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On trips with multiple transmeridian flights, pilots experience successive non-24 h day/night cycles with circadian and sleep disruption. One study across a 9-day sequence of transpacific flights (no in-flight sleep, 1-day layovers between flights) reported an average period in the core body temperature rhythm of 24.6 h (circadian drift). Consequently, pilots were sometimes flying through the circadian performance nadir and had to readapt to home base time at the end of the trip. The present study examined circadian drift in trip patterns with longer flights and in-flight sleep. Thirty-nine B747-400 pilots (19 captains, 20 first officers, mean age = 55.5 years) were monitored on 9- to 13-day trips with multiple return flights between East Coast USA and Japan (in 4-pilot crews) and between Japan and Hawaii (in 3-pilot crews), with 1-day layovers between each flight. Measures included total in-flight sleep (actigraphy, log books) and top of descent (TOD) measures of sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale), fatigue (Samn–Perelli Crew Status Check) and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance. Circadian rhythms of individual pilots were not monitored. To detect circadian drift, mixed-model analysis of variance examined whether for a given flight, total in-flight sleep and TOD measures varied according to when the flight occurred in the trip sequence. In addition, sleep propensity curves for pre-trip and post-trip days were examined (Chi-square periodogram analyses). Limited data suggest that total in-flight sleep of relief crew at landing may have decreased across successive East Coast USA–Japan (flights 1, 3, 5 or 7; median arrival 03:45 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)). However, PVT response speed at TOD was faster on East Coast USA–Japan flights later in the trip. On these flights, circadian drift would result in flights later in the trip landing closer to the evening wake maintenance zone, when sleep is difficult and PVT response speeds are fastest. On Japan–East Coast USA flights (flights 2, 4, 6 or 8; median arrival time 14:52 EDT), PVT response speeds were slower on flight 8 than on flight 2. Circadian drift would move these arrivals progressively earlier in the SCN pacemaker cycle, where PVT response speeds are slower. Across the five post-trip days, 12 pilots (Group A) immediately resumed their pre-trip sleep pattern of a single nocturnal sleep episode; 9 pilots (Group B) had a daytime nap on most days that moved progressively earlier until it merged with nocturnal sleep and 17 pilots (Group C) had nocturnal sleep and intermittent naps. Chi-square periodogram analyses of the sleep propensity curves for each group across baseline and post-trip days suggest full adaptation to EDT from post-trip day 1 (dominant period = 24 h). However, in Groups B and C, the patterns of split sleep post-trip compared to pre-trip suggest that this may be misleading. We conclude that the trends in total in-flight sleep and significant changes in PVT performance speed at TOD provide preliminary evidence for circadian drift, as do persistent patterns of split sleep post-trip. However, new measures to track circadian rhythms in individual pilots are needed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   
To assess the relative importance of lake chemistry, morphometry and zoogeography on limnetic zooplankton, we collected zooplankton, water, and morphometric data from 132 headwater Canadian Shield lakes in 6 regions across north-central Ontario. A subset of these lakes (n = 52) were fished with gill nets. We clustered lakes based on their zooplankton species composition (presence/absence). Discriminant analysis was employed to determine how well lake characteristics could predict zooplankton community types. Correct classification of zooplankton communities for three models ranged from 72 to 91%. Lake size, lake location, and buffering capacity were ranked as the most important factors separating lake groups. Fish abundance (CPUE) was not significant in distinguishing between zooplankton communities. Though the range of lake sizes was limited (1–110 ha), larger lakes tended to support more species. Lake location (zoogeography) also influenced species composition patterns. Although Algoma lakes tended to be larger (\-x = 18.0 ha, other lakes \-x = 2.5 ha), they supported relatively depauperate zooplankton communities. Buffering capacity was ranked third in the discriminant analysis models, but pH and alkalinity were not significantly different between lake groups.  相似文献   
The present series of experiments assessed how information from the whiskers controls and modulates infant rat behavior during early learning and attachment. Passive vibrissal stimulation can elicit behavioral activity in pups throughout the first two postnatal weeks, although orienting to the source of stimulation is evident only after ontogenetic emergence of whisking. In addition, while pups were capable of demonstrating learning in a classical conditioning paradigm pairing vibrissa stimulation with electric shock, no corresponding changes were detected in the anatomy of the barrel cortex as determined by cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Finally, the role of whiskers in a more naturalistic setting was determined in postnatal day (PN)3-5 and PN11-12 pups. Our results showed that both nipple attachment and huddling were disrupted in whisker-clipped PN3-5 pups but only marginally altered in PN11-12 pups. Together, these results suggest that the neonatal whisker system is behaviorally functional and relevant for normal mother-infant interactions, though it lacks the sophistication of a mature whisker system that evokes very specific and directed responses.  相似文献   
Bacterial symbionts that resembled mollicutes were discovered in the marine bryozoan Watersipora arcuata in the 1980s. In this study, we used PCR and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, specific fluorescence in situ hybridization, and phylogenetic analysis to determine that the bacterial symbionts of "W. subtorquata" and "W. arcuata" from several locations along the California coast are actually closely related alpha-Proteobacteria, not mollicutes. We propose the names "Candidatus Endowatersipora palomitas" and "Candidatus Endowatersipora rubus" for the symbionts of "W. subtorquata" and "W. arcuata," respectively.  相似文献   
The phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of seventeen Achromobacter strains representing MLST genogroups 2, 5, 7 and 14 were examined. Although genogroup 2 and 14 strains shared a DNA–DNA hybridization level of about 70%, the type strains of both genogroups differed in numerous biochemical characteristics and all genogroup 2 and 14 strains could by distinguished by nitrite reduction, denitrification and growth on acetamide. Given the MLST sequence divergence which identified genogroups 2 and 14 as clearly distinct populations, the availability of nrdA sequence analysis as a single locus identification tool for all Achromobacter species and genogroups, and the differential phenotypic characteristics, we propose to formally classify Achromobacter genogroups 2, 5, 7 and 14 as four novel Achromobacter species for which we propose the names Achromobacter insuavis sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26845T [= CCUG 62426T] as the type strain), Achromobacter aegrifaciens sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26852T [= CCUG 62438T] as the type strain), Achromobacter anxifer sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26857T [= CCUG 62444T] as the type strain), and Achromobacter dolens sp. nov. (with strain LMG 26840T [= CCUG 62421T] as the type strain).  相似文献   
Floral spurs are regarded as features affecting pollinator behaviour. Anacamptis pyramidalis is regarded as a deceitful, non-rewarding orchid species. In the form fumeauxiana, additional spurs occur on the lateral sepals. In this study we analyse micromorphological and ultrastructural floral features and suggest the mechanism of deception in A. pyramidalis and A. pyramidalis f. fumeauxiana. In f. fumeauxiana, the adaxial surface of the lip, the lip calli, the tips of the lateral sepals, the abaxial and adaxial epidermises of the lip spur, and the lateral sepal spur have a secretory function. Numerous stomata were observed on the abaxial surfaces of spurs and sepals. The characteristic features of the ultrastructure of osmophore cells were noted: dense cytoplasm with numerous profiles of ER, mitochondria, plastids with plastoglobuli and tubular structures, a large nucleus, lipid droplets, and vesicles fusing with the plasmalemma. The similarity of the floral morphology and anatomy, the flowering period, and pollinators of A. pyramidalis, A. pyramidalis f. fumeauxiana and Gymnadenia conopsea suggest a possible food-deceptive mechanism—imitation of nectar presence produced in the spurs of Gymnadenia.  相似文献   
Nonenzymatically glycated proteins are preferentially transported across the glomerular filtration barrier, and the glomerular mesangium in diabetes is bathed with serum containing increased concentrations of glycated albumin. We investigated effects of glycated albumin on mesangial cells, which are involved in diabetic nephropathy. [3H]-thymidine incorporation was significantly inhibited when murine mesangial cells were grown in culture media containing human serum that had been nonenzymatically glycated by incubation for 4 days with 28 mM glucose. This inhibition was reversed when monoclonal antibodies that selectively react with Amadori products of glycated albumin were added to the culture media. Purified glycated albumin containing Amadori adducts of the glycation reaction induced significant inhibition of thymidine incorporation and stimulation of Type IV collagen secretion compared with cells cultured in the presence of purified nonglycated albumin. These changes were prevented when monoclonal antibodies specifically reactive with fructosyl-lysine epitopes in glycated albumin were added to the cultures. The antibodies had no effect on growth or collagen production in the presence of nonglycated albumin. The results provide the first evidence directly implicating Amadori adducts in glycated albumin in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, which is characterized by decreased cellularity in association with expansion of the mesangial matrix.  相似文献   
The state of being helpless is regarded as a central aspect of depression, and therefore the learned helplessness paradigm in rodents is commonly used as an animal model of depression. The term ‘learned helplessness’ refers to a deficit in escaping from an aversive situation after an animal is exposed to uncontrollable stress specifically, with a control/comparison group having been exposed to an equivalent amount of controllable stress. A key feature of learned helplessness is the transferability of helplessness to different situations, a phenomenon called ‘trans-situationality’. However, most studies in mice use learned helplessness protocols in which training and testing occur in the same environment and with the same type of stressor. Consequently, failures to escape may reflect conditioned fear of a particular environment, not a general change of the helpless state of an animal. For mice, there is no established learned helplessness protocol that includes the trans-situationality feature. Here we describe a simple and reliable learned helplessness protocol for mice, in which training and testing are carried out in different environments and with different types of stressors. We show that with our protocol approximately 50% of mice develop learned helplessness that is not attributable to fear conditioning.  相似文献   
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