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Developmental models for skin exist in terrestrial and amphibious vertebrates but there is a lack of information in aquatic vertebrates. We have analysed skin epidermal development of a bony fish (teleost), the most successful group of extant vertebrates. A specific epidermal type I keratin cDNA (hhKer1), which may be a bony-fish-specific adaptation associated with the divergence of skin development (scale formation) compared with other vertebrates, has been cloned and characterized. The expression of hhKer1 and collagen 1α1 in skin taken together with the presence or absence of keratin bundle-like structures have made it possible to distinguish between larval and adult epidermal cells during skin development. The use of a flatfish with a well-defined larval to juvenile transition as a model of skin development has revealed that epidermal larval basal cells differentiate directly to epidermal adult basal cells at the climax of metamorphosis. Moreover, hhKer1 expression is downregulated at the climax of metamorphosis and is inversely correlated with increasing thyroxin levels. We suggest that, whereas early mechanisms of skin development between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates are conserved, later mechanisms diverge. This work was carried out within the project “Arrested development: The Molecular and Endocrine Basis of Flatfish Metamorphosis” (Q5RS-2002-01192) with financial support from the Commission of the European Communities. It does not necessarily reflect the Commission’s views and in no way anticipates its future policy in this area. This project was further supported by Pluriannual funding to CCMAR by the Portuguese Science and Technology Council. M.A. Campinho was sponsored by the Portuguese Ministry of Science (grant no. SFRH/BD/6133/2001).  相似文献   
Despite a growing number of splicing mutations found in hereditary diseases, utilization of aberrant splice sites and their effects on gene expression remain challenging to predict. We compiled sequences of 346 aberrant 5′splice sites (5′ss) that were activated by mutations in 166 human disease genes. Mutations within the 5′ss consensus accounted for 254 cryptic 5′ss and mutations elsewhere activated 92 de novo 5′ss. Point mutations leading to cryptic 5′ss activation were most common in the first intron nucleotide, followed by the fifth nucleotide. Substitutions at position +5 were exclusively G>A transitions, which was largely attributable to high mutability rates of C/G>T/A. However, the frequency of point mutations at position +5 was significantly higher than that observed in the Human Gene Mutation Database, suggesting that alterations of this position are particularly prone to aberrant splicing, possibly due to a requirement for sequential interactions with U1 and U6 snRNAs. Cryptic 5′ss were best predicted by computational algorithms that accommodate nucleotide dependencies and not by weight-matrix models. Discrimination of intronic 5′ss from their authentic counterparts was less effective than for exonic sites, as the former were intrinsically stronger than the latter. Computational prediction of exonic de novo 5′ss was poor, suggesting that their activation critically depends on exonic splicing enhancers or silencers. The authentic counterparts of aberrant 5′ss were significantly weaker than the average human 5′ss. The development of an online database of aberrant 5′ss will be useful for studying basic mechanisms of splice-site selection, identifying splicing mutations and optimizing splice-site prediction algorithms.  相似文献   
The microbial flora of the vagina plays a major role in preventing genital infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV) and candidiasis (CA). An integrated approach based on PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and real-time PCR was used to study the structure and dynamics of bacterial communities in vaginal fluids of healthy women and patients developing BV and CA. Universal eubacterial primers and Lactobacillus genus-specific primers, both targeted at 16S rRNA genes, were used in DGGE and real-time PCR analysis, respectively. The DGGE profiles revealed that the vaginal flora was dominated by Lactobacillus species under healthy conditions, whereas several potentially pathogenic bacteria were present in the flora of women with BV. Lactobacilli were the predominant bacterial population in the vagina for patients affected by CA, but changes in the composition of Lactobacillus species were observed. Real-time PCR analysis allowed the quantitative estimation of variations in lactobacilli associated with BV and CA diseases. A statistically significant decrease in the relative abundance of lactobacilli was found in vaginal fluids of patients with BV compared to the relative abundance of lactobacilli in the vaginal fluids of healthy women and patients with CA.  相似文献   
To investigate the possible role of basic residues in H+ translocation through vacuolar-type H+-pumping pyrophosphatases (V-PPases), conserved arginine and lysine residues predicted to reside within or close to transmembrane domains of an Arabidopsis thaliana V-PPase (AVP1) were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis. One of these mutants (K461A) exhibited a “decoupled” phenotype in which proton-pumping but not hydrolysis was inhibited. Similar results were reported previously for an E427Q mutant, resulting in the proposal that E427 might be involved in proton translocation. However, the double mutant E427K/K461E has a wild type phenotype, suggesting that E427 and K461 form a stabilising salt bridge, but that neither residue plays a critical role in proton translocation.  相似文献   
Cells are continuously under the assault of endogenous and exogenous genotoxic stress that challenges the integrity of DNA. To cope with such a formidable task cells have evolved surveillance mechanisms, known as checkpoints, and a variety of DNA repair systems responding to different types of DNA lesions. These lesions occur in the context of the chromatin structure and, as expected for all DNA transactions, the cellular response to DNA damage is going to be influenced by the chromatin enviroment. In this review, we will discuss recent studies implicating chromatin remodelling factors and histone modifications in the response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and in checkpoint activation in response to UV lesions.  相似文献   
Nitazoxanide (2-acetolyloxy-N-(5-nitro 2-thiazolyl) benzamide; NTZ) represents the parent compound of a novel class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic compounds named thiazolides. NTZ is active against a wide variety of intestinal and tissue-dwelling helminths, protozoa, enteric bacteria and a number of viruses infecting animals and humans. While potent, this poses a problem in practice, since this obvious non-selectivity can lead to undesired side effects in both humans and animals. In this study, we used real time PCR to determine the in vitro activities of 29 different thiazolides (NTZ-derivatives), which carry distinct modifications on both the thiazole- and the benzene moieties, against the tachyzoite stage of the intracellular protozoan Neospora caninum. The goal was to identify a highly active compound lacking the undesirable nitro group, which would have a more specific applicability, such as in food animals. By applying self-organizing molecular field analysis (SOMFA), these data were used to develop a predictive model for future drug design. SOMFA performs self-alignment of the molecules, and takes into account the steric and electrostatic properties, in order to determine 3D-quantitative structure activity relationship models. The best model was obtained by overlay of the thiazole moieties. Plotting of predicted versus experimentally determined activity produced an r2 value of 0.8052 and cross-validation using the "leave one out" methodology resulted in a q2 value of 0.7987. A master grid map showed that large steric groups at the R2 position, the nitrogen of the amide bond and position Y could greatly reduce activity, and the presence of large steric groups placed at positions X, R4 and surrounding the oxygen atom of the amide bond, may increase the activity of thiazolides against Neospora caninum tachyzoites. The model obtained here will be an important predictive tool for future development of this important class of drugs.  相似文献   
High altitude decreases birth weight, but this effect is diminished in long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations. We asked whether women from long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations had higher arterial oxygenation levels by comparing 42 Andean and 26 European residents of La Paz, Bolivia (3,600 m), serially during pregnancy (weeks 20, 30, and 36) and again 4 mo postpartum. Pregnancy raised hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity threefold, resting ventilation (.Ve), and arterial O(2) saturation (Sa(O2)) in both groups. Ancestry, as identified using 81 genetic markers, correlated with respiratory pattern, such that greater Andean ancestry was associated with higher respiratory frequency and lower tidal volume. Pregnancy increased total blood and plasma volume approximately 40% in both groups without changing red blood cell mass relative to body weight; hence, hemoglobin fell. The hemoglobin decline was compensated for by the rise in .Ve and Sa(O2) with the result that arterial O2 content (Ca(O2)) was maintained near nonpregnant levels in both groups. Birth weights were similar for all Andean and European babies, but after adjusting for variation in gestational age, maternal height and parity, Andeans weighed 209 g more than Europeans. Babies with heavier birth weights and greater ponderal indices were born to Andean women with higher Ve during pregnancy. We concluded that while maternal .Ve and arterial oxygenation were important, some factor other than higher Ca(O2) was responsible for protecting Andeans from altitude-associated reductions in fetal growth.  相似文献   
In heart failure (HF), there is a reduced baroreflex sensitivity at rest, and during dynamic exercise there is enhanced muscle metaboreflex activation (MRA). However, how the arterial baroreflex modulates HR during exercise is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (SBRS) is attenuated during exercise in HF and that MRA further depresses SBRS. In seven conscious dogs we measured heart rate (HR), cardiac output, and left ventricular systolic pressure at rest and during mild and moderate dynamic exercise, before and during MRA (via imposed reductions of hindlimb blood flow), and before and after induction of HF (by rapid ventricular pacing). SBRS was assessed by the sequences method. In control, SBRS was reduced from rest with a progressive resetting of the baroreflex stimulus-response relationship in proportion to exercise intensity and magnitude of MRA. In HF, SBRS was significantly depressed in all settings; however, the changes with exercise and MRA occurred with a pattern similar to the control state. As in control, the baroreflex stimulus-response relationship showed an intensity- and muscle metaboreflex (MMR)-dependent rightward and upward shift. The results of this study indicate that HF induces an impairment in baroreflex control of HR at rest and during exercise, although the effects of exercise and MRA on SBRS occur with a similar pattern as in control, indicating the persistence of some vagal activity.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) and histone acetyl transferases (HATs) are two counteracting enzyme families whose enzymatic activity controls the acetylation state of protein lysine residues, notably those contained in the N-terminal extensions of the core histones. Acetylation of histones affects gene expression through its influence on chromatin conformation. In addition, several non-histone proteins are regulated in their stability or biological function by the acetylation state of specific lysine residues. HDACs intervene in a multitude of biological processes and are part of a multiprotein family in which each member has its specialized functions. In addition, HDAC activity is tightly controlled through targeted recruitment, protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications. Control of cell cycle progression, cell survival and differentiation are among the most important roles of these enzymes. Since these processes are affected by malignant transformation, HDAC inhibitors were developed as antineoplastic drugs and are showing encouraging efficacy in cancer patients.  相似文献   
Impedance spectroscopy approaches combined with the immunosensor technology have been used for the determination of trace amounts of ciprofloxacin antibiotic belonging to the fluoroquinolone family. The sensor electrode was based on the immobilization of anti-ciprofloxacin antibodies by chemical binding onto a poly(pyrrole-NHS) film electrogenerated on a solid gold substrate. The electrode surface was modified by electropolymerization of pyrrole-NHS, antibody grafting and ciprofloxacin immunoreaction. The sensitive steps of surface modification, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging have been used for electrode surface characterization. The immunoreaction of ciprofloxacin on the grafted anti-ciprofloxacin antibody directly triggers a signal via impedance spectroscopy measurements which allows the detection of extremely low concentration of 10 pg/ml ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   
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