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In this paper, we provide evidence that the rooting performance of cuttings can be improved by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis of donor plants. Poinsettia stock plants were inoculated with the Glomus intraradices isolate H510 and grown in three different cultivation systems (two organic and one conventional). AM colonization was not related to P availability in the substrate. Decay of the excised cuttings in response to unfavorable postharvest storage conditions was significantly reduced by AM colonization of the stock plants. In most cases, AM significantly promoted the formation of adventitious roots in the stored cuttings. The strongest effect of AM was found when donor plants were grown in a modified organic substrate; then AM-conditioned cuttings showed higher leaf sugar levels and a changed kinetic of carbohydrates during storage. Analyses of N, P, and K in cuttings did not indicate a nutritional effect. The results support the idea that an altered carbohydrate metabolism and plant hormones can contribute to improved rooting performance of cuttings excised from mycorrhizal donor plants.  相似文献   
EtaA is a newly identified FAD-containing monooxygenase that is responsible for activation of several thioamide prodrugs in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It was found that purified EtaA displays a remarkably low activity with the antitubercular prodrug ethionamide. Hinted by the presence of a Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase sequence motif in the EtaA sequence, we have been able to identify a large number of novel EtaA substrates. It was discovered that the enzyme converts a wide range of ketones to the corresponding esters or lactones via a Baeyer-Villiger reaction, indicating that EtaA represents a Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase. With the exception of aromatic ketones (phenylacetone and benzylacetone), long-chain ketones (e.g. 2-hexanone and 2-dodecanone) also are converted. EtaA is also able to catalyze enantioselective sulfoxidation of methyl-p-tolylsulfide. Conversion of all of the identified substrates is relatively slow with typical k(cat) values of around 0.02 s(-1). The best substrate identified so far is phenylacetone (K(m) = 61 microM, k(cat) = 0.017 s(-1)). Redox monitoring of the flavin cofactor during turnover of phenylacetone indicates that a step in the reductive half-reaction is limiting the rate of catalysis. Intriguingly, EtaA activity could be increased by one order of magnitude by adding bovine serum albumin. This reactivity and substrate acceptance-profiling study provides valuable information concerning this newly identified prodrug activator from M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
We report on an in vitro organ culture method to investigate human conjunctival epithelial basal precursor cells and their progeny within a more natural three-dimensional microenvironment. Conjunctival fragments were cultured on gelatin sponges in medium with 10% FBS. The conjunctival phenotype of the epithelium was confirmed by the expression and distribution of a panel of markers (p63, CK-13/CK-10, CK-19, Ki-67, PAS for goblet cells, CD45 for infiltrating interlamellar leukocytes and nestin for mesenchymal and ocular epithelial precursor cells). After 7 days, the epithelium had exfoliated its superficial layers (mostly CK-19( )positive cells and all goblets), maintaining only 1-2 layers of basal/parabasal cells, p63, CK-13/CK-10 and nestin positive cells, firmly attached to the specimen. After 14 days, a new multilayered epithelium was formed, consisting of p63, CK-13/CK-10, nestin positive cells and in the high-zone CK-19 positive cells with new goblets. Additionally, we found interlamellar leukocytes which had probably migrated from capillaries that continued to be well maintained in the subepithelial stroma. Cells dispersed from conjunctival epithelium and co-cultured with feeder post-mitotic NIH3T3 fibroblasts formed mosaics displaying a basal epithelial phenotype. These cells expressed CD133 as revealed by RT-PCR. These organ cultures provide new opportunities to investigate epithelial reconstitution of the conjunctival surface and changes that may have occurred to their stem/precursor cells during adaptation to varying conditions in vitro.  相似文献   
The endo-beta-glucuronidase, heparanase, is an enzyme that cleaves heparan sulfate at specific intra-chain sites, yielding heparan sulfate fragments with appreciable size and biological activities. Heparanase activity has been traditionally correlated with cell invasion associated with cancer metastasis, angiogenesis, and inflammation. In addition, heparanase up-regulation has been documented in a variety of primary human tumors, correlating with increased vascular density and poor postoperative survival, suggesting that heparanase may be considered as a target for anticancer drugs. In an attempt to identify the protein motif that would serve as a target for the development of heparanase inhibitors, we looked for protein domains that mediate the interaction of heparanase with its heparan sulfate substrate. We have identified three potential heparin binding domains and provided evidence that one of these is mapped at the N terminus of the 50-kDa active heparanase subunit. A peptide corresponding to this region (Lys(158)-Asp(171)) physically associates with heparin and heparan sulfate. Moreover, the peptide inhibited heparanase enzymatic activity in a dose-responsive manner, presumably through competition with the heparan sulfate substrate. Furthermore, antibodies directed to this region inhibited heparanase activity, and a deletion construct lacking this domain exhibited no enzymatic activity. NMR titration experiments confirmed residues Lys(158)-Asn(162) as amino acids that firmly bound heparin. Deletion of a second heparin binding domain sequence (Gln(270)-Lys(280)) yielded an inactive enzyme that failed to interact with cell surface heparan sulfate and hence accumulated in the culture medium of transfected HEK 293 cells to exceptionally high levels. The two heparin/heparan sulfate recognition domains are potentially attractive targets for the development of heparanase inhibitors.  相似文献   
CD38 has been widely characterised both as an ectoenzyme and as a receptor. In the present paper, we investigated the role of CD38 as possible modulator of apoptosis. CD38-positive (CD38(+)) and negative (CD38(-)) fractions, obtained by sorting CD38(+) cells from lymphoma T (Jurkat) and lymphoma B (Raji) and by transfecting lymphoma LG14 and myeloid leukemia K562 cell lines, were used. Cellular subpopulations were exposed to different triggers (H(2)O(2), UV-B, alpha-TOS and hrTRAIL) and the extent of apoptosis was determined by Annexin V-FITC/PI assay. Our data showed that, in lymphoma cells, propensity to apoptosis was significantly linked to CD38 expression and that, remarkably, such response was independent of the nature of the trigger used. Inhibition of CD38 expression by antisense oligonucleotides treatment resulted in CD38-silenced fractions which were as prone to apoptosis as CD38(-) ones. Notably, susceptibility of K562 to apoptosis-inducing challenges was not affected by CD38 expression.  相似文献   
In some sponges peculiar proteins called silicateins catalyze silica polymerization in ordered structures, and their study is of high interest for possible biotechnological applications in the nanostructure industry. In this work we describe the isolation and the molecular characterization of silicatein from spicules of Petrosia ficiformis, a common Mediterranean sponge, and the development of a cellular model (primmorphs) suitable for in vitro studies of silicatein gene regulation. The spicule of P. ficiformis contains an axial filament composed of 2 insoluble proteins, of 30 and 23 kDa. The 23-kDa protein was characterized, and the full-length cDNA was cloned. The putative amino acid sequence has high homology with previously described silicateins from other sponge species and also is very similar to cathepsins, a cystein protease family. Finally, P. ficiformis primmorphs express the silicatein gene, suggesting that they should be a good model for biosilicification studies.  相似文献   
Primary human embryo lung fibroblasts and adult diploid fibroblasts infected by the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) display beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) activity at neutral pH (senescence-associated beta-Gal [SA-beta-Gal] activity) and overexpression of the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) gene, two widely recognized markers of the process designated premature cell senescence. This activity is higher when cells are serum starved for 48 h before infection, a process that speeds and facilitates HCMV infection but that is insufficient by itself to induce senescence. Fibroblasts infected by HCMV do not incorporate bromodeoxyuridine, a prerequisite for the formal definition of senescence. At the molecular level, cells infected by HCMV, beside the accumulation of large amounts of the cell cycle regulators p53 and pRb, the latter in its hyperphosphorylated form, display a strong induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (cdki) p16(INK4a), a direct effector of the senescence phenotype in fibroblasts, and a decrease of the cdki p21(CIP1/WAF). Finally, a replicative senescence state in the early phases of infection significantly increased the number of cells permissive to virus infection and enhanced HCMV replication. HCMV infection assays carried out in the presence of phosphonoformic acid, which inhibits the virus DNA polymerase and the expression of downstream genes, indicated that immediate-early and/or early (alpha) genes are sufficient for the induction of SA-beta-Gal activity. When baculovirus vectors expressing HCMV IE1-72 or IE2-86 proteins were inoculated into fibroblasts, the increase of p16(INK4a) (observed predominantly with IE2-86) was similar to that observed with the whole virus, as was the induction of SA-beta-Gal activity, suggesting that the viral IE2 gene leads infected cells into senescence. Altogether our results demonstrate for the first time that HCMV, after arresting the cell cycle and inhibiting apoptosis, triggers the cellular senescence program, probably through the p16(INK4a) and p53 pathways.  相似文献   
In the cerebellar cortex, interneurons of the molecular layer (stellate and basket cells) provide GABAergic input to Purkinje cells, as well as to each other and possibly to other interneurons. GABAergic inhibition in the molecular layer has mainly been investigated at the interneuron to Purkinje cell synapse. In this study, we used complementary subtractive strategies to quantitatively assess the ratio of GABAergic synapses on Purkinje cell dendrites versus those on interneurons. We generated a mouse model in which the GABAA receptor α1 subunit (GABAARα1) was selectively removed from Purkinje cells using the Cre/loxP system. Deletion of the α1 subunit resulted in a complete loss of GABAAR aggregates from Purkinje cells, allowing us to determine the density of GABAAR clusters in interneurons. In a complementary approach, we determined the density of GABA synapses impinging on Purkinje cells using α-dystroglycan as a specific marker of inhibitory postsynaptic sites. Combining these inverse approaches, we found that synapses received by interneurons represent approximately 40% of all GABAergic synapses in the molecular layer. Notably, this proportion was stable during postnatal development, indicating synchronized synaptogenesis. Based on the pure quantity of GABAergic synapses onto interneurons, we propose that mutual inhibition must play an important, yet largely neglected, computational role in the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   
Bethylidae is a family belonging to the insect order Hymenoptera and contains about 2 200 described species. Bethylids typically parasitize larvae of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, including species that are serious pests of stored products. Here, we review the main characteristics of each of the bethylids reported as biological control agent of these pests. The biological characteristics and peculiarities are reported for each species, and the potential for their practical application is discussed.  相似文献   
Little is known about pharmaceutical and personal care products pollutants (PPCPs), but there is a growing interest in how they might impact the environment and microbial communities. The widespread use of Viagra (sildenafil citrate) has attracted great attention because of the high usage rate, the unpredictable disposal and the unknown potential effects on wildlife and the environment. Until now information regarding the impact of Viagra on microbial community in water environment has not been reported. In this research, for the first time, the genetic profile of the microbial community, developing in a Viagra polluted water environment, was evaluated by means of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes, for bacteria and fungi, respectively, amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and separated using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. The DGGE results revealed a complex microbial community structure with most of the population persisting throughout the experimental period. DNA sequences from bands observed in the different denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles exhibited the highest degree of identity to uncultured bacteria and fungi found previously mainly in polluted environmental and treating bioreactors. Biotransformation ability of sildenafil citrate by the microbial pool was studied and the capability of these microorganisms to detoxify a polluted water ecosystem was assessed. The bacterial and fungal population was able to degrade sildenafil citrate entirely. Additionally, assays conducted on Daphnia magna, algal growth inhibition assay and cell viability determination on HepG2 human cells showed that biotransformation products obtained from the bacterial growth was not toxic. The higher removal efficiency for sildenafil citrate and the lack of toxicity by the biotransformation products obtained showed that the microbial community identified here represented a composite population that might have biotechnological relevance to retrieve sildenafil citrate contaminated sites.  相似文献   
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