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Calphobindin II, with Mr 73,000, is one of the human placental anticoagulant proteins. The cDNA encoding calphobindin II was obtained by screening a human placental lambda gt11 cDNA library using a specific antibody as a probe. The longest cDNA insert consisted of 2,361 nucleotides and a 64-nucleotide-long poly(A) tract. An open reading frame encoding 673 amino acids was predicted. The deduced sequence includes an 8-fold repeat of a conserved 70-amino-acid-long segment that has a high degree of sequence identity with the repeated segments in members of the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding protein family. The cDNA fragment including the open reading frame was introduced into the expression vector pKK223-3 and subsequently expressed in Escherichia coli JM105 cells. The resulting recombinant protein reacted with the specific monoclonal antibodies to calphobindin II and prolonged the blood coagulation time as did placental calphobindin II.  相似文献   
New glycoproteins of 100-120 kDa were isolated from the unfertilized eggs of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Compositionally indistinguishable glycopeptides of 6 kDa were also purified from the activated or fertilized eggs. These high and low molecular mass glycoproteins are characterized by high (about 85%) carbohydrate content. Although some heterogeneities exist in the amino acid sequences, the 6-kDa glycopeptides (decapeptides with single large N-linked glycan chains), isolated from the fertilized eggs are the repeating units of the high molecular mass glycoproteins. As judged from several distinctive features the 100-120-kDa glycoproteins are apparently major components of cortical alveoli of flounder eggs and are regarded as members of glycoproteins we have defined under the name of "hyosophorin" (Kitajima, K., Inoue, S., and Inoue, Y. (1989) Dev. Biol. 132, 544-553). Composition analysis, Smith degradation, hydrazinolysis-nitrous acid deamination, permethylation analysis, and 400-MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy provided evidence for the structure of a novel penta-antennary glycan chain attached to the repeating unit (decapeptide) of the protein core. The structure thus determined is: (Formula: see text). The presence of a unique class of carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins (H-hyosophorin) in the unfertilized eggs, their conversion to the repeating unit (L-hyosophorin) at fertilization, and the finding of a free glycan chain that was formed by scission between the GlcNAc and Asn residues of L-hyosophorin, in the fertilized eggs including embryos of 4-11-h postinsemination, support the view that these molecules may be important in fertilization and subsequent development.  相似文献   
The question of how the presence of nucleosomal packing of DNA modifies carcinogen interaction at specific sites cannot be answered by studies on whole chromatin or bulk nucleosomes because of the heterogeneity of DNA sequences in the particles. We have circumvented this problem by using nucleosomes that are homogenous in DNA sequence and hence in DNA-histone contact points. A cloned DNA fragment containing a sea urchin 5 S gene which precisely positions a histone octamer was employed. By using 32P end-labeled DNA and genotoxins that allow cleavage at sites of attack, the frequency of adduction at every susceptible nucleotide can be determined on sequencing gels. The small methylating agent dimethyl sulfate and the bulky alkylating agent aflatoxin B1-dichloride (AFB1-Cl2) were used to probe the influence of DNA-histone interactions on DNA alkylation patterns in the sequence-positioned core particle. We find dimethyl sulfate to bind with equal preference to naked or nucleosomal DNA. In contrast, AFB1-Cl2 binding is suppressed an average of 2.4-fold at guanyl sites within nucleosomes compared with AFB1-Cl2 affinity at the corresponding site in naked DNA. The DNA is more accessible in regions near the particle boundary. We observe no other histone-imposed localized changes in AFB1-Cl2 sequence specificity. Further, sites of DNase I cleavage or proposed DNA bending show neither enhanced nor reduced AFB1-Cl2 adduction to N7-guanine. Since AFB1-Cl2 binding sites lie in the major groove, nucleosomal DNA appears accessible to AFB1-Cl2 at all points of analysis but with an access which is uniformly restricted in the central 100 nucleotides of the core particle. The data available do not indicate further localized or site-specific perturbations in DNA interactions with the two carcinogens studied.  相似文献   
Summary Three types of experiments indicate that the functional organization of the mountain birch may influence the ways in which the tree responds to simulated or natural herbivory. The first experiment showed that herbivory to both short and long shoot leaves affects plant development but, because growth largely proceeds by resources of the previous year, is manifested only in the year following the damage. The second experiment showed that even partial damage to a single long shoot leaf caused the axillary bud of that leaf to produce a shorter shoot the next year. Therefore, the value of a leaf depends also on the organ which it is subtending. In the third experiment we manipulated the apical dominance of shoots in ramets and caused improvement to leaf quality in extant shoots. Ramets within a tree responded individually, probably mediated by disturbance of the hormonal control because removal of apical buds elicited the response although removal of the same number of basal buds did not. Induced amelioration is a different response to induced resistance. The two responses are triggered by different cues and may occur in the same plant. By altering hormonal balance of shoots it is potentially possible for herbivores to induce amelioration of food quality. The ways in which herbivory is simulated may explain variability of results obtained when herbivory-induced responses in plants have been studied.  相似文献   
Filiform papillae, which were densely distributed all over the dorsal surface of the lingual body, were crown-shaped, with a central, circular area that sloped in the anterior direction and several branches that surrounded it in a semicircle from the back of the central area. Dome-shaped, fungiform papillae were scattered among these filiform papillae. At the posterior end of the lingual body, there were four circumvallate papillae. Prominent microridges and elevated intercellular borders were widely distributed in the central area of the filiform papillae and the interpapillar region. On the surface of the branches of the filiform papillae, microridges were rarely seen. On the surface of the fungiform papillae, indistinct microridges were observed. Histologically, the dorsal lingual epithelium revealed three different regions: the epithelium on the anterior side of the filiform papillae, the epithelium on the posterior side of the filiform papillae and the interpapillar epithelium. Whereas the basal and suprabasal cells are similar throughout, differences characterize the intermediate and surface layers. Keratohyalin granules appear predominantly in the intermediate layer in the epithelium on the anterior side of filiform papillae. In the epithelium on the posterior side of the filiform papillae, no keratohyalin granules occur and, instead, tonofibrils are prominent. The cells become significantly flattened. In the interpapillar epithelium, no keratohyalin granules are visible, and the tonofilaments occupy almost the entire cytoplasm of most cells in the intermediate and surface layers. The cells are larger in volume in these layers.  相似文献   
A sialidase from Bacteroides fragilis SBT3182 was purified 2,240-fold to apparent homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation and sequential chromatographies on DEAE-Toyopearl 650M, Hydroxyapatite, MonoS and Superose6 columns. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of this sialidase, Ala-Asp-X-Ile-Phe-Val-Arg-Glu-Thr-Arg-Ile-Pro-, was determined. Substrate specificity of this enzyme using a variety of sialoglycoconjugates showed a 1.5- and 2.2-fold preference for sialyl alpha 2-8 linkages when compared with alpha 2-3 and alpha 2-6 bound sialic acids, respectively. The native sialidase had a molecular weight of 165kDa, as determined by Superose6 gel filtration chromatography and consisted of three subunits each of 55kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This enzyme had optimal activity at pH6.1 with colominic acid as substrate.  相似文献   
To identify the type of Verotoxins (VT) produced by Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC), a sensitive bead-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction with common and specific primers to various VTs (VT1, VT2, VT2vha, VT2vhb, and VT2vp1) were developed. Together with colony hybridization tests with oligo- and polynucleotide probes, these methods were applied to VTEC isolates to type the VT produced. The toxin types of 26 of 37 strains were identified, but the reaction profiles in assays of the remaining 11 strains suggested the existence of new VT2 variants. The application of these identification procedures may be useful as a tool for clinical and epidemiological studies of VTEC infection.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effects of α-sialosylcholesterol (α-SC) on formation of either microfilament or glia filament of rat astrocytes were investigated using a reconstitution system. Polymerization of the depolymerized microfilament preparation that had been extracted from a crude cytoskeletal fraction of rat astrocytes, in the presence of 100 m M KCI and 10 m M MgCI2, was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner by α-SC. α-SC inhibited polymerization of G-actin in a similar manner. The intensity of a-SC inhibition of G- actin polymerization was as great as that of microfilament polymerization, suggesting that the inhibition of microfilament polymerization by α-SC was due to the direct action of α-SC on actin, the main component of microfilament. α-SC depolymerized partly the polymerized microfilament preparation, which resembled F-actin (microfilament-like filaments). α-SC suppressed, in a dose-dependent manner, polymerization of a glia filament preparation that had been extracted from astrocyte cytoskeletons in the presence of phalloidin. An increase in the amount of added α-SC (up to 15 n M ) decreased the amount of the larger glia filament-like filaments, which were 10 nm thick and centrifuged down at 16,000 g for 30 min, and increased that of smaller ones precipitated only after centrifugation at 100,000 g for 1 h. The lower the concentration of the depolymerized glia filament extract, the greater was the inhibition by α-SC of the polymerization. α-SC repressed polymerization of vimentin, the dominant component of glia filament. Vimentin polymerization was more strongly inhibited by α-SC than polymerization of glia filament was. The findings suggested that α-SC suppressed polymerization of glia filament through a direct action on vimentin and that the glia filament-associated proteins increased its structural stability in the presence of α-SC.  相似文献   
To determine whether or not the changes in the orientation ofmicrotubules (MTs) that are induced by GA3 and ABA result fromchanges in the rate of epicotyl elongation caused by these hormones,we examined the effects of GA3 and ABA on the orientation ofMTs in epidermal cells of decapitated epicotyls of the dwarfpea (Pisum sativum cv. Little Marvel), in which neither GA3nor ABA causes changes in the rate of epicotyl elongation. Cuttings taken from GA3-pretreated seedlings were decapitatedand treated with ABA. ABA eliminated the GA3-induced predominanceof transverse MTs and treatment with ABA resulted in a predominanceof longitudinal MTs in the decapitated cuttings. However, ABAdid not reduce the rate of epicotyl elongation in these samples.Cuttings taken from ABA-pretreated seedlings were decapitatedand treated with GA3. GA3 caused the orientation of MTs to changefrom longitudinal to transverse in the decapitated cuttings.However, GA3 had no promotive effect on elongation of theseepicotyls. The results indicate that both ABA and GA3 have the abilityto change the orientation of MTs by mechanisms that do not involvechanges in the rate of cell elongation. (Received August 18, 1992; Accepted January 18, 1993)  相似文献   
Glutelin accumulation in the apical spikelet of the top primary branch (superior spikelet) and the second spikelet of the lowest secondary branch (inferior spikelet) of the ear of the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) was characterized during grain filling.In the superior spikelet, the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen started immediately after flowering and rapidly reached the maturation level by 20 days after heading (DAH). At 7 DAH, total RNA content had already reached its maximum level and glutelin mRNA content 70% of its maximum. The increase in glutelin mRNA was followed by a rapid increase in glutelin between 7 and 16 DAH.In the inferior spikelet dry matter, nitrogen and glutelin accumulation were low immediately after flowering and increased only after grain filling of the superior spikelet was almost complete. Total RNA and glutelin mRNA increased much later at slower rates than in the superior spikelet.It is very likely that the retardation of dry matter, total nitrogen and glutelin accumulation in the inferior spikelet is due to retardation of differentiation and development of endosperm tissue, and to glutelin gene expression in endosperm cells. It is suggested that the delayed development resulted from limited partitioning of nutrients to the inferior spikelet at the early stage of ripening.  相似文献   
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