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Quercus miyagii is an endemic tree species in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. We isolated and characterized 15 microsatellite loci in this species. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 16 and expected heterozygosities from 0.07 to 0.92. This set of markers is potentially useful to investigate the genetic structure, gene flow, and the biogeographic history of Q. miyagii in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  相似文献   
Potentilla anserina L. (Rosaceae) is known for its beneficial effects of prevention of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). For this reason P. anserina is processed into many food supplements and pharmaceutical preparations. Here we analyzed hydroalcoholic reference extracts and compared them with various extracts of different pharmacies using an integrative metabolomics platform comprising GC-MS and LC-MS analysis and software toolboxes for data alignment (MetMAX Beta 1.0) and multivariate statistical analysis (COVAIN 1.0). Multivariate statistics of the integrated GC-MS and LC-MS data showed strong differences between the different plant extract formulations. Different groups of compounds such as chlorogenic acid, kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside, acacetin 7-O-rutinoside, and genistein were reported for the first time in this species. The typical fragmentation pathway of the isoflavone genistein confirmed the identification of this active compound that was present with different abundances in all the extracts analyzed. As a result we have revealed that different extraction procedures from different vendors produce different chemical compositions, e.g. different genistein concentrations. Consequently, the treatment may have different effects. The integrative metabolomics platform provides the highest resolution of the phytochemical composition and a mean to define subtle differences in plant extract formulations.  相似文献   
The sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 18S–26S nrDNA for a sample of 16 taxa from theInuleae s. str. and two outgroup taxa are analysed cladistically with PAUP. A consensus tree of the four most parsimonious cladograms is presented. Three different tests of cladogram stability are conducted (Bremer support, parsimony jackknifing and bootstrapping); all tests indicate a high degree of support for the basal nodes of the tree. The ITS phylogeny of the tribe is compared with previous hypotheses based on morphological data. The position ofAnisopappus as sister group to the rest of the tribe is supported by the molecular data, but the proposed subdivision ofInuleae s. str. into a paleate grade group and an epaleate clade is not. The interpretation of the character evolution of, e.g. receptacular paleae and pappus features within the tribe is discussed.  相似文献   
Plants protect their roots by alerting the enemies of grubs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant roots in the soil are under attack from many soil organisms. Although many ecologists are aware of the presence and importance of natural enemies in the soil that protect the plants from herbivores, the existence and nature of tritrophic interactions are poorly understood. So far, attention has focused on how plants protect their above-ground parts against herbivorous arthropods, either directly or indirectly (i.e. by getting help from the herbivore's enemies). This article is the first in showing that indirect plant defences also operate underground. We show that the roots of a coniferous plant ( Thuja occidentalis ) release chemicals upon attack by weevil larvae ( Otiorhynchus sulcatus ) and that these chemicals thereby attract parasitic nematodes ( Heterorhabditis megidis ).  相似文献   
Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax is thought to play a pivotal role in immortalization of T cells. We have recently shown that the expression of Tax protected the mouse T-cell line CTLL-2 against apoptosis induced by interleukin-2 (IL-2) deprivation and converted its growth from being IL-2 dependent to being IL-2 independent. In this study, we demonstrate that constitutive expression of bcl-xl but not bcl-2, bcl-xs, bak, bad, or bax was associated with apoptosis resistance after IL-2 deprivation in CTLL-2 cells that expressed Tax. Transient-transfection assays showed that bcl-x promoter was transactivated by wild-type Tax. Similar effects were observed in mutant Tax retaining transactivating ability through NF-kappaB. Deletion or substitution of a putative NF-kappaB binding site identified in the bcl-x promoter significantly decreased Tax-induced transactivation. This NF-kappaB-like element was able to form a complex with NF-kappaB family proteins in vitro. Furthermore, Tax-induced transactivation of the bcl-x promoter was also diminished by the mutant IkappaBalpha, which specifically inhibits NF-kappaB activity. Our findings suggest that constitutive expression of Bcl-x(L) induced by Tax through the NF-kappaB pathway contributes to the inhibition of apoptosis in CTLL-2 cells after IL-2 deprivation.  相似文献   
We have developed a system for stable germline transformation in the silkworm Bombyx mori L. using piggyBac, a transposon discovered in the lepidopteran Trichoplusia ni. The transformation constructs consist of the piggyBac inverted terminal repeats flanking a fusion of the B. mori cytoplasmic actin gene BmA3 promoter and the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A nonautonomous helper plasmid encodes the piggyBac transposase. The reporter gene construct was coinjected into preblastoderm eggs of two strains of B. mori. Approximately 2% of the individuals in the G1 broods expressed GFP. DNA analyses of GFP-positive G1 silkworms revealed that multiple independent insertions occurred frequently. The transgene was stably transferred to the next generation through normal Mendelian inheritance. The presence of the inverted terminal repeats of piggyBac and the characteristic TTAA sequence at the borders of all the analyzed inserts confirmed that transformation resulted from precise transposition events. This efficient method of stable gene transfer in a lepidopteran insect opens the way for promising basic research and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
The construction of a new phagemid vector for display of peptides on the pVIII major coat protein of filamentous bacteriophage is described, in which expression of pVIII-peptide fusions was placed under the control of the arabinose-inducible PBAD promoter. The new phagemid showed excellent capacity for the regulation of peptide expression, as judged by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electron microscopy of immunogold-labeled FLAG peptides displayed on phages. Regulation of the density of peptide fusions displayed on phages may offer advantages in the search for new peptide ligands due to the possibility of regulating the stringency of binding, reducing selection based on avidity effects during biopanning. Furthermore, the peptide expression in the absence of inducer was effectively shut off, minimizing growth bias of individual clones. A 9-mer phage display library prepared using the constructed phagemid was generated by insertion of randomly synthesized oligonucleotides close to the N-terminal of the pVIII protein. The library comprised a total of 9.4 × 109 unique transformants, and was confirmed to show high diversity. The functional utility of the library was confirmed by the successful affinity selection of peptides binding to matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The majority of selected peptides shared the consensus motif R(D/N)XXG(M/L)(V/I)XQ, not previously selected during biopanning against MMP-9.  相似文献   
This paper seeks to understand why multinationals prefer to launch a label specific to their own product and examines how reliable these product-specific eco-labels are. A new methodology is applied to assess the extent to which eco-labels live up to claims about their contribution to conservation and the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Product-specific eco-labels are considered as industry self-regulation and all three regulatory stages are studied: the planning, implementation and outcome stage. There are major differences between the product specific eco-labels in the degree in which agrobiodiversity management is part of the normative labeling schemes. Although there are some problems of reliability, such as transparency in the implementation stage and the monitoring in the outcome stage, the degree of reliability of product-specific labels is comparable with eco-labels of international labeling families. The conclusion is that only one of the product-specific eco-labels examined here is reliable when examined in the light of all three stages. The main reason why multinationals establish a product-specific eco-label instead of adopting one from an existing labeling family is that they want to profile themselves as distinct from other companies. The unique character of a product-specific label creates a market opportunity for them.  相似文献   
A novel series of 4-thiazolylimidazoles was synthesized as transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) type I receptor (also known as activin receptor-like kinase 5 or ALK5) inhibitors. These compounds were evaluated for their ALK5 inhibitory activity in an enzyme assay and their TGF-β-induced Smad2/3 phosphorylation inhibitory activity in a cell-based assay. N-{[5-(1,3-benzothiazol-6-yl)-4-(4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-imidazol-2-yl]methyl}butanamide 20, a potent and selective ALK5 inhibitor, exhibited good enzyme inhibitory activity (IC(50)=8.2nM) as well as inhibitory activity against TGF-β-induced Smad2/3 phosphorylation at a cellular level (IC(50)=32nM).  相似文献   
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