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Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play essential roles in DNA replication, recombination, and repair in bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. We report here the identification, expression, and purification of the SSB-like proteins of the thermophilic bacteria Thermus thermophilus and T. aquaticus. The nucleotide (nt) sequence revealed that T. thermophilus SSB (TthSSB) and T. aquaticus (TaqSSB) consist of 264 and 266 amino acids, respectively, and have a molecular weight of 29.87 and 30.03kDa, respectively. The homology between these protein, is very high-82% identity and 90% similarity. They are the largest known prokaryotic SSB proteins. TthSSB and TaqSSB monomers have two putative ssDNA-binding sequences: N-terminal (located in the region from amino acids 1 to 123) and C-terminal (located between amino acids 124 and 264 or 266 in TthSSB and TaqSSB, respectively). PCR-derived DNA fragment containing the complete structural gene for TthSSB or TaqSSB protein was cloned into an expression vector. The clones expressing SSB-like proteins were selected and cloned DNA fragments were verified to be authentic by sequencing several clones. The purification was carried out using reduction of contamination by the host protein with heat treatment, followed by QAE-cellulose and ssDNA-cellulose column chromatography. We found our expression and purification system to be quite convenient and efficient, and will use it for production of thermostable SSB-proteins for crystallography study. We have applied the use of TthSSB and TaqSSB protein to increase the amplification efficiency with a number of diverse templates. The use of SSB protein may prove to be generally applicable in improving the PCR efficiency.  相似文献   
To assess the effect of substances inducing mast cell degranulation (substance P and granuliberin R) on the mitotic indices of the gingiva stratified epithelium, basal cells from rats were studied in vivo. Seventy Lewis male rats were used in the study. The rats received injections of either 0.1 ml 0.9% NaCl (l0 rats), or substance P (10(-4), l0(-6), 10(-8) g/ml) (30 rats), or granuliberin R (10(-4), l0(-6), 10(-8) g/ml) (30 rats) into their mandibular gingiva in the vicinity of the right mental foramen. The mitotic index of keratinocytes was established after the kolchicine arrest (2 hours prior to material collection i.p. injection). The number of cells in metaphase was counted on 1000 consecutive basal layer cells after hematoxilin and eosin section staining. Mast cells were revealed using pinocyanol erythrosinate according to Bensley. Numerical density and morphometric features were analyzed. Substance P and granuliberin R injected into the gingiva affect the mast cells and the basal cell proliferation of the gingival epithelium. The diminished mitotic activity of basal layer cells was accompanied by degranulation and/or migration of mast cells under the basal membrane of the epithelium. After administration of high doses of granuloliberin R, mast cells were found in the deep connective tissue alligned towards the epithelium. A neuromediator from the trigeminal nerve (substance P) and substances from mast cells actively interfere in the proliferation of oral keratinocytes and the activity of connective tissue cells.  相似文献   
The pineal functions are modulated by some neuropeptides including PHI and VIP. The presence of PHI-immunoreactive and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pineal gland has been shown in several mammalian species. Both peptides influence the pineal serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin synthesis. The aim of the present study was to examine the localization of PHI- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pig pineal gland. Four three-month old female pigs housed in natural light conditions, with free access to food and water, were used in the study. The pineals were fixed by perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. An immunohistochemical ABC streptavidin-biotin-complex method was used for the demonstration of PHI and VIP. PHI- and VIP-immunopositive nerve fibers were found in the pineal gland as well as in the habenular and posterior commissural areas. In the pineal gland, the density of PHI-immunoreactive nerve fibers was considerably higher than that of the fibers containing VIP. PHI- and VIP-immunopositive nerve fibers were more abundant in the cortical than in the medullary part of the gland. The nerve fibers formed bundles in the pineal capsule, from where they penetrated to the connective tissue septa and formed a dense meshwork surrounding blood vessels. In the parenchyma, PHI- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve terminals created baskets around clusters of pinealocytes. No PHI- or VIP-immunopositive cells were found in the pig pineal gland.  相似文献   
Summary The solid-phase synthesis of peptides derived from the sterically hindered α-hydroxymethylserine (HmS) was investigated. The acid-sensitive,O,O-isopropylidene (Ipr) protection of HmS is compatible with the Fmoc chemistry, represented here by the Fmoc-HmS(Ipr)-OH and Fmoc-HmS(Ipr)-F derivatives. Three analogs of the opioid pentapeptide DADLE with a single or two consecutive HmS residue(s) were synthesized using Wang resin as the solid support. The HATU method has been shown to effectively accomplish ‘difficult’ couplings with the HmS(Ipr) residue. Wang resin is not suitable, for the synthesis of sequences with a C-terminal HmS because of the easy formation of the diketopiperazine resulting from the cyclization of the susceptible dipeptide sequence AA-HmS(Ipr) bound to the resin. A further drawback of the Wang resin methodology is the increased danger of the undersired N→O-acyl shift, when long-lasting acidic cleavage is applied. These side reactions are totally suppressed when the 2-chlorotrityl polystyrene is used as a solid support. The mild conditions (AcOH/TFE/DCM) applied for the peptide detachment from this resin do not affect the Ipr protection, affording highly pure fragments with HmS(Ipr) residues suitable for post-cleavage condensation, cyclization or controlled side-chain deprotection. This approach is documented by the efficient synthesis of linear and cyclic analogs of the opioid hexapeptide DTLET containing two residues of HmS or HmS(Ipr) in positions 2 and 6.  相似文献   
Lanthanide-doped nanoparticles are of considerable interest for biodetection and bioimaging techniques thanks to their unique chemical and optical properties. As a sensitive luminescence material, they can be used as (bio) probes in Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) where trivalent lanthanide ions (La3+) act as energy donors. In this paper we present an efficient method to transfer ultrasmall (ca. 8 nm) NaYF4 nanoparticles dispersed in organic solvent to an aqueous solution via oxidation of the oleic acid ligand. Nanoparticles were then functionalized with single strand DNA oligomers (ssDNA) by inducing covalent bonds between surface carboxylic groups and a 5’ amine modified-ssDNA. Hybridization with the 5’ fluorophore (Cy5) modified complementary ssDNA strand demonstrated the specificity of binding and allowed the fine control over the distance between Eu3+ ions doped nanoparticle and the fluorophore by varying the number of the dsDNA base pairs. First, our results confirmed nonradiative resonance energy transfer and demonstrate the dependence of its efficiency on the distance between the donor (Eu3+) and the acceptor (Cy5) with sensitivity at a nanometre scale.  相似文献   
The freshwater shrimp Neocaridina heteropoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Decapoda) originates from Asia and is one of the species that is widely available all over the world because it is the most popular shrimp that is bred in aquaria. The structure and the ultrastructure of the midgut have been described using X-ray microtomography, transmission electron microscopy, light and fluorescence microscopes. The endodermal region of the alimentary system in N. heteropoda consists of an intestine and a hepatopancreas. No differences were observed in the structure and ultrastructure of males and females of the shrimp that were examined. The intestine is a tube-shaped organ and the hepatopancreas is composed of two large diverticles that are divided into the blind-end tubules. Hepatopancreatic tubules have three distinct zones – proximal, medial and distal. Among the epithelial cells of the intestine, two types of cells were distinguished – D and E-cells, while three types of cells were observed in the epithelium of the hepatopancreas – F, B and E-cells. Our studies showed that the regionalization in the activity of cells occurs along the length of the hepatopancreatic tubules. The role and ultrastructure of all types of epithelial cells are discussed, with the special emphasis on the function of the E-cells, which are the midgut regenerative cells. Additionally, we present the first report on the existence of an intercellular junction that is connected with the E-cells of Crustacea.  相似文献   


There is mounting interest in using c-kit positive human cardiac stem cells (c-kitpos hCSCs) to repair infarcted myocardium in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. A recent phase I clinical trial (SCIPIO) has shown that intracoronary infusion of 1 million hCSCs is safe. Higher doses of CSCs may provide superior reparative ability; however, it is unknown if doses >1 million cells are safe. To address this issue, we examined the effects of 20 million hCSCs in pigs.


Right atrial appendage samples were obtained from patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The tissue was processed by an established protocol with eventual immunomagnetic sorting to obtain in vitro expanded hCSCs. A cumulative dose of 20 million cells was given intracoronarily to pigs without stop flow. Safety was assessed by measurement of serial biomarkers (cardiac: troponin I and CK-MB, renal: creatinine and BUN, and hepatic: AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase) and echocardiography pre- and post-infusion. hCSC retention 30 days after infusion was quantified by PCR for human genomic DNA. All personnel were blinded as to group assignment.


Compared with vehicle-treated controls (n=5), pigs that received 20 million hCSCs (n=9) showed no significant change in cardiac function or end organ damage (assessed by organ specific biomarkers) that could be attributed to hCSCs (P>0.05 in all cases). No hCSCs could be detected in left ventricular samples 30 days after infusion.


Intracoronary infusion of 20 million c-kit positive hCSCs in pigs (equivalent to ~40 million hCSCs in humans) does not cause acute cardiac injury, impairment of cardiac function, or liver and renal injury. These results have immediate translational value and lay the groundwork for using doses of CSCs >1 million in future clinical trials. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether administration of >1 million hCSCs is associated with greater efficacy in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to compare changes in total oxidative status (TOS), total antioxidative capacity (TAC) and the concentration of VitA, VitE, VitC, uric acid (UA), reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in blood within 24 hours following anaerobic exercise (AnEx) among men and women.


10 women and 10 men performed a 20-second bicycle sprint (AnEx). Concentrations of oxidative stress indicators were measured before AnEx and 3, 15 and 30 minutes and 1 hour afterwards. UA, GSH and GSSH were also measured 24 hours after AnEx. Lactate and H+ concentrations were measured before and 3 minutes after AnEx.


The increase in lactate and H+ concentrations following AnEx was similar in both sexes. Changes in the concentrations of all oxidative stress indicators were significant and did not differ between men and women. In both sexes, TOS, TAC, TOS/TAC and VitA and VitE concentrations were the highest 3 minutes, VitC concentration was the highest 30 minutes, and UA concentration was the highest 1 hour after AnEx. GSH concentration was significantly lower than the initial concentration from 15 minutes to 24 hour after AnEx. GSSG concentration was significantly higher, while the GSH/GSSG ratio was significantly lower than the initial values 1 hour and 24 hour after AnEx.


With similar changes in lactate and H+ concentrations, AnEx induces the same changes in TAC, TOS, TOS/TAC and non-enzymatic antioxidants of low molecular weight in men and women. Oxidative stress lasted at least 24 hours after AnEx.  相似文献   
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