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The binding of 125I-insulin-like growth factor-I (125I-IGF-I) to bovine chromaffin cells was measured. Chromaffin cell cultures contained 111,000 +/- 40,000 IGF-I binding sites/cell. These sites bound IGF-I with a KD of 1.1 +/- 0.3 nM and had a much lower affinity for insulin. Cross-linking studies showed that 125I-IGF-I bound to a protein that had an Mr of approximately 125,000, similar to the Mr of the alpha subunit of the IGF-I receptor in other tissues. Cells cultured with IGF-I (10 nM) for 4 days exhibited an almost twofold increase in high K+-evoked catecholamine secretion. Insulin was much less potent than IGF-I in enhancing catecholamine secretion. These data indicate that binding of IGF-I to its receptors on chromaffin cells can modulate the function of these cells.  相似文献   
Competitive binding studies indicated that PC12 cells have receptors for insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). There are approximately 11,000 +/- 1,500 IGF-I receptors/cell; these receptors have an apparent KD for IGF-I of 7.2 +/- 0.6 nM. Covalent cross-linking of 125I-IGF-I to PC12 cells labeled a 125,000-130,000-Mr protein, presumably the alpha-subunit of the IGF-I receptor. Although PC12 cells also have insulin receptors, the 125I-IGF-I appeared to be cross-linked to IGF-I receptors, because 100 nM IGF-I competed for labeling but 100 nM insulin did not. Bovine chromaffin cells also have IGF-I receptors. The protein tyrosyl kinase activity of IGF-I receptors from bovine adrenal medulla and PC12 cells was examined after purification of the receptors by wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose chromatography. IGF-I (10 nM) stimulated autophosphorylation of the beta-subunits of the IGF-I receptors from both preparations; the beta-subunits from both sources had Mr values of approximately 97,000. IGF-I also stimulated phosphorylation of the synthetic substrate poly(Glu:Tyr)4:1 by both receptor preparations. IGF-I (IC50 of approximately 0.2 nM) was much more potent than insulin at stimulating phosphorylation of poly(Glu:Tyr) by the bovine adrenal medulla preparation. A maximal concentration of IGF-I (10 nM) increased phosphorylation approximately threefold. IGF-I was slightly more effective than insulin at stimulating the phosphorylation of poly(Glu:Tyr) by the PC12 cell receptor preparation, but neither ligand produced a maximal effect at concentrations up to 100 nM. This result probably reflects the presence of comparable numbers of IGF-I and insulin receptors on PC12 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The cuticle of insects is covered by a layer of hydrocarbons (CHC), whose original function is the protection from desiccation and pathogens. However, in most insects CHC profiles are species specific. While this variability among species was largely linked to communication and recognition functions, additional selective forces may shape insect CHC profiles. Here, we show that in Philanthinae digger wasps (Crabronidae) the CHC profile coevolved with a peculiar brood‐care strategy. In particular, we found that the behavior to embalm prey stored in the nest with hydrocarbons is adaptive to protect larval food from fungi in those species hunting for Hymenoptera. The prey embalming secretion is identical in composition to the alkene‐dominated CHC profile in these species, suggesting that their profile is adaptively conserved for this purpose. In contrast, prey embalming is not required in those species that switched to Coleoptera as prey. Released from this chemical brood‐care strategy, Coleoptera‐hunting species considerably diversified their CHC profiles. Differential needs to successfully protect prey types used as larval food have thus driven the diversification of CHCs profiles of female Philanthinae wasps. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a direct link between selection pressure for food preservation and CHC diversity.  相似文献   
Insight into a species’ native and introduced range is essential in understanding the invasion process. Genetic diversity, propagule pressure and environmental conditions all have been recognised as playing a determinant role in invasion success. Here, we aimed to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure (using the COI mtDNA gene region and 22 nDNA microsatellite markers) of the Asian green mussel Perna viridis within its potential native range in Asia and at introduced locations in the USA and the Caribbean. We also analyse genetic data from vessel intercepts and an incursion. By doing so, we aimed to identify genetic signatures that could allow to track vessel samples to their source and provide further insight into potential high-risk invasive populations or areas. Three top hierarchical clusters were identified using the individual-based Bayesian clustering method in STRUCTURE, corresponding to populations in three world regions: (1) USA and Caribbean, (2) India and (3) Southeast Asia. Within Southeast Asia, additional analysis indicate a shallow genetic differentiation of three subgroups consisting of (3a) Thailand, (3b) Taiwan and Hong-Kong, and (3c) a cluster of Singapore–Indonesia samples. Overall, the population structure found in this study suggests that the markers used could be useful in identifying source populations, particularly between the three mains world regions. Most surprisingly however, this study shows that the genetic diversity of samples collected from vessel intercepts and incursions did not differ significantly from established populations in Southeast Asia. In this region, in addition to the high vessel connectivity and number of P. viridis transported, all sampled populations are likely to pose a comparable risk in terms of genetic diversity. The present work represents the most comprehensive population genetic study of P. viridis, and the first to address the potential genetic introduction risk posed by populations of this species. The information and genetic markers in this study constitute a valuable addition to the tools already used to infer on potential high-risk source populations of P. viridis. They should therefore prove useful for biosecurity surveillance and management actions directed at this species.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was introduced in 1991 as a technique to identify and classify microbes. Since then, it has gained growing interest and has undergone a remarkable evolution. Highly sophisticated spectrometers have been developed, enabling a high sample throughput. Today, the generation of high-quality data in a short time and the application of the technique for rapid and reliable identification of microbes to the species level are well documented. What makes FTIR spectroscopy even more attractive is the fact that spectral information can also be exploited for strain typing purposes, which is particularly important for epidemiological analyses and some technological applications. Accordingly, in recent years, FTIR spectroscopy has been increasingly used for typing and classifying microorganisms below the species level. The intention of this review is to give an overview over current knowledge and strategies of using FTIR spectroscopy for species identification and to describe different approaches for strain typing.  相似文献   
Constructed wetlands are a promising technology to protect river flood plains against the impact of contaminated groundwater. They are suitable for the treatment of waters contaminated with monochlorobenzene and perchloroethene. However, the removal performance differs with the operation conditions, and generally, transferable performance data are not yet available. In this study, removal efficiencies were determined and the dominant removal processes for monochlorobenzene and perchloroethene were evaluated under various operation conditions in helophyte rhizosphere reactors. Monochlorobenzene removal was very efficient (>99%) under low carbon load (overall oxic) and moderate carbon load (overall reduced) conditions. Higher loads of easily degradable carbon (acetate, 300 mg/L) impaired the elimination of monochlorobenzene (removal of 72?96%). Microbial reductive dechlorination of perchloroethene was not detected in the rhizosphere under low carbon load, sulphate reduction, and high‐carbon load conditions. Nonetheless, considerable amounts of perchloroethene were eliminated (79?87%), presumably by plant uptake and phytovolatilisation. Under fluctuating moderate carbon load conditions, perchloroethene dechlorination was initiated, and trichloroethene and cis‐dichloroethene production showed that a minimum of 10% of the perchloroethene inflow load was dechlorinated. Sulphate reduction and the associated sulphide toxicity showed to constitute a hazard for constructed wetland treatment of sulphate containing groundwater contaminated with chlorinated volatile organic compounds, causing a decrease in removal efficiencies by 50 and 20% for monochlorobenzene and perchloroethene, respectively.  相似文献   
The influence of bacterial activity and diversity on bacterial growth efficiency was investigated in a flatland river. Eutrophic River Warnow drains predominantly agricultural land and is heavily loaded with nutrients, dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM), especially humic substances. Although the water column bacterial community consists of many inactive or damaged cells, bacterioplankton sustained a high bacterial secondary production of 0.2?C14.5???g C L?1 h?1 and a high DNA synthesis (thymidine uptake) of 6.1?C15.5???g C L?1 h?1. The direct and short-term measurement of bacterial respiration (by optodes) revealed high respiration rates especially in summer leading to directly estimated bacterial growth efficiencies (BGE) of 2?C28%. These values are compared to calculations based only on bacterial production, which considerably overestimated BGEs. From all these data, River Warnow can be characterized as a strongly remineralizing system. River Warnow was dominated among others by Cytophaga/Flavobacteria and Actinobacteria which are typical for organic rich waters because of their ability to degrade high molecular weight compounds. However, community composition did not significantly affect BGE.  相似文献   
A motor component is pre-requisite to any communicative act as one must inherently move to communicate. To learn to make a communicative act, the brain must be able to dynamically associate arbitrary percepts to the neural substrate underlying the pre-requisite motor activity. We aimed to investigate whether brain regions involved in complex gestures (ventral pre-motor cortex, Brodmann Area 44) were involved in mediating association between novel abstract auditory stimuli and novel gestural movements. In a functional resonance imaging (fMRI) study we asked participants to learn associations between previously unrelated novel sounds and meaningless gestures inside the scanner. We use functional connectivity analysis to eliminate the often present confound of ‘strategic covert naming’ when dealing with BA44 and to rule out effects of non-specific reductions in signal. Brodmann Area 44, a region incorporating Broca''s region showed strong, bilateral, negative correlation of BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) response with learning of sound-action associations during data acquisition. Left-inferior-parietal-lobule (l-IPL) and bilateral loci in and around visual area V5, right-orbital-frontal-gyrus, right-hippocampus, left-para-hippocampus, right-head-of-caudate, right-insula and left-lingual-gyrus also showed decreases in BOLD response with learning. Concurrent with these decreases in BOLD response, an increasing connectivity between areas of the imaged network as well as the right-middle-frontal-gyrus with rising learning performance was revealed by a psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. The increasing connectivity therefore occurs within an increasingly energy efficient network as learning proceeds. Strongest learning related connectivity between regions was found when analysing BA44 and l-IPL seeds. The results clearly show that BA44 and l-IPL is dynamically involved in linking gesture and sound and therefore provides evidence that one of the mechanisms required for the evolution of human communication is found within these motor regions.  相似文献   
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