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Methods are presented for investigating the site and form of growth of bacteria in model oil-in-water emulsions and in dairy cream. Following growth of the bacteria, the continuous aqueous phase is gelled using agarose and the oil phase removed using a mixture of chloroform and methanol. Using this method, the authors have found that Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica grow in the form of colonies in concentrated oil-in-water emulsions. Colonies of L. monocytogenes and Y. enterocolitica also form in artificially-inoculated fresh and tinned dairy cream. If information about the precise site of growth is not required, the authors have discovered that intact colonies can be liberated from the model emulsions by dissolving away the oil phase with chloroform: methanol.  相似文献   
Nesting behaviour of Abert squirrels (Sciurus aberti), including site selection and use, was studied in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder County, Colorado. Only females were observed building nests, although both males and females maintained nests once they were built. Communal nesting by Abert squirrels was rare, but the majority of observed nest sharings involved unrelated male and female pairs. A total of 14 variables were used to evaluate the nests (n = 49) inhabited by Abert squirrels from May 1988 to Jun. 1991. All nests were located in Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) trees. The majority of nests were constructed of twigs and located in the upper one-third of the canopy, near the trunk, on the south-east side of the tree. Trees with nests were predominantly located in closed stands. Nest trees, when compared with unused control trees that were equally accessible to squirrels, were significantly different from control trees in five of nine variables. Nest tree crowns intertwined with a larger number of adjacent tree crowns than did control tree crowns. Nest trees were also significantly taller than control trees, but subdominant to adjacent trees within a stand. Seasonal and diurnal patterns of nest use indicate that Abert squirrels do not choose nest locations on the south-east sides of trees to facilitate behavioural thermoregulation. Rather, Abert squirrels select nest site locations to (1) maximize accessibility and (2) maximize structural stability which may provide protection from wind and rain.  相似文献   
In a study of nine families with “site-specific” ovarian cancer (criterion: three or more cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and no cases of breast cancer diagnosed at age <50 years) we have obtained evidence of linkage to the breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1 on 17q12-21. If the risk of cancer in these families is assumed to be restricted to the ovary, the best estimate of the proportion of families linked to BRCA1 is .78 (95% confidence interval .32–1.0). If predisposition to both breast and ovarian cancer is assumed, the proportion linked is 1.0 (95% confidence interval .46–1.0). The linkage of familial site-specific ovarian cancer to BRCA1 indicates the possibility of predictive testing in such families; however, this is only appropriate in families where the evidence for linkage to BRCA1 is conclusive.  相似文献   
We studied the diel migrations of several species of microorganisms in a hypersaline, layered microbial mat. The migrations were quantified by repeated coring of the mat with glass capillary tubes. The resulting minicores were microscopically analyzed by using bright-field and epifluorescence (visible and infrared) microscopy to determine depths of coherent layers and were later dissected to determine direct microscopic counts of microorganisms. Microelectrode measurements of oxygen concentration, fiber optic microprobe measurements of light penetration within the mat, and incident irradiance measurements accompanied the minicore sampling. In addition, pigment content, photosynthesis and irradiance responses, the capacity for anoxygenic photosynthesis, and gliding speeds were determined for the migrating cyanobacteria. Heavily pigmented Oscillatoria sp. and Spirulina cf. subsalsa migrated downward into the mat during the early morning and remained deep until dusk, when upward migration occurred. The mean depth of the migration (not more than 0.4 to 0.5 mm) was directly correlated with the incident irradiance over the mat surface. We estimated that light intensity at the upper boundary of the migrating cyanobacteria was attenuated to such an extent that photoinhibition was effectively avoided but that intensities which saturated photosynthesis were maintained through most of the daylight hours. Light was a cue of paramount importance in triggering and modulating the migration of the cyanobacteria, even though the migrating phenomenon could not be explained solely in terms of a light response. We failed to detect diel migration patterns for other cyanobacterial species and filamentous anoxyphotobacteria. The sulfide-oxidizing bacterium Beggiatoa sp. migrated as a band that followed low oxygen concentrations within the mat during daylight hours. During the nighttime, part of this population migrated toward the mat surface, but a significant proportion remained deep.  相似文献   
We surveyed the howling monkey population at La Pacifica in Costa Rica over a 1-month period in July and August 1991. The survey method consisted of an initial 6-day survey, directly comparable to a 1984 survey, and at least two repeat surveys of all areas to locate all groups and to identify all animals. The initial survey indicated an increase in the number of groups and a decrease in the size of groups from earlier surveys, though the group composition was unchanged. We used the results of initial and repeat surveys to determine population size and composition. We located 30 groups with a total of 370 animals. Twenty-one groups contained animals marked with collars and/or legbands, and four additional groups contained animals with clearly identifiable white markings. Although the population structure has changed over 7 years, it is still within the species-typical range for Alouatta palliata.  相似文献   
The development of the epidermal layer of roots of Zea is traced from the quiescent centre to the zone where root hairs develop. In the zone of cell division a three layered coat forms on the outside of the epidermal cells consisting of the outer epidermal walls, overlaid by a two-layered pellicle composed of a thick fibrillar inner layer of polysaccharide, and a thin fibrillar outer layer of protein. The epidermal cells divide several times in the same longitudinal file but rarely across a radius to give a new longitudinal file. Thus, the radial walls become much thicker than all but the original transverse walls, and packets of up to 32 daughter cells derived from a single initial may be distinguished. The pellicle develops during these divisions as a continuum over the outer walls of the daughter cells. It is proposed that the pellicle provides a stiffening to the forward end of the root which permits it to penetrate soil without bending. Support for this hypothesis is shown by the Zea mays mutant Ageotropic in which the pellicle is absent, the epidermal surface is disorganized, and which grows crookedly through soil. In the zone of extension growth of normal roots of two Zea species the pellicle thins and disappears. Circumferential strips of the pellicle were peeled off the young epidermal cells and could be stretched to twice their length. This deformation is partly the result of the pellicle stretching and breaking above the attachments of the radial walls. After normal thinning of the pellicle, detachment of the radial walls at their outer ends produces a corrugated surface in the proximal zone of the root tips. In dicotyledons (e.g., soybean), there is no similar pellicle, but a stiff root tip is produced by a long multi-layered root cap, the proximal portion of which covers the elongating epidermal surface.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to discover whether genetic manipulation of 6-phosphofructokinase [EC; PFK(ATP)] influenced the rate of respiration of tuber tissue of Solanum tuberosum L. Transgenic plants were produced that contained the coding sequence of the Escherichia coli pfkA gene linked to a patatin promoter. Expression of this chimaeric gene in tubers resulted in a 14to 21-fold increase in the maximum catalytic activity of PFK(ATP) without affecting the activities of the other glycolytic enzymes. Tubers, and aged disks of tuber tissue, from transformed plants showed no more than a 30% fall in the content of hexose 6-monophosphates; the other intermediates of glycolysis increased threeto eightfold. Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate was barely detectable in aged disks of transformed tubers. The relative rates of 14CO2 production from [1-14C]-and [6-14C]-glucose supplied to disks of transformed and control tubers were similar. Oxygen uptake and CO2 production by aged disks of transformed tubers did not differ significantly from those from control tubers. The same was true of CO2 production, in air, and in nitrogen, for tuber tissue. It is concluded that PFK(ATP) does not dominate the control of respiration in potato tubers.Abbreviations Fru2,6bisP fructose-2,6-bisphosphate - FW freshweight - GUS -glucuronidase - PFK(ATP) 6-phosphofructokinase - PFK(PPi) pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase  相似文献   
We produced transgenic mice carrying the native sheep -lactoglobulin (BLG) or fusion genes composed of the BLG promoter and human serum albumin (HSA) minigenes. BLG was expressed exclusively in the mammary glands of the virgin and lactating transgenic mice evaluated. In contrast, transgenic females carrying the BLG/HSA fusion constructs also expressed the HSA RNA ectopically in skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, spleen, salivary gland and skin. Ectopic expression of HSA RNA was detected only in strains that express the transgene in the mammary gland. There was no obvious correlation between the level of the HSA RNA expressed in the mammary gland and that found ectopically. In three transgenic strains analysed, the expression of HSA RNA in kidney and skeletal muscle increased during pregnancy and lactation, whereas in the brain HSA expression decreased during lactation in one of the strains. HSA protein was synthesized in skeletal muscle and skin of strain #23 and its level was higher in lactating mice compared with virgin mice. Expression of HSA was also analysed in males and was found to be more stringently controlled than in females of the same strains.In situ hybridization analyses localized the expressed transgene in the skin, kidney, brain and salivary glands of various transgenic strains. Distinct strain-specific and cell-type specific HSA expression patterns were observed in the skin. This is in contrast to the exclusive expression of the HSA transgene in epithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary gland. Taken together, these results suggest that the absence of sufficient mammary-specific regulatory elements in the BLG promoter sequences and/or the juxtaposition of the BLG promoter with the HSA coding sequences leads to novel tissue- and cell-specific expression in ectopic tissues of transgenic mice.  相似文献   
Synopsis Sex ratios of least brook lamprey,Lampetra aepyptera, larvae varied widely among 12 geographically-diverse streams of the eastern United States. The extremes were 29 and 71% male, and the proportion of males increased significantly with relative population density, which was estimated among the streams from the number of larvae collected per m2 of substrate. The skewed sex ratios were not likely due to differential mortality between the sexes or differential recruitment to the adult stock, since they were established at the time of gonadal differentiation (at ca. 2 years of age) and remained relatively constant over the subsequent 2–3 years of larval life. Furthermore, although females seemed to predominate in the oldest larval age class, thus appearing to metamorphose later than males, their numbers were small and were omitted from the overall sex ratio. Sex ratio did not vary significantly with water hardness, pH, annual thermal units, or latitude. The possible adaptive significance of density-dependent sex determination in lampreys, however, remains elusive. It has been proposed that growth-promoting conditions might yield female-biased sex ratios as a tactic for ensuring that relatively large individuals become females, thereby increasing their fecundity. As predicted, larval size at a given age was generally greater in low-density populations, but there was no relationship between sex ratio and larval size, and female larvae were not consistently larger than the males.  相似文献   
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