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According to the temperature-size rule (TSR), ectotherms developing under cold conditions experience slower growth as juveniles but reach a larger size at maturity. Whether temperature alone causes this phenomenon is unknown, but oxygen limitation can play a role in the temperature-size relationship. Oxygen may become limited under warm conditions when the resulting higher metabolism creates a greater demand for oxygen, especially in larger individuals. We examined the independent effects of oxygen concentration (10% and 22% O2) and temperature (15 °C and 22 °C) on duration of ontogenic development, which takes place within the maternal brood pouch (marsupium), and juvenile growth in the terrestrial isopod common rough woodlouse (Porcellio scaber). Individuals inside the marsupium undergo the change from the aqueous to the gaseous environment. Under hypoxia, woodlice hatched from the marsupium sooner, but their subsequent growth was not affected by the level of oxygen. Marsupial development and juvenile growth were almost three times slower at low temperature, and marsupial development was longer in larger females but only in the cold treatment. These results show that temperature and oxygen are important ecological factors affecting developmental time and that the strength of the effect likely depends on the availability of oxygen in the environment.  相似文献   
When Abortiporus biennis was grown on PbO-amended media, Pb (II) ions accumulated near fungal membrane structures, in the cell wall, and in the cytoplasm of the fungal cells, and their presence caused cell vacuolization. Increased concentration of PbO in the growth media caused a decline in fungal accumulation capacity. Neither PbO solubilization nor an increased level of organic acids underneath the mycelium was found.  相似文献   
Centromeres provide a region of chromatin upon which kinetochores are assembled in mitosis. Centromeric protein C (CENP-C) is a core component of this centromeric chromatin that, when depleted, prevents the proper formation of both centromeres and kinetochores. CENP-C localizes to centromeres throughout the cell cycle via its C-terminal part, whereas its N-terminal part appears necessary for recruitment of some but not all components of the Mis12 complex of the kinetochore. We now find that all kinetochore proteins belonging to the KMN (KNL1/Spc105, the Mis12 complex, and the Ndc80 complex) network bind to the N-terminal part of Drosophila CENP-C. Moreover, we show that the Mis12 complex component Nnf1 interacts directly with CENP-C in vitro. To test whether CENP-C's N-terminal part was sufficient to recruit KMN proteins, we targeted it to the centrosome by fusing it to a domain of Plk4 kinase. The Mis12 and Ndc80 complexes and Spc105 protein were then all recruited to centrosomes at the expense of centromeres, leading to mitotic abnormalities typical of cells with defective kinetochores. Thus, the N-terminal part of Drosophila CENP-C is sufficient to recruit core kinetochore components and acts as the principal linkage between centromere and kinetochore during mitosis.  相似文献   
Protein function annotation and rational drug discovery rely on the knowledge of binding sites for small organic compounds, and yet the quality of existing binding site predictors was never systematically evaluated. We assess predictions of ten representative geometry-, energy-, threading-, and consensus-based methods on a new benchmark data set that considers apo and holo protein structures with multiple binding sites for biologically relevant ligands. Statistical tests show that threading-based Findsite outperforms other predictors when its templates have high similarity with the input protein. However, Findsite is equivalent or inferior to some geometry-, energy-, and consensus-based methods when the similarity is lower. We demonstrate that geometry-, energy-, and consensus-based predictors benefit from the usage of holo structures and that the top four methods, Findsite, Q-SiteFinder, ConCavity, and MetaPocket, perform better for larger binding sites. Predictions from these four methods are complementary, and our simple meta-predictor improves over the best single predictor.  相似文献   


Bioinformatic analyses typically proceed as chains of data-processing tasks. A pipeline, or 'workflow', is a well-defined protocol, with a specific structure defined by the topology of data-flow interdependencies, and a particular functionality arising from the data transformations applied at each step. In computer science, the dataflow programming (DFP) paradigm defines software systems constructed in this manner, as networks of message-passing components. Thus, bioinformatic workflows can be naturally mapped onto DFP concepts.  相似文献   
This paper asks whether population growth is conducive to the sustainability of cooperation. A simple model is developed in which farmers who live around a circular lake engage in trade with their adjacent neighbors. The payoffs from this activity are governed by a prisoner's dilemma “rule of engagement.” Every farmer has one son when the population is not growing, or two sons when it is growing. In the former case, the son takes over the farm when his father dies. In the latter case, one son stays on his father's farm, whereas the other son settles around another lake, along with the “other” sons of the other farmers. During his childhood, each son observes the strategies and the payoffs of his father and of the trading partners of his father, and imitates the most successful strategy when starting farming on his own. Then mutant defectors are introduced into an all-cooperator community. The defector strategy may spread. A comparison is drawn between the impact in terms of the sustainability of cooperation of the appearance of the mutants in a population that is not growing, and in one that is growing. It is shown that the ex-ante probability of sustaining the cooperation strategy is higher for a community that is growing than for a stagnant community.  相似文献   
Trans-resveratrol, a natural phytoalexin present in red wine and grapes, has gained considerable attention because of its antiproliferative, chemopreventive and proapoptotic activity against human cancer cells. The accurate quantum-chemical computations based on the density functional theory (DFT) and ab initio second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation method (MP2) have been performed for the first time to study interactions of trans-resveratrol with guanine-thymine dinucleotide and DNA-derived nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine in vacuum and water medium. This compound is found to show high affinity to nitrogenous bases and guanine-thymine dinucleotide. The electrostatic interactions from intermolecular hydrogen bonding increase the stability of complexes studied. In particular, significantly strong hydrogen bonds between 4′-H atom of trans-resveratrol and imidazole nitrogen as well as carbonyl oxygen atoms of nucleobases studied stabilize these systems. The stabilization energies computed reveal that the negatively charged trans-resveratrol-dinucleotide complex is more energetically stable in water medium than in vacuum. MP2 method gives more reliable and significantly high values of stabilization energy of trans-resveratrol-dinucleotide, trans-resveratrol-guanine and trans-resveratrol-thymine complexes than B3LYP exchange-correlation functional because it takes into account London dispersion energy. According to the results, in the presence of trans-resveratrol the 3′-5′ phosphodiester bond in dinucleotide can be cleaved and the proton from 4′-OH group of trans-resveratrol migrates to the 3′-O atom of dinucleotide. It is concluded that trans-resveratrol is able to break the DNA strand. Hence, the findings obtained help understand antiproliferative and anticancer properties of this polyphenol.  相似文献   
Sporisorium warambiense is described and illustrated from the ovaries of Xerochloa laniflora from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The smut fungus is characterized by sori restricted to the ovaries, presence of three simple, stout, narrowing columellae, dark reddish-brown spore balls, dimorphic spores (darker outer spores and lighter inner spores), and the absence of sterile cells. The differences between Sporisorium warambiense and three other smuts that infect Xerochloa (Sporisorium xerofasciculatum, Tilletia xerochloae, and Ustilago xerochloae), as well as comparable Sporisorium species on other grass genera from the tribe Paniceae are discussed. All Xerochloa smuts are endemic to Australia.  相似文献   
The reaction of water-soluble cytochrome c (c(2)) with its physiological redox partners is facilitated by electrostatic attractions between the two protein surfaces. Using spin-labeled cytochrome c(2) from Rhodobacter capsulatus and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements we compared spatial orientation of cytochrome c(2) upon its binding to surfaces of opposite charge. We observed that cytochrome c(2) can use its negatively charged "back" side when exposed to interact with positively charged surfaces (DEAE resin) which is the opposite to the use of its positively charged "front" side in physiological interaction with negatively charged binding domain of cytochrome bc(1). The later orientation is also adopted upon non-physiological binding of cytochrome c(2) to negatively charged carboxymethyl cellulose resin. These results directly demonstrate how the electric dipolar nature of cytochrome c(2) influences its orientation in interactions with charged surfaces, which may facilitate collisions with other redox proteins in a proper orientation to support physiologically-competent electron transfer. Saturation recovery EPR provides an attractive tool for monitoring spatial orientation of proteins in their interaction with surfaces in liquid phase. It is particularly valuable for metalloproteins engaged in redox reactions as a means to monitor the geometry and dynamics of formation of protein complexes in measurements that are independent of electron transfer processes.  相似文献   
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