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Lipsitz, Lewis A., Raymond Morin, Margaret Gagnon, DanKiely, and Aharon Medina. Vasomotor instability precedingtilt-induced syncope: does respiration play a role? J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 383-390, 1997.This studyaimed to determine whether alterations in cardiovascular dynamicsbefore syncope are related to changes in spontaneous respiration.Fifty-two healthy subjects underwent continuous heart rate (HR),arterial blood pressure (BP), and respiratory measurements during10-min periods of spontaneous and paced breathing (0.25 Hz) in thesupine and 60° head-up tilt positions. Data were evaluated by powerspectrum and transfer function analyses. During tilt, 27 subjectsdeveloped syncope or presyncope and 25 remained asymptomatic. Subjectswith tilt-induced syncope had significantly greater increases inlow-frequency (0.04-0.15 Hz) systolic BP, diastolic BP, and HRpower during tilt than the asymptomatic subjects(P  0.01). This difference waspresent during spontaneous but not paced breathing. However, averagetidal volume, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, proportion ofbreaths below 0.15 Hz, and low-frequency respiratory power during tilt did not differ between syncopal and nonsyncopal subjects. Transfer magnitudes between low-frequency respiration and BP, and between BP andinterbeat interval, were also similar between groups. Thus vasomotorinstability before syncope is not related to alterations in respirationor the cardiovagal baroreflex but may reflect oscillating centralsympathetic outflow to the vasculature.

The mutant allele giant of Drosophila melanogaster affects the timing and the level of increase in ecdysteroid titer normally occurring at puparium formation. The third larval instar is extended by 4 days in phenotypically “giant” individuals during which the imaginal discs mature slower than normal and finally take on the folding pattern characteristic of maturity at a time when normal individuals have already formed puparia. After puparium formation, development occurs at the same rate in giant and wild-type animals. Feeding 20-hydroxyecdysone at 94 hr after oviposition allows giant larvae to develop at the same rate as wild-type larvae and to produce normal-sized adults (although at 94 hr the imaginal discs of giant lack much of the folding pattern of mature discs). Radioimmunological determination of ecdysteroid titers in giant and normal individuals indicates that the peak of ecdysteroid activity associated with puparium formation is lower in giant and occurs 4 days later than normal. These results indicate that giant is an ecdysteroid-deficient mutant with major effects on metamorphosis. Unlike previously reported ecdysteroid-deficient mutants, however, giant larvae eventually develop into adults and may be induced to undergo complete metamorphosis at the same time as wild type by feeding 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   
After propagation of Rhizopus javanicus in defined media containing glucose, urea, and mineral salts in deionized distilled water, the ability of the nonliving biomass to sequester cupric ion was assayed. Growth, uptake capacity (saturation uptake at >1 mM Cu2+ concentration in solution), and biosorptive yield (biomass concentration × uptake capacity) were increased by augmentation of the growth medium with mineral salts once growth was under way. In the stationary phase, the uptake capacity of mycelia, which were normally a poor biosorbent, was improved within 4 h of trace metal addition to the growth medium. Growth of the culture was inhibited by excessive concentrations (0.04 to 40 μM) of metals in the medium in the following order: Cu > Co ≥ Ni > Mn > Mo; zinc was not inhibitory at 40 μM, and chromium was stimulatory at 0.53 μM but slightly inhibitory at higher levels. Iron and potassium phosphate stimulated growth at levels of 0.53 and 40 mM, respectively. When R. javanicus was propagated in a medium with a high salt concentration, exponential growth (0.23 h−1) to a biomass concentration of >3 g/liter and a biosorptive yield of >500 μmol/liter was achieved. It is evident that the powerful biosorbent characteristics of Rhizopus biomass led to depletion of available trace minerals in suspension culture, which in turn limited growth.  相似文献   
Summary Transfer RNA genes have been mapped to at least nine different loci on the physical map of the Euglena gracilis chloroplast genome. One of these loci in the ribosomal RNA operons is present three times per genome. The DNA sequences of six of the nine different loci, containing 21 different tRNA genes, have been determined. Genes corresponding to the amino acids Ala, Arg, Asn, Cys, Gln, Gly (2), Glu, His, Ile, Leu (2), Met (2), Phe, Ser, Thr, Trp, Tyr, Val, and one unassigned species have been identified. All genes except one are found in clusters of 2–6 genes. None of the known genes contains introns, nor codes for the 3-CCA terminus. In addition to these genes, two pseudo tRNA genes are present in the rDNA leader region.  相似文献   
Role of microtubules in the intracellular transport of growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Pulse-chase experiments utilising(3H)leucine have been used to study the effects of colchicine and vinblastine on intracellular transport and secretion of newly synthesised growth hormone from rat anterior pituitary fragments. Growth hormone was isolated from medium and fragments by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When colchicine or vinblastine, which disrupt microtubules, were added immediately after pulse labelling, inhibition of the subsequent secretion of newly synthesised growth hormone was detected throughout the succeeding 5 h. Similar inhibition was seen if the drugs were added after a 1 h delay. However, if colchicine or vinblastine were added only after a 2 h chase incubation, then no significant effect on subsequent release of labelled growth hormone was seen. The results suggest that these agents may inhibit the transport of newly formed growth hormone storage granules from the Golgi complex to the cytoplasmic pool. Microtubules do not appear to be involved in the mechanism of the final secretion of newly synthesised hormone by exocytosis.These studies were supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and British Diabetic Association  相似文献   
Two basic patterns of exine ultrastructure are found in theCompositae, the caveate Helianthoid pattern and the non-caveate Anthemoid pattern. TheHeliantheae, Astereae, Inuleae, Sececioneae, Calenduleae andEupatorieae all have pollen with caveate exines. TheMutisiseae, Vernonieae andCardueae have predominately Anthemoid pollen. TheAnthemideae, Arctoteae andLactuceae have pollen with exines of both patterns. Recent investigations of pollen in theVernonieae suggest that these exine ultrastructures in the family have evolved in response to mechanical stresses on the wall which are caused by changes in volume of the grain as it loses or gains water from its environment.  相似文献   
Root tip mitosis in both Vinca rosea and the chosen control Lepidium sativum is susceptible to the effects of colchicine at and above 5×10–4 M. — Root tip mitosis in L. sativum is susceptible to the effects of vinblastine at concentrations equal to and greater than 10–4 M, while root tip mitosis in V. rosea, the plant which is the source of vinblastine, is unaffected by exogenously-applied VBL at concentrations up to and including 10–2 M. — The possible mechanisms by which this resistance of V. rosea to vinblastine might be conferred are discussed.  相似文献   
A silver ion-loaded microparticulate cation-exchange resin column has been used for high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) separation of the p-nitrophenacyl esters of several series of closely related prostaglandins: 8-iso-PGE2, 11-epi-PGE2, 5-trans-PGE2, PGE2, PGF, PGE1, and PGF, PGA2 and PGB2; 15 (R)-methyl-PGE2 and 15 (S)-methyl-PGE2; 5-trans-PGA2 and PGA2; and 5-trans-PGF and PGF. The properties of this column are compared with those of silica-gel and reversed-phase columns.  相似文献   
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