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The blood group Cad antigen is a carbohydrate structure well characterized on the sialoglycoproteins of the red cell membrane from some rare individuals (Blanchard, D., Cartron, J. P., Fournet, B., Montreuil, J., Van Halbeck, H., and Vliegenthart, J.F.G. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 7691-7695). However, protease treatment of whole cells did not destroy their antigenic activity which indicated that glycolipid might also be involved in the antigenic reaction. A crude ganglioside fraction was prepared from Cad cells and found to inhibit the hemagglutination reaction, whereas neutral glycolipids were inactive. Further analysis of the ganglioside extract from Cad erythrocytes by thin layer chromatography revealed an unusual profile characterized by a lower content of sialosylparagloboside and the presence of a novel ganglioside of slower mobility. Immunochemical studies demonstrate that this ganglioside binds Helix pomatia lectin and inhibits human anti-Sda antibody. In addition, a ganglioside with identical chromatographic mobility can be obtained by the enzymatic transfer of GalNAc from UDP-GalNAc to sialosylparagloboside using a microsomal preparation from human kidney. These results together with cell surface labeling experiments suggest that the major ganglioside of Cad erythrocytes might be derived from sialosylparagloboside by substitution with an additional N-acetylgalactosamine residue.  相似文献   
Dispersed granulosa and theca interna cells were recovered from follicles of prepubertal gilts at 36, 72 and 108 h after treatment with 750 i.u. PMSG, followed 72 h later with 500 i.u. hCG to stimulate follicular growth and ovulation. In the absence of aromatizable substrate, theca interna cells produced substantially more oestrogen than did granulosa cells. Oestrogen production was increased markedly in the presence of androstenedione and testosterone in granulosa cells but only to a limited extent in theca interna cells. The ability of both cellular compartments to produce oestrogen increased up to 72 h with androstenedione being the preferred substrate. Oestrogen production by the two cell types incubated together was greater than the sum produced when incubated alone. Theca interna cells were the principal source of androgen, predominantly androstenedione. Thecal androgen production increased with follicular development and was enhanced by addition of pregnenolone or by LH 36 and 72 h after PMSG treatment. The ability of granulosa and thecal cells to produce progesterone increased with follicular development and addition of pregnenolone. After exposure of developing follicles to hCG in vivo, both cell types lost their ability to produce oestrogen. Thecal cells continued to produce androgen and progesterone but no longer responded to LH in vitro. These studies indicate that several functional changes in the steroidogenic abilities of the granulosa and theca interna compartments occur during follicular maturation.  相似文献   
Rat liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase appears to be unique in that it extends 24-26 residues beyond the COOH-terminal amino acid of other mammalian fructose 1,6-bisphosphatases and this extension contains phosphorylation sites. Using as a frame of reference the 335-residue sequence of pig kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (Marcus, F., Edelstein, I., Reardon, I., and Heinrikson, R. L. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79, 7161-7165), the rat liver enzyme would extend to residue 361. Limited proteolysis in the COOH-terminal region of the molecule with chymotrypsin, trypsin, or both sequentially, led us to establish that the phosphorylation sites are located at Ser residues 341 and 356. The in vitro phosphorylation of purified rat liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase results in modification at both residues, although the major site of phosphorylation (61%) is at Ser-341. In contrast, rat liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase purified from animals that had been injected with [32P] phosphate contains most of the label (81%) at Ser-356.  相似文献   
The complement protein C6 has been shown to be genetically polymorphic in the rat. Isoelectric focusing of plasma samples from 19 inbred strains demonstrated two electrophoretically distinguishable migration patterns, each consisting of three bands. Breeding studies with the use of the BN and DA strains showed that the C6 patterns were inherited in a manner consistent with the co-dominant autosomal expression of two alleles (C6 A and C6 B). The distribution of the C6 alleles in a backcross mating was compared with eight independently segregating marker genes: RT1.A, RT2, Gdc -1, Igk-1, Hbb, Svp-1, Fh-1, and Es-6. There was no detectable linkage between C6 and any of these eight loci.  相似文献   
Olive Pink studied anthropology at the University of Sydney under Professor A.P. Elkin. Although she did fieldwork among the Northern Aranda and Wailbri of Central Australia, she became disenchanted with anthropology and lived a reclusive life in Alice Springs. In this paper I present a brief outline of her life, particularly during the 1930's I point to the problems she encountered and suggested that she needs to be relocated within her discipline.  相似文献   
Neutrophils respond to chemoattractants by aggregating, degranulating, remodelling of phospholipids and releasing arachidonic acid. To determine whether ligand-induced remodelling of phospholipids depends on redistribution of intracellular organelles (degranulation), we compared phospholipid remodelling of human neutrophils with that of neutrophil-derived cytoplasts. Cytoplasts, organelle-depleted vesicles of cytosol surrounded by plasmalemma, cannot degranulate. Without a stimulus, [3H]arachidonate was incorporated preferentially into phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylcholine (PC). Exposure of cytoplasts and neutrophils prelabelled with [3H]arachidonate or [14C]glycerol to fMet-Leu-Phe (10(-7) M) induced rapid changes in distribution of label and mass of individual phospholipids: [3H]arachidonate in phosphatidic acid (PA) increased 500% (120 s), [14C]glycerol incorporation and mass of PA approached 200% of unstimulated values, and [3H]arachidonate in PI decreased continuously; these data are compatible with activity of a PI/PA cycle. However, the mass of PI in both preparations and [14C]glycerol label in intact neutrophils increased initially (5 s), suggesting net synthesis and mobilization of more than one pool of PI. Heterogeneity of PC pools was also observed: [3H]arachidonate was lost from PC immediately upon addition of stimulus, whereas mass and [14C]glycerol values increased. Thus, net phospholipid synthesis, redistribution of arachidonate and activation of the PI/PA cycle are immediate responses of the neutrophil to receptor occupancy by chemoattractants. Furthermore, the similarity in response to fMet-Leu-Phe of neutrophils and granule-free cytoplasts indicates that these processes are independent of degranulation.  相似文献   
Although recombination cannot increase under conditions of random mating or complete selfing in regimes of constant selection, with mixed random mating and selfing, selection for increased recombination can occur. For some fitness regimes there may be selection for reduced recombination with both low and high degrees of selfing but selection for increased recombination with moderate degrees of selfing. With some fitness regimes there is a historical effect: depending on which equilibrium a population starts from, there may be selection for either increased or decreased recombination. In other cases the direction of selection may be determined by the present state of individuals within the population. If recombination is already fairly limited, there may be selection for further reduction. If recombination is already fairly frequent, there may be selection for increased recombination. For certain symmetric viability systems there may be an intermediate value of the recombination fraction between 0 and 0.5 toward which the population will evolve. Although it is not yet possible to classify precisely those fitness matrices that can exhibit selection for increased recombination, it does appear that selection for increased recombination can occur only if at least two of the double homozygotes are less fit than would be expected on the basis of a comparison of the fitnesses of the single and double heterozygotes on an additive scale.  相似文献   
The requirement for the synthesis of RNA and DNA in early germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum var Newana) embryonic axes has been studied by incubating embryos in the presence of appropriate inhibitors and monitoring both embryo growth and the rates of specific metabolic processes. Experiments with 5-fluorouridine showed that both rRNA and DNA synthesis could be curtailed by 60 to 70% without affecting embryo growth to 24 hours. Similarly, the presence of mitomycin C and methotrexate inhibited DNA synthesis 70%, with only a small effect on growth. Experiments with a range of concentrations of cordycepin and α-amanitin indicated that mRNA synthesis could be curtailed by 30 to 40% within the first 8 hours of germination with only a small effect on embryo growth. Thus, at least the initial phases of seed embryo germination are not closely linked to the synthesis of mRNA, rRNA, or DNA. Maximal sensitivity of embryo growth was obtained with cycloheximide and 2-(4-methyl-2,6-dinitroanilino)-N-methyl propionamide, supporting the idea that protein synthesis is the macromolecular process most closely linked to early germination.  相似文献   
The history of plastic surgery is identified throughout the centuries with the history of rhinoplasty. The Indian Koomas first and later the Italian surgeons found valid solutions to the problems caused by partial loss of the nasal pyramid. However, the idea of rebuilding, with a single forehead flap, the tip and columella and providing at the same time a lining of skin for the newly formed nose goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The Italian Natale Petrali (1842) and the Germans Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach (1845) and Ernst Blasius (1848) contend for precedence in carrying out this important procedure still used today, which, barring postoperative contracture, represented a great advance in successful total rhinoplasty.  相似文献   
In order to regulate cell volume during hyperosmotic stress, the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus, like other aquatic crustaceans, rapidly accumulates high levels of intracellular alanine, proline, and glycine. Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT; EC, which catalyzes the final step of alanine synthesis, is genetically polymorphic in T. californicus populations at Santa Cruz, California. Spectrophotometric studies of homogenates derived from a homozygous isofemale line of each of the two common GPT alleles indicated that the GPTF allozyme has a significantly higher specific activity than the GPTS allozyme. Under conditions of hyperosmotic stress, individual adult copepods of GPTF and GPTF/S genotypes accumulated alanine, but not glycine or proline, more rapidly than GPTS homozygotes. When young larvae were subjected to the same hyperosmotic conditions, GPTS larvae suffered a significantly higher mortality than GPTF or GPTF/S larvae. These results suggest that the biochemical differences among GPT allozymes result in specific physiological variation among GPT genotypes and that this physiological variation is manifested in differential genotypic survivorships under some naturally occurring environmental conditions.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Lerner Fund for Marine Research of the American Museum of Natural History, an NIH Training Grant in Integrative Biology, and NIH Grants GM 28016 and GM 10452.  相似文献   
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