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Insight into a species’ native and introduced range is essential in understanding the invasion process. Genetic diversity, propagule pressure and environmental conditions all have been recognised as playing a determinant role in invasion success. Here, we aimed to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure (using the COI mtDNA gene region and 22 nDNA microsatellite markers) of the Asian green mussel Perna viridis within its potential native range in Asia and at introduced locations in the USA and the Caribbean. We also analyse genetic data from vessel intercepts and an incursion. By doing so, we aimed to identify genetic signatures that could allow to track vessel samples to their source and provide further insight into potential high-risk invasive populations or areas. Three top hierarchical clusters were identified using the individual-based Bayesian clustering method in STRUCTURE, corresponding to populations in three world regions: (1) USA and Caribbean, (2) India and (3) Southeast Asia. Within Southeast Asia, additional analysis indicate a shallow genetic differentiation of three subgroups consisting of (3a) Thailand, (3b) Taiwan and Hong-Kong, and (3c) a cluster of Singapore–Indonesia samples. Overall, the population structure found in this study suggests that the markers used could be useful in identifying source populations, particularly between the three mains world regions. Most surprisingly however, this study shows that the genetic diversity of samples collected from vessel intercepts and incursions did not differ significantly from established populations in Southeast Asia. In this region, in addition to the high vessel connectivity and number of P. viridis transported, all sampled populations are likely to pose a comparable risk in terms of genetic diversity. The present work represents the most comprehensive population genetic study of P. viridis, and the first to address the potential genetic introduction risk posed by populations of this species. The information and genetic markers in this study constitute a valuable addition to the tools already used to infer on potential high-risk source populations of P. viridis. They should therefore prove useful for biosecurity surveillance and management actions directed at this species.  相似文献   
A motor component is pre-requisite to any communicative act as one must inherently move to communicate. To learn to make a communicative act, the brain must be able to dynamically associate arbitrary percepts to the neural substrate underlying the pre-requisite motor activity. We aimed to investigate whether brain regions involved in complex gestures (ventral pre-motor cortex, Brodmann Area 44) were involved in mediating association between novel abstract auditory stimuli and novel gestural movements. In a functional resonance imaging (fMRI) study we asked participants to learn associations between previously unrelated novel sounds and meaningless gestures inside the scanner. We use functional connectivity analysis to eliminate the often present confound of ‘strategic covert naming’ when dealing with BA44 and to rule out effects of non-specific reductions in signal. Brodmann Area 44, a region incorporating Broca''s region showed strong, bilateral, negative correlation of BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) response with learning of sound-action associations during data acquisition. Left-inferior-parietal-lobule (l-IPL) and bilateral loci in and around visual area V5, right-orbital-frontal-gyrus, right-hippocampus, left-para-hippocampus, right-head-of-caudate, right-insula and left-lingual-gyrus also showed decreases in BOLD response with learning. Concurrent with these decreases in BOLD response, an increasing connectivity between areas of the imaged network as well as the right-middle-frontal-gyrus with rising learning performance was revealed by a psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. The increasing connectivity therefore occurs within an increasingly energy efficient network as learning proceeds. Strongest learning related connectivity between regions was found when analysing BA44 and l-IPL seeds. The results clearly show that BA44 and l-IPL is dynamically involved in linking gesture and sound and therefore provides evidence that one of the mechanisms required for the evolution of human communication is found within these motor regions.  相似文献   
Cardiotoxicity is the major dose-limiting adverse effect of anthracyclines and is hypothesized to result from damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) or inhibition of topoisomerase II. Here, we comparatively analyzed the effect of doxorubicin and the organic peroxide tertiary-butylhydroperoxide (tBOOH) on stress responses of rat cardiomyblast cells (H9c2). Moreover, we investigated the impact of serum factors and the novel prototypical protein kinase CK2 inhibitor resorufin on the sensentivity of H9c2 cells exposed to doxorubicin or tBOOH. Measuring cell viability by use of the WST assay as well as cell cycle progression and apoptotic death by FACS-based methods, we found that the sensitivity of H9c2 cells to doxorubicin and tBOOH was differently affected by both serum factors and resorufin. Formation of reactive oxygen species was observed after exposure of H9c2 cells to high doses (i.e. ≥5 μM) of doxorubicin only. Moreover, the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine protected H9c2 cells from cytotoxicity provoked by tBOOH but not doxorubicin. Analyzing the phosphorylation level of genotoxic stress responsive protein kinases and histone H2AX, which is indicative of an activated DNA damage response (DDR), we found that resorufin modulates doxorubicin- and tBOOH-induced responses in an agent specific manner. Taken together, the data indicate that (i) oxidative injury is not the most relevant type of damage triggering cell death of H9c2 cells following doxorubicin treatment, (ii) serum factors differently influence the sensitivity of cardiomyoblasts to doxorubicin and tBOOH and (iii) inhibition of CK2 unequally affects doxorubicin- and tBOOH-induced DDR of rat cardiomyoblasts.  相似文献   
In evolutionary biology, genetic sequences carry with them a trace of the underlying tree that describes their evolution from a common ancestral sequence. The question of how many sequence sites are required to recover this evolutionary relationship accurately depends on the model of sequence evolution, the substitution rate, divergence times and the method used to infer phylogenetic history. A particularly challenging problem for phylogenetic methods arises when a rapid divergence event occurred in the distant past. We analyse an idealised form of this problem in which the terminal edges of a symmetric four-taxon tree are some factor (λ) times the length of the interior edge. We determine an order λ2 lower bound on the growth rate for the sequence length required to resolve the tree (independent of any particular branch length). We also show that this rate of sequence length growth can be achieved by existing methods (including the simple ‘maximum parsimony’ method), and compare these order λ2 bounds with an order λ growth rate for a model that describes low-homoplasy evolution. In the final section, we provide a generic bound on the sequence length requirement for a more general class of Markov processes.  相似文献   
The lymph node sinus are channel structures of unquestionable importance in immunology and pathology, specifically in the filtering of the lymph, the transport and processing of antigens, the adhesion and migration of immune cells, and the spread of metastatic cancer cells. Our knowledge of the cell and molecular biology of the sinus-forming cells is still limited, and the origin and biological nature of these cells have long been a matter of debate. Here, we review the relevant literature and present our own experimental results, in particular concerning molecular markers of intercellular junctions and cell differentiation. We show that both the monolayer cells lining the sinus walls and the intraluminal virgultar cell meshwork are indeed different morphotypes of the same basic endothelial cell character, as demonstrated by the presence of a distinct spectrum of general and lymphatic endothelial markers, and we therefore refer to these cells as sinus endothelial/virgultar cells (SEVCs). These cells are connected by unique adhering junctions, termed complexus adhaerentes, characterized by the transmembrane glycoprotein VE-cadherin, combined with the desmosomal plaque protein desmoplakin, several adherens junction plaque proteins including α- and β-catenin and p120 catenin, and components of the tight junction ensemble, specifically claudin-5 and JAM-A, and the plaque protein ZO-1. We show that complexus adhaerentes are involved in the tight three-dimensional integration of the virgultar network of SEVC processes along extracellular guidance structures composed of paracrystalline collagen bundle “stays”. Overall, the SEVC system might be considered as a local and specific modification of the general lymphatic vasculature system. Finally, physiological and pathological alterations of the SEVC system will be presented, and the possible value of the molecular markers described in histological diagnoses of autochthonous lymph node tumors will be discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Werner W. FrankeEmail:
Chitin is an essential constituent of the insect exoskeleton, the cuticle, which is an extracellular matrix (ECM) covering the animal. It is produced by the glycosyltransferase chitin synthase at the apical plasma membrane of epidermal and tracheal cells. To fulfil its role in cuticle elasticity and stiffness it associates with proteins, thereby adopting a stereotypic arrangement of helicoidally stacked sheets, which run parallel to the surface of the animal. One approach to understand the mechanisms of chitin synthesis and organisation is to dissect these processes genetically. However, since only a few genes coding for factors involved in chitin synthesis and organisation have been identified to date using the model arthropod Drosophila melanogaster insight arising from mutant analysis is rather limited. To collect new data on the role of chitin during insect cuticle differentiation, we have analysed the effects of chitin synthesis inhibitors on Drosophila embryogenesis. For this purpose, we have chosen the benzoylphenylurea diflubenzuron and lufenuron that are widely used as insect growth regulators. Our data allow mainly two important conclusions. First, correct organisation of chitin seems to directly depend on the amount of chitin synthesised. Second, chitin synthesis and organisation are cell-autonomous processes as insecticide-treated larvae display a mosaic of cuticle defects. As benzoylphenylurea are used not only as insecticides but also as anti-diabetic drugs, the study of their impact on Drosophila cuticle differentiation may be fruitful for understanding their mode of action on a cellular pathway that is seemingly conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   
Molecular medicine can benefit greatly from antibodies that deliver therapeutic and imaging agents to select organs and diseased tissues. Yet the development of complex and defined composite nanostructures remains a challenge that requires both designed stoichiometric assembly and superior in vivo testing ability. Here, we generate nanostructures called nanostreptabodies by controlled sequential assembly of biotin-engineered antibody fragments on a streptavidin scaffold with a defined capacity for additional biotinylated payloads such as other antibodies to create bispecific antibodies as well as organic and non-organic moieties. When injected intravenously, these novel and stable nanostructures exhibit exquisite targeting with tissue-specific imaging and delivery, including rapid transendothelial transport that enhances tissue penetration. This “tinkertoy construction” strategy provides a very flexible and efficient way to link targeting vectors with reporter and/or effector agents, thereby providing virtually endless combinations potentially useful for multipurpose molecular and functional imaging in vivo as well as therapies.  相似文献   
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