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The complex organization of the interphase nucleus can be analyzed, by way of thin sectioning and also freeze-fracture. This approach has previously been utilized in association with image analysis to quantitatively describe the organization of isolated rat liver nuclei and nuclear matrices. The main nuclear domains which, in section, present marked differences due to their electron-density, can be identified in replicas with more complex procedures, based on the quantitative evaluation of the number of particles per unit area and mainly by using image analysis. A quantitative analysis of the nuclear substructures has been performed by way of image analysis on in situ nuclei of freeze-fractured cells presenting marked differences in the heterochromatin quantity, such as hepatocytes and lymphocytes. The replicated nuclear particles have been classified according to their diameter and the obtained histograms have been quantitatively evaluated. The nuclear domains, heterochromatin, interchromatin, nucleolus, present characteristic ratios among the three main classes of particles; that is, ribonucleoproteins, solenoid filaments and solenoid fibre aggregates. The typical patterns of the nuclear domains can be further stressed by selecting a single class of particles and by examining its topographic localization. While interchromatin and nucleolar domains present a similar quantitative pattern in hepatocytes and lymphocytes, the heterochromatin of lymphocytes contains a significative higher percentage of solenoid aggregates than that of hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Nervous system cells are highly dependent on adequate tissue oxygenation and are very susceptible to hypoxia, which causes mitochondrial dysfunctions involved in apoptosis and necrosis. In this paper, we examine the effect of a 12-h incubation of differentiated IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells in a hypoxic environment (73% N2: 2% O2: 5% CO2, v:v) by evaluating cell viability, modifications of NO, intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i and membrane potential, the production of phosphorylated ERK, desferoxamine-chelatable free iron and esterified F2-isoprostane levels. The same parameters were evaluated after a subsequent 24-h re-oxygenation period. The NO concentration increased significantly immediately after hypoxia and returned to values similar to those of controls after the reoxygenation period. At the same time, we observed a significant increase of [Ca2+]i immediately after hypoxia. Phosphorylated ERK proteins increased significantly during the first 2 h of hypoxia, then decreased, and remained practically unmodified after 12 h hypoxia and the following reoxygenation period. Moreover, IMR-32 cell mitochondria were significantly depolarized after hypoxia, while membrane potential returned to normal after the reoxygenation period. Finally, desferoxamine-chelatable free iron and F2-isoprostane levels also increased significantly after hypoxia. Our results indicate that 2% O2 hypoxia induces variations of NO and [Ca2+]i with subsequent mitochondrial depolarization, and it is responsible for oxidative stress, represented by increased free iron and F2-isoprostane, protein carbonyls and 4 hydroxynonenal protein adducts levels.  相似文献   
Nematodes inhabiting benthic deep-sea ecosystems account for >90% of the total metazoan abundances and they have been hypothesised to be hyper-diverse, but their biodiversity is still largely unknown. Metabarcoding could facilitate the census of biodiversity, especially for those tiny metazoans for which morphological identification is difficult. We compared, for the first time, different DNA extraction procedures based on the use of two commercial kits and a previously published laboratory protocol and tested their suitability for sequencing analyses of 18S rDNA of marine nematodes. We also investigated the reliability of Roche 454 sequencing analyses for assessing the biodiversity of deep-sea nematode assemblages previously morphologically identified. Finally, intra-genomic variation in 18S rRNA gene repeats was investigated by Illumina MiSeq in different deep-sea nematode morphospecies to assess the influence of polymorphisms on nematode biodiversity estimates. Our results indicate that the two commercial kits should be preferred for the molecular analysis of biodiversity of deep-sea nematodes since they consistently provide amplifiable DNA suitable for sequencing. We report that the morphological identification of deep-sea nematodes matches the results obtained by metabarcoding analysis only at the order-family level and that a large portion of Operational Clustered Taxonomic Units (OCTUs) was not assigned. We also show that independently from the cut-off criteria and bioinformatic pipelines used, the number of OCTUs largely exceeds the number of individuals and that 18S rRNA gene of different morpho-species of nematodes displayed intra-genomic polymorphisms. Our results indicate that metabarcoding is an important tool to explore the diversity of deep-sea nematodes, but still fails in identifying most of the species due to limited number of sequences deposited in the public databases, and in providing quantitative data on the species encountered. These aspects should be carefully taken into account before using metabarcoding in quantitative ecological research and monitoring programmes of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   
Stature is a classical and highly heritable complex trait, with 80%-90% of variation explained by genetic factors. In recent years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified many common additive variants influencing human height; however, little attention has been given to the potential role of recessive genetic effects. Here, we investigated genome-wide recessive effects by an analysis of inbreeding depression on adult height in over 35,000 people from 21 different population samples. We found a highly significant inverse association between height and genome-wide homozygosity, equivalent to a height reduction of up to 3 cm in the offspring of first cousins compared with the offspring of unrelated individuals, an effect which remained after controlling for the effects of socio-economic status, an important confounder (χ(2) = 83.89, df = 1; p = 5.2 × 10(-20)). There was, however, a high degree of heterogeneity among populations: whereas the direction of the effect was consistent across most population samples, the effect size differed significantly among populations. It is likely that this reflects true biological heterogeneity: whether or not an effect can be observed will depend on both the variance in homozygosity in the population and the chance inheritance of individual recessive genotypes. These results predict that multiple, rare, recessive variants influence human height. Although this exploratory work focuses on height alone, the methodology developed is generally applicable to heritable quantitative traits (QT), paving the way for an investigation into inbreeding effects, and therefore genetic architecture, on a range of QT of biomedical importance.  相似文献   


Inhaled steroid resistance is an obstacle to asthma control in asthmatic smokers. The reasons of this phenomenon are not yet entirely understood. Interaction of drug particles with environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) could change the aerodynamic profile of the drug through the particle coagulation phenomenon. Aim of the present study was to examine whether steroid particles interact with smoke when delivered in the presence of ETS.


Beclomethasone-hydrofluoralkane (BDP-HFA) pMDI particle profile was studied after a single actuation delivered in ambient air or in the presence of ETS in an experimental chamber using a light scattering Optical Particle Counter capable of measuring the concentrations of particle sized 0.3–1.0, 1.1–2.0, 2.1–3.0, 3.1–4.0, 4.1–5.0, and > 5.1 μm in diameter with a sampling time of one second. The number of drug particles delivered after a single actuation was measured as the difference between total particle number after drug delivery and background particle number. Two groups of experiments were carried out at different ambient background particle concentrations. Two-tail Student''s t-test was used for statistical analysis.


When delivered in ambient air, over 90% of BDP-HFA particles were found in the 0.3–1.0 μm size class, while particles sized 1.1–2.0 μm and 2.1–3.0 represented less than 6.6% and 2.8% of total particles, respectively. However, when delivered in the presence of ETS, drug particle profile was modified, with an impressive decrease of 0.3–1.0 μm particles, the most represented particles resulting those sized 1.1–2.0 μm (over 66.6% of total particles), and 2.1–3.0 μm particles accounting up to 31% of total particles.


Our data suggest that particle interaction between inhaled BDP-HFA pMDI and ETS takes place in the first few seconds after drug delivery, with a decrease in smaller particles and a concurrent increase of larger particles. The resulting changes in aerosol particle profile might modify regional drug deposition with potential detriment to drug efficacy, and represent a new element of steroid resistance in smokers. Although the present study does not provide any functional or clinical assessment, it might be useful to advise smokers and non smokers with obstructive lung disease such as asthma or COPD, to avoid to act inhaled drugs in the presence of ETS in order to obtain the best therapeutic effect.  相似文献   
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