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The eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) is a human antimicrobial protein involved in the host immune defense that belongs to the pancreatic RNase A family. ECP displays a wide range of antipathogen activities. The protein is highly cationic and its bactericidal activity is dependant on both cationic and hydrophobic surface exposed residues. Previous studies on ECP by site-directed mutagenesis indicated that the RNase activity is not essential for its bactericidal activity. To further understand the ECP bactericidal mechanism, we have applied enzymatic and chemical limited cleavage to search for active sequence determinants.Following a search for potential peptidases we selected the Lys-endoproteinase, which cleaves the ECP polypeptide at the carboxyl side of its unique Lys residue, releasing the N-terminal fragment (0-38).Chemical digestion using cyanogen bromide released several complementary peptides at the protein N-terminus. Interestingly, ECP treatment with cyanogen bromide represents a new example of selective chemical cleavage at the carboxyl side of not only Met but also Trp residues. Recombinant ECP was denatured and carboxyamidomethylated prior to enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Irreversible denaturation abolishes the protein bactericidal activity.The characterization of the digestion products by both enzymatic and chemical approaches identifies a region at the protein N-terminus, from residues 11 to 35, that retains the bactericidal activity. The most active fragment, ECP(0-38), is further compared to ECP derived synthetic peptides. The region includes previously identified stretches related to lipopolysaccharide binding and bacteria agglutination. The results contribute to define the shortest ECP minimized version that would retain its antimicrobial properties. The data suggest that the antimicrobial RNase can provide a scaffold for the selective release of cytotoxic peptides.  相似文献   
Effective small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated therapeutics require the siRNA to be delivered into the cellular RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Quantitative information of this essential delivery step is currently inferred from the efficacy of gene silencing and siRNA uptake in the tissue. Here we report an approach to directly quantify siRNA in the RISC in rodents and monkey. This is achieved by specific immunoprecipitation of the RISC from tissue lysates and quantification of small RNAs in the immunoprecipitates by stem-loop PCR. The method, expected to be independent of delivery vehicle and target, is label-free, and the throughput is acceptable for preclinical animal studies. We characterized a lipid-formulated siRNA by integrating these approaches and obtained a quantitative perspective on siRNA tissue accumulation, RISC loading, and gene silencing. The described methodologies have utility for the study of silencing mechanism, the development of siRNA therapeutics, and clinical trial design.  相似文献   
Microbiological investigation of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacteria has until now been restricted to wastewater species. The present study describes the enrichment and characterization of two marine Scalindua species, the anammox genus that dominates almost all natural habitats investigated so far. The species were enriched from a marine sediment in the Gullmar Fjord (Sweden) using a medium based on Red Sea salt. Anammox cells comprised about 90% of the enrichment culture after 10 months. The enriched Scalindua bacteria displayed all typical features known for anammox bacteria, including turnover of hydrazine, the presence of ladderane lipids, and a compartmentalized cellular ultrastructure. The Scalindua species also showed a nitrate-dependent use of formate, acetate and propionate, and performed a formate-dependent reduction of nitrate, Fe(III) and Mn(IV). This versatile metabolism may be the basis for the global distribution and substantial contribution of the marine Scalindua anammox bacteria to the nitrogen loss from oxygen-limited marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
Transgenic melon and squash containing the coat protein (CP) gene of the aphid transmissible strain WL of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) were grown under field conditions to determine if they would assist the spread of the aphid non-transmissible strain C of CMV, possibly through heterologous encapsidation and recombination. Transgenic melon were susceptible to CMV strain C whereas transgenic squash were resistant although the latter occasionally developed chlorotic blotches on lower leaves. Transgenic squash line ZW-20, one of the parents of commercialized cultivar Freedom II, which expresses the CP genes of the aphid transmissible strains FL of zucchini yellow mosaic (ZYMV) and watermelon mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2) potyviruses was also tested. Line ZW-20 is resistant to ZYMV and WMV 2 but is susceptible to CMV. Field experiments conducted over two consecutive years showed that aphid-vectored spread of CMV strain C did not occur from any of the CMV strain C-challenge inoculated transgenic plants to any of the uninoculated CMV-susceptible non- transgenic plants. Although CMV was detected in 3% (22/764) of the uninoculated plants, several assays including ELISA, RT- PCR-RFLP, identification of CP amino acid at position 168, and aphid transmission tests demonstrated that these CMV isolates were distinct from strain C. Instead, they were non-targeted CMV isolates that came from outside the field plots. This is the first report on field experiments designed to determine the potential of transgenic plants expressing CP genes for triggering changes in virus-vector specificity. Our results indicate that transgenic plants expressing CP genes of aphid transmissible strains of CMV, ZYMV, and WMV 2 are unlikely to mediate the spread of aphid non-transmissible strains of CMV. This finding is of practical relevance because transgenic crops expressing the three CP genes are targeted for commercial release, and because CMV is economically important, has a wide host range, and is widespread worldwide.  相似文献   
Flavodoxins in combination with the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor play important roles for electron transport in prokaryotes. Here, novel insights into the FMN‐binding mechanism to flavodoxins‐4 were obtained from the NMR structures of the apo‐protein from Lactobacillus acidophilus (YP_193882.1) and comparison of its complex with FMN. Extensive reversible conformational changes were observed upon FMN binding and release. The NMR structure of the FMN complex is in agreement with the crystal structure (PDB ID: 3EDO ) and exhibits the characteristic flavodoxin fold, with a central five‐stranded parallel β–sheet and five α‐helices forming an α/β‐sandwich architecture. The structure differs from other flavoproteins in that helix α2 is oriented perpendicular to the β‐sheet and covers the FMN‐binding site. This helix reversibly unfolds upon removal of the FMN ligand, which represents a unique structural rearrangement among flavodoxins.  相似文献   
Pollen dispersal in sugar beet production fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollen-mediated gene flow has important implications for biodiversity conservation and for breeders and farmers’ activities. In sugar beet production fields, a few sugar beet bolters can produce pollen as well as be fertilized by wild and weed beet. Since the crop, the wild beets, and the weed beets are the same species and intercross freely, the question of pollen flow is an important issue to determine the potential dispersal of transgenes from field to field and to wild habitats. We report here an experiment to describe pollen dispersal from a small herbicide-resistant sugar beet source towards male sterile target plants located along radiating lines up to 1,200 m away. Individual dispersal functions were inferred from statistical analyses and compared. Pollen limitation, as expected in root-production fields, was confirmed at all the distances from the pollen source. The number of resistant seeds produced by bait plants best fitted a fat-tailed probability distribution curve of pollen grains (power–law) dependent on the distance from the pollen source. A literature survey confirmed that power–law function could fit in most cases. The b coefficient was lower than 2. The number of fertilized flowers by background (herbicide-susceptible) pollen grains was uniform across the whole field. Airborne pollen had a fertilization impact equivalent to that of one adjacent bolter. The individual dispersal function from different pollen sources can be integrated to provide the pollen cloud composition for a given target plant, thus allowing modeling of gene flow in a field, inter-fields in a small region, and also in seed-production area. Long-distance pollen flow is not negligible and could play an important role in rapid transgene dispersal from crop to wild and weed beets in the landscape. The removing of any bolting, herbicide-resistant sugar beet should be compulsory to prevent the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weed beet, thus preventing gene flow to wild populations and preserving the sustainable utility of the resistant varieties. Whether such a goal is attainable remains an open question and certainly would be worth a large scale experimental study.  相似文献   
The xcp genes are required for the secretion of most extracellular proteins by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The products of these genes are essential for the transport of exoproteins across the outer membrane after they have reached the periplasm via a signal sequence-dependent pathway. To date, analysis of three xcp genes has suggested the conservation of this secretion pathway in many Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, the xcpA gene was shown to be identical to pilD, which encodes a peptidase involved in the processing of fimbrial (pili) subunits, suggesting a connection between pili biogenesis and protein secretion. Here the nucleotide sequences of seven other xcp genes, designated xcpR to -X, are presented. The N-termini of four of the encoded Xcp proteins display similarity to the N-termini of type IV pili, suggesting that XcpA is involved in the processing of these Xcp proteins. This could indeed be demonstrated in vivo. Furthermore, two other proteins, XcpR and XcpS, show similarity to the PilB and PilC proteins required for fimbriae assembly. Since XcpR and PilB display a canonical nucleotide-binding site, ATP hydrolysis may provide energy for both systems.  相似文献   
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