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Melaleuca alternifolia is cultivated for the production of an essential oil useful in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Despite the economic importance of this species, there is little knowledge about its in vitro propagation. The aim of this study was to establish an efficient protocol for micropropagation of M. alternifolia. With the goal of in vitro multiplication by axillary shoot proliferation, both solid and liquid MS and WPM media were tested with supplementation with BA at 0, 0.55, 1.11, 2.22, 3.33, and 4.44 μM. The best result for shoot multiplication was obtained when either 0.55 μM BA was added into solid MS medium or 1.11 μM BA was added into liquid MS medium, with 5.6 and 11.8 shoots per explant generated, respectively. On solid or liquid WPM medium supplemented with 0.55 μM BA, the proliferation rates were 5.5 and 4.7, respectively. Three auxins (NAA, IAA, and IBA) were tested at 0.53 and 2.64 μM during the rooting stage. Several sucrose concentrations (15, 30, and 45 g L−1) were compared to a sucrose-free medium. Rooting performances on four culture media were then compared: MS, half-strength MS (MS/2), MS + activated charcoal (AC), and MS/2 + AC. The results showed that auxin addition to culture medium is not necessary for in vitro rooting. Rooted microcuttings from different culture media were acclimatized in a greenhouse, and the survival percentage was evaluated. All shoots cultured in an auxin-free MS medium supplemented with sucrose (30 g L−1) produced roots, and all plants survived during acclimatization. Activated charcoal added in rooting medium reduced rooting rates.  相似文献   
An accurate characterisation of muscle fibres is essential for studying muscle plasticity. During some transient events such as ageing, myogenesis, physical activity or conversion of muscle to meat, the morphological parameters and/or the fibre type distribution may change. Nowadays, this information is generally obtained using immunohistology techniques, but these analyses are acknowledged to be laborious and time-consuming. In fact, each myofibre, from thousands, must be measured individually and its expression profile in response to different anti-myosin antibodies must be established step by step. In this paper, we describe a new histological approach using double-labelling (laminin, myosin) serial sections, fluorescence microscopy visualisation and, finally, semi-automatic image analysis. The goal of the study was to propose a tool allowing faster fibre type characterisation, including the identification of hybrid fibres from pure ones. The steps in the image processing prone to subjectivity have been fully automated. On the other hand, the expert retained control of all image analysis procedures requiring visual diagnosis. The tool that we developed with the Visilog software allowed a rapid and objective fibre typing and morphometric characterisation of two different bovine muscles. The results were in agreement with our previous histological and densitometric assays. The method and the tool proved to be potentially more efficient than other techniques used in our institute or described in the literature. A more global evaluation will be considered in other laboratories as well as on other animal species.  相似文献   
The lean-to-fat ratio, that is, the relative masses of muscle and adipose tissue, is a criterion for the yield and quality of bovine carcasses and meat. This review describes the interactions between muscle and adipose tissue (AT) that may regulate the dynamic balance between the number and size of muscle v. adipose cells. Muscle and adipose tissue in cattle grow by an increase in the number of cells (hyperplasia), mainly during foetal life. The total number of muscle fibres is set by the end of the second trimester of gestation. By contrast, the number of adipocytes is never set. Number of adipocytes increases mainly before birth until 1 year of age, depending on the anatomical location of the adipose tissue. Hyperplasia concerns brown pre-adipocytes during foetal life and white pre-adipocytes from a few weeks after birth. A decrease in the number of secondary myofibres and an increase in adiposity in lambs born from mothers severely underfed during early pregnancy suggest a balance in the commitment of a common progenitor into the myogenic or adipogenic lineages, or a reciprocal regulation of the commitment of two distinct progenitors. The developmental origin of white adipocytes is a subject of debate. Molecular and histological data suggested a possible transdifferentiation of brown into white adipocytes, but this hypothesis has now been challenged by the characterization of distinct precursor cells for brown and white adipocytes in mice. Increased nutrient storage in fully differentiated muscle fibres and adipocytes, resulting in cell enlargement (hypertrophy), is thought to be the main mechanism, whereby muscle and fat masses increase in growing cattle. Competition or prioritization between adipose and muscle cells for the uptake and metabolism of nutrients is suggested, besides the successive waves of growth of muscle v. adipose tissue, by the inhibited or delayed adipose tissue growth in bovine genotypes exhibiting strong muscular development. This competition or prioritization occurs through cellular signalling pathways and the secretion of proteins by adipose tissue (adipokines) and muscle (myokines), putatively regulating their hypertrophy in a reciprocal manner. Further work on the mechanisms underlying cross-talk between brown or white adipocytes and muscle fibres will help to achieve better understanding as a prerequisite to improving the control of body growth and composition in cattle.  相似文献   
Chemoattractant priming and activation of PMNs results in changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, tyrosine kinase activity, and gene expression. We hypothesize that the initial signaling for the activation of a 105 kDa protein (Rel-1) requires Ca2+-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation. A rapid and time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1 occurred following formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) stimulation of human PMNs at concentrations that primed or activated the NADPH oxidase (10−9 to 10−6 M), becoming maximal after 30 s. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (Ptx) or tyrosine kinase inhibitors abrogated this phosphorylation and inhibited fMLP activation of the oxidase. The fMLP concentrations employed also caused a rapid increase in cytosolic Ca2+ but chelation negated the effects, including the cytosolic Ca2+ flux, oxidase activation, and the tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1. Conversely, chelation of extracellular Ca2+ decreased the fMLP-mediated Ca2+ flux, had no affect on the oxidase, and augmented tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1. Phosphorylation of Rel-1 was inhibited when PMNs were preincubated with a p38 MAP kinase (MAPK) inhibitor (SB203580). In addition, fMLP elicited rapid activation of p38 MAPK which was abrogated by chelation of cytosolic Ca2+. Thus, fMLP concentrations that prime or activate the oxidase cause a rapid Ca2+-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1 involving p38 MAPK activation.  相似文献   
Cultured smooth muscle cells from pig aorta arrested in G0 phase by serum deprivation were stimulated to proliferate by replacing the medium with one containing 10% serum. Studies in DNA replication and proliferation of cells showed a relatively good synchrony: 90% of the cells were in G1 phase for 16 h after addition of serum; they entered S phase between 18 and 24 h, completed S phase and traversed G2 phase between 24 and 30–32 h; 75% of these cells multiplied after 30–32 h and the remainder were blocked at the end of G2 phase. The synthesis and secretion of sulfated proteoglycans were examined throughout a full cell cycle using metabolic labelling with [35S]sulfate. Smooth muscle cells in G1 or G2 phase synthesized and secreted sulfated proteoglycans with a possible pause at the end of the G2 phase but at the beginning of the S phase and during mitosis the incorporation of [35S]sulfate into these macromolecules stopped entirely. Structural characteristics of sulfated proteoglycans secreted into the medium during G1 phase and an entire cell cycle were investigated. The proportion of proteoglycan complexes and the relative hydrodynamic size of monomers and of constituent subunits of complexes were determined after chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B and CL-6B columns run under both associative and dissociative conditions. No significant differences were observed for the periods of the cell cycle that were studied:
1. 1. [35S]Proteoglycan complexes represented at the end of G1 phase and of the cell cycle respectively 19 and 16% of the total [35S]proteoglycans secreted into the medium.
2. 2. More than 90% of the subunits, obtained after dissociation of complexes, were characterized by a similar kav after chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B columns eluted under dissociative conditions (kav 0.68 at the end of G1 phase and 0.65 at the end of full cell cycle).
3. 3. About 95% of monomers synthesized at the two stages of the cell cycle were eluted at kav 0.25 after chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B column run under associative conditions and were characterized by a similar glycosaminoglycan distribution. These results suggest that smooth muscle cells in culture liberate similar populations of proteoglycans into the medium during the G1 and G2 phases.
Insulin resistance is an increasingly prevalent condition in humans that frequently clusters with disorders characterized by left ventricular (LV) pressure overload, such as systemic hypertension. To investigate the impact of insulin resistance on LV remodeling and functional response to pressure overload, C57BL6 male mice were fed a high-fat (HFD) or a standard diet (SD) for 9 days and then underwent transverse aortic constriction (TAC). LV size and function were assessed in SD- and HFD-fed mice using serial echocardiography before and 7, 21, and 28 days after TAC. Serial echocardiography was also performed on nonoperated SD- and HFD-fed mice over a period of 6 wk. LV perfusion was assessed before and 7 and 28 days after TAC. Nine days of HFD induced systemic and myocardial insulin resistance (assessed by myocardial 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake), and myocardial perfusion response to acetylcholine was impaired. High-fat feeding for 28 days did not change LV size and function in nonbanded mice; however, TAC induced greater hypertrophy, more marked LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction, and decreased survival in HFD-fed compared with SD-fed mice. Compared with SD-fed mice, myocardial perfusion reserve was decreased 7 days after TAC, and capillary density was decreased 28 days after TAC in HFD-fed mice. A short duration of HFD induces insulin resistance in mice. These metabolic changes are accompanied by increased LV remodeling and dysfunction after TAC, highlighting the impact of insulin resistance in the development of pressure-overload-induced heart failure.  相似文献   
Including animals in autism intervention is growing in both research and practice. A systematic literature review was conducted to collate and synthesize all empirical research on animal-assisted intervention (AAI) for autism published from 2012 to 2015. Findings from 28 included studies revealed that AAI programs generally include one animal per participant with a total contact time of approximately 10 hours over the course of 8 to 12 weeks. Research methodology is diverse and though limited in many cases, has improved over the last few years. The most commonly reported outcome was increased social interaction, which was unanimously significant across 22 studies. The need for further research is highlighted, calling for a focus on refining AAI techniques, identifying optimal circumstances for positive change as well as individuals who may not benefit, and independent replication of high quality studies to move AAI from an enrichment activity to an evidence-based practice for autism.  相似文献   
Vertebrate Hox genes act as developmental architects by patterning embryonic structures like axial skeletal elements, limbs, brainstem territories, or neural crest derivatives. While active during the patterning steps of development, these genes turn out to be down-regulated in specific differentiation programs like that leading to chondrogenesis. To investigate why chondrocyte differentiation is correlated to the silencing of a Hox gene, we generated transgenic mice allowing Cre-mediated conditional misexpression of Hoxa2 and induced this gene in Collagen 2 alpha 1-expressing cells committed to enter chondrogenesis. Persistent Hoxa2 expression in chondrogenic cells resulted in overall chondrodysplasia with delayed cartilage hypertrophy, mineralization, and ossification but without proliferation defects. The absence of skeletal patterning anomaly and the regular migration of precursor cells indicated that the condensation step of chondrogenesis was normal. In contrast, closer examination at the differentiation step showed severely impaired chondrocyte differentiation. In addition, this inhibition affected structures independently of their embryonic origin. In conclusion, for the first time here, by a cell-type specific misexpression, we precisely uncoupled the patterning function of Hoxa2 from its involvement in regulating differentiation programs per se and demonstrate that Hoxa2 displays an anti-chondrogenic activity that is distinct from its patterning function.  相似文献   
Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) strains cause disease by invading normally sterile niches within the host body, e.g., urinary tract, blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Infections due to ExPEC strains, in particular urinary tract infections, cause considerable morbidity and significant health-care costs. The goal of our study is to evaluate whether Caenorhabditis elegans can be used as a model to study phenotypic and genetic virulence determinants of ExPEC strains. For this purpose, we used a collection of 31 E. coli strains isolated during acute extra-intestinal infections or from the feces of healthy individuals. For all strains, the phylogeny, the presence of ExPEC virulence factors, the resistance to biologically relevant stressors (bile, human serum and lysozyme), the motility, the growth rate, the virulence in C. elegans and in a murine septicaemia model has been established. The results show that there is a strong link between virulence in C. elegans and certain phenotypic and genetic virulence predictors of ExPEC strains determinable in vitro. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation between virulence of different ExPEC strains in C. elegans and in the murine model. Therefore, our results suggest that C. elegans can be used as a model to study virulence determinants of ExPEC strains.  相似文献   
For the first time Clip-Phen (1) was conjugated to oligonucleotides to provide very efficient tools for the cleavage of nucleic acids at specific positions. The synthesis of the conjugates as well as the cleavage experiments are reported.  相似文献   
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