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The dramatic latitudinal cline in P-M hybrid dysgenesis characteristics along the east coast of Australia is not smooth. Tests of recent collections of Drosophila melanogaster from the southeastern coast define the previously described cline as comprising three discrete, apparently contiguous regions of P, Q and M phenotypes, respectively. Northern populations from Cairns (16.9°SLat) to Ourimbah (33.4°SLat) are phenotypically P; populations from Wollongong (34.4°SLat) to Eden (37.1°SLat) are Q; and populations from Genoa (37.5°SLat) to Cygnet (43.2°SLat) are M. The decline in P activity from northern Queensland (55-60% gonadal dysgenesis (GD) in cross A) to mid-New South Wales (20-30% GD in cross A) is gradual; proceeding south, there then is a sharp drop to Q populations (<10% GD in crosses A and A*). This drop in P activity occurs in only 150 km, across the urban and suburban area of Sydney. Q populations are then found south to Eden, but Genoa, only about 50 km further southeast, is clearly M (48% GD in cross A*), as are two populations further south. The two discontinuities in the P-M cline do not correspond to obvious climatic differences along the coast, nor to obvious barriers to dispersal of D. melanogaster. The cline has apparently not moved between 1983 and 1985-1986.  相似文献   
Summary Tumours produce substances that inhibit the expression of cell-mediated immunity, in the form of delayed-type hypersensitivity in mice. Phenol-saline extracts of bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma (BOSCC) which have immunotherapeutic activity in cattle were able to immunize mice against this depressive effect. Such immunization was effective against products of BOSCC, a spontaneous rat tumour, three of four human tumour cell lines and (in other experiments) mouse tumours. Phenol-saline extracts of mouse tumour cell lines were immunogenic (protective against depression of delayed-type hypersensitivity) in mice. Fractions of BOSCC phenol-saline extracts which were immunotherapeutically active in cattle were generally also protective in mice. The protective activity was lost after treatment with proteinase K, and was present in the supernatant after precipitation with 55% ammonium sulphate. It was not affected by treatment with RNase or DNase or by heating to 50 °C for 2 h. It was present in gel filtration fractions with an apparent molecular weight of 10,000–37,000 daltons. The immunogenic factor in mice and the immunotherapeutic factor in cattle may be related to each other.  相似文献   
Transfection of cells with cloned genes or total genomic DNA offers a means for studying aspects of neoplastic behaviour. We have used this method to examine whether incorporation of the cloned 6.6-kilobase (kb) fragment of DNA containing the mutant c-Ha-ras human oncogene can confer metastatic capability on murine NIH 3T3 cells. Cells co-transfected with the mutated ras gene and the neomycin resistance marker pSV2neo were selected by culture in neomycin. On subcutaneous inoculation into MF 1 nude mice, these cells proved to be tumourigenic with short latent periods (approximately 14 days)--nude mice were used to circumvent immunological rejection of the mouse cells expressing the product of the human oncogene. Transfectants were capable of lung colonisation after intravenous injection, but there was no evidence of spontaneous metastasis at autopsy, or on histological examination of the lungs and other organs, 90 days after inoculation. Incorporation of the transfected oncogene was confirmed by Southern blotting and its expression by dot-blot hybridisation and immunoprecipitation. The results in this experimental system indicate that transfection of a mutated human ras oncogene into non-neoplastic 3T3 cells can confer part of the metastatic phenotype, namely lung colonisation, but is not by itself sufficient to induce spontaneous metastatic behaviour.  相似文献   
Agroinfection and nucleotide sequence of cloned wheat dwarf virus DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cloned DNA of the geminivirus wheat dwarf virus (WDV) was successfully used to infect seedling wheat plants. The clone was derived from circular double-stranded viral DNA isolated from naturally infected tissue. The initiation of infection was mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens using cloned dimeric WDV genomes in a binary Agrobacterium vector. The WDV DNA which comprised the infectious clone was sequenced and is compared with the published sequence of a Swedish isolate of the same virus. The results confirm that the single WDV genome component of 2.75 kb carries all the information necessary for production of viral symptoms, virus particles and viral double- and single-stranded DNA forms.  相似文献   
The concentration requirements of calmodulin in altering basal, GTP-, and dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase activities in an EGTA-washed particulate fraction from bovine striatum were examined. In the bovine striatal particulate fraction, calmodulin activated basal adenylate cyclase activity 3.5-fold, with an EC50 of 110 nM. Calmodulin also potentiated the activation of adenylate cyclase by GTP by decreasing the EC50 for GTP from 303 +/- 56 nM to 60 +/- 10 nM. Calmodulin did not alter the maximal response to GTP. The EC50 for calmodulin in potentiating the GTP response was only 11 nM as compared to 110 nM for activation of basal activity. Similarly, calmodulin increased the maximal stimulation of adenylate cyclase by dopamine by 50-60%. The EC50 for calmodulin in eliciting this response was 35 nM. These data demonstrate that calmodulin can both activate basal adenylate cyclase and potentiate adenylate cyclase activities that involve the activating GTP-binding protein, Ns. Mechanisms that involve potentiation of Ns-mediated effects are much more sensitive to calmodulin than is the activation of basal adenylate cyclase activity. Potentiation of GTP-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity by calmodulin was apparent at 3 and 5 mM MgCl2, but not at 1 or 10 mM MgCl2. These data further support a role for calmodulin in hormonal signalling and suggest that calmodulin can regulate cyclic AMP formation by more than one mechanism.  相似文献   
Tonoplast vesicles prepared from immature sugarcane ( Saccharum spp., hybrid cv. H65–7052) tissue and purified on a discontinuous dextran gradient take up sucrose. Uptake was stimulated by MgATP. Evidence that the mechanism is linked to proton transport is derived from "pH jump'data and from inhibition of ATP-stimulated sucrose transport by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and by the proton-channel blocker of proton-linked ATPases. N. N '-dicyclo-hexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). A saturable phase of sucrose uptake was found at low substrate concentrations, and a linear phase characterized uptake at higher concentrations. Uptake was specific for sucrose, as demonstrated by competition experiments with various sugars. Sucrose uptake by the vesicle fraction was inhibited by KNO3, protonophores and protein modifying reagents, whereas sodium orthovanadate had no effect. Overall, the evidence suggests an ATP-hydrolysis-dependent tonoplasl antiport for sucrose transport, although a more direct influence of ATP on conformational changes in relevant tonoplast proteins cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
A 41 amino acid peptide, probably identical in structure to human corticotropin releasing factor, was isolated from 70 equine hypothalami by methanol extraction, immunoaffinity chromatography and single step of reverse phase HPLC. The amino acid sequence was determined by gas phase sequence analysis. Probable carboxyl terminal amidation was demonstrated by similar retention times for equine and human corticotropin releasing factor on reverse phase HPLC at pH 8. The likely structure of equine corticotropin releasing factor is: Ser-Glu-Glu-Pro-Pro- Ile-Ser-Leu-Asp-Leu-Thr-Phe-His-Leu-Leu-Arg-Glu-Val-Leu-Glu-Met-Ala-Arg-Ala-Glu-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Gln-Ala-His-Ser-Asn- Arg-Lys-Leu-Met-Glu-Ile-Ile-NH2. The purified peptide is equipotent with human corticotropin releasing factor in an in vitro bioassay and in a human plasma binding protein assay.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of nine cereal fungi to irradiation on grain and in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was investigated. Species of Fusarium and Alternaria were more resistant to irradiation (higher D 10 value) than Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. Generally D 10 values determined on grain were lower than the corresponding values measured in PBS. The plating medium did not significantly affect the D 10 values.  相似文献   
An antigen making a major contribution to the immune response to Drosophila melanogaster chromatin resides primarily on a nonhistone charge-class family of proteins of Mr 74,000. Immunofluorescence detects this antigen at interbands, puffs and diffuse bands of D. melanogaster salivary chromosomes isolated without exposure to acid fixatives, and on nucleoplasmic ribonucleoprotein droplets. In the electron microscope, gold labelling reveals the binding of monoclonal antibodies specific for the antigen at chromosomal loci generally bearing putative ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles. However, the locus 3C 11–12 is remarkable in that it bears putative RNP particles but is virtually unlabelled, suggesting protein specificity at different active loci.  相似文献   
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