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A new selectively neutral mutation occurs in a multilocus genetic background that has achieved a stable equilibrium at which there is a linkage disequilibrium. Perturbation techniques are applied to an extension of the branching process formulation of Fisher in order to address the question of extinction probabilities. We show that under appropriate conditions the probability of extinction of the new mutant is increased by the existence of linkage disequilibrium in the genetic background.Research supported in part by NIH grant GM 28016  相似文献   
We studied the response of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Anjou 256)to a simultaneous, but separated supply of ammonium and nitrate(localized supply, LS). A split-root system was used to supplyhalf of the roots with ammonium and the other half with nitrate.A homogeneously distributed supply of both nitrogen forms (HS)was the control treatment. Seedlings were grown for 12 d fromthe two-leaf to the three-leaf stage in hydroponics at threepH levels (4, 5·5 and 7). The total N concentration was3 mol m-3. The split-root system was established by removingthe seminal root system and using only four nodal roots perplant. Total root length and root surface area were recordedautomatically with a modified Delta- T area meter. Other morphologicalroot traits (such as main axis length and diameter, number,density, and length of laterals) were recorded manually. Uptakeof ammonium and nitrate was measured by the depletion of thenutrient solution. As compared with LS, HS was superior in shootand root DM, total root length and root surface area, ammoniumand nitrate uptake and shoot nitrogen concentration, irrespectiveof pH level. This indicates that, also under field conditions,mixed ammonium and nitrate fertilization is only beneficialto plant growth if both N forms are evenly distributed in thesoil. At both HS and LS, ascending pH increased the ammonium:nitrateuptake ratio. At LS, declining pH induced a considerable shiftin the distribution of root DM, root length, and root surfacearea the nitrate-fed compartment.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Maize, Zea may L., ammonium, nitrate, pH, root morphology, split-root  相似文献   
Variable subcellular localization of glycosphingolipids   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Although most glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are thought to be locatedin the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, recent evidenceindicates that GSLs are also associated with intracellular organelles.We now report that the subcellular localization of GSLs variesdepending on the GSL structure and cell type. GSL localizationwas determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy offixed permeabilized cells. A single GSL exhibited variable subcellularlocalization in different cells. For example, antibody to GalCeris localized primarily to the plasma membrane of HaCaT II-3keratinocytes, but to intracellular organelies in other epithelialcells. GalCer is localized to small vesicles and tubulovesicularstructures in MDCK cells, and to the surface of phase-denselipid droplets in HepG2 hepatoma cells. Furthermore, withina single cell type, individual GSLs were found to exhibit differentpatterns of subcellular localization. In HepG2 cells, LacCerwas associated with small vesicles, which differed from thephase-dense vesicles stained by anti-GalCer, and Gb4Cer wasassociated with the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton.Both anti-GalCer and monoclonal antibody A2B5, which binds polysialogangliosides,localized to mitochondria. The distinct subcellular localizationpatterns of GSLs raise interesting questions about their functionsin different organelles. Together with published data on theenrichment of GSLs in specific organelles and in apical plasmamembrane, these findings indicate the existence of specificsorting mechanisms that regulate the intracellular transportand localization of GSLs. cytoskeleton glycosphingolipid intracellular organelles mitochondria subcellular localization  相似文献   
Previous studies have examined the effect of ethnicity on obesity, concerns about shape and weight, and attitudes about eating. We hypothesized that geographical location would also influence these variables, and that students growing up in the northern part of the United States and attending northern colleges would differ from students from the South. To examine this, we studied a random sample of 275 African-Americans (AA) and 224 white college students in the entering class of two northern colleges (University of Pittsburgh or University of Massachusetts) or two southern colleges (Augusta or Paine College). All subjects were weighed and completed the Revised Restraint Scale and the EAT-26. AA women were heavier than white women, with no differences due to geographical location. Despite being thinner, white women reported more dietary restraint than AA women. This difference between AA and white women was apparent in both northern and southern college students. In contrast, geographical location was the strongest determinant of bulimic attitudes; both men and women at northern colleges reported higher bulimia scores than those at southern schools. Thus ethnicity appears to be a major determinant of body weight and attitudes about shape and dieting, whereas geographical location appears to exert greater influence on bulimic attitudes.  相似文献   
First principal components extracted from covariance matrices of log-transformed craniodental measurements closely approximate general size factors within field-collected samples representing 14 species in seven Neotropical muroid genera; because these samples are mixed-cross-sectional, scores are age-correlated and coefficients reflect postweaning growth allometries. Compared between congeners, sample first principal component coefficients are very similar, an observation that implies a nearly parallel orientation of ontogenetic trajectories in log-measurement space. On the assumption that a common general size factor (estimated as the first principal component of the pooled-within covariance matrix) accounts for most of the observed measurement covariance within samples, size-adjusted differences between congeneric species were estimated variable-by-variable in separate analyses of covariance; these differences reflect developmental adjustments of craniodental morphology that precede the measured interval of postweaning ontogeny. Vectors of size-adjusted difference coefficients are not similar from genus to genus, and a diversity of causal mechanisms is probably responsible. Analyses of captive-bred samples from two “species” of Zygodontomys provide prima facie evidence that size-adjusted differences estimated from field-collected samples have a genetic basis. Postweaning growth allometries in the muroid head skeleton may be conserved due to the biomechanical constraints of masticatory function; the apparent evolutionary plasticity of earlier ontogenetic adjustments may reflect the absence of such constraints in the fetus or suckling pup. The relevance of these results for current theories concerning the developmental genetics of mammalian morphometric evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
Analyses of craniodental measurement data from 15 wild-collected population samples of the Neotropical muroid rodent genus Zygodontomys reveal consistent patterns of relative variability and correlation that suggest a common latent structure. Eigenanalysis of each sample covariance matrix of logarithms yields a first principal component that accounts for a large fraction of the total variance. Variances of subsequent sample principal components are much smaller, and the results of bootstrap resampling together with asymptotic statistics suggest that characteristic roots of the covariance matrix after the first are seldom distinct. The coefficients of normalized first principal components are strikingly similar from sample to sample: inner products of these vectors reveal an average between-sample correlation of 0.989, and the mean angle of divergence is only about eight degrees. Since first principal component coefficients identify the same contrasts among variables as comparisons of relative variability and correlation, we conclude that a single factor accounts for most of the common latent determination of these sample dispersions. Analyses of variance based on toothwear (a coarse index of age) and sex in the wild-collected samples, and on known age and sex in a captive-bred population, reveal that specimen scores on sample first principal components are age- and sex-dependent; residual sample dispersion, however, is essentially unaffected by age, sex, or age × sex interaction. The sample first principal component therefore reflects the covariance among measured dimensions induced by general growth, and its coefficients are interpretable as exponents of postnatal growth allometry. Path-analytic models that incorporate prior knowledge of the equivalent allometric effects of general growth within these samples can be used to decompose the between-sample variance by factors corresponding to other ontogenetic mechanisms of form change. The genetic or environmental determinants of differences in sample mean phenotypes induced by such mechanisms, however, can be demonstrated only by experiment.  相似文献   
her5 encodes a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein with all features characteristic of the Drosophila hairy-E(spl) family. her5 is expressed in a band of cells within the neural anlage from about 90% epiboly on to at least 36 h postfertilization (hpf). After completion of brain morphogenesis, her5-expressing cells are located in the caudal region of the midbrain, at the boundary with the rhombencephalon. Labelling of cells within the her5 expression domain in the neural plate by injection of fluorescein-dextran allows their labelled progeny to be localized in the 36-hpf-old embryo using an anti-fluorescein antibody. This shows that the her5 expression domain corresponds to the midbrain primordium, including both the tectum and the tegmentum, in the neural plate. A possible function for her5 in regionalization of the brain and/or control of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary is discussed.  相似文献   
A fructose dehydrogenase (FDH) modified electrode is produced by the electroadsorption of a layer of FDH on a platinum electrode followed by the electropolymerization of a polypyrrole (PPy) film around and over the enzyme. This immobilizes and stabilizes the enzyme as well as providing an electron transfer pathway to the electrode. The amperometric response to fructose and the enzymatic activity are measured as a function of PPy film thickness. The electrode is shown to have a maximum response at a PPy thickness of approximately the thickness of the enzyme layer. A measure of the electrode efficiency is also obtained, this is the amperometric response to fructose as a percentage of that expected on the basis of the enzyme activity. The functioning of the electrode is also dependent on the counter-ion used for PPy polymerization. This is shown to be mainly related to the nucleation and growth of the PPy film in the interfacial region.  相似文献   
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