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The multiple antibiotic resistance plasmid R100 renders Escherichia coli resistant to the bactericidal action of serum complement. We constructed a plasmid (pOW3) consisting of a 1,900-base-pair-long restriction fragment from R100 joined to a 2,900-base-pair-long fragment of pBR322 carrying ampicillin resistance. E. coli strains carrying pOW3 or R100 were up to 10,000-fold less sensitive to killing by serum complement than were plasmid-free bacteria or bacteria carrying pBR322. Nucleotide sequencing revealed that 875 of the 1,900 bases from R100 correspond exactly to part of the bacterial insertion sequence IS2. The remaining 1,075 bases contained only one sizeable open reading frame; it covered 729 base pairs (243 amino acids) and was preceded by nucleotide sequences characteristic of bacterial promoters and ribosome binding sites. The first 20 amino acids of the predicted protein showed features characteristic of a signal sequence. The remainder of the predicted protein showed an amino acid composition almost identical with that determined for the traT protein from the E. coli F factor. Southern blot analysis showed that the resistance gene from R100 does not hybridize to the serum resistance gene from ColV,I-K94 isolated by Binns et al.; we concluded that these genes are distinct.  相似文献   
In an attempt to clarify the underlying mechanism(s) in the disappearance of phosphaturic response to bolus parathyroid hormone (PTH) in hyperparathyroid patients, the effects of bolus bovine PTH (10 USP U) were studied in conscious thyroparathyroidectomized (T . PTX) male Wistar rats that had been infused with a dose of PTH (2.5 U/hr, for 16 hours) so as to reproduce hyperparathyroidism. These animals responded with an increase in urinary cyclic AMP, but without an increase in renal clearance of phosphate. The loss of phosphaturic response was not prevented by pretreatment with actinomycin D at a dosage close to full toxicity (0.1 mg/kg BW, ip, for 3 days). Actinomycin D at this dosage did not affect the normal stimulatory effects of bolus PTH on urinary cyclic AMP and renal clearance of phosphate in T . PTX rats. The continuous infusion of PTH produced nearly maximal phosphaturia throughout in the face of a significant depletion of phosphate. In addition, pretreatment with actinomycin D did not cause a further increase in urinary phosphate excretion during the infusion. These results, along with the report of Shah et al. (1979) indicating that the development of antiphosphaturic adaptation to acute phosphate depletion was prevented by comparable amounts of actinomycin D, indicate that the disappearance of phosphaturic response to bolus PTH by prior PTH infusion simply signifies the continuation of maximal phosphaturic response to the preceding PTH infusion. It is also suggested that the continuous action of PTH prevents, at least phenomenologically, the development of the gene-activation-mediated refractoriness to PTH or antiphosphaturia induced by acute phosphate depletion.  相似文献   
1. Nuclei of regenerating rat liver washed with Triton X-100 were found to contain a new protease. Since the enzymatic activity for degrading ribosomal proteins was inhibited in vivo by administration of E-64, a thiol protease inhibitor, the enzyme may participate in the degradation of newly synthesized ribosomal proteins and histones in regenerating rat liver nuclei as reported previously by us [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 75, 525-531 (1077)]. The optimum pH was 5.5. 2. The enzyme was extracted from washed nuclei and partially purified by gel filtration through Sepharose 6B. Its molecular weight was about 40 000. A maximal activity of partially purified enzyme was observed in the presence of 1 mM EDTA and 2 mM dithiothreitol at pH 5.5 It was inhibited by thio reagents, E-64, leupeptin and hevy metal ions. The enzyme degraded ribosomal proteins endoproteolytically and degraded most proteins tested as substrates, although liver cell sap proteins and serum albumin were less degraded than ribosomal proteins and histones, alpha-N-Benzoylarginine-beta-naphthylamide and benzoylarginine amide were not hydrolyzed.  相似文献   
The effect of natural salmon calcitonin on accumulation in plasma of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy-[3H]cholecalciferol from 25-hydroxy[3H]cholecalciferol in vivo was investigated in vitamin D-deficient thyroparathyroidectomized rats into which graded doses of the hormone were continuously infused by use of a balance study system. A dose-dependent increase in plasma concentrations of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy[3H]cholecalciferol was observed with calcitonin infusion for 6--30h at a rate greater than 20 M.R.C. m-units/h. Infusion of parathyrin or cyclic AMP produced a similar stimulation [Horiuchi, Suda, Takahashi, Shimazawa & Ogata (1977) Endocrinoly 101, 969--974], but the maximal effect of calcitonin was additive to that of either parathyrin or cyclic AMP. Furthermore concurrent infusion of theophylline (0.5 mumol/h) did not potentiate the effect of submaximal doses (3 and 20 M.R.C. m-units/h) of calcitonin. Plasma concentrations of calcium showed a decrease with calcitonin infusion for 30h, but those of Pi remained unchanged. These results strongly suggest that the rat kidney is endowed with a calcitonin-sensitive 1 alpha-hydroxylase system that is separate from the parathyrin/cyclic AMP system and is independent of changes in plasma Pi.  相似文献   
2-Hydroxy-3-butynoic acid is a suicide substrate for Mycobacterium smegmatis lactate oxidase. Inactivation occurs by covalent modification of enzyme-bound FMN and does not involve labeling of the apoprotein. The spectrum of the enzyme bound adduct suggests that it is a 4a, 5-dihydroflavin derivative. When this adduct is released from the enzyme, a complex mixture of unstable compounds is obtained. When the initially formed enzyme-bound adduct is reduced with NaBH4, a major stable species can be resolved from the enzyme and can be isolated and purified. The structure was established by appropriate isotope substitutions. Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy, chemical reactivity, and synthesis of a model compound. The structure of the isolated adduct is structure II, Scheme II. The structure proposed for the adduct initially formed on the enzyme is structure VII, Scheme II.  相似文献   
Bovine alpha2-globulin contains a protein which increases the activity of bovine alpha-chymotrypsin against synthetic substrates. The active protein fraction migrates slowly on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, so it was named slow alpha2-globulin (Salpha2). The fraction was isolated from bovine serum and purified. Its sedimentation constant S20 was 18.5 S. It was thus identified with the alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M). By kinetic studies, the dissociation constant of the alpha-chymotrypsin-alpha2 M complex was calculated to be of the order of 10(-7) l/mol. The purified alpha2 M was shown to bind alpha-chymotrypsin at a definite rate. If the binding ratio was assumed to be 1:2, the molecular weight was calculated to be about 8 X 10(5).  相似文献   
While campaigns of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 are underway across the world, communities face the challenge of a fair and effective distribution of a limited supply of doses. Current vaccine allocation strategies are based on criteria such as age or risk. In the light of strong spatial heterogeneities in disease history and transmission, we explore spatial allocation strategies as a complement to existing approaches. Given the practical constraints and complex epidemiological dynamics, designing effective vaccination strategies at a country scale is an intricate task. We propose a novel optimal control framework to derive the best possible vaccine allocation for given disease transmission projections and constraints on vaccine supply and distribution logistics. As a proof-of-concept, we couple our framework with an existing spatially explicit compartmental COVID-19 model tailored to the Italian geographic and epidemiological context. We optimize the vaccine allocation on scenarios of unfolding disease transmission across the 107 provinces of Italy, from January to April 2021. For each scenario, the optimal solution significantly outperforms alternative strategies that prioritize provinces based on incidence, population distribution, or prevalence of susceptibles. Our results suggest that the complex interplay between the mobility network and the spatial heterogeneities implies highly non-trivial prioritization strategies for effective vaccination campaigns. Our work demonstrates the potential of optimal control for complex and heterogeneous epidemiological landscapes at country, and possibly global, scales.  相似文献   
Quercus miyagii is an endemic tree species in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. We isolated and characterized 15 microsatellite loci in this species. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 16 and expected heterozygosities from 0.07 to 0.92. This set of markers is potentially useful to investigate the genetic structure, gene flow, and the biogeographic history of Q. miyagii in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  相似文献   
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