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Summary Growing hyphal tips of higher fungi contain an organized assemblage of secretory vesicles and other cell components collectively known as the Spitzenkörper. Until now, the Spitzenkörper has been portrayed as a single spheroid complex located near the apical cell wall. This study demonstrates the occurrence of multiple Spitzenkörper in growing hyphal apices imaged by video-enhanced phase-contrast microscopy. In addition to the main Spitzenkörper, smaller satellite Spitzenkörper arise a few micrometers behind the apical pole. Four developmental stages were identified: (a) the satellites first appeared as faint phase-dark plaques next to the plasma membrane, (b) gradually increased in size and assumed an ovoid profile, (c) they migrated to the hyphal apex, and (d) finally they merged with the main Spitzenkörper. After the merger, the main Spitzenkörper temporarily increased in size. Satellites were observed in 14 fungi, most of which had relatively large (5–10 m diam.), fast-growing hyphae (2–33 m/min elongation rate). The average frequency of in-focus satellites was 7+/min forFusarium culmorum and 11+/min forTrichoderma viride. As with the main Spitzenkörper, satellites were present only in growing cells. They were transient and remained visible for 3–8 s before merging with the main Spitzenkörper. Within the hyphae, satellites travelled up to six times faster than the average cell elongation rate. Multiple satellites sometimes occurred simultaneously; up to three were seen within a hyphal apex at the same time. Localized cell enlargement occurred next to stationary satellites, suggesting that satellite Spitzenkörper are functional as sources of new cell surface before they reach the main Spitzenkörper; therefore, they account for some variations in the profiles of the growing hyphae. By electron microscopy, satellites consisted of small clusters of apical vesicles surrounding a group of microvesicles located next to the plasma membrane. The identification and behavior of the satellites represent clear evidence of directional mass transport of vesicles toward the hyphal apex. Our observations indicate that satellites are a common phenomenon in growing hyphal apices of septate fungi and that they contribute to growth of the hyphal apex.Abbreviations VSC vesicle supply center  相似文献   
Summary Ascorbate is stabilized in the presence of HL-60 cells. Our results showed that cAMP derivatives and agents that increase cAMP stimulate the ability of HL-60 cells to stabilize ascorbate. On the other hand, tunicamycin, a glycosilation-interfering agent, inhibited this ability. The ascorbate stabilization in the presence of HL-60 cells has been questioned as a simple chemical effect. Further properties and controls about the enzymatic nature of this stabilization are described and discussed. This data, together with hormonal regulation, support the hypothesis that an enzymatic redox system located at the plasma membrane is responsible of the extracellular ascorbate stabilization by HL-60 cells.Abbreviations AFR ascorbate free radicals - FCS fetal calf serum - Sp-cAMPS Sp-cyclic adenosine monophosphothionate - Rp-cAMPS Rp-cyclic adenosine monophosphothionate  相似文献   
Ten enzymatic systems of Citrus species and cultivars have been evaluated for identification purposes and for genetic variability studies. The following factors that could affect their expression were studied: season of sampling, location, rootstock, position of the branch, infection, and age of the tree. Differences involving the presence-absence of the Cu/Zn SOD within the same tree were found. This difference is mainly related to the position of the leaf relative to the sunlight. No change was observed at any of the ten enzymatic systems assayed regarding the location, the rootstock, the growing condition, the season, or the infection with most virus and virus-like pathogens. Viroids induced noticeable changes on 6PG and PRXa zymograms in C. medica. A new peroxidase (not present in healthy plants) was detected that could be related to appearance of symptoms. This may induce errors when trees without sanitary control are characterized by this enzymatic system. On the other hand, it provides a new possibility for studying the plant response to the presence of viroids. An effect of age, from 3 months up to 12 years, was observed on citrange Troyer and mandarin Cleopatra PRX, MDH and 6PG patterns. An important change occurs around the first year, most likely related to the end of the seedling stage. This is followed by a long transition phase, the end of which (around 9 years later) coincides with a change in the PRX pattern. These age-related changes seem to involve post-translational modifications of pre-existing isozymes.  相似文献   
This paper describes the characterization and chromosomal distribution of new long repetitive sequences present in all species of the genus Zea. These sequences constitute a family of moderately repetitive elements ranging approximately from 1350 to 1700 copies per haploid genome in modern maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea diploperennis), respectively. The elements are long, probably larger than 9 kb, and they show a highly conserved internal organization among Zea subspecies and species. The elements are present in all maize chromosomes in an interspersed pattern of distribution, are absent from centromeric and pericentric heterochromatin, and with some clustering in the distal regions of chromosome arms.  相似文献   
The seeds of Senna multijuga were extracted with water or 1% acetic acid and treated with ethanol, resulting in two insoluble fractions. After purification, the major one (FIA, 23%) was shown to be a galactomannan (Man:Gal 2.3:1;[] = + 54.6;[η]=1340mlg−1). It consists of a main chain of (1 → 4)-linked β-d-mannopyranosyl residues substituted at 06 by single-unit -d-galactopyranosyl side chains. The second fraction (FIB, 2.5%) was an O-acetyl-glucuronoarabinoxylan from the seed coats (O-acetyl 8.3 mol%; glucuronic acid 11.7%, Xyl:Ara ratio 20:1), which showed a predominance of 4-O-substituted Xylp units (84.4%), branched at 03 with non-reducing end units of Xylp, Araf and glucuronic acid. The O-acetyl positions in d-xylosyl units are at 02 (4.8%), 03 (4.4%) and 02,3 (0.9%). The ratio between 03 and 02 determined by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is 1.5:1.  相似文献   
The flowers of cardoon (genus Cynara) are traditionally used in Portugal for cheese making. In this work the vegetable rennet of the species Cynara cardunculus L. was characterized in terms of enzymic composition and proteolytic specificity of its proteinases (cardosin A and cardosin B). Cardosin A was found to cleave insulin B chain at the bonds Leu15-Tyr16, Leu17-Val18 and Phe25-Tyr26. In addition to the bonds mentioned cardosin B cleaves also Glu13-Ala14, Ala14-Leu15 and Phe24-Phe25 indicating that it has a broader specificity. The kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of the synthetic peptide Leu-Ser-Phe(NO2)-Nle-Ala-Leu-oMe were also determined and compared to those of chymosin and pepsin. The results obtained indicate that in terms of specificity and kinetic parameters cardosin A is similar to chymosin whereas cardosin B is similar to pepsin. It appears therefore that the enzyme composition of cardoon rennet closely resembles that of calf rennet.  相似文献   
The inability of papillomaviruses (PV) to replicate in tissue culture cells has hampered the study of the PV life cycle. We investigated virus-cell interactions by the following two methods: (i) using purified bovine PV virions or human PV type 11 (HPV type 11) virus-like particles (VLP) to test the binding to eukaryotic cells and (ii) using different VLP-reporter plasmid complexes of HPV6b, HPV11 L1 or HPV11 L1/L2, and HPV16 L1 or HPV16 L1/L2 to study uptake of particles into different cell lines. Our studies showed that PV capsids bind to a broad range of cells in culture in a dose-dependent manner. Binding of PV capsids to cells can be blocked by pretreating the cells with the protease trypsin. Penetration of PV into cells was monitored by using complexes in which the purified PV capsids were physically linked to DNA containing the gene for beta-galactosidase driven by the human cytomegalovirus promoter. Expression of beta-galactosidase occurred in < 1% of the cells, and the efficiency of PV receptor-mediated gene delivery was greatly enhanced (up to 10 to 20% positive cells) by the use of a replication-defective adenovirus which promotes endosomal lysis. The data generated by this approach further confirmed the results obtained from the binding assays, showing that PV enter a wide range of cells and that these cells have all functions required for the uptake of PV. Binding and uptake of PV particles can be blocked by PV-specific antisera, and different PV particles compete for particle uptake. Our results suggest that the PV receptor is a conserved cell surface molecule(s) used by different PV and that the tropism of infection by different PV is controlled by events downstream of the initial binding and uptake.  相似文献   
A reverse genetic system for studying excision of the transposable elementDs1 in maize plants has been established previously. In this system, theDs1 element, as part of the genome of maize streak virus (MSV), is introduced into maize plants via agroinfection. In the presence of theAc element, excision ofDs1 from the MSV genome results in the appearance of viral symptoms on the maize plants. Here, we used this system to study DNA sequences requiredin cis for excision ofDs1. TheDs1 element contains theAc transposase binding motif AAACGG in only one of its subterminal regions (defined here as the 5′ subterminal region). We showed that mutation of these motifs abolished completely the excision capacity ofDs1. This is the first direct demonstration that the transposase binding motifs are essential for excision. Mutagenesis with oligonucleotide insertions in the other (3′) subterminal region resulted in elements with either a reduced or an increased excision efficiency, indicating that this subterminal region also has an important function.  相似文献   
Non-antagonistic interactions between arthropods and leaves of insectivorous plants with adhesive traps so far have never been reported. The mites are common prey of such plants, but we have found a new subspecies of the mite Oribatula tibialis living on the leaves of Pinguicula longifolia. Because of its small size and the low glandular density of the host, the mite moves without being trapped by the mucilaginous droplets of the leaf surface. P. longifolia provides shelter and food for the mite, while the plant may also benefit because of its fungivorous and scavenging activities. This new interaction is another dramatic example of widespread miteplant associations.  相似文献   
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