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Olive Pink studied anthropology at the University of Sydney under Professor A.P. Elkin. Although she did fieldwork among the Northern Aranda and Wailbri of Central Australia, she became disenchanted with anthropology and lived a reclusive life in Alice Springs. In this paper I present a brief outline of her life, particularly during the 1930's I point to the problems she encountered and suggested that she needs to be relocated within her discipline.  相似文献   
Although recombination cannot increase under conditions of random mating or complete selfing in regimes of constant selection, with mixed random mating and selfing, selection for increased recombination can occur. For some fitness regimes there may be selection for reduced recombination with both low and high degrees of selfing but selection for increased recombination with moderate degrees of selfing. With some fitness regimes there is a historical effect: depending on which equilibrium a population starts from, there may be selection for either increased or decreased recombination. In other cases the direction of selection may be determined by the present state of individuals within the population. If recombination is already fairly limited, there may be selection for further reduction. If recombination is already fairly frequent, there may be selection for increased recombination. For certain symmetric viability systems there may be an intermediate value of the recombination fraction between 0 and 0.5 toward which the population will evolve. Although it is not yet possible to classify precisely those fitness matrices that can exhibit selection for increased recombination, it does appear that selection for increased recombination can occur only if at least two of the double homozygotes are less fit than would be expected on the basis of a comparison of the fitnesses of the single and double heterozygotes on an additive scale.  相似文献   
The history of plastic surgery is identified throughout the centuries with the history of rhinoplasty. The Indian Koomas first and later the Italian surgeons found valid solutions to the problems caused by partial loss of the nasal pyramid. However, the idea of rebuilding, with a single forehead flap, the tip and columella and providing at the same time a lining of skin for the newly formed nose goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The Italian Natale Petrali (1842) and the Germans Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach (1845) and Ernst Blasius (1848) contend for precedence in carrying out this important procedure still used today, which, barring postoperative contracture, represented a great advance in successful total rhinoplasty.  相似文献   
In order to regulate cell volume during hyperosmotic stress, the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus, like other aquatic crustaceans, rapidly accumulates high levels of intracellular alanine, proline, and glycine. Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT; EC, which catalyzes the final step of alanine synthesis, is genetically polymorphic in T. californicus populations at Santa Cruz, California. Spectrophotometric studies of homogenates derived from a homozygous isofemale line of each of the two common GPT alleles indicated that the GPTF allozyme has a significantly higher specific activity than the GPTS allozyme. Under conditions of hyperosmotic stress, individual adult copepods of GPTF and GPTF/S genotypes accumulated alanine, but not glycine or proline, more rapidly than GPTS homozygotes. When young larvae were subjected to the same hyperosmotic conditions, GPTS larvae suffered a significantly higher mortality than GPTF or GPTF/S larvae. These results suggest that the biochemical differences among GPT allozymes result in specific physiological variation among GPT genotypes and that this physiological variation is manifested in differential genotypic survivorships under some naturally occurring environmental conditions.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Lerner Fund for Marine Research of the American Museum of Natural History, an NIH Training Grant in Integrative Biology, and NIH Grants GM 28016 and GM 10452.  相似文献   
Summary The frog motor endplate in its simplest form consists of an elongated, slender nerve ending embedded in a gutter-like depression of the sarcolemma. This nerve terminal contains the usual synaptic organelles. It is covered by a thin coating of Schwann cell cytoplasm which embraces the terminal with thin finger-like processes from both sides, thereby sub-dividing it into 300–1000 regularly spaced compartments. The individual synaptic compartments correspond to the strings of varicosities or grape-like configurations of motor nerve terminals in endplates of other species and in the cerebral neuropil of vertebrates.Each compartment contains one or more bar-like densities of the presynaptic membrane, active zones, which are associated with the attachment sites between synaptic vesicles and plasmalemma. Active zones have a regular transverse arrangement and occur at specific loci opposite the junctional folds. The attachment sites for synaptic vesicles are at the edges of the bars which are bilaterally delineated by a double row of 10 nm particles attached to the A-face. The structural appearance of vesicle attachment sites in freeze-etch replicas corresponds to that of micropinocytosis. The active zones are often fragmented and the frequency of their association with vesicle attachment sites is highly variable.The junctional folds are characterized by specific sites in which intramembranous particle aggregations occur at relatively high packing density (7500/m2). These sites are located opposite the active zones at the juxtaneural lips, a location where one would expect ACh-sensitive receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 38, Projekt N), The Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (Grants Nr. 3 82372 and 3 77472) and the Dr. Eric Slack-Gyr Foundation Zürich.  相似文献   
This report details the procedural requirements for preparing cell-free extracts of yeast rich in polyribosomes. This enabled us to demonstrate the occurrence of polyribosomes in yeast, to show their role in protein synthesis, and to devise methods for their resolution and isolation. When certain precautions are met (the use of log phase cells, rapidly halting cell growth, gentle methods of disruption, sedimentation through exponential density gradients, etc.), individual polyribosome size classes ranging up to the heptosome can be fractionated and separated from their nearest neighbors. Larger size classes are resolved partially among themselves, free of smaller polyribosomes. This was confirmed by extensive electron micrographic studies of material from the various fractions obtained upon density gradient centrifugation of yeast extracts. Modifications of the gradients and procedure should allow fractionation and isolation of the larger polyribosomes, including those containing polycistronic messages. Yeast polyribosomes are disaggregated to single ribosomes by longer term grinding, cell disruption by the French pressure cell, the Hughes press, or by incubation with dilute RNAse. Yeast polyribosomes are active in the incorporation of amino acids into polypeptide; the single ribosomes exhibit only slight activity. The latter activity is probably due to the presence of a small fraction of monosomes still containing mRNA. Poly-U stimulates amino acid incorporation only in the single ribosomes.  相似文献   
The location of the Escherichia coli K-12 genes determining or regulating glutamate transport, and the location of the gene determining glutamate decarboxylase synthesis, were established by conjugation. The ability to grow on glutamate as the sole source of carbon and energy was used to select for glutamate transport recombinants. Two genes determining the ability to grow on glutamate as the sole source of carbon and energy were mapped. One (gltC) is located near mtl (mannitol), and the other (gltH) appears to be located between the gal (galactose) and trp (tryptophan) loci. The glutamate decarboxylase gene (gad) is strongly linked to gltC. The gltC(+) recombinants grow on glutamate much faster and accumulate this amino acid to a greater extent than do the gltH(+) recombinants. The gltH(+) gene functioned only in one female strain (P678), whereas the gltC gene functioned in all the female strains tested (P678, C600, W1).  相似文献   
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