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Kaposi's sarcoma had been recognized as unique human cancer for a century before it manifested as an AIDS-defining illness with a suspected infectious etiology. The discovery of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), also known as human herpesvirus-8, in 1994 by using representational difference analysis, a subtractive method previously employed for cloning differences in human genomic DNA, was a fitting harbinger for the powerful bioinformatic approaches since employed to understand its pathogenesis in KS. Indeed, the discovery of KSHV was rapidly followed by publication of its complete sequence, which revealed that the virus had coopted a wide armamentarium of human genes; in the short time since then, the functions of many of these viral gene variants in cell growth control, signaling apoptosis, angiogenesis, and immunomodulation have been characterized. This critical literature review explores the pathogenic potential of these genes within the framework of current knowledge of the basic herpesvirology of KSHV, including the relationships between viral genotypic variation and the four clinicoepidemiologic forms of Kaposi's sarcoma, current viral detection methods and their utility, primary infection by KSHV, tissue culture and animal models of latent- and lytic-cycle gene expression and pathogenesis, and viral reactivation from latency. Recent advances in models of de novo endothelial infection, microarray analyses of the host response to infection, receptor identification, and cloning of full-length, infectious KSHV genomic DNA promise to reveal key molecular mechanisms of the candidate pathogeneic genes when expressed in the context of viral infection.  相似文献   
We have characterized the heat-shock response of the nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecium. The growth of E. faecium cells was analyzed at different temperatures; little growth was observed at 50°C, and no growth at 52°C or 55°C. In agreement, a marked decrease of general protein synthesis was observed at 52°C, and very light synthesis was detected at 55°C. The heat resistance of E. faecium cells was analyzed by measuring the survival at temperatures higher than 52°C and, after 2 h of incubation, viable cells were still observed at 70°C. By Western blot analysis, two heat-induced proteins were identified as GroEL (65 kDa) and DnaK (75 kDa). Only one isoform for either GroEL or DnaK was found. The gene expression of these heat-shock proteins was also analyzed by pulsed-labeled experiments. The heat-induced proteins showed an increased rate of synthesis during the first 5 min, reaching the highest level of induction after 10 min and returning to the steady-state level after 20 min of heat treatment. Received: 29 March 2002 / Accepted: 5 July 2002  相似文献   
Species Invasiveness in Biological Invasions: A Modelling Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of invasiveness, the traits that enable a species to invade a habitat, and invasibility, the habitat characteristics that determine its susceptibility to the establishment and spread of an invasive species, provide a useful conceptual framework to formulate the biological invasion problem in a modelling context. Another important aspect is the complex interaction emerging among the invader species, the noninvader species already present in the habitat, and the habitat itself. Following a modelling approach to the biological invasion problem, we present a spatially explicit cellular automaton model (Interacting Multiple Cellular Automata (IMCA)). We use field parameters from the invader Gleditsia triacanthos and the native Lithraea ternifolia in montane forests of central Argentina as a case study to compare outputs and performance of different models. We use field parameters from another invader, Ligustrum lucidum, and the native Fagara coco from the same system to run the cellular automaton model. We compare model predictions with invasion values from aerial photographs. We discuss in detail the importance of factors affecting species invasiveness, and give some insights into habitat invasibility and the role of interactions between them. Finally, we discuss the relevance of mathematical modelling for studying and predicting biological invasions. The IMCA model provided a suitable context for integrating invasiveness, invasibility, and the interactions. In the invasion system studied, the presence of an invader's juvenile bank not only accelerated the rate of invasion but was essential to ensure invasion. Using the IMCA model, we were able to determine that not only adult survival but particularly longevity of the native species influenced the spread velocity of the invader, at least when a juvenile bank is present. Other factors determining velocity of invasion detected by the IMCA model were seed dispersal distance and age of reproductive maturity. We derived relationships between species' adult survival, fecundity and longevity of both theoretical and applied relevance for biological invasions. Invasion velocities calculated from the aerial photographs agreed well with predictions of the IMCA model.  相似文献   
Formation of the neural tube plays a primary role in establishing the body plan of the vertebrate embryo. Here we describe the phenotype and physical mapping of a highly penetrant X-linked male-lethal murine mutation, exma (exencephaly, microphthalmia/anophthalmia), that specifically disrupts development of the rostral neural tube and eye. The mutation arose from the random insertion of a transgene into the mouse X Chromosome (Chr). Eighty-three percent of transgenic male embryos display an open, disorganized forebrain and lack optic vesicles. No transgenic males survive beyond birth. Hemizygous females show a variable phenotype, including reduced viability and occasional exencephaly and/or microphthalmia. Altered or reduced expression patterns of Otx2, Pax6, Six3, and Mrx, known markers of early forebrain and eye development, confirmed the highly disorganized structure of the forebrain and lack of eye development in affected exma male embryos. Physical mapping of the transgene by FISH localized a single insertion site to the interval between Dmd and Zfx on the X Chr. A 1-Mb contig of BAC clones was assembled by using sequences flanking the transgene and revealed that the insertion lies close to Pola1 and Arx, a gene encoding a highly conserved homeobox protein known to be expressed in the developing forebrain of the mouse. Data from Southern blots of normal and transgenic DNA demonstrated that a large segment of DNA encompassing Arx and including part of Pola1 was duplicated as a result of the transgene insertion. From the physical mapping results, we propose a model of the gross rearrangements that accompanied transgene integration and discuss its implications for evaluating candidate genes for exma.  相似文献   
Organic carbon reservoirs and respiration rates in soils have been calculated for most major biomes on Earth revealing patterns related to temperature, precipitation, and location. Yet data from one of the Earth's coldest, driest, and most southerly soil ecosystems, that of the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, are currently not a part of this global database. In this paper, we present the first regional calculations of the soil organic carbon reservoirs in a dry valley ecosystem (Taylor Valley) and report measurements of CO2 efflux from Antarctic soils. Our analyses indicate that, despite the absence of visible accumulations of organic matter in most of Taylor Valley's arid soils, this soil environment contained a significant percentage (up to 72%) of the seasonally unfrozen organic carbon reservoir in the terrestrial ecosystem. Field measurements of soil CO2‐efflux in Taylor Valley soils were used to evaluate biotic respiration and averaged 0.10 ± 0.08 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1. Laboratory soil microcosms suggested that this respiration rate was sensitive to increases in temperature, moisture, and carbon addition. Finally, a steady‐state calculation of the mean residence time for organic carbon in Taylor Valley soils was 23 years. Because this value contradicts all that is currently known about carbon cycling rates in the dry valleys, we suggest that the dry valley soil carbon dynamics is not steady state. Instead, we suggest that the dynamic is complex, with at least two (short‐ and long‐term) organic carbon reservoirs. We also suggest that organic carbon in the dry valley soil environment may be more important, and play a more active role in long‐term ecosystem processes, than previously believed.  相似文献   
Summary Six different statistical methods for comparing limiting dilution assays were evaluated, using both real data and a power analysis of simulated data. Simulated data consisted of a series of 12 dilutions for two treatment groups with 24 cultures per dilution and 1,000 independent replications of each experiment. Data within each replication were generated by Monte Carlo simulation, based on a probability model of the experiment. Analyses of the simulated data revealed that the type I error rates for the six methods differed substantially, with only likelihood ratio and Taswell's weighted mean methods approximating the nominal 5% significance level. Of the six methods, likelihood ratio and Taswell's minimum Chi-square exhibited the best power (least probability of type II errors). Taswell's weighted mean test yielded acceptable type I and type II error rates, whereas the regression method was judged unacceptable for scientific work.  相似文献   
Characteristic fragment ions of the various chromophores of the pyoverdin siderophore family obtained by collision activated dissociation of the [M+2H]2+ ions are reported allowing unambiguous identification. Tandem mass spectrometrical studies revealed the existence of the first example of a ferribactin with a succinamide side chain, and they add some information to the problem in which way a malic acid side chain is attached to the chromophore.  相似文献   
Epoxide hydrolase, StEH1, shows hysteretic behavior in the catalyzed hydrolysis of trans-2-methylstyrene oxide (2-MeSO)1. Linkage between protein structure dynamics and catalytic function was probed in mutant enzymes in which surface-located salt-bridging residues were substituted. Salt-bridges at the interface of the α/β-hydrolase fold core and lid domains, as well as between residues in the lid domain, between Lys179-Asp202, Glu215-Arg41 and Arg236-Glu165 were disrupted by mutations, K179Q, E215Q, R236K and R236Q. All mutants displayed enzyme activity with styrene oxide (SO) and 2-MeSO when assayed at 30 °C. Disruption of salt-bridges altered the rates for isomerization between distinct Michaelis complexes, with (1R,2R)-2-MeSO as substrate, presumably as a result of increased dynamics of involved protein segments. Another indication of increased flexibility was a lowered thermostability in all mutants. We propose that the alterations to regioselectivity in these mutants derive from an increased mobility in protein segments otherwise stabilized by salt bridging interactions.  相似文献   
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