Thus, our results show that the morphology of the genera Snowella and Woronichinia was in congruence with their phylogeny, and their phylogeny seems to support the traditional botanical classification of these genera. Furthermore, the genera Snowella and Woronichinia occurred commonly and might occasionally be the most abundant cyanobacterial taxa in mainly oligotrophic and mesotrophic Finnish lakes. Woronichinia occurred frequently and also formed blooms in eutrophic Czech reservoirs.  相似文献   
The growth and the reproductive tactics of gudgeon, Gobio gobio (L.) were assessed in three contrasting streams of the Iberian Peninsula: the Rivers Moros and Ucero, tributaries of the R. Duero, and the R. MatarrańGa, a tributary of the R. Ebro. The R. Duero gudgeon have spread in the last 50 years while their presence in the lower tributaries of the R. Ebro followed the construction of reservoirs in the mid 1960s. The life histories of the Moros and MatarrańnGa gudgeon are very similar; rapid growth in spring, early reproduction (1 -year-old), high reproductive cost, short life-span and trend to semelparity. Both populations are strongly influenced by the severe summer droughts that result in (I) reduction in the condition coefficient, (2) reduction in the growth rate (particularly in the River MatarrańGa), (3) single spawning and (4) no gonad development in the summer. The gudgeon in the Ucero delay maturity, grow slower, are multi-spawners and have a longer life span. All the Duero populations come from the same genetic pool and they are actually connected through the populations living along this river basin, whereas the MatarrańGa population is not genetically linked, we hypothesize that the differences between these populations are environmentally induced.  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare galactose-negative strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus isolated from fermented milk products and known to produce exopolysaccharides (EPSs). METHODS AND RESULTS: The structures of the EPSs were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and their genetic relationships determined using restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Similar groupings were apparent by REA and RAPD, and each group produced an EPS with a particular subunit structure. CONCLUSION: Although none of the strains assimilated galactose, all inserted a high proportion of galactose into their EPS when grown in skimmed milk, and fell into three distinct groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: This information should help in an understanding of genetic exchanges in lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   
A reverse-phase h.p.l.c. technique was used to estimate theconcentration of chlorophyll b in phytoplankton cultures, fecalpellets of Calanus pacificus, and suspended paniculate matterfrom the Central North Pacific, Oregon coastal waters, and DabobBay (a temperate fjord in Puget Sound, WA, USA). The purposewas to assess the distribution of this pigment in the euphoticzone and its effect on the fluorometnc estimation of phaeopigments.Analyses of natural waters confirm high chlorophyll b concentrations(median mass ratio of b:a > 0.3) at the depth of the chlorophylla maximum in tropical waters while values for temperate planktonare relatively low (median mass ratio of chl b:a = 0.05) andpatchy. Zooplankton fecal pellets showed a significant enrichmentin chlorophyll b, suggesting grazing as a mechanism to explainhigh concentrations of this pigment at the bottom of the euphoticzone. It is estimated that the presence of chlorophyll b couldcause an average overestimation of phaeopigment concentrationby the fluorometnc technique of 38% between 0 and 200 m in theCentral North Pacific. This effect is more pronounced at thelayer of chlorophyll b maximum (120–140 m). 1Present address: Marine Biology Research Division, A-002, ScrippsInstitution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA  相似文献   
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