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Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures which have a high impact on the individual as well as on society as a whole. In addition to the economic burden, epilepsy imposes a substantial burden on the patients and their surroundings. Patients with uncontrolled epilepsy depend heavily on informal care and on health care professionals. About 30% of patients suffer from drug-resistant epilepsy. The ketogenic diet can be a treatment of last resort, especially for children. The beneficial effect of the ketogenic diet has been proven, but information is lacking about its cost-effectiveness. In the current study we will evaluate the (cost-) effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in children and adolescents with intractable epilepsy.  相似文献   
Neotropical genera of Cephenniini characterized by an additional leg ‘segment’ (‘trochantellus’) are revised, and the following new taxa are described: Shyri gen.n. , Shyri pichincha sp.n. (type species of Shyri) (Ecuador), Shyri perversus sp.n. (Ecuador), Shyri quitu sp.n. (Ecuador), Shyri microphthalmus sp.n. (Ecuador), Monstrophennium gen.n. (type species: Cephennium spinicolle Schaufuss), Furcodes gen.n. , Furcodes apicalis sp.n. (type species of Furcodes) (Mexico), Furcodes tutule sp.n. (Honduras), Paracephennium pumilio sp.n. (Costa Rica), Pseudocephennium iwokramanum sp.n. (Guyana), Pseudocephennium trilineatum sp.n. (Guyana), Pseudocephennium araguanum sp.n. (Venezuela), Pseudocephennium maximum sp.n. (Venezuela), Pseudocephennium peruvianum sp.n. (Peru), Pseudocephennium cochabambanum sp.n. (Bolivia), Pseudocephennium saramaccanum sp.n. (Suriname) and Pseudocephennium brokopondonum sp.n. (Suriname). Pseudocephennium spinicolle (Schaufuss) is transferred to Monstrophennium. Cladistic analysis of characters from adult morphology of all genera of Cephenniini and a large outgroup sample from Cyrtoscydmini, Eutheiini, Scydmaenini, Clidicini and Mastigini strongly supported the monophyly of Cephenniini. However, only the Cephennomicrus group comprising nine genera was strongly supported as a monophyletic clade, while only weak support was found for the previously suggested Cephennodes group and Cephennium group. Two alternative hypotheses concerning the phylogeny of Cephenniini are put forward and discussed: (i) the Cephennium group is sister to all remaining Cephenniini; or (ii) the Cephennomicrus group is sister to all remaining Cephenniini. The Neotropical genera with ‘trochantellus’ form a well‐supported clade derived from the ancestral lineage of the Cephennodes group.  相似文献   
The inhibition of DPP-IV by saxagliptin has been proposed to occur through formation of a covalent but reversible complex. To evaluate further the mechanism of inhibition, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of the DPP-IV:saxagliptin complex. This structure reveals covalent attachment between S630 and the inhibitor nitrile carbon (C-O distance <1.3 A). To investigate whether this serine addition is assisted by the catalytic His-Asp dyad, we generated two mutants of DPP-IV, S630A and H740Q, and assayed them for ability to bind inhibitor. DPP-IV H740Q bound saxagliptin with an approximately 1000-fold reduction in affinity relative to DPP-IV WT, while DPP-IV S630A showed no evidence for binding inhibitor. An analog of saxagliptin lacking the nitrile group showed unchanged binding properties to the both mutant proteins, highlighting the essential role S630 and H740 play in covalent bond formation between S630 and saxagliptin. Further supporting mechanism-based inhibition by saxagliptin, NMR spectra of enzyme-saxagliptin complexes revealed the presence of three downfield resonances with low fractionation factors characteristic of short and strong hydrogen bonds (SSHB). Comparison of the NMR spectra of various wild-type and mutant DPP-IV:ligand complexes enabled assignment of a resonance at approximately 14 ppm to H740. Two additional DPP-IV mutants, Y547F and Y547Q, generated to probe potential stabilization of the enzyme-inhibitor complex by this residue, did not show any differences in inhibitor binding either by ITC or NMR. Together with the previously published enzymatic data, the structural and binding data presented here strongly support a histidine-assisted covalent bond formation between S630 hydroxyl oxygen and the nitrile group of saxagliptin.  相似文献   
Steady-state kinetics, equilibrium binding, and primary substrate kinetic isotope effect studies revealed that the reduction of crotonyl-CoA by NADH, catalyzed by Haemophilus influenzae enoyl-ACP reductase (FabI), follows a rapid equilibrium random kinetic mechanism with negative interaction among the substrates. Two biphenyl inhibitors, triclosan and hexachlorophene, were studied in the context of the kinetic mechanism. IC(50) values for triclosan in the presence and absence of NAD(+) were 0.1 +/- 0.02 and 2.4 +/- 0.02 microM, respectively, confirming previous observations that the E-NAD(+) complex binds triclosan more tightly than the free enzyme. Preincubation of the enzyme with triclosan and NADH suggested that the E-NADH complex is the active triclosan binding species as well. These results were reinforced by measurement of binding kinetic transients. Intrinsic protein fluorescence changes induced by binding of 20 microM triclosan to E, E-NADH, E-NAD(+), and E-crotonyl-CoA occur at rates of 0.0124 +/- 0.001, 0.0663 +/- 0.002, 0.412 +/- 0.01, and 0.0069 +/- 0.0001 s(-1), respectively. The rate of binding decreased with increasing crotonyl-CoA concentrations in the E-crotonyl-CoA complex, and the extrapolated rate at zero concentration of crotonyl-CoA corresponded to the rate observed for the binding to the free enzyme. This suggests that triclosan and the acyl substrate share a common binding site. Hexachlorophene inhibition, on the other hand, was NAD(+)- and time-independent; and the calculated IC(50) value was 2.5 +/- 0.4 microM. Steady-state inhibition patterns did not allow the mode of inhibition to be unambiguously determined, but binding kinetics suggested that free enzyme, E-NAD(+), and E-crotonyl-CoA have similar affinity for hexachlorophene, since the k(obs)s were in the same range of 20-24 s(-1). When the E-NADH complex was mixed with hexachlorophene ligand, concentration-independent fluorescence quenching at 480 nm was observed, suggesting at least partial competition between NADH and hexachlorophene for the same binding site. Mutual exclusivity studies, together with the above-discussed results, indicate that triclosan and hexachlorophene bind at different sites of H. influenzae FabI.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have shown that thwarting of feeding behaviour in the laying hen is expressed through a specific vocalisation, the gakel-call. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether the effect of deprivation per se on the occurrence of gakel-calls can be distinguished from the effect of the additional frustration. Frustration is defined as the state of an animal that results from nonreward in the expectancy of reward. The second aim was to investigate whether the occurrence of gakel-calls is restricted to a food context or whether it can be regarded as an expression of frustration in general. For this purpose, 20 hens were deprived of food, water and dustbath. After deprivation at a fixed time, a cue was given and the hens were rewarded with access to food, water or dust during a 15-min session on 4 consecutive days. On the fifth day, they were thwarted in the associated behaviours by blocking the access to these commodities, after the hens had been presented the signal that previously preceded the reward. We then recorded behaviours that might reflect the state of frustration in three 15-min periods. The period "Pre-Frustration" started 15 min before "Frustration". This, in turn, was followed by the period "Post-frustration" in which the hens were rewarded again. Nesting behaviour was thwarted by blocking the access to the nest (Frustration) after a hen had reached the last stage of its prelaying behaviour.In the food, water and dustbath context, deprivation elicited gakel-calls. The additional frustration resulted in a higher number of gakel-calls in all contexts except the food context. However, together with the findings of previous experiments, the results of this study suggest that frustration, in general, is expressed through the gakel-call. Frustration in the nest context elicited more gakel-calls than the other contexts. This latter finding is discussed in the light of the occurrence of the gakel-call under natural circumstances.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of a class of pyrazole-based compounds that are potent inhibitors of the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase of Helicobacter pylori but that do not inhibit the cognate enzymes from Gram-positive bacteria or humans. In culture these compounds inhibit the growth of H. pylori selectively, showing no effect on other Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria or human cell lines. These compounds represent the first examples of H. pylori-specific antibacterial agents. Cellular activity within this structural class appears to be due to dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibition. Minor structural changes that abrogate in vitro inhibition of the enzyme likewise eliminate cellular activity. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentrations of these compounds increase upon addition of orotate to the culture medium in a concentration-dependent manner, consistent with dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibition as the mechanism of cellular inhibition. The data presented here suggest that targeted inhibition of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis may be a valuable mechanism for the development of antimicrobial agents selective for H. pylori.  相似文献   
To determine the specificity and efficacy of [(3)H]ouabain binding as a quantitative measure of the Na(+) pump (Na(+), K(+)-ATPase) and as a marker for the localization of pumps involved in transepithelial Na(+)-transport, we analyzed the interaction of [(3)H]ouabain with its receptor in pig kidney epithelial (LLC-PK(1)) cells. When these epithelial cells are depleted of Na(+) and exposed to 2 muM [(3)H]ouabain in a Na(+)-free medium, binding is reduced by 90 percent. When depleted of K(+) and incubated in a K(+)- free medium, the ouabain binding rate is increase compared with that measured at 5 mM. This increase is only demonstable when Na(+) is present. The increased rate could be attributed to the predominance of the Na(+)-stimulated phosphorylated form of the pump, as K(+) is not readily available to stimulate dephosphorylation. However, some binding in the K(+)-free medium is attributable to pump turnover (and therefore, recycling of K(+)), because analysis of K(+)-washout kinetics demonstrated that addition of 2 muM ouabain to K(+)-depleted cells increased the rate of K(+) loss. These results indicate that in intact epithelial cells, unlike isolated membrane preparations, the most favorable condition for supporting ouabain binding occurs when the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase is operating in the Na(+)-pump mode or is phosphorylated in the presence of Na(+). When LLC-PK(1) cells were exposed to ouabain at 4 degrees C, binding was reduced by 97 percent. Upon rewarming, the rate of binding was greater than that obtained on cells kept at a constant 37 degrees C. However, even at this accelerated rate, the time to reach equilibrium was beyond what is required for cells, swollen by exposure to cold, to recover normal volume. Thus, results from studies that have attempted to use ouabain to eliminate the contribution of the conventional Na(+) pump to volume recovery must be reevaluated if the exposure to ouabain was done in the cold or under conditions in which the Na(+) pump is not operating.  相似文献   
Persistent inflammation and associated excessive oxidative stress have been crucially implicated in quartz-induced pulmonary diseases, including fibrosis and cancer. We have investigated the significance of the particle surface reactivity of respirable quartz dust in relation to the in vivo generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) and the associated induction of oxidative stress responses in the lung. Therefore, rats were intratracheally instilled with 2 mg quartz (DQ12) or quartz whose surface was modified by either polyvinylpyridine-N-oxide (PVNO) or aluminium lactate (AL). Seven days after instillation, the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was analysed for markers of inflammation (total/differential cell counts), levels of pulmonary oxidants (H2O2, nitrite), antioxidant status (trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity), as well as for markers of lung tissue damage, e.g. total protein, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase. Lung homogenates as well as sections were investigated regarding the induction of the oxidative DNA-lesion/oxidative stress marker 8-hydroxy-2''-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) using HPLC/ECD analysis and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Homogenates and sections were also investigated for the expression of the bifunctional apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease/redox factor-1 (APE/Ref-1) by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Significantly increased levels of H2O2 and nitrite were observed in rats treated with non-coated quartz, when compared to rats that were treated with either saline or the surface-modified quartz preparations. In the BALF, there was a strong correlation between the number of macrophages and ROS, as well as total cells and RNS. Although enhanced oxidant generation in non-coated DQ12-treated rats was paralleled with an increased total antioxidant capacity in the BALF, these animals also showed significantly enhanced lung tissue damage. Remarkably however, elevated ROS levels were not associated with an increase in 8-OHdG, whereas the lung tissue expression of APE/Ref-1 protein was clearly up-regulated. The present data provide further in vivo evidence for the crucial role of particle surface properties in quartz dust-induced ROS/RNS generation by recruited inflammatory phagocytes. Our results also demonstrate that quartz dust can fail to show steady-state enhanced oxidative DNA damage in the respiratory tract, in conditions were it elicits a marked and persistent inflammation with associated generation of ROS/RNS, and indicate that this may relate to compensatory induction of APE/Ref-1 mediated base excision repair.  相似文献   
Acidithiobacillus caldus has been proposed to play a role in the oxidation of reduced inorganic sulfur compounds (RISCs) produced in industrial biomining of sulfidic minerals. Here, we describe the regulation of a new cluster containing the gene encoding tetrathionate hydrolase (tetH), a key enzyme in the RISC metabolism of this bacterium. The cluster contains five cotranscribed genes, ISac1, rsrR, rsrS, tetH, and doxD, coding for a transposase, a two-component response regulator (RsrR and RsrS), tetrathionate hydrolase, and DoxD, respectively. As shown by quantitative PCR, rsrR, tetH, and doxD are upregulated to different degrees in the presence of tetrathionate. Western blot analysis also indicates upregulation of TetH in the presence of tetrathionate, thiosulfate, and pyrite. The tetH cluster is predicted to have two promoters, both of which are functional in Escherichia coli and one of which was mapped by primer extension. A pyrrolo-quinoline quinone binding domain in TetH was predicted by bioinformatic analysis, and the presence of an o-quinone moiety was experimentally verified, suggesting a mechanism for tetrathionate oxidation.  相似文献   
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