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Isolation and some properties of human metallothionein   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
P Pulido  J H K?gi  B L Vallee 《Biochemistry》1966,5(5):1768-1777
Summary In everyday life red forest ants (Formica rufa) very often carry into their nests glittering particles which are parts of integuments of insects which died long time ago.Some experiments demonstrating attitude of antsF. rufa towards shining and glittering articles are described. Many-colored beads have always attracted a very intensive attention of ants. Considerable variety in reaction of workers in one of the nests has been registered. The degree of attention displayed by ants to such articles in many cases was quite different. Attention of old ants was more intensive than that shown by the the younger ones.Indifferent to beads were antsF. fusca, F. gagates and ants ofCamponotus andMyrmica Genera.Different attitude of antsF. rufa to bright glistering articles is one of the mysteries of psychic life of these insects.
Réumé Dans leur va-et-vient quotidien, les fourmis rousses forestières, ramènent souvent à la fourmilière les parties brillantes du tégument d'insectes depuis longtemps privés de vie.Les expériences décrites ici expliquent le comportement des fourmis du groupeF. rufa vis-à-vis des objets clairs et brillants. L'attention de ces fourmis est toujours fortement et particulièrement attirée par des menues perles multicolores. Mais les réactions des travailleuses d'une même fourmilière envers ce chatoiement sont très diverses. La concentration de l'attention envers le chatoiement des couleurs est également très variable d'un individu à l'autre. Les perles multicolores attirent le plus l'attention des vieilles fourmilières, alors que celle des fourmilières plus jeunes l'est beaucoup moins fortement.Les fourmisF. fusca, F. gagates ainsi que les fourmis du genreCamponotus etMyrmica sont absolument indifférentes au chatoiement des perles.Le comportement des fourmis du groupeF. rufa vis-à-vis des objets clairs et brillants est encore une énigme de la vie psychique de ces insectes.
Two methods of semen collection were attempted on ten untrained dogs of several breeds. Manual manipulation as described proved most reliable for untrained dogs. Electro-ejaculation was attempted unsucessfully with twelve additional dogs.Two methods of insemination were compared. Equipment found most satisfactory is described and a modification suggested.  相似文献   
The maximum growth rate of juvenile perch, PercaJuviatilis L., at different constant temperatures and in naturally changing day-lengths was studied in the laboratory. Standard metabolic rate was studied in starvation experiments at constant temperatures under short- and long-day conditions. Growth occurred in temperatures above 8 to 10°C. In winter, from mid-October until mid-April, maximal growth was considerably reduced and was relatively slow but constant. The standard metabolic rate was reduced c . 50% under short-day conditions. The seasonal change in metabolic rates, presumably controlled by an endogenous rhythm, was considered to be an adaptation to low food availability during the short winter days.  相似文献   
We have identified and characterized C3b binding proteins of two primates, orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla). Detergent solubilized 125I surface-labeled E and PBMC were subjected to affinity chromatography with homologous or human iC3/C3b. These ligands bound a 225,000 single chain protein from orangutan E and PBMC and a 220,000 protein from gorilla E. Proteins of the same Mr were immunoprecipitated by a rabbit polyclonal and two murine mAb to the human CR1 (CD35). The C3b binding protein of gorilla E aligned with that of the common human CR1 polymorphic size variant. Human or orangutan iC3 was also a ligand for a surface-labeled protein doublet of 59,000 and 65,000 from orangutan E. The doublet pattern and mol wts are similar to membrane cofactor protein (or CD46). Further, this doublet was immunoprecipitated by a mAb to human MCP. The MCP-like protein doublet was not isolated from gorilla or human E. Decay accelerating factor (DAF) of orangutan E was also identified and was structurally and antigenically distinct from the MCP-like protein. Orangutan or gorilla E preparations were a cofactor for the cleavage of human iC3 by human factor I and produced the same cleavage fragments as human CR1. Cofactor activity of orangutan E was partially inhibited by preclearance of CR1 and more completely inhibited by preclearance of MCP. Cofactor activity of gorilla E was inhibited by coincubation with a monoclonal antibody to human CR1. These data indicate that the orangutan and gorilla high m.w. proteins are equivalent to human CR1. The orangutan E membrane protein doublet with m.w. of 59,000 and 65,000 possesses biochemical, antigenic, and functional properties of human membrane cofactor protein.  相似文献   
Conditions for obtaining stable protoplasts from Sclerotium glucanicum and their reversion to hyphal growth were determined. 1,3-beta-Glucan synthase activity was detected in particulate enzyme fractions from mycelium and protoplasts of Scl. glucanicum. UDP-[U-14C]glucose was linearly incorporated into a beta-glucan for about 20 min at 25 degrees C. Optimum pH and temperature values, as well as thermal stabilities of the 1,3-beta-glucan synthase activity, were determined. High concentrations of EDTA were inhibitory. Enzyme activity was stimulated by ATP and GTP. The apparent Km value for UDP-glucose was 0.54 mM. The reaction product was characterized as 1,3-beta-glucan by 13C NMR spectroscopy and hydrolysis products of an exo-1,3-beta-glucanase.  相似文献   
12 alpha-Hydroxy-3-oxo-4-cholenoic acid coupled to an adenosine nucleotide has been shown to be a metabolite of cholic acid in the intestinal anaerobic bacteria, Eubacterium species VPI 12708 (1987. J. Biol. Chem. 262: 4701-4707) and it has been suggested that this may be an intermediate in the conversion of cholic acid into deoxycholic acid. The possibility that the intestinal conversion of cholic acid into deoxycholic acid involves a 3-oxo-delta 4-steroid as an intermediate has been studied in the present work by use of [3 beta-3H]- and [5-3H]-labeled cholic acid. Whole cells as well as cell extracts of Eubacterium sp. VPI 12708 catalyzed conversion of [3 beta-3H] + [24-14C]cholic acid into deoxycholic acid with loss of about 50% of 3H label. When unlabeled chenodeoxycholic acid (20 microM) was added along with [3 beta-3] + [24-14C]cholic acid, then approximately 85% of the [3 beta-3H]-labeled was lost from deoxycholic acid. After administration of the same mixture to two healthy volunteers, deoxycholic acid could be isolated that had lost 81 and 84%, respectively, of the 3H label. Conversion of a mixture of [5-3H]- and [24-14C]labeled cholic acid by the above intestinal bacteria or cell extracts led to loss of 79-94 of the [5-3H] label.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Co-operative association, in which a protein subunit is held simultaneously by two bonds, is enormously more favorable than association forming either bond alone. A theoretical framework for calculating the effect of co-operativity is developed here, which should have a broad application to protein-protein and protein-DNA associations. The theory is applied in detail to actin. Fragmentation of an actin filament is extremely unfavorable: the association constant for annealing-fragmentation is estimated here to be at least 10(13) M-1. In contrast to these very strong bonds within the filament, subunits are loosely attached at the end, with an association constant of 2 x 10(5) M-1. The eight orders of magnitude difference between annealing-fragmentation and end association can be attributed to the co-operative formation of one additional protein-protein bond in the annealing reaction. This observation, and a quantitative analysis of the co-operativity, lead to an important conclusion: the longitudinal bond, which connects subunits in the long-pitch helix, must be substantially stronger than the diagonal bond, which connect subunits between these helices. This conclusion contradicts some recent models based on Fourier construction, in which the longitudinal bond is weak or absent. Prominent longitudinal bonds also require a rigidity of the actin filament that must be reconciled with previous reports of torsional flexibility. A hinge within the actin subunit is suggested, separating it into two flexibly attached domains. In one possible model the two domains are oriented radially: the inner domains are connected by longitudinal and diagonal bonds to form a relatively rigid helical backbone, and the outer domains are attached to this backbone by flexible hinges, permitting them to move through angles of 10 degrees to 20 degrees or more. Flexibility of the outer, myosin-binding domain should be functionally important, permitting attachment of myosin cross-bridges over a range of angles.  相似文献   
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