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Summary The 2m based yeast plasmid, pLG669-z, was stably maintained in aS. cerevisiae strain during continuous culture with cyclic growth rate changes. In the absence of a selective mechanism, the fraction of plasmid containing cells remained high, and even without optimisation, high gene expression levels could be obtained.  相似文献   
Two epidemics of a new virus disease, tanapox, occurred in 1957 and 1962 among the Wapakomo tribe along the Tana River in Kenya. Several hundred people were affected by a short febrile illness with headache and prostration and the disease was characterized by a single pock-like lesion on the upper part of the body. A pox virus, unrelated to the vaccinia-variola group, has been incriminated as the causative agent. The virus has a limited host range and has been grown only in human and monkey tissue cultures, and so far the only animals that have proved susceptible in the laboratory have been monkeys. The characteristic lesions have been reproduced in a human volunteer. Histopathological and electron microscopic studies indicate that the virus belongs to the pox group, but serological tests show that it differs from other animal pox viruses, including yabapox virus of monkeys. A similar if not identical pox virus has caused epidemics in primate colonies in the U.S.A. It is suggested that tanapox is a zoonosis and that the disease is transmitted from monkeys to man in Kenya.  相似文献   
Quantitative research has called attention to the burden associated with informal caregiving in home nursing arrangements. Less emphasis has been placed, however, on care recipients’ subjective feelings of being a burden and on caregivers’ willingness to carry the burden in home care. This article uses empirical material from semi‐structured interviews conducted with older people affected by multiple chronic conditions and in need of long‐term home care, and with informal and professional caregivers, as two groups of relevant others. The high burden of home‐care arrangements is unanimously stressed by all three groups involved in the triangle of care. An empirical‐ethical investigation of what can be legitimately expected from family members and informal caregivers, informed by Frith's symbiotic empirical ethics approach, was undertaken. Key tenets from the special goods theory and nursing professionalism are used as analytical tools. The study concludes that the current situation may hinder professional development and can reinforce feelings of being a burden to relevant others.  相似文献   
Many extracellular signals act via the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade in which kinetics, cell-cell variability, and sensitivity of the ERK response can all influence cell fate. Here we used automated microscopy to explore the effects of ERK-mediated negative feedback on these attributes in cells expressing endogenous ERK or ERK2-GFP reporters. We studied acute rather than chronic stimulation with either epidermal growth factor (ErbB1 activation) or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PKC activation). In unstimulated cells, ERK-mediated negative feedback reduced the population-average and cell-cell variability of the level of activated ppERK and increased its robustness to changes in ERK expression. In stimulated cells, negative feedback (evident between 5 min and 4 h) also reduced average levels and variability of phosphorylated ERK (ppERK) without altering the “gradedness” or sensitivity of the response. Binning cells according to total ERK expression revealed, strikingly, that maximal ppERK responses initially occur at submaximal ERK levels and that this non-monotonic relationship changes to an increasing, monotonic one within 15 min. These phenomena occur in HeLa cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells and in the presence and absence of ERK-mediated negative feedback. They were best modeled assuming distributive (rather than processive) activation. Thus, we have uncovered a novel, time-dependent change in the relationship between total ERK and ppERK levels that persists without negative feedback. This change makes acute response kinetics dependent on ERK level and provides a “gating” or control mechanism in which the interplay between stimulus duration and the distribution of ERK expression across cells could modulate the proportion of cells that respond to stimulation.  相似文献   
Activation of seven-transmembrane region receptors typically causes their phosphorylation with consequent arrestin binding and desensitization. Arrestins also act as scaffolds, mediating signaling to Raf and ERK and, for some receptors, inhibiting nuclear translocation of ERK. GnRH receptors (GnRHRs) act via Gq/11 to stimulate the phospholipase C/Ca2+/protein kinase C (PKC) cascade and the Raf/MEK/ERK cassette. Uniquely, type I mammalian GnRHRs lack the C-tails that are found in other seven-transmembrane region receptors (including nonmammalian GnRHRs) and are implicated in arrestin binding. Here we have compared ERK signaling by human GnRHRs (hGnRHRs) and Xenopus GnRHRs (XGnRHRs). In HeLa cells, XGnRHRs underwent rapid and arrestin-dependent internalization and caused arrestin/green fluorescent protein (GFP) translocation to the membrane and endosomes, whereas hGnRHRs did not. Internalized XGnRHRs were co-localized with arrestin-GFP, whereas hGnRHRs were not. Both receptors mediated transient ERK phosphorylation and nuclear translocation (revealed by immunohistochemistry or by imaging of co-transfected ERK2-GFP), and for both, ERK phosphorylation was reduced by PKC inhibition but not by inhibiting epidermal growth factor receptor autophosphorylation. In the presence of PKC inhibitor, Deltaarrestin-(319-418) blocked XGnRHR-mediated, but not hGnRHR-mediated, ERK phosphorylation. When receptor number was varied, hGnRHRs activated phospholipase C and ERK more efficiently than XGnRHRs but were less efficient at causing ERK2-GFP translocation. At high receptor number, XGnRHRs and hGnRHRs both caused ERK2-GFP translocation to the nucleus, but at low receptor number, XGnRHRs caused ERK2-GFP translocation, whereas hGnRHRs did not. Thus, experiments with XGnRHRs have revealed the first direct evidence of arrestin-mediated (probably G protein-independent) GnRHR signaling, whereas those with hGnRHRs imply that scaffolds other than arrestins can determine GnRHR effects on ERK compartmentalization.  相似文献   
The intratumoral heterogeneity of cancer testis antigens (CTA) expression, which is driven by promoter methylation status, may hamper the effectiveness of CTA‐directed vaccination of melanoma patients. Thus, we investigated whether the intratumoral heterogeneity of CTA expression is inherited at cellular level, or evolves throughout cellular replication, leading to a phenotypically unstable tumor cell population with reduced immunogenicity and/or able to escape immune control. Utilizing a previously characterized ex vivo clonal model of intratumoral heterogeneity of CTA expression in melanoma, Mel 313 MAGE‐A3‐low clone 5 (clone 5M3‐low) and MAGE‐A3‐high clone 14 (clone 14M3‐high) were sub‐cloned and analyzed for CTA profile. Molecular assays demonstrated that levels of MAGE‐A3 expression were highly conserved among generated sub‐clones, as compared to parental clones. A similar behavior was identified for an extensive panel of other CTA investigated. Inherited levels of MAGE‐A3 expression correlated with the extent of promoter methylation among clone 5M3‐low and clone 14M3‐high sub‐clones analyzed. Treatment of clone 5M3‐low with a DNA hypomethylating agent (DHA) resulted in an up‐regulated expression of MAGE‐A3, which was inherited at single cell level, being still detectable at day 60 in its sub‐clones. Bisulfite sequencing demonstrated that also MAGE‐A3 promoter methylation status was inherited among sub‐clones generated from DHA‐treated clone 5M3‐low and strictly correlated with MAGE‐A3 expression levels in investigated sub‐clones. Similar results were obtained for additional CTA studied. Altogether our findings demonstrate that constitutive and DHA‐modified CTA profiles of melanoma cells are clonally inherited throughout cellular replications, thus providing relevant insights to improve the effectiveness of CTA‐based immunotherapy. J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 352–358, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) acts via G-protein-coupled receptors on gonadotrophs to stimulate synthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. It is secreted in pulses, and its effects depend on pulse frequency, but decoding mechanisms are unknown. Here we have used an extracellular signal regulated kinase-green fluorescent protein (ERK2-GFP) reporter to monitor GnRH signaling. GnRH caused dose-dependent ERK2-GFP translocation to the nucleus, providing a live-cell readout for activation. Pulsatile GnRH caused dose- and frequency-dependent ERK2-GFP translocation. These responses were rapid and transient, showed only digital tracking, and did not desensitize under any condition tested (dose, frequency, and receptor number varied). We also tested for the effects of cycloheximide (to prevent induction of nuclear-inducible MAPK phosphatases) and used GFP fusions containing ERK mutations (D319N, which prevents docking domain-dependent binding to MAPK phosphatases, and K52R, which prevents catalytic activity). These manipulations had little or no effect on the translocation responses, arguing against a role for MAPK phosphatases or ERK-mediated feedback in shaping ERK activation during pulsatile stimulation. GnRH also caused dose- and frequency-dependent activation of the α-gonadotropin subunit-, luteinizing hormone β-, and follicle-stimulating hormone β- luciferase reporters, and the latter response was inhibited by ERK1/2 knockdown. Moreover, GnRH caused frequency-dependent activation of an Egr1-luciferase reporter, but the response was proportional to cumulative pulse duration. Our data suggest that frequency decoding is not due to negative feedback shaping ERK signaling in this model.  相似文献   
The liver, an organ with an exceptional regeneration capacity, carries out a wide range of functions, such as detoxification, metabolism and homeostasis. As such, hepatocytes are an important model for a large variety of research questions. In particular, the use of human hepatocytes is especially important in the fields of pharmacokinetics, toxicology, liver regeneration and translational research. Thus, this method presents a modified version of a two-step collagenase perfusion procedure to isolate hepatocytes as described by Seglen 1.Previously, hepatocytes have been isolated by mechanical methods. However, enzymatic methods have been shown to be superior as hepatocytes retain their structural integrity and function after isolation. This method presented here adapts the method designed previously for rat livers to human liver pieces and results in a large yield of hepatocytes with a viability of 77±10%. The main difference in this procedure is the process of cannulization of the blood vessels. Further, the method described here can also be applied to livers from other species with comparable liver or blood vessel sizes.  相似文献   
We have identified a novel human gene (mig-6) that is rapidly induced upon mitogenic stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts. Serum induction is partially inhibited by protein synthesis inhibitors, indicating that mig-6 shares characteristics of both primary and secondary response genes. In contrast to most other mitogen-responsive genes, mig-6 mRNA expression is also regulated during normal cell cycle progression, showing a clear peak around mid-G1. Consistent with the regulation of mig-6 expression during the cell cycle, terminal differentiation of HL-60 cells to either granulocytic or macrophage-like cells also leads to clear changes in the levels of mig-6 mRNA. These observations suggest that the mig-6 gene represents a useful tool for the analysis of cell cycle progression and perhaps terminal differentiation. As a first step toward a functional characterization we show that the Mig-6 polypeptide is located in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Although many stimuli activate extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), the kinetics and compartmentalization of ERK1/2 signals are stimulus-dependent and dictate physiological consequences. ERKs can be inactivated by dual specificity phosphatases (DUSPs), notably the MAPK phosphatases (MKPs) and atypical DUSPs, that can both dephosphorylate and scaffold ERK1/2. Using a cell imaging model (based on knockdown of endogenous ERKs and add-back of wild-type or mutated ERK2-GFP reporters), we explored possible effects of DUSPs on responses to transient or sustained ERK2 activators (epidermal growth factor and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, respectively). For both stimuli, a D319N mutation (which impairs DUSP binding) increased ERK2 activity and reduced nuclear accumulation. These stimuli also increased mRNA levels for eight DUSPs. In a short inhibitory RNA screen, 12 of 16 DUSPs influenced ERK2 responses. These effects were evident among nuclear inducible MKP, cytoplasmic ERK MKP, JNK/p38 MKP, and atypical DUSP subtypes and, with the exception of the nuclear inducible MKPs, were paralleled by corresponding changes in Egr-1 luciferase activation. Simultaneous removal of all JNK/p38 MKPs or nuclear inducible MKPs revealed them as positive and negative regulators of ERK2 signaling, respectively. The effects of JNK/p38 MKP short inhibitory RNAs were not dependent on protein neosynthesis but were reversed in the presence of JNK and p38 kinase inhibitors, indicating DUSP-mediated cross-talk between MAPK pathways. Overall, our data reveal that a large number of DUSPs influence ERK2 signaling. Together with the known tissue-specific expression of DUSPs and the importance of ERK1/2 in cell regulation, our data support the potential value of DUSPs as targets for drug therapy.  相似文献   
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