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Dozens of studies have documented that brood parasites are well adapted to a brood parasitic lifestyle but not all parasitism events are successful. Co-evolution between brood parasites and their hosts is a dynamic process so it is reasonable to expect that a female brood parasite may commit errors during egg deposition by laying her eggs outside the laying period of the host, with consequent impacts on her fitness. Using an extensive dataset from a long-term study, we evaluated egg-laying patterns and errors related to the timing of egg-laying in the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (hereafter ‘Cuckoo’). Specifically, we tested whether the Cuckoo avoids laying before or on the day of host clutch initiation to reduce the risk of rejection of parasitic eggs, whether laying errors will be more frequent in periods with a lack of active host nests, and whether the laying errors will be more frequent in periods with intense Cuckoo parasitism and a consequent lack of suitable host nests. We found that about one-third of Cuckoo eggs were laid on the host clutch initiation day or 1 day before, and the percentage of Cuckoo eggs laid decreased thereafter. Surprisingly, the probability of Cuckoo egg acceptance by the hosts was not affected by the egg-laying stage of the host clutch. Errors in the timing of egg-laying with fatal consequences (i.e. those precluding Cuckoo hatching because of laying in incubated or deserted clutches) were recorded in about 5% of cases. Only laying date of a Cuckoo egg had a significant effect on the probability of errors, which increased during the breeding season. This may be related to the higher number of deserted and incubated host nests at the site at the end of the breeding season. Errors in egg-laying may be attributed to young and inexperienced females but also impaired body condition or intraspecific competition may cause this behaviour. Future studies, which will test these possible explanations, will help to understand better the mechanism of co-evolutionary arms races and differences between host specialist and generalist brood parasites in various host–parasite systems.  相似文献   
One of the most fundamental concepts of evolutionary dynamics is the “fixation” probability, i.e. the probability that a mutant spreads through the whole population. Most natural communities are geographically structured into habitats exchanging individuals among each other and can be modeled by an evolutionary graph (EG), where directed links weight the probability for the offspring of one individual to replace another individual in the community. EGs have recently spurred huge interest, as it has been shown that some topology can amplify or suppress the effect of beneficial mutations. Very few exact analytical results however are known for EGs. In this article we show that the use of a new technique, the fixed point of probability generating function, allows us to compute the exact fixation probability for a large subset of bithermal graphs. We also show by numerical simulations that the computed solution holds for all bithermal graphs. Moreover, the analytical solution allows us to clarify the opposing consequences of birth–death versus death–birth processes as amplifier or suppressor of beneficial mutations for the same bithermal topology.  相似文献   
We compared the effects of inhibitors of kinases ATM (KU55933) and ATR (VE-821) (incubated for 30 min before irradiation) on the radiosensitization of human promyelocyte leukaemia cells (HL-60), lacking functional protein p53. VE-821 reduces phosphorylation of check-point kinase 1 at serine 345, and KU55933 reduces phosphorylation of check-point kinase 2 on threonine 68 as assayed 4 h after irradiation by the dose of 6 Gy. Within 24 h after gamma-irradiation with a dose of 3 Gy, the cells accumulated in the G2 phase (67 %) and the number of cells in S phase decreased. KU55933 (10 μM) did not affect the accumulation of cells in G2 phase and did not affect the decrease in the number of cells in S phase after irradiation. VE-821 (2 and 10 μM) reduced the number of irradiated cells in the G2 phase to the level of non-irradiated cells and increased the number of irradiated cells in S phase, compared to irradiated cells not treated with inhibitors. In the 144 h interval after irradiation with 3 Gy, there was a considerable induction of apoptosis in the VE-821 group (10 μM). The repair of the radiation damage, as observed 72 h after irradiation, was more rapid in the group exposed solely to irradiation and in the group treated with KU55933 (80 and 77 % of cells, respectively, were free of DSBs), whereas in the group incubated with 10 μM VE-821, there were only 61 % of cells free of DSBs. The inhibition of kinase ATR with its specific inhibitor VE-821 resulted in a more pronounced radiosensitizing effect in HL-60 cells as compared to the inhibition of kinase ATM with the inhibitor KU55933. In contrast to KU55933, the VE-821 treatment prevented HL-60 cells from undergoing G2 cell cycle arrest. Taken together, we conclude that the ATR kinase inhibition offers a new possibility of radiosensitization of tumour cells lacking functional protein p53.  相似文献   
APOBEC3G (A3G) is a cytidine deaminase that restricts human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and other lentiviruses. Most of these viruses encode a Vif protein that directly binds A3G and leads to its proteasomal degradation. Both Vif proteins of HIV-1 and African green monkey simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVagm) bind residue 128 of A3G. However, this position does not control the A3G degradation by Vif variants derived from HIV-2 and SIVmac, which both originated from SIV of sooty mangabey monkeys (SIVsmm), suggesting that the A3G binding site for Vif proteins of the SIVsmm/HIV-2 lineage differs from that of HIV-1. To map the SIVsmm Vif binding site of A3G, we performed immunoprecipitations of individual A3G domains, Vif/A3G degradation assays and a detailed mutational analysis of human A3G. We show that A3G residue 129, but not the adjacent position 128, confers susceptibility to degradation by SIVsmm Vif. An artificial A3G mutant, the P129D mutant, was resistant to degradation by diverse Vifs from HIV-1, HIV-2, SIVagm, and chimpanzee SIV (SIVcpz), suggesting a conserved lentiviral Vif binding site. Gorilla A3G naturally contains a glutamine (Q) at position 129, which makes its A3G resistant to Vifs from diverse lineages. We speculate that gorilla A3G serves as a barrier against SIVcpz strains. In summary, we show that Vif proteins from distinct lineages bind to the same A3G loop, which includes positions 128 and 129. The multiple adaptations within this loop among diverse primates underscore the importance of counteracting A3G in lentiviral evolution.  相似文献   
Unicellular cyanobacteria are now recognized as important to the marine N and C cycles in open ocean gyres, yet there are few direct in situ measurements of their activities. Using a high‐resolution nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometer (nanoSIMS), single cell N2 and C fixation rates were estimated for unicellular cyanobacteria resembling N2 fixer Crocosphaera watsonii. Crocosphaera watsonii‐like cells were observed in the subtropical North Pacific gyre (22°45′ N, 158°0′ W) as 2 different phenotypes: colonial and free‐living. Colonies containing 3–242 cells per colony were observed and cell density in colonies increased with incubation time. Estimated C fixation rates were similarly high in both phenotypes and unexpectedly for unicellular cyanobacteria 85% of the colonial cells incubated during midday were also enriched in 15N above natural abundance. Highest 15N enrichment and N2 fixation rates were found in cells incubated overnight where up to 64% of the total daily fixed N in the upper surface waters was attributed to both phenotypes. The colonial cells retained newly fixed C in a sulfur‐rich matrix surrounding the cells and often cells of both phenotypes possessed areas (<1 nm) of enriched 15N and 13C resembling storage granules. The nanoSIMS imaging of the colonial cells also showed evidence for a division of N2 and C fixation activity across the colony where few individual cells (<34%) in a given colony were enriched in both 15N and 13C above the colony average. Our results provide new insights into the ecophysiology of unicellular cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
Ocozocoautla de Espinosa virus (OCEV) is a novel, uncultured arenavirus. We found that the OCEV glycoprotein mediates entry into grivet and bat cells through transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) binding but that OCEV glycoprotein precursor (GPC)-pseudotyped retroviruses poorly entered 53 human cancer cell lines. Interestingly, OCEV and Tacaribe virus could use bat, but not human, TfR1. Replacing three human TfR1 amino acids with their bat ortholog counterparts transformed human TfR1 into an efficient OCEV and Tacaribe virus receptor.  相似文献   
Anterior shear has been implicated as a risk factor in spinal injuries. A 3D nonlinear poroelastic finite element model study of a lumbar motion segment L4-L5 was performed to predict the temporal shear response under various single and combined shear loads. Effects of nucleotomy and facetectomy as well as changes in the posture and facet gap distance were analyzed as well.  相似文献   
Literature data indicate that glioma stem cells may give rise to both tumor cells and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Malignant glioma patients usually have increased levels of circulating (EPCs) and these cells are known to contribute to the glioma neovasculature. In this study we compared the intratumoral and circulating EPCs of glioma patients for a set of common glioma genotypical aberrations (amplification of EGFR; deletion of PTEN and aneusomy of chromosomes 7 and 10). We found that the EPCs present in the tumor tissues, not the circulating EPCs, share genetic aberrations with the tumor cells. EPCs with EGFR amplification were found in 46% and with PTEN deletion in 36% of the cases. EPCs with polysomy 7 and monosomy 10 were detected in 56% and 38% of the cases while centrosomal abnormalities in EPCs were found in 68% of the cases. The presence of genetic aberrations of glioma cells in intratumoral EPCs may point to transdifferentiation of glioma stem cells into EPCs. However, the tissue specific CD133 splice variant of blood EPCs was detected in the glioma tissues but not in control brains, suggestive of a blood origin of at least part of the intratumoral EPCs. The findings highlight the complexity of the cellular constituents of glioma neovascularization which should be taken into account when developing anti‐angiogenic strategies for gliomas. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 1383–1390, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The PI3K/mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is often aberrantly activated in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) and represents a promising therapeutic target. Recent evaluation of AZD8055, an ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitor, by the Preclinical Pediatric Testing Program showed in vivo antitumor activity against childhood solid tumors, including RMS. Therefore, in the present study, we searched for AZD8055-based combination therapies. Here, we identify a new synergistic lethality of AZD8055 together with ABT-737, a BH3 mimetic that antagonizes Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w but not Mcl-1. AZD8055 and ABT-737 cooperate to induce apoptosis in alveolar and embryonal RMS cells in a highly synergistic fashion (combination index < 0.2). Synergistic induction of apoptosis by AZD8055 and ABT-737 is confirmed on the molecular level, as AZD8055 and ABT-737 cooperate to trigger loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, activation of caspases, and caspase-dependent apoptosis that is blocked by the pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk. Similar to AZD8055, the PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235, the PI3K inhibitor NVP-BKM120 and Akt inhibitor synergize with ABT-737 to trigger apoptosis, whereas no cooperativity is found for the mTOR complex 1 inhibitor RAD001. Interestingly, molecular studies reveal a correlation between the ability of different PI3K/mTOR inhibitors to potentiate ABT-737-induced apoptosis and to suppress Mcl-1 protein levels. Importantly, knockdown of Mcl-1 increases ABT-737-induced apoptosis similar to AZD8055/ABT-737 cotreatment. This indicates that AZD8055-mediated suppression of Mcl-1 protein plays an important role in the synergistic drug interaction. By identifying a novel synergistic interaction of AZD8055 and ABT-737, our findings have important implications for the development of molecular targeted therapies for RMS.  相似文献   
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