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GH plays an essential role in the growing child by binding to the growth hormone receptor (GHR) on target cells and regulating multiple growth promoting and metabolic effects. Mutations in the GHR gene coding regions result in GH insensitivity (dwarfism) due to a dysfunctional receptor protein. However, children with idiopathic short stature (ISS) show growth impairment without GH or GHR defects. We hypothesized that decreased expression of the GHR gene may be involved. To test this, we investigated whether common genetic variants (microsatellites, SNPs) in regulatory regions of the GHR gene region were associated with the ISS phenotype. Genotyping of a GT‐repeat microsatellite in the GHR 5′UTR in a Montreal ISS cohort (n = 37 ISS, n = 105 controls) revealed that the incidence of the long/short (L/S) genotype was 3.3× higher in ISS children than controls (P = 0.04, OR = 3.85). In an Italian replication cohort (n = 143 ISS, n = 282 controls), the medium/short (M/S) genotype was 1.9× more frequent in the male ISS than controls (P = 0.017, OR = 2.26). In both ISS cohorts, logistic regression analysis of 27 SNPs showed an association of ISS with rs4292454, while haplotype analysis revealed specific risk haplotypes in the 3′ haploblocks. In contrast, there were no differences in GT genotype frequencies in a cohort of short stature (SS) adults versus controls (CARTaGENE: n = 168 SS, n = 207 controls) and the risk haplotype in the SS cohort was located in the most 5′ haploblock. These data suggest that the variants identified are potentially genetic markers specifically associated with the ISS phenotype.  相似文献   
We characterized the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses of adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to weak electric fields. Adult sea lampreys, captured during upstream spawning migration, exhibited limited active behaviors during exposure to weak electric fields and spent the most time attached to the wall of the testing arena near the cathode (−). For adult male sea lampreys, exposure to weak electric fields resulted in increased lamprey (l) GnRH-I mRNA expression but decreased lGnRH-I immunoreactivities in the forebrain, and decreased Jun (a neuronal activation marker) mRNA levels in the brain stem. Similar effects were not observed in the brains of female sea lampreys after weak electric field stimulation. The influence of electroreception on forebrain lGnRH suggests that electroreception may modulate the reproductive systems in adult male sea lampreys. The changes in Jun expression may be associated with swimming inhibition during weak electric field stimulation. The results for adult sea lampreys are the opposite of those obtained using parasitic-stage sea lampreys, which displayed increased activity during and after cathodal stimulation. Our results demonstrate that adult sea lampreys are sensitive to weak electric fields, which may play a role in reproduction. They also suggest that electrical stimuli mediate different behaviors in feeding-stage and spawning-stage sea lampreys.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton community of river–floodplain ecosystems shows significant temporal fluctuations in response to hydrosedimentological regime. The aim of our study was analyze the effect of the hydrosedimentological regime of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers on the interannual variation in the composition, biovolume and functional groups of phytoplankton in an isolated floodplain lake (Ventura Lagoon) of the Ivinhema River State Park, located in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). Samples of phytoplankton were taken at the sub-surface of the pelagic zone of the lake from February 2000 to December 2005. A total of 132 taxa were recorded, and the species that represented greater contributions to the phytoplankton biovolume were grouped into five functional groups (FG) (H1, H2, M, MP and Y). The distribution of the FGs were linked to the high and low water periods in Ventura lagoon. Functional groups MP and Y were the highest contributors to the phytoplankton biovolume during the high water periods, whereas FGs H1, H2 and M contributed more during the low water periods. The FGs were also useful for the interannual characterization of Ventura Lagoon by taking the changes caused by climatological factors into account. There was a strong dominance of Cyanobacteria (H2 and M) in 2000 and 2001 (La Niña periods) coincident with low precipitation and low hydrometric levels of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers and, consequently, lower water depths of Ventura Lagoon. In 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 (El Niño periods), when higher precipitation, higher hydrometric levels, higher discharge of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers and an increased depth of Ventura Lagoon were observed, Cyanobacteria (H1, H2 and M) were dominant, followed by Bacillariophyceae (MP) and Cryptophyceae (Y). These results reported here corroborate the utility of using FGs as indicators of interannual and seasonal variability in floodplain lakes.  相似文献   
Understanding seedling performance across resource gradients is crucial for defining the regeneration niche of plant species under current environmental conditions and for predicting potential changes under a global change scenario. A 2‐year field experiment was conducted to determine how seedling survival and growth of two evergreen and two deciduous Quercus species vary along gradients of light and soil properties in two Mediterranean forests with contrasting soils and climatic conditions. Half the seedlings were subjected to an irrigation treatment during the first year to quantify the effects on performance of an alteration in the summer drought intensity. Linear and non‐linear models were parameterized and compared to identify major resources controlling seedling performance. We found both site‐specific and general patterns of regeneration. Strong site‐specificity was found in the identity of the best predictors of seedling survival: survival decreased linearly with increasing light (i.e. increasing desiccation risk) in the drier site, whereas it decreased logistically with increasing spring soil water content (i.e. increasing waterlogging risk) in the wetter site. We found strong empirical support for multiple resource limitation at the drier site, the response to light being modulated by the availability of soil resources (water and P). Evidence for regeneration niche partitioning among Quercus species was only found at the wetter site. However, at both sites Quercus species shared the same response to summer drought alleviation through water addition: increased first‐year survival but not final survival (i.e. after two years). This suggests that extremely dry summers (i.e. the second summer in the experiment) can cancel out the positive effects of previous wetter summers. Therefore, an increase in the intensity and frequency of summer drought with climate change might cause a double negative impact on Quercus regeneration, due to a general reduction in survival probability and the annulment of the positive effects of (infrequent) ‘wet’ years. Overall, results presented in this study are a major step towards the development of a mechanistic model of Mediterranean forest dynamics that incorporates the idiosyncrasies and generalities of tree regeneration in these systems, and that allow simulation and prediction of the ecological consequences of resource level alterations due to global change.  相似文献   
The role of chemokines has been extensively analyzed both in cancer risk and tumor progression. Among different cytokines, CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been recently subjected to a closer examination. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801157 (previously known as CXCL12-A/SDF1-3'A) in the CXCL12 gene and the relative expression of mRNA CXCL12 in peripheral blood were assessed in breast cancer patients, since the chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 regulate leukocyte trafficking and many essential biological processes, including tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis of different types of tumors. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism) using MspI restriction enzyme and the expression analyses by quantitative RT-PCR. No difference in GG genotype and allele A carrier frequencies were observed between breast cancer patients and healthy blood donors and nor when CXCL12 mRNA expression was assessed among patients with different tumor stages. However a significant difference was observed when CXCL12 mRNA relative expression was analyzed in breast cancer patients in accordance to the presence or absence of the CXCL12 rs1801157 allele A. Allele A breast cancer patients presented a mRNA CXCL12 expression about 2.1-fold smaller than GG breast cancer patients. Estrogen positive patients presenting CXCL12 allele A presented a significantly lower expression of CXCL12 in peripheral blood (p=0.039) than GG hormone positive patients. Our findings demonstrated that allele A is associated with low expression of CXCL12 in the peripheral blood from ER-positive breast cancer patients, which suggests implications on breast cancer clinical outcome.  相似文献   
In Panama, species of the genus Lutzomyia are vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). There is no recent ecological information that may be used to develop tools for the control of this disease. Thus, the goal of this study was to determine the composition, distribution and diversity of Lutzomyia species that serve as vectors of ACL. Sandfly sampling was conducted in forests, fragmented forests and rural environments, in locations with records of ACL. Lutzomyia gomezi, Lutzomyia panamensis and Lutzomyia trapidoi were the most widely distributed and prevalent species. Analysis of each sampling point showed that the species abundance and diversity were greatest at points located in the fragmented forest landscape. However, when the samples were grouped according to the landscape characteristics of the locations, there was a greater diversity of species in the rural environment locations. The Kruskal Wallis analysis of species abundance found that Lu. gomezi and Lu. trapidoi were associated with fragmented environments, while Lu. panamensis, Lutzomyia olmeca bicolor and Lutzomyia ylephiletor were associated with forested environments. Therefore, we suggest that human activity influences the distribution, composition and diversity of the vector species responsible for leishmaniasis in Panama.  相似文献   
Questions: What is the spectrum of variability of chemical elements in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem across the different compartments? Do co‐existing tree species with different leaf chemical composition and nutrient cycling distinctly modify soil conditions? Could these species‐specific, tree‐generated soil changes create a potential positive feedback by affecting long‐term species distribution? Location: Mixed oak forests of southern Spain, Los Alcornocales Natural Park. Methods: We sampled and chemically analysed five different ecosystem components: leaves, leaf fall, litter and superficial (0–25 cm) and sub‐superficial (25–50 cm) soil beneath the canopies of evergreen Quercus suber and deciduous Q. canariensis trees. We used multiple co‐inertia analysis (MCoA) to conjointly analyse the patterns of variability and covariation of eight macro‐ and micronutrients determined in each of the sampled ecological materials. We implemented a path analysis to investigate alternative causal models of relationships among the chemical properties of the different ecosystem components. Results: Variability in the concentration of chemical elements was related to the nature of their biogeochemical cycles. However, the rank of element concentration was consistent across ecosystem components. Analysis of co‐inertia (MCoA) revealed that there was a common underlying multivariate pattern of nutrient enrichment in the ecosystem, which supported the hypothesis of a separation in biogeochemical niches between the two co‐existing oak species, with Q. canariensis having richer plant tissues and more fertile soil directly under each tree than Q. suber. The feasibility of a potential tree–soil positive feedback model was the only statistically validated among several alternative (non‐feedback) models tested. Conclusions: In the studied Mediterranean forests, oak species distinctly modify soil fertility conditions through different nutrient return pathways. Further investigation is needed to address whether these tree‐generated soil changes could affect seedling establishment and ultimately influence species distribution.  相似文献   
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