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Understanding the factors governing the thermal stability of proteins and correlating them to the sequence and structure is a complex and multiple problem that can nevertheless provide important information on the molecular forces involved in protein folding. Here, we have carried out a comparative genomic study to analyze the effects that different intrinsic and environmental factors have on the thermal stability of frataxins, a family of small mitochondrial iron-binding proteins found in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. Low expression of frataxin in humans causes Friedreich's ataxia, an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease. The human, yeast, and bacterial orthologues were selected as representatives of different evolutionary steps. Although sharing high sequence homology and the same three-dimensional fold, the three proteins have a large variability in their thermal stabilities. Whereas bacterial and human frataxins are thermally stable, well-behaved proteins, under the same conditions yeast frataxin exists in solution as an unstable species with apprechable tracts in a conformational exchange. By designing suitable mutants, we show and justify structurally that the length of the C-terminus is an important intrinsic factor that directly correlates with the thermal stabilities of the three proteins. Thermal stability is also gained by the addition of Fe(2+). This effect, however, is not uniform for the three orthologues nor highly specific for iron: a similar albeit weaker stabilization is observed with other mono- and divalent cations. We discuss the implications that our findings have for the role of frataxins as iron-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium ulcerans causes Buruli ulcer, the third most prevalent mycobacterial infection of immunocompetent humans after tuberculosis and leprosy. Recent work has shown that the production by M. ulcerans of mycolactone, a novel polyketide, may partly explain the pathogenesis of Buruli ulcer. To search for the genetic basis of virulence in M. ulcerans, we took advantage of the close genetic relationship between M. ulcerans and Mycobacterium marinum by performing genomic suppressive subtractive hybridization of M. ulcerans with M. marinum. We identified several DNA fragments specific to M. ulcerans, in particular, a type I polyketide synthase locus with a highly repetitive modular arrangement. We postulate that this locus is responsible for the synthesis of mycolactone in M. ulcerans.  相似文献   
Very little is known about the microbial composition of animal bedding wastes, including poultry litter, and what is known has been deduced from standard culture methods, by which some fastidious organisms that exist in the environment may not be detected. We evaluated the bacterial composition of poultry litter by using a combination of culture and molecular detection. Total aerobic bacteria in poultry litter were detected by culture at 10(9) CFU/g of material. Enteric bacteria such as Enterococcus spp. and coliforms composed 0.1 and 0.01%, respectively, of the total aerobic cultivatable bacteria in poultry litter; no Salmonella strains were detected by culture. In order to characterize the most abundant bacterial groups, we sequenced 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes amplified by PCR with microbial community DNA isolated from poultry litter as the template. From the 16S rDNA library, 31 genera were identified. Twelve families or groups were identified with lactobacilli and Salinococcus spp. forming the most abundant groups. In fact, 82% of the total sequences were identified as gram-positive bacteria with 62% of total belonging to low G+C gram-positive groups. In addition to detection of 16S rDNA sequences associated with the expected fecal bacteria present in manure, we detected many bacterial sequences for organisms, such as Globicatella sulfidofaciens, Corynebacterium ammoniagenes, Corynebacterium urealyticum, Clostridium aminovalericum, Arthrobacter sp., and Denitrobacter permanens, that may be involved in the degradation of wood and cycling of nitrogen and sulfur. Several sequences were identified in the library for bacteria associated with disease in humans and poultry such as clostridia, staphylococci, and Bordetella spp. However, specific PCR targeting other human and veterinary pathogens did not detect the presence of Salmonella, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Campylobacter spp., Yersinia spp., Listeria spp., or toxigenic staphylococci. PCR and DNA hybridization revealed the presence of class 1 integrons with gene cassettes that specify resistance to aminoglycosides and chloramphenicol. Only from understanding the microbial community of animal wastes such as poultry litter can we manage animal disease and limit the impact of animal waste on the environment and human and animal health.  相似文献   
Many of the systems currently employed for heterologous transposon tagging in plants rely on an excision assay to monitor transposon activity. We have used the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter system to assayAc activity inPetunia hybrida. In other species, such as tobacco orArabidopsis, excision ofAc from the SPT gene in sporogenous tissue gives rise to streptomycin-resistant seedlings in the following generation. The frequency of fully streptomycin-resistant seedlings in petunia was low (0.4%) but molecular analysis of these indicated that the actual excision frequency may be as low as 0.05%. This indicates that the SPT assay is not a reliable selection criterion for germinal excision in petunia. Extensive molecular screening for reinsertion ofAc was consistent with a low primary transposition frequency (0%–0.6%). In contrast to these findings, the progeny of confirmed germinal transpositions for three independent transformants showed frequent transposition to new sites (9.5%–17.0%). This suggests a high frequency of secondary transposition compared with primary transposition from the T-DNA. Segregation analysis indicates that the high transposition activity is closely associated with transposed copies ofAc. No evidence was found for an altered methylation state forAc following transposition. The implications of these results for heterologous transposon tagging in petunia are discussed in the context of the reliability of excision reporter systems in general.  相似文献   
Pituitary responsiveness to 200 microgram synthetic LH-RH and to 10 microgram TRH was determined in anoestrous sheep before and after treatment for 3 weeks with progesterone (100 mg/day), or oestradiol (250 microgram/day) plus progesterone (100 mg/day). There was a marked decrease in pituitary responsiveness to LH-RH after progesterone (P is less than 0.01), or oestradiol plus progesterone (P is less than 0.01) treatments, and an increase in response to TRH after oestradiol plus progesterone (P is less than 0.01) treatment. The results demonstrate selective and simultaneous feedback effects of oestradiol and progesterone on pituitary responsiveness to two hypothalamic releasing hormones.  相似文献   
Lactobacilli are members of the normal mucosal microflora of most animals. Many isolates of Lactobacillus spp. are adherent to epithelial cells. In this study, using Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. agilis, we detected adherence in a pattern that suggested that the bacteria were binding to extracellular matrix proteins. Fluorescent microscopy, by using anti-fibronectin antibody, demonstrated that the isolates localize in those areas where fibronectin was detected. In addition, fibronectin pretreatment of the bacterial cells decreased adherence to Intestinal 407 epithelial cell monolayers. Cellular binding to fibronectin was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and affinity binding to radio-labeled fibronectin. Fibronectin may be one of the eukaryotic receptors mediating attachment of Lactobacillus to mucosal surfaces. Received: 19 January 2000 / Accepted: 2 March 2000  相似文献   
Previous studies of the 16S rRNA genes from Mycobacterium ulcerans and Mycobacterium marinum have suggested a very close genetic relationship between these species (99.6% identity). However, these organisms are phenotypically distinct and cause diseases with very different pathologies. To investigate this apparent paradox, we compared 3,306 nucleotides from the partial sequences of eight housekeeping and structural genes derived from 18 M. ulcerans strains and 22 M. marinum strains. This analysis confirmed the close genetic relationship inferred from the 16S rRNA data, with nucleotide sequence identity ranging from 98.1 to 99.7%. The multilocus sequence analysis also confirmed previous genotype studies of M. ulcerans that have identified distinct genotypes within a geographical region. Single isolates of both M. ulcerans and M. marinum that were shown by the sequence analysis to be the most closely related were then selected for further study. One- and two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was employed to compare the architecture and size of the genome from each species. Genome sizes of approximately 4.4 and 4.6 Mb were obtained for M. ulcerans and M. marinum, respectively. Significant macrorestriction fragment polymorphism was observed between the species. However, hybridization analysis of DNA cleaved with more frequently cutting enzymes identified significant preservation of the flanking sequence at seven of the eight loci sequenced. The exception was the 16S rRNA locus. Two high-copy-number insertion sequences, IS2404 and IS2606, have recently been reported in M. ulcerans, and significantly, these elements are not present in M. marinum. Hybridization of the AseI restriction fragments from M. ulcerans with IS2404 and IS2606 indicated widespread genome distribution for both of these repeated sequences. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that M. ulcerans has recently diverged from M. marinum by the acquisition and concomitant loss of DNA in a manner analogous to the emergence of M. tuberculosis, where species diversity is being driven mainly by the activity of mobile DNA elements.  相似文献   
We recently described the use of PCR to identify the environmental source of Mycobacterium ulcerans during an outbreak of ulcerative disease that occurred in a localized region of southeast Australia. The PCR used was based on amplification of the M. ulcerans-specific insertion sequence, IS2404. In this study we developed a new test that is a substantial improvement over the original PCR method in terms of sensitivity, reliability, and ease of use. In the new method magnetic bead sequence capture-PCR is used to detect two M. ulcerans sequences (IS2404 and IS2606) and total mycobacterial 16S ribosomal DNA. We used sequence capture-PCR to test water and plant material collected over a 12-month period during 1998 and 1999 from sites near the centers of two distinct foci of M. ulcerans infections. A golf course irrigation system in one area and a small shallow lake in another area repeatedly were PCR positive for M. ulcerans. Nearby sites and sites unrelated to the endemic areas were negative. Based on the PCR data, a most-probable-number method was used to estimate the concentration of M. ulcerans cells in positive samples from both regions. This procedure resulted in average concentrations of 0.5 cell per 100 ml of water and 40 cells per 100 g of detritus. Loss of the PCR signal coincided with a decrease in ulcerative disease in each area. These results provide further evidence that M. ulcerans may be transmitted from a point environmental source and demonstrate the utility of magnetic bead sequence capture-PCR for identification of nonculturable microbial pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   
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