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The fem-3 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans was employed to determine the mutation frequency as well as the nature of mutations induced by low earth orbit space radiation ambient to Space Shuttle flight STS-76. Recovered mutations were compared to those induced by accelerated iron ions generated by the AGS synchrotron accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory. For logistical reasons, dauer larvae were prepared at TCU, transported to either Kennedy Space Center or Brookhaven National Laboratory, flown in space or irradiated, returned to TCU and screened for mutants. A total of 25 fem-3 mutants were recovered after the shuttle flight and yielded a mutation frequency of 2.1x10(-5), roughly 3.3-fold higher than the spontaneous rate of 6.3x10(-6). Four of the mutations were homozygous inviable, suggesting that they were large deletions encompassing fem-3 as well as neighboring, essential genes. Southern blot analyses revealed that one of the 25 contained a polymorphism in fem-3, further evidence that space radiation can induce deletions. While no polymorphisms were detected among the iron ion-induced mutations, three of the 15 mutants were homozygous inviable, which is in keeping with previous observations that high LET iron particles generate deficiencies. These data provide evidence, albeit indirect, that an important mutagenic component of ambient space radiation is high LET charged particles such as iron ions.  相似文献   
A new capillary zone electrophoretic method was applied to the assay of enzymic activity of rhodanese from Acidithiobacillus ferroxidans. The enzyme activity determined by capillary zone electrophoresis was compared with that determined by discontinuous spectrophotometry, the values obtained being in good agreement. The method was also used to evaluate Michaelis constants of cyanide and thiocyanate as substrates; a new approach was developed to solve the problem with variable ionic strength of the samples. The pH and temperature optima for the enzyme were also determined.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms of protein folding requires knowledge of both the energy landscape and the structural dynamics of a protein. We report a neutron-scattering study of the nanosecond and picosecond dynamics of native and the denatured alpha-lactalbumin. The quasielastic scattering intensity shows that there are alpha-helical structure and tertiary-like side-chain interactions fluctuating on sub-nanosecond time-scales under extremely denaturing conditions and even in the absence of disulfide bonds. Based on the length-scale dependence of the decay rate of the measured correlation functions, the nanosecond dynamics of the native and the variously denatured proteins have three dynamic regimes. When 0.051.0 A(-1) is a regime that displays the local dynamic behavior of individual residues, Gamma proportional to Q(1.8+/-0.3). The picosecond time-scale dynamics shows that the potential barrier to side-chain proton jump motion is reduced in the molten globule and in the denatured proteins when compared to that of the native protein. Our results provide a dynamic view of the native-like topology established in the early stages of protein folding.  相似文献   
The Arp2/3 complex is critical for nucleation and crosslinking of actin filaments. To gain insight into its subunit topology and assembly pathway, we systematically examined interactions among subunits of human Arp2/3 complex by yeast two-hybrid assays. It was shown that p20-Arc was able to interact with p21-Arc, p34-Arc, and p16-Arc, respectively. In contrast, p41-Arc only interacted with p20-Arc/p16-Arc heterodimer. In addition, we found that structural integrity was important for association between p20-Arc and p21-Arc, while the N-terminal half of p34-Arc was dispensable for its binding to p20-Arc. Our data suggest a key role of p20-Arc and a multistep pathway for the complex formation.  相似文献   
We report the first measurement of the kinetics of adhesion of a single giant vesicle controlled by the competition between membrane-substrate interaction mediated by ligand-receptor interaction, gravitation, and Helfrich repulsion. To model the cell-tissue interaction, we doped the vesicles with lipid-coupled polymers (mimicking the glycocalix) and the reconstituted ligands selectively recognized by alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin-mediating specific attraction forces. The integrin was grafted on glass substrates to act as a target cell. The adhesion of the vesicle membrane to the integrin-covered surface starts with the spontaneous formation of a small (approximately 200 nm) domain of tight adhesion, which then gradually grows until the whole adhesion area is in the state of tight adhesion. The time of adhesion varies from few tens of seconds to about one hour depending on the ligand and lipopolymer concentration. At small ligand concentrations, we observed the displacement xi of the front of tight adhesion following the square root law xi approximately t(1/2), whereas, at high concentrations, we found a linear law xi approximately t. We show both experimentally and theoretically that the t(1/2)-regime is dominated by diffusion of ligands, and the xi approximately t-regime by the kinetics of ligands-receptors association.  相似文献   
A body of evidence suggests that stress-induced sphingomyelin hydrolysis to the second messenger ceramide initiates apoptosis in some cells. Although studies using lymphoblasts from Niemann-Pick disease patients or acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase)-deficient mice have provided genetic support for this hypothesis, these models have not been universally accepted as definitive. Here, we show that mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) prepared from asmase mice manifest cell autonomous defects in apoptosis in response to several stresses. In particular, asmase(-/-) MEFs failed to generate ceramide and were totally resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis but remained sensitive to staurosporine, which did not induce ceramide. asmase(-/-) MEFs were also partially resistant to tumor necrosis factor alpha/ actinomycin D and serum withdrawal. Thus, resistance to apoptosis in asmase(-/-) MEFs was not global but rather stress type specific. Most importantly, the sensitivity to stress could be restored in the asmase(-/-) MEFs by administration of natural ceramide. Overcoming apoptosis resistance by natural ceramide is evidence that it is the lack of ceramide, not ASMase, that determines apoptosis sensitivity. The ability to rescue the apoptotic phenotype without reversing the genotype by the product of the enzymatic deficiency provides proof that ceramide is obligate for apoptosis induction in response to some stresses.  相似文献   
Platelet serotonin (5-HT) concentration was measured in 65 male and 45 female chronic renal patients on hemodialysis (HD) with different somatic symptoms of depression (crying spells, irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigability, loss of appetite, weight loss, somatic preoccupation and loss of libido), to find out the relationship between the severity of symptoms and platelet 5-HT concentration. Male and female patients had significantly lower platelet 5-HT concentration than 62 male and 38 female healthy subjects. Gender-differences in platelet 5-HT values observed in healthy subjects were not found in patients. Platelet 5-HT concentration differed in the groups of patients with the different scores of particular somatic symptoms (loss of appetite and loss of libido), but was similar in patients with other somatic symptoms. There was no relationship between platelet 5-HT concentration and the severity of somatic symptoms, or between platelet 5-HT concentration and age of the patients. Gender-related differences in the occurrence of somatic symptoms were detected in patients with the different degrees of weight loss, somatic preoccupation and loss of libido. Our results suggest that platelet 5-HT concentration could not be used as a biological marker for the severity of somatic symptoms in chronic renal patients on HD.  相似文献   
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