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This paper examines the ecology, frond and spore morphology, gametophytes, and molecular biology ofThelypteris burksiorum to reveal its taxonomic affinities and phytogeographic origin. The species is endemic to Winston County in northern Alabama (U.S.A.) and only occurs in cave-like rockhouse habitats. A related species,T. pilosa, is widespread in central and southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.Thelypteris pilosa is extremely variable and our data suggest that current recognition of the varietiesmajor andpilosa is not warranted.Thelypteris pilosa is clearly closely related and likely sister toT. burksiorum. Thelypteris burksiorum exhibits the unusual production of gametophytic propagules. This, in combination with current levels of genetic diversity and reproductive biology, suggests thatT. burksiorum is an ancient Tertiary relict and not an example of recent long distance dispersal. Selection in rockhouse habitats has driven species away from their normal life cycle to partial or complete reliance on the gametophyte generation. The combination of a reduced yet fertile sporophyte and a gametophyte that may rely on gametophytic proliferation placesT. burksiorum in an intermediate evolutionary position relative to other rockhouse pteridophytes.  相似文献   
Experiments on the transfection of cultured SKOV3 tumor cells of human ovarian adenocarcinoma and HeLa cells of human cervical carcinoma with gene Bax have demonstrated that SKOV3 cells are highly sensitive to the protein product of this gene, whereas the sensitivity of HeLa cells is substantially lower. HeLa cells obtained as a result of Bax transfection and subsequent selection are characterized by an extremely high Bax protein content and a hypersensitivity to doxorubicin. All Bax-transfected SKOV3 cells with an increased Bax content have died. In the SKOV3 cell line, a Bax exon 3 mutation has been found that corresponds to genotype G7/G9, whereas the native type of the Bax gene corresponds to genotype G8/G8. The results suggest that the G7/G9 mutation in Bax exon 3 deprives the Bax protein of proapoptotic activity.Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2005, pp. 40–47.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Rodina, Sladkova, Obuchova, Vezirkhanova, Moskaleva, Prusakova, Beletskii, Belushkina, Strelnikov, Ivanov, S. Severin, E. Severin.  相似文献   
Increasing numbers of bacterial strains being resistant to conventional antibiotics emphasize the urgent need for new antimicrobial agents. One strategy is based on host defence peptides that can be found in every organism including humans. We have studied the antimicrobial peptide LF11, derived from the pepsin cleavage product of human lactoferrin, known for its antimicrobial and lipid A-binding activity, and peptide C12LF11, the N-lauryl-derivative of LF11, which has owing to the attached hydrocarbon chain an additional hydrophobic segment. The influence of this hydrocarbon chain on membrane selectivity was studied using model membranes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), mimicking bacterial plasma membranes, and of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), a model system for mammalian membranes. A variety of biophysical techniques was applied. Thereby, we found that LF11 did not affect DPPC bilayers and showed only moderate effects on DPPG membranes in accordance with its non-hemolytic and weak antimicrobial activity. In contrast, the introduction of the N-lauryl group caused significant changes in the phase behaviour and lipid chain packing in both model membrane systems. These findings correlate with the in vitro tests on methicillin resistant S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and human red blood cells, showing increased biological activity of C12LF11 towards these test organisms. This provides evidence that both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are crucial for biological activity of antimicrobial peptides, whereas a certain balance between the two components has to be kept, in order not to loose the specificity for bacterial membranes.  相似文献   
For the first time somatic spotlike formations of 1.5 mm in diameter and height up to 0.5 mm were revealed in thalli of the red alga Palmaria palmata reared in an aerated stirred culture. It was determined that some cortical cells of the thallus are able to divide in the periclinal and anticlinal directions forming spots. Deep freezing and subsequent thawing of thalli showed that the cortical cells of spots were meristematic cells. In certain conditions they enabled the formation of prolifications, which germinated plantlets. These clusters of meristem tissue in the cortical layer of cells of the thallus of P. palmata, which were formed in the culture as in nature, function as growth cells facilitating growth of thalli in thick and natural “planting material” formed upon thalli fragmenting after their freezing in the winter season.  相似文献   
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