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Ribosome biogenesis is one of the most essential pathways in eukaryotes although it is still not fully characterized. Given the importance of this process in proliferating cells, it is obvious that understanding the macromolecular details of the interactions that take place between the assembly factors, ribosomal proteins and nascent pre-rRNAs is essentially required for the development of new non-genotoxic treatments for cancer. Herein, we have studied the association between the WD40-repeat domains of Erb1 and Ytm1 proteins. These are essential factors for the biogenesis of 60S ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes that form a heterotrimeric complex together with the also essential Nop7 protein. We provide the crystal structure of a dimer formed by the C-terminal part of Erb1 and Ytm1 from Chaetomium thermophilum at 2.1 Å resolution. Using a multidisciplinary approach we show that the β-propeller domains of these proteins interact in a novel manner that leads to a high-affinity binding. We prove that a point mutation within the interface of the complex impairs the interaction between the two proteins and negatively affects growth and ribosome production in yeast. Our study suggests insights into the association of the Erb1-Ytm1 dimer with pre-ribosomal particles.  相似文献   
Machura L  Kostur M  Łuczka J 《Bio Systems》2008,94(3):253-257
Properties of transport of molecular motors are investigated. A simplified model based on the concept of Brownian ratchets is applied. We analyze a stochastic equation of motion by means of numerical methods. The transport is systematically studied with respect to its energetic efficiency and quality expressed by an effective diffusion coefficient. We demonstrate the role of friction and non-equilibrium driving on the transport quantifiers and identify regions of a parameter space where motors are optimally transported.  相似文献   
The keratin intermediate filament cytoskeleton protects epithelial cells against various types of stress and is involved in fundamental cellular processes such as signaling, differentiation and organelle trafficking. These functions rely on the cell type-specific arrangement and plasticity of the keratin system. It has been suggested that these properties are regulated by a complex cycle of assembly and disassembly. The exact mechanisms responsible for the underlying molecular processes, however, have not been clarified. Accumulating evidence implicates the cytolinker plectin in various aspects of the keratin cycle, i.e., by acting as a stabilizing anchor at hemidesmosomal adhesion sites and the nucleus, by affecting keratin bundling and branching and by linkage of keratins to actin filament and microtubule dynamics. In the present study we tested these hypotheses. To this end, plectin was downregulated by shRNA in vulvar carcinoma-derived A431 cells. As expected, integrin β4- and BPAG-1-positive hemidesmosomal structures were strongly reduced and cytosolic actin stress fibers were increased. In addition, integrins α3 and β1 were reduced. The experiments furthermore showed that loss of plectin led to a reduction in keratin filament branch length but did not alter overall mechanical properties as assessed by indentation analyses using atomic force microscopy and by displacement analyses of cytoplasmic superparamagnetic beads using magnetic tweezers. An increase in keratin movement was observed in plectin-depleted cells as was the case in control cells lacking hemidesmosome-like structures. Yet, keratin turnover was not significantly affected. We conclude that plectin alone is not needed for keratin assembly and disassembly and that other mechanisms exist to guarantee proper keratin cycling under steady state conditions in cultured single cells.  相似文献   
We observed movies of replisome trafficking during Streptomyces coelicolor growth. A replisome(s) in the spore served as a replication center(s) until hyphae reached a certain length, when a tip-proximal replisome formed and moved at a fixed distance behind the tip at a speed equivalent to the extension rate of the tip.  相似文献   
Field survey data in Central Poland revealed that the proportion of sites inhabited by muskrats decreased from 44% to 7% over one decade. This corresponded to the decline in hunting bags of muskrat over the whole of Poland. The largest hunting harvest of muskrat was recorded in 1987/1988 (66,416 individuals), the smallest in 2007/2008 (4,567 individuals). The decline in hunting bags occurred in all regions analysed; however, it was most rapid in the north and north-east. Before the expansion of mink, which started in northern Poland at the beginning of the 1980s, muskrat densities in particular regions depended on the availability of aquatic habitats. A comparison of hunting bags of muskrat and American mink in years 2002–2008 indicated a significant negative correlation between the numbers of these two species harvested in seven regions of Poland. The negative correlation between numbers of muskrat and mink suggests that mink predation is one of the most important factors in the decline of the muskrat population in Poland.  相似文献   
Synthesis of fatty acid retinyl esters determines systemic vitamin A levels and provides substrate for production of visual chromophore (11-cis-retinal) in vertebrates. Lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT), the main enzyme responsible for retinyl ester formation, catalyzes the transfer of an acyl group from the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine to retinol. To delineate the catalytic mechanism of this reaction, we expressed and purified a fully active, soluble form of this enzyme and used it to examine the possible formation of a transient acyl-enzyme intermediate. Detailed mass spectrometry analyses revealed that LRAT undergoes spontaneous, covalent modification upon incubation with a variety of phosphatidylcholine substrates. The addition of an acyl chain occurs at the Cys161 residue, indicating formation of a thioester intermediate. This observation provides the first direct experimental evidence of thioester intermediate formation that constitutes the initial step in the proposed LRAT catalytic reaction. Additionally, we examined the effect of increasing fatty acyl side chain length in phosphatidylcholine on substrate accessibility in this reaction, which provided insights into the function of the single membrane-spanning domain of LRAT. These observations are critical to understanding the catalytic mechanism of LRAT protein family members as well as other lecithin:acyltransferases wherein Cys residues are required for catalysis.  相似文献   
Evidence is accumulating that gene flow commonly occurs between recently diverged species, despite the existence of barriers to gene flow in their genomes. However, we still know little about what regions of the genome become barriers to gene flow and how such barriers form. Here, we compare genetic differentiation across the genomes of bumblebee species living in sympatry and allopatry to reveal the potential impact of gene flow during species divergence and uncover genetic barrier loci. We first compared the genomes of the alpine bumblebee Bombus sylvicola and a previously unidentified sister species living in sympatry in the Rocky Mountains, revealing prominent islands of elevated genetic divergence in the genome that colocalize with centromeres and regions of low recombination. This same pattern is observed between the genomes of another pair of closely related species living in allopatry (B. bifarius and B. vancouverensis). Strikingly however, the genomic islands exhibit significantly elevated absolute divergence (dXY) in the sympatric, but not the allopatric, comparison indicating that they contain loci that have acted as barriers to historical gene flow in sympatry. Our results suggest that intrinsic barriers to gene flow between species may often accumulate in regions of low recombination and near centromeres through processes such as genetic hitchhiking, and that divergence in these regions is accentuated in the presence of gene flow.  相似文献   
Capsule Although the White Stork avoids adverse weather conditions by modifying its arrival and breeding, it cannot avoid extreme weather events during the breeding season.

Aims To show how extreme weather conditions can influence breeding attempts of a large, long-lived species, the White Stork.

Methods We analysed data on arrivals of White Storks in Western Poland from 2005 to 2013 and detailed breeding biology parameters from 2009 to 2013 in relation to weather conditions. We analysed breeding success and breeding failure rate from 1974 to 2013.

Results In years with a cold March White Storks arrived later than when March was warmer. Frost during incubation negatively influenced the hatching success. Extreme weather events caused high late mortality even for nestlings older than 30 days. Data from 27 breeding seasons showed a significant increase in mean breeding success but also a significant increase in the proportion of pairs which lost broods in the nestling stage.

Conclusion The White Stork can modify its arrival in response to current weather conditions on the breeding grounds but it cannot respond to extreme weather events. Due to increasing frequency of extreme weather events caused by climate change, White Stork breeding success may decrease in the future.  相似文献   
Plasmodiophora brassicae is a soil‐borne biotroph whose life cycle involves reprogramming host developmental processes leading to the formation of galls on its underground parts. Formation of such structures involves modification of the host cell cycle leading initially to hyperplasia, increasing the number of cells to be invaded, followed by overgrowth of cells colonised by the pathogen. Here we show that P. brassicae infection stimulates formation of the E2Fa/RBR1 complex and upregulation of MYB3R1, MYB3R4 and A‐ and B‐type cyclin expression. These factors were previously described as important regulators of the G2?M cell cycle checkpoint. As a consequence of this manipulation, a large population of host hypocotyl cells are delayed in cell cycle exit and maintained in the proliferative state. We also report that, during further maturation of galls, enlargement of host cells invaded by the pathogen involves endoreduplication leading to increased ploidy levels. This study characterises two aspects of the cell cycle reprogramming efforts of P. brassicae: systemic, related to the disturbance of host hypocotyl developmental programs by preventing cell cycle exit; and local, related to the stimulation of cell enlargement via increased endocycle activity.  相似文献   
A structural comparison between the synthetic, tumor-associated 19-9 tetrasaccharide, NeuAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc(4----1 alpha Fuc)-O(CH2)8CO2CH3 and its Lea blood group antigen component, Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc(4----1 alpha Fuc)-O(CH2)8CO2CH3 was carried out by two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy and hard-sphere energy calculations. Significant chemical shift differences between the two molecules were detected only for protons at or near the linkage site of NeuAc to the Lea trisaccharide core. Coupling constants for the ring protons of both molecules did not suggest major deviation from the 4C1 chair conformation for Gal and GlcNAc, the 1C4 conformation for Fuc, or the 2C5 conformation for NeuAc. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement experiments revealed through-space, inter-proton interactions that corresponded to some extent with those predicted by diffraction data and hard-sphere energy minimization programs for both saccharides. However, a significant number of interactions did not obey the distance dependence predicted from a rigid structure model. These data suggest that, while the average conformation of the 19-9 antigen's Lea core may be invariant to NeuAc alpha 2----3Gal linkage, the dynamics of the Lea trisaccharide are altered upon sialylation. Data also indicate that the terminal NeuAc linkage is more flexible than the inter-residue bonds of the core trisacharide. This analysis, in combination with the fact that the monoclonal anti-19-9 antibody CO 19-9 does not cross-react with the Lea antigen, provides evidence in favor of NeuAc as an epitope-creating unit involved directly at the antibody binding site. However, given the possible role of variable dynamics in epitope formation, these results do not preclude crucial roles in antibody recognition for regions on the 19-9 antigen that are distanced from NeuAc.  相似文献   
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