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The composition of a metabolically active prokaryotic community thriving in hydrothermal mud fluids of the deep-sea hypersaline anoxic Western Urania Basin was characterized using rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis of a clone library. The physiologically active prokaryotic assemblage in this extreme environment showed a great genetic diversity. Most members of the microbial community appeared to be affiliated to yet uncultured organisms from similar ecosystems, i.e., deep-sea hypersaline basins and hydrothermal vents. The bacterial clone library was dominated by phylotypes affiliated with the epsilon-Proteobacteria subdivision recognized as an ecologically significant group of bacteria inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal environments. Almost 18% of all bacterial clones were related to delta-Proteobacteria, suggesting that sulfate reduction is one of the dominant metabolic processes occurring in warm mud fluids. The remaining bacterial phylotypes were related to alpha- and beta-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroides, Deinococcus-Thermus, KB1 and OP-11 candidate divisions. Moreover, a novel monophyletic clade, deeply branched with unaffiliated 16S rDNA clones was also retrieved from deep-sea sediments and halocline of Urania Basin. Archaeal diversity was much lower and detected phylotypes included organisms affiliated exclusively with the Euryarchaeota. More than 96% of the archaeal clones belonged to the MSBL-1 candidate order recently found in hypersaline anoxic environments, such as endoevaporitic microbial mats, Mediterranean deep-sea mud volcanoes and anoxic basins. Two phylotypes, represented by single clones were related to uncultured groups DHVE-1 and ANME-1. Thus, the hydrothermal mud of hypersaline Urania Basin seems to contain new microbial diversity. The prokaryotic community was significantly different from that occurring in the upper layers of the Urania Basin since 60% of all bacterial and 40% of all archaeal phylotypes were obtained only from mud fluids. The uniqueness of the composition of the active prokaryotic community could be explained by the complex environmental conditions at the site. The interaction of oxygenated warm mud fluids with the cold hypersaline brine of the Urania Basin seems to simultaneously select for various metabolic processes, such as aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophy, sulfide- and methane-dependent chemotrophy along with anaerobic oxidation of methane, sulfate- and metal-reduction.  相似文献   
MAP kinase pathways comprise a group of parallel protein phosphorylation cascades, which are involved in signaling triggered by a variety of stimuli. Previous findings suggested that the ERK and the JNK pathways have opposing roles in regulating proliferation and survival or apoptosis and that apoptosis can be promoted by inhibiting the ERK pathway or by activation of the JNK pathway. In order to test this hypothesis and explore whether it can be exploited as a strategy for killing human cancer cells, we used gene transfer experiments with a range of cancer cell lines. We expressed the catalytic fragment of human MEKK1 to activate JNK and the Ras-binding domain (RBD) of Raf-1 to inhibit the Ras-ERK pathway. In addition, we designed several RBD-MEKK1 fusion proteins aiming to simultaneously activate the JNK and block the ERK pathway. We found that the MEKK1 proteins as well as the RBD alone could reduce colony formation in all cell lines. The survival time of MEKK1-expressing cells depended on the cell line. In HeLa cells, survival could be prolonged by inhibition of caspases but not by coexpression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Due to a lower kinase activity the RBD-MEKK1 fusion proteins were less effective in apoptosis induction than the MEKK1 kinase domain alone. Using mutant forms of Ras and Raf-1 we could show that the reduced kinase activity of RBD-MEKK1 fusion proteins was caused by binding to the Ras protein. The expression of lethal doses of MEKK1 resulted in a strong activation of all three major MAP kinase families JNK, ERK, and p38. Blocking these pathways either by coexpressing a dominant negative form of MKK4 or with inhibitors of MEK or p38 failed to inhibit apoptosis. This suggests that MEKK1 induces apoptosis by causing a general deregulation of MAP kinase signaling rather than by the activation of a single pathway.  相似文献   
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS) is characterized by motor and vocal tic manifestations, often accompanied by behavioral, cognitive and affective dysfunctions. Electroencephalography of patients with TS has revealed reduced Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) and excessive fronto-central Theta activity, that presumably underlie motor and cognitive disturbances in TS. Some evidence exists that neurofeedback (NFB) training aimed at enhancing SMR amplitude is effective for reducing tics. The present report is an uncontrolled single case study where a NFB training protocol, involving combined SMR uptraining/Theta downtraining was delivered to a 17-year-old male with TS. After sixteen SMR-Theta sessions, six additional sessions were administered with SMR uptraining alone. SMR increase was better obtained when SMR uptraining was administered alone, whereas Theta decrease was observed after both trainings. The patient showed a reduction of tics and affective symptoms, and improvement of cognitive performance after both trainings. Overall, these findings suggest that Theta decrease might account for some clinical effects seen in conjunction with SMR uptraining. Future studies should clarify the feasibility of NFB protocols for patients with TS beyond SMR uptraining alone.  相似文献   
Mapping global cropland and field size   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Steffen Fritz  Linda See  Ian McCallum  Liangzhi You  Andriy Bun  Elena Moltchanova  Martina Duerauer  Fransizka Albrecht  Christian Schill  Christoph Perger  Petr Havlik  Aline Mosnier  Philip Thornton  Ulrike Wood‐Sichra  Mario Herrero  Inbal Becker‐Reshef  Chris Justice  Matthew Hansen  Peng Gong  Sheta Abdel Aziz  Anna Cipriani  Renato Cumani  Giuliano Cecchi  Giulia Conchedda  Stefanus Ferreira  Adriana Gomez  Myriam Haffani  Francois Kayitakire  Jaiteh Malanding  Rick Mueller  Terence Newby  Andre Nonguierma  Adeaga Olusegun  Simone Ortner  D. Ram Rajak  Jansle Rocha  Dmitry Schepaschenko  Maria Schepaschenko  Alexey Terekhov  Alex Tiangwa  Christelle Vancutsem  Elodie Vintrou  Wu Wenbin  Marijn van der Velde  Antonia Dunwoody  Florian Kraxner  Michael Obersteiner 《Global Change Biology》2015,21(5):1980-1992
A new 1 km global IIASA‐IFPRI cropland percentage map for the baseline year 2005 has been developed which integrates a number of individual cropland maps at global to regional to national scales. The individual map products include existing global land cover maps such as GlobCover 2005 and MODIS v.5, regional maps such as AFRICOVER and national maps from mapping agencies and other organizations. The different products are ranked at the national level using crowdsourced data from Geo‐Wiki to create a map that reflects the likelihood of cropland. Calibration with national and subnational crop statistics was then undertaken to distribute the cropland within each country and subnational unit. The new IIASA‐IFPRI cropland product has been validated using very high‐resolution satellite imagery via Geo‐Wiki and has an overall accuracy of 82.4%. It has also been compared with the EarthStat cropland product and shows a lower root mean square error on an independent data set collected from Geo‐Wiki. The first ever global field size map was produced at the same resolution as the IIASA‐IFPRI cropland map based on interpolation of field size data collected via a Geo‐Wiki crowdsourcing campaign. A validation exercise of the global field size map revealed satisfactory agreement with control data, particularly given the relatively modest size of the field size data set used to create the map. Both are critical inputs to global agricultural monitoring in the frame of GEOGLAM and will serve the global land modelling and integrated assessment community, in particular for improving land use models that require baseline cropland information. These products are freely available for downloading from the http://cropland.geo-wiki.org website.  相似文献   
The protein ING4 binds to histone H3 trimethylated at Lys-4 (H3K4me3) through its C-terminal plant homeodomain, thus recruiting the HBO1 histone acetyltransferase complex to target promoters. The structure of the plant homeodomain finger bound to an H3K4me3 peptide has been described, as well as the disorder and flexibility in the ING4 central region. We report the crystal structure of the ING4 N-terminal domain, which shows an antiparallel coiled-coil homodimer with each protomer folded into a helix-loop-helix structure. This arrangement suggests that ING4 can bind simultaneously two histone tails on the same or different nucleosomes. Dimerization has a direct impact on ING4 tumor suppressor activity because monomeric mutants lose the ability to induce apoptosis after genotoxic stress. Homology modeling based on the ING4 structure suggests that other ING dimers may also exist.  相似文献   
Epigenetic regulation, which includes changes in DNA methylation, histone modifications, and alteration in microRNA (miRNA) expression without any change in the DNA sequence, constitutes an important mechanism by which dietary components can selectively activate or inactivate gene expression. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a component of the golden spice Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, has recently been determined to induce epigenetic changes. This review summarizes current knowledge about the effect of curcumin on the regulation of histone deacetylases, histone acetyltransferases, DNA methyltransferase I, and miRNAs. How these changes lead to modulation of gene expression is also discussed. We also discuss other nutraceuticals which exhibit similar properties. The development of curcumin for clinical use as a regulator of epigenetic changes, however, needs further investigation to determine novel and effective chemopreventive strategies, either alone or in combination with other anticancer agents, for improving cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Influenza A viruses continue to represent a severe threat worldwide, causing large epidemics and pandemics responsible for thousands of deaths every year. Excessive inflammation due to overabundant production of proinflammatory cytokines by airway epithelial cells is considered an important factor in disease pathogenesis. Here we report that influenza A virus induced IkappaB kinase (IKK) activity in human airway epithelial A549 cells, resulting in persistent activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), a critical regulator of the inflammatory response. Although lung epithelial cells are highly sensitive to stimulation of the IKK/NF-kappaB pathway by influenza virus infection, NF-kappaB was not activated in several non-pulmonary cells permissive to the virus, indicating a cell-specific response. Moreover, NF-kappaB was not essential for virus replication but triggered the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in infected lung cells and was directly responsible for production of high levels of interleukin-8, a chemokine associated with influenza-induced inflammation and airway pathology. We also report that 9-deoxy-delta9,delta12-13,14-dihydro-prostaglandin D2, a cyclopentenone prostanoid with therapeutic efficacy against influenza in preclinical studies, was a powerful inhibitor of influenza virus-induced IKK activity and interleukin-8 production by human pulmonary cells. The results identify IKK as an important factor in triggering influenza virus-induced inflammatory reactions in pulmonary epithelium, suggesting novel therapeutic approaches in the treatment of influenza.  相似文献   
We recently reported that immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG oligodeoxynucleotides [CpG-ODN]) were effective in postexposure treatment of retrovirus-induced disease (A. R. M. Olbrich et al., J. Virol. 76:11397-11404, 2002). We now show that the timing of treatment is a critical factor in treatment efficacy. In stark contrast to the success of postexposure treatments, we found that CpG treatment of susceptible mice prior to Friend retrovirus infection accelerated the development of virus-induced erythroleukemia. Furthermore, 70.8% of mice that were resistant to Friend virus-induced leukemia developed disease after inoculation of CpG-ODN before infection. The CpG pretreatment of these mice enhanced viral loads in their spleens and blood compared to controls that received ODN without CpG motifs. The main target cells of Friend virus, erythroid precursor cells and B cells, proliferated after CpG-ODN inoculation and provided an enlarged target cell population for viral infection. Our present findings together with our previous report demonstrate that CpG-ODN treatment of viral infections may be a double-edged sword that can result in an effective therapy but also in an acceleration of disease progression depending on the time point of treatment.  相似文献   
Soil food webs comprise a multitude of trophic interactions that can affect the composition and productivity of plant communities. Belowground predators feeding on microbial grazers like Collembola could decelerate nutrient mineralization by reducing microbial turnover in the soil, which in turn could negatively influence plant growth. However, empirical evidences for the ecological significance of belowground predators on nutrient cycling and plant communities are scarce. Here, we manipulated predator density (Hypoaspis aculeifer: predatory mite) with equal densities of three Collembola species as a prey in four functionally dissimilar plant communities in experimental microcosms: grass monoculture (Poa pratensis), herb monoculture (Rumex acetosa), legume monoculture (Trifolium pratense), and all three species as a mixed plant community. Density manipulation of predators allowed us to test for density‐mediated effects of belowground predators on Collembola and lower trophic groups. We hypothesized that predator density will reduce Collembola population causing a decrease in nutrient mineralization and hence detrimentally affect plant growth. First, we found a density‐dependent population change in predators, that is, an increase in low‐density treatments, but a decrease in high‐density treatments. Second, prey suppression was lower at high predator density, which caused a shift in the soil microbial community by increasing the fungal: bacterial biomass ratio, and an increase of nitrification rates, particularly in legume monocultures. Despite the increase in nutrient mineralization, legume monocultures performed worse at high predator density. Further, individual grass shoot biomass decreased in monocultures, while it increased in mixed plant communities with increasing predator density, which coincided with elevated soil N uptake by grasses. As a consequence, high predator density significantly increased plant complementarity effects indicating a decrease in interspecific plant competition. These results highlight that belowground predators can relax interspecific plant competition by increasing nutrient mineralization through their density‐dependent cascading effects on detritivore and soil microbial communities.  相似文献   
So far, little is known on the fate of oligosaccharides in the colon of breast- and formula-fed babies. Using capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detector coupled to a mass spectrometer (CE–LIF–MSn), we studied the fecal oligosaccharide profiles of 27 two-month-old breast-, formula- and mixed-fed preterm babies. The interpretation of the complex oligosaccharide profiles was facilitated by beforehand clustering the CE–LIF data points by agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC). In the feces of breast-fed babies, characteristic human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) profiles, showing genetic fingerprints known for human milk of secretors and non-secretors, were recognized. Alternatively, advanced degradation and bioconversion of HMOs, resulting in an accumulation of acidic HMOs or HMO bioconversion products was observed. Independent of the prebiotic supplementation of the formula with galactooligosaccharides (GOS) at the level used, similar oligosaccharide profiles of low peak abundance were obtained for formula-fed babies. Feeding influences the presence of diet-related oligosaccharides in baby feces and gastrointestinal adaptation plays an important role herein. Four fecal oligosaccharides, characterized as HexNAc-Hex-Hex, Hex-[Fuc]-HexNAc-Hex, HexNAc-[Fuc]-Hex-Hex and HexNAc-[Fuc]-Hex-HexNAc-Hex-Hex, highlighted an active gastrointestinal metabolization of the feeding-related oligosaccharides. Their presence was linked to the gastrointestinal mucus layer and the blood-group determinant oligosaccharides therein, which are characteristic for the host’s genotype.  相似文献   
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