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Choricotyle anisotremi n. sp. is described from the gills and on the inner surface of the operculum of Anisotremus scapularis (Pomadasyidae) from the Chilean coast. Distinct characteristics of the new species are: presence of an oval accessory sclerite on the inner quadrant of the clamp adjacent to the accessory sucker; 12 genital hooks; short and stout peduncles, the last pair of which are closely apposed; a lobed seminal receptacle; and a fan-like posthaptor without a terminal lappet.  相似文献   
A. Ruiz  M. Santos  A. Fontdevila 《Genetica》1987,75(3):219-229
Drosophila buzzatii feeds and breeds on the decaying cladodes and fruits of several species of Opuntia (prickly pear) which contain significant levels of ethanol and isopropanol. The potential influence of these two alcohols on the inversion polymorphism of the second and fourth chromosomes was investigated in ten experimental populations with different amounts of alcohol (either ethanol or isopropanol) added to the culture medium. All populations were started with the offspring of 29 wild females collected at Adeje (Tenerife, Canary Islands) and their genetic composition was monitored for about two years (more than 30 generations). Consistent changes in the frequency of most second- and fourth-chromosome arrangements occurred in all populations including those without alcohol (control). The comparison of inversion frequency through the various treatments revealed a significant influence of the alcohol on the frequency changes of the four second-chromosome arrangements. Moreover, this influence was of a different type for every one of them, sometimes with opposite effects between alcohols and/or concentrations. These results indicate genetic differentiation among second-chromosome arrangements with regard to alcohol and suggest that the alcohol heterogeneity found in the species' trophic niche may play an important role in the maintenance of this polymorphism and also in the recent historical changes in the frequency of some arrangements associated with colonization.This paper is number X of the series The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, meclofenamate, on postnatal ventilation, we studied 11 unanaesthetised, spontaneously-breathing lambs at an average age of 7.9 +/- 1.1 days (SEM; range 5-14 days) and an average weight of 4.9 +/- 0.5 kg (range 3.0-7.0 kg). After a 30-min control period we infused 4.23 mg/kg meclofenamate over 10 min and then gave 0.23 mg/h per kg for the remainder of the 4 h. Ventilation increased progressively from a control value of 515 +/- 72 ml/min per kg to a maximum of 753 +/- 100 ml/min per kg after 3h of infusion (P less than 0.05) due to an increased breathing rate; the effects were similar during both high- and low-voltage electrocortical activity. There were no significant changes in tidal volume, heart rate, blood pressure, arterial pH or PaCO2, the increased ventilation resulted from either an increase in dead space ventilation or an increase in CO2 production. This study indicates that meclofenamate causes an increase in ventilation in lambs but no changes in pH of PaCO2. The mechanism and site of action remain to be defined.  相似文献   
Four samples of the musselMytilus edulis were taken between 1984 and 1987 from Stony Brook, New York, and used to study the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) polymorphism in this species.In vitro specific activity andin vivo flux measured in the same animals were found to be significantly correlated. A significant effect of GPI genotype on flux was observed in one of the samples; overall, significant evidence of effect of genotype on enzyme activity was also obtained. GPI activities of common genotypes tend to deviate less from the population mean than those of rare (frequency less than 5%) genotypes. This suggests the possibility that rare GPI genotypes are rare as a consequence of having biochemical properties that deviate from an optimum level and, therefore, having a lower fitness. In support of this hypothesis, we found in one of our samples that shell length is a concave function of GPI activity with an intermediate optimum activity level. The financial support provided to P.J.N.S. by the Luso-American Educational Commission (Fulbright Program), the Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Científica (Portugal), and the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa during several stages of this research is gratefully acknowledged. Financial support from the Ministerio de Educatión y Ciencia (Spain) in the form of a postdoctoral Fulbright/MEC fellowship to M.S. is also gratefully acknowledged. Research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8415060 to R.K.K. This is contribution No. 736 from the Program in Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook. On leave from Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande C2, Lisboa, Portugal.  相似文献   
C de los Santos  M Rosen  D Patel 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7282-7289
High-resolution exchangeable proton two-dimensional NMR spectra have been recorded on 11-mer DNA triple helices containing one oligopurine (R)n and two oligopyrimidine (Y)n strands at acidic pH and elevated temperatures. Our two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect studies have focused on an 11-mer triplex where the third oligopyrimidine strand is parallel to the oligopurine strand. The observed distance connectivities establish that the third oligopyrimidine strand resides in the major groove with the triplex stabilized through formation of T.A.T and C.G.C+ base triples. The T.A.T base triple can be monitored by imino protons of the thymidines involved in Watson-Crick (13.65-14.25 ppm) and Hoogsteen (12.9-13.55 ppm) pairing, as well as the amino protons of adenosine (7.4-7.7 ppm). The amino protons of the protonated (8.5-10.0 ppm) and unprotonated (6.5-8.3 ppm) cytidines in the C.G.C+ base triple provide distinct markers as do the imino protons of the guanosine (12.6-13.3 ppm) and the protonated cytidine (14.5-16.0 ppm). The upfield chemical shift of the adenosine H8 protons (7.1-7.3 ppm) establishes that the oligopurine strand adopts an A-helical base stacking conformation in the 11-mer triplex. These results demonstrate that oligonucleotide triple helices can be readily monitored by NMR at the individual base-triple level with distinct markers differentiating between Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen pairing. Excellent exchangeable proton spectra have also been recorded for (R+)n.(Y-)n.(Y+)n 7-mer triple helices with the shorter length permitting spectra to be recorded at ambient temperature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
This study was initiated in an attempt to see if the insulin resistance associated with maturation in young rats could be prevented by environmental manipulation. Consequently, seven week-old rats were either housed in standard laboratory cages and fed a calorie-restricted diet or placed individually in exercise wheel cages and allowed to eat chow ad lib. A control group of rats was housed in standard laboratory cages from seven weeks to five months of age, and also allowed to eat chow ad lib. When studied at five months of age, the chow-fed rats weighed more (624 +/- 8 g) than either the calorie restricted (479 +/- 9 g) or exercise trained (485 +/- 13 g) rats. Insulin action was compared in the three groups by assessing the steady-state serum glucose (SSSG) and insulin (SSSI) concentrations achieved during a continuous intravenous infusion of glucose and exogenous insulin. The results of these studies indicated that SSSG concentration was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in chow-fed rats than in the two experimental groups. Since SSSI concentrations were the same in all three groups, lower SSSG concentrations in calorie-restricted and exercise trained rats indicates that insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was preserved in these two groups as compared to the chow-fed population. In an attempt to understand why exercise training and calorie restriction prevented the development of insulin resistance, muscle glycogen synthase activity and muscle capillary density were compared in the three groups of five month-old rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Previous work from our laboratory (Biochem. J. 219:689–697 (1984) had shown that hydrocortisone stimulated the net accumulation of the myelin-specific sulfolipid in cultures of cells dissociated from embryonic mouse cerebra. This accumulation caused by hydrocortisone was shown to be due to a decrease of sulfolipid degradation by arylsulfatase A (ASA) and not due to a stimulation of its synthesis by a sulfotransferase. Both ASA activity and the turnover of sulfolipid were decreased by hydrocortisone to 60–62% of untreated cells. In current work the same decrease in enzyme activity was obtained and enzyme linked immunosorbent assays demonstrate that hydrocortisone decreased the number of ASA protein molecules to 61% of untreated cells [(-)hydrocorcortisone 0.31±0.06 ng ASA/g protein; (+)hydrocortisone: 0.18±0.04 ng ASA/g protein]. This decrease in the number of ASA molecules correlates well with the decrease in both the enzyme activity and the sulfolipid turnover, which suggests that the major mode of inhibition of ASA activity by hydrocortisone involves a decrease in the concentration of ASA in the cells rather than some other mechanism of inhibition.The material in this paper has been included in a dissertation submitted by A.J.M. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Temple University.  相似文献   
Analysis of several populations in a large part of the distribution area of the genusEmilia in Brazil has revealed only two species: the diploidE. sonchifolia and the tetraploidE. fosbergii. The more widely reportedE. coccinea was not found. They show a karyotype constancy in morphology and chromosome number (2n = 10 and 2n = 20, respectively), C-banding pattern and number of secondary constrictions. Some indications were found thatE. fosbergii may be an allopolyploid and that its ancestors had different genome sizes.  相似文献   
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