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A number of antibiotics have been reported to disturb the decoding process in prokaryotic translation and to inhibit the function of various natural ribozymes. We investigated the effect of several antibiotics on in vitro splicing of a eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA (beta-globin). Of the eight antibiotics studied, erythromycin, Cl-tetracycline and streptomycin were identified as splicing inhibitors in nuclear HeLa cell extract. The K(i) values were 160, 180 and 230 microm, respectively. Cl-tetracycline-mediated and streptomycin-mediated splicing inhibition were in the molar inhibition range for hammerhead and human hepatitis delta virus ribozyme self-cleavage (tetracycline), of group-I intron self-splicing (streptomycin) and inhibition of RNase P cleavage by some aminoglycosides. Cl-tetracycline and the aminocyclitol glycoside streptomycin were found to have an indirect effect on splicing by unspecific binding to the pre-mRNA, suggesting that the inhibition is the result of disturbance of the correct folding of the pre-mRNA into the splicing-compatible tertiary structure by the charged groups of these antibiotics. The macrolide, erythromycin, the strongest inhibitor, had only a slight effect on formation of the presplicing complexes A and B, but almost completely inhibited formation of the splicing-active C complex by binding to nuclear extract component(s). This results in direct inhibition of the second step of pre-mRNA splicing. To our knowledge, this is the first report on specific inhibition of nuclear splicing by an antibiotic. The functional groups involved in the interaction of erythromycin with snRNAs and/or splicing factors require further investigation.  相似文献   
The structure and reactivity of the complex [Ru(2,3-Medpp)2Cl2](PF6)2 (2,3-Medpp+=2-[2-(1-methylpyridiniumyl)]-3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazine) was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), 1H NMR, redox, and UV-Vis absorption measurements. X-ray analysis shows that crystals obtained from an acetonitrile-toluene solution contain the trans-Cl2, trans-pyrazine isomeric form, while 1H NMR and redox measurements on the main product of the synthetic workup indicate the presence of the trans-Cl2, cis-pyrazine isomer. In the dark at 70 °C, the complex [Ru(2,3-Medpp)2Cl2]2+ reacts slowly in acetonitrile isomerizing to the cis-[Ru(2,3-Medpp)2(CH3CN)Cl]3+ species. Under ambient light in the presence of excess AgNO3 the cis-[Ru(2,3-Medpp)2(CH3CN)2]4+ species is obtained.  相似文献   
Some soil bacteria protect plants against soil-borne diseases by producing toxic secondary metabolites. Such beneficial biocontrol bacteria can be used in agricultural systems as alternative to agrochemicals. The broad spectrum toxins responsible for plant protection also inhibit predation by protozoa and nematodes, the main consumers of bacteria in soil. Therefore, predation pressure may favour biocontrol bacteria and contribute to plant health. We analyzed the effect of Acanthamoeba castellanii on semi-natural soil bacterial communities in a microcosm experiment. We determined the frequency of culturable bacteria carrying genes responsible for the production of the antifungal compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin (PRN) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in presence and absence of A. castellanii. We then measured if amoebae affected soil suppressiveness in a bioassay with sugar beet seedlings confronted to the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Amoebae increased the frequency of both DAPG and HCN positive bacteria in later plant growth phases (2 and 3 weeks), as well as the average number of biocontrol genes per bacterium. The abundance of DAPG positive bacteria correlated with disease suppression, suggesting that their promotion by amoebae may enhance soil health. However, the net effect of amoebae on soil suppressiveness was neutral to slightly negative, possibly because amoebae slow down the establishment of biocontrol bacteria on the recently emerged seedlings used in the assay. The results indicate that microfaunal predators foster biocontrol bacterial communities. Understanding interactions between biocontrol bacteria and their predators may thus help developing environmentally friendly management practices of agricultural systems.  相似文献   
Absence of carbonic anhydrase in red cell membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serine proteases of the Chymotrypsin family are structurally very similar but have very different substrate preferences. This study investigates a set of 9 different proteases of this family comprising proteases that prefer substrates containing positively charged amino acids, negatively charged amino acids, and uncharged amino acids with varying degree of specificity. Here, we show that differences in electrostatic substrate preferences can be predicted reliably by electrostatic molecular interaction fields employing customized GRID probes. Thus, we are able to directly link protease structures to their electrostatic substrate preferences. Additionally, we present a new metric that measures similarities in substrate preferences focusing only on electrostatics. It efficiently compares these electrostatic substrate preferences between different proteases. This new metric can be interpreted as the electrostatic part of our previously developed substrate similarity metric. Consequently, we suggest, that substrate recognition in terms of electrostatics and shape complementarity are rather orthogonal aspects of substrate recognition. This is in line with a 2‐step mechanism of protein‐protein recognition suggested in the literature.  相似文献   
Ecological stability is the central framework to understand an ecosystem's ability to absorb or recover from environmental change. Recent modelling and conceptual work suggests that stability is a multidimensional construct comprising different response aspects. Using two freshwater mesocosm experiments as case studies, we show how the response to single perturbations can be decomposed in different stability aspects (resistance, resilience, recovery, temporal stability) for both ecosystem functions and community composition. We find that extended community recovery is tightly connected to a nearly complete recovery of the function (biomass production), whereas systems with incomplete recovery of the species composition ranged widely in their biomass compared to controls. Moreover, recovery was most complete when either resistance or resilience was high, the latter associated with low temporal stability around the recovery trend. In summary, no single aspect of stability was sufficient to reflect the overall stability of the system.  相似文献   
While there is a lot of data on interactive effects of eutrophication and warming, to date, we lack data to generate reliable predictions concerning possible effects of nutrient decrease and temperature increase on community composition and functional responses. In recent years, a wide‐ranging trend of nutrient decrease (re‐oligotrophication) was reported for freshwater systems. Small lakes and ponds, in particular, show rapid responses to anthropogenic pressures and became model systems to investigate single as well as synergistic effects of warming and fertilization in situ and in experiments. Therefore, we set up an experiment to investigate the single as well as the interactive effects of nutrient reduction and gradual temperature increase on a natural freshwater phytoplankton community, using an experimental indoor mesocosm setup. Biomass production initially increased with warming but decreased with nutrient depletion. If nutrient supply was constant, biomass increased further, especially under warming conditions. Under low nutrient supply, we found a sharp transition from initially positive effects of warming to negative effects when resources became scarce. Warming reduced phytoplankton richness and evenness, whereas nutrient reduction at ambient temperature had positive effects on diversity. Our results indicate that temperature effects on freshwater systems will be altered by nutrient availability. These interactive effects of energy increase and resource decrease have major impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function and thus need to be considered in environmental management plans.  相似文献   
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