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Highlights? Canonical ER stress pathways are activated in central neurons during hypoxia/ischemia ? The ER stress endoribonuclease IRE1α degrades the neurovascular guidance cue netrin-1 ? Neuronal-derived netrin-1 activates a reparative proangiogenic program in microglial cells ? Neuronal ER stress prevents reparative angiogenesis in the ischemic neural retina  相似文献   
Reduced carbohydrate (CHO) availability after exercise has a potent influence on the regulation of substrate metabolism, but little is known about the impact of fat availability and/or energy deficit on fuel metabolism when dietary CHO availability is not reduced. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of a postexercise energy deficit, independent of CHO availability, on plasma substrate concentrations and substrate oxidation. Seven moderately trained men (peak oxygen uptake: 56 +/- 2 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed exhaustive cycling exercise on two separate occasions. The two trials differed only by the meals ingested after exercise: 1) a high-fat diet designed to maintain energy balance or 2) a low-fat diet designed to elicit energy deficit. The CHO and protein contents of the diets were identical. The next morning, we measured plasma substrate and insulin concentrations and CHO oxidation, and we obtained muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis for measurement of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK)-2 and PDK-4 mRNA expression by using RT-PCR. Despite identical blood glucose (5.0 +/- 0.1 and 4.9 +/- 0.1 mM) and insulin (7.9 +/- 1.1 and 8.4 +/- 0.9 microU/ml) concentrations, plasma fatty acid and glycerol concentrations were elevated three- to fourfold during energy deficit compared with energy balance and CHO oxidation was 40% lower (P < 0.01) the morning after energy deficit compared with energy balance (328 +/- 69 and 565 +/- 89 micromol/min). The lower CHO oxidation was accompanied by a 7.3 +/- 2.5-fold increase in PDK-4 mRNA expression after energy deficit (P < 0.05), whereas PDK-2 mRNA was similar between the trials. In conclusion, energy deficit increases fatty acid availability, increases PDK-4 mRNA expression, and suppresses CHO oxidation even when dietary CHO content is not reduced.  相似文献   
Bracket debonding strength related to diverse debonding methods and enamel damage has not been assessed in vivo. The study hypothetized a direct relationship between these three parameters. Debonding strength was measured clinically in the wings method and base method on 50 patients in a split mouth method using a calibrated debonding plier. Brackets from 30 of these patients were scanned in SEM and EDAX for adhesive remnant index and enamel calcium remnants. Base method debonding force was significantly greater than wings method (163.5+/-68.7 N, 106.1+/-66.2 N, respectively, p < 0.001). A positive adhesive remnant index score was found in both methods (68.7%, 66.7%, respectively). Debonding strength vs. adhesive remnant index or calcium index scores were not correlated. However, the latter two were significantly correlated (0.524 < R < 0.895, p < 0.031). Half of the debonding failures developed at the adhesive enamel interface. The results warnts the potential of enamel damage during debonding.  相似文献   
This investigation examined the influence of soil moisture and associated parameters on the cold hardiness of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say), a temperate-zone species that overwinters in terrestrial burrows. The body mass and water content of adult beetles kept in sand at 4 °C varied over a 16-week period of diapause according to the substratum's moisture content. Changes in body water content, in turn, influenced the crystallization temperature (range −3.3 to −18.4 °C; n = 417), indicating that environmental moisture indirectly determined supercooling capacity, a measure of physiological cold hardiness. Beetles held in dry sand readily tolerated a 24-h exposure to temperatures ranging from 0° to −5 °C, but those chilled in sand containing as little as 1.7% water (dry mass) had elevated mortality. Thus, burrowing in dry soils not only promotes supercooling via its effect on water balance, but may also inhibit inoculative freezing. Mortality of beetles exposed to −5 °C for 24 h was lower in substrates composed of sand, clay and/or peat (36–52%) than in pure silica sand (78%) having an identical water content (17.0% dry mass). In addition to moisture, the texture, structure, water potential, and other physico-chemical attributes of soil may strongly influence the cold hardiness and overwintering survival of burrowing insects. Accepted: 10 September 1996  相似文献   
SCCRO/DCUN1D1/DCN1 (squamous cell carcinoma-related oncogene/defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 1/defective in cullin neddylation) serves as an accessory E3 in neddylation by binding to cullin and Ubc12 to allow efficient transfer of Nedd8. In this work we show that SCCRO has broader, pleiotropic effects that are essential for cullin neddylation in vivo. Reduced primary nuclear localization of Cul1 accompanying decreased neddylation and proliferation in SCCRO(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts led us to investigate whether compartmentalization plays a regulatory role. Decreased nuclear localization, neddylation, and defective proliferation in SCCRO(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts were rescued by transgenic expression of SCCRO. Expression of reciprocal SCCRO and Cul1-binding mutants confirmed the requirement for SCCRO in nuclear translocation and neddylation of cullins in vivo. Nuclear translocation of Cul1 by tagging with a nuclear localization sequence allowed neddylation independent of SCCRO, but at a lower level. We found that in the nucleus, SCCRO enhances recruitment of Ubc12 to Cul1 to promote neddylation. These findings suggest that SCCRO has an essential role in neddylation in vivo involving nuclear localization of neddylation components and recruitment and proper positioning of Ubc12.  相似文献   
Estrogens stimulate proliferation and enhance survival of the prolactin (PRL)-producing lactotroph of the anterior pituitary gland and induce development of PRL-producing pituitary tumors in certain inbred rat strains but not others. The goal of this study was to elucidate the genetic bases of estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis in reciprocal intercrosses between the genetically related ACI and Copenhagen (COP) rat strains. Following 12 weeks of treatment with the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), pituitary mass, an accurate surrogate marker of absolute lactotroph number, was increased 10.6-fold in ACI rats and 4.5-fold in COP rats. Composite interval mapping analyses of the phenotypically defined F(2) progeny from the reciprocal crosses identified six quantitative trait loci (QTL) that determine the pituitary growth response to DES. These loci reside on chromosome 6 [Estrogen-induced pituitary tumor (Ept)1], chromosome 3 (Ept2 and Ept6), chromosome 10 (Ept9), and chromosome 1 (Ept10 and Ept13). Together, these six Ept loci and one additional suggestive locus on chromosome 4 account for an estimated 40% of the phenotypic variance exhibited by the combined F(2) population, while 34% of the phenotypic variance was estimated to result from environmental factors. These data indicate that DES-induced pituitary mass behaves as a quantitative trait and provide information that will facilitate identification of genes that determine the tumorigenic response of the pituitary gland to estrogens.  相似文献   
Beginning in November 2007 and continuing until December 2009, weekly stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), surveillance was conducted at four equine facilities near Ocala, FL, by using alsynite sticky traps for adults and by searching immature developmental sites for pupae. Adult stable fly trap captures were highly variable throughout the year, ranging from 0 to 1,400 flies per trap per farm. The greatest adult stable fly activity was observed during the spring months of March and April, with weekly three-trap means of 121 and 136 flies per farm, respectively. The importance of cultural control measures was most apparent on the only farm with no reported insecticide use and the lowest stable fly trap captures, where an intense daily sanitation and composting program was conducted. A survey of on-site filth fly pupae revealed that 99.9% of all parasitoids recovered were Spalangia spp., consisting of Spalangia cameroni Perkins (56.5%), Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis (34.0%), Spalangia endius Walker (5.8%), and Spalangia nigra Latreille (3.7%). The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Two extracellular matrix cell surface proteins which bind the proteoglycan-like aggregation factor from the marine sponge Microciona prolifera (MAF) and which may function as physiological receptors for MAF were identified and characterized for the first time. By probing nitrocellulose blots of nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate gels containing whole sponge cell protein with iodinated MAF, a 210- and a 68-kDa protein, which have native molecular masses of approximately 200-400 and 70 kDa, were identified. MAF binding to blots is species-specific. It is also sensitive to reduction and is completely abolished by pretreatment of live cells with proteases, as was cellular aggregation, indicating that the 210- and 68-kDa proteins may be located on the cell surface. The additional observations that the 68 kDa is an endoglycosidase F-sensitive glycoprotein and that antisera against whole sponge cells or membranes can immunoprecipitate the 210 kDa when prebound to intact cells are consistent with a cell surface location. Both proteins can be isolated from sponge cell membranes and from the sponge skeleton (insoluble extracellular matrix), but the 210-kDa MAF-binding protein can also be found in the soluble extracellular matrix (buffer washes of cells and skeleton) as well. A third MAF-binding protein of molecular mass 95 kDa was also found in the sponge extracellular matrix but rarely on cells. Both of the cell-associated 210- and 68-kDa proteins are nonintegral membrane proteins, based on Triton X-114 phase separation, flotation of liposomes containing sponge membrane lysates, and their extraction from membranes by buffer washes. Both proteins bind MAF affinity resins, indicating that they each exhibit a moderate affinity for MAF under native conditions. They can also be separated from each other and from the bulk of the protein in an octylpolyoxyethylene extract of membranes by fast protein liquid chromatography Mono Q anion exchange chromatography, as assessed by native dot blot and denaturing Western blot assays. Although neither protein bound to heparin, gelatin, hexosamine, or uronic acid-Sepharose resins, their affinity for an invertebrate proteoglycan, their roles in sponge cell adhesion, and their peripheral membrane protein natures suggest that they may represent early invertebrate analogs of cell-associated vertebrate extracellular matrix adhesion proteins, such as fibronectin or vitronectin, or else an entirely novel set of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   
Abstract— By techniques of isosmotic density gradient ultracentrifugation three subfractions of myelin were isolated from homogenates of whole rat brain at densities of 1.054 g/ml (myelin I), 1.060 g/ml (myelin II) and 1.066 g/ml (myelin III). The stability of these fractions was demonstrated by the zonal centrifuge profile analysis of recycled fractions. Examination of the three myelin subfractions by techniques of electron microscopy and thin layer chromatography detected no obvious morphological or chemical differences. However, analysis for protein, cholesterol, phospholipids and cerebrosides did reveal differences among myelin I, myelin II and myelin III. Myelin I contained relatively more cholesterol than II or III. Myelin III contained relatively more phospholipids than I or II. The cerebroside-to-protein ratios were the same in all three fractions. Quantitative differences in fatty acid composition (as detected by gas-liquid chromatography) were also observed.  相似文献   
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