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Fluorinated anesthetics such as halothane preferentially partition into hydrophobic environments such as cell membranes. The 19F-NMR spectrum of halothane in a rat adenocarcinoma (with known altered lipid metabolism and membrane composition) shows an altered chemical shift pattern compared to the anesthetic in normal tissue. In eight tumor samples examined, the 19F-NMR spectra exhibit two distinct resonances, compared to a single resonance observed in normal tissues. This is explained by an enhanced or altered hydrophobic component in the tumor tissue giving rise to two discrete halothane environments. Another fluorinated anesthetic, isoflurane, shows similar behavior in distinguishing normal from diseased tissue. Given the large chemical shift range of fluorine and the inherent sensitivity of this nucleus, 19F-NMR spectra of fluorinated anesthetics can also be used to follow anesthetic degradation by the liver. The ability of fluorinated anesthetics to discriminate tissues and to monitor metabolic processes is potentially useful for in vivo 19F-NMR surface coil and imaging studies. 相似文献
Interference of active site specific reagents in plasminogen-streptokinase active site formation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
R C Wohl 《Biochemistry》1984,23(17):3799-3804
We have recently observed slow, non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics of activation of native cat plasminogen by catalytic concentrations of streptokinase. In order to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, we undertook to study the formation of the plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex under the same plasminogen activation conditions. The results obtained in this study show that the potential active site in both cat and human plasminogen is capable of binding strongly the specific substrates (S) p-nitrophenyl p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB) and H-D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-lysyl-p-nitroanilide, through the active site is incapable of hydrolyzing these substrates. Binding studies support these and the following conclusions. Streptokinase binds to this zymogen-substrate complex to create the ternary plasminogen-S-streptokinase complex, which then slowly converts to an acylated plasminogen-streptokinase form. This acylation reaction is 550 times slower than acylation of the preformed plasminogen-streptokinase complex by NPGB. The same reaction also occurs with human plasminogen, though the acylation reaction is 10 times faster than when the cat zymogen is used. NPGB binds specifically to plasminogen but not to streptokinase. These studies proved that inhibition of cat plasminogen activation by streptokinase occurs at the level of activator complex formation. We conclude from our studies that streptokinase binding to both cat and human plasminogen occurs at the potential active site of the zymogen. Consequently, it is probable that plasminogen activation in vivo is inhibited by binding of active site specific inhibitors to plasminogen. 相似文献
Peroxidase was purified from uteri of estrogen-treated rats by calcium chloride extraction, affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose and hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose. An overall purification of greater than 1700-fold was achieved with a final recovery of 27%. Monoclonal antibodies to peroxidase were subsequently prepared by immunization of male C57BL/10J mice with the highly purified peroxidase from rat uterus. Spleen and lymph node cells from the mice were fused with Sp2/0-Ag 14 mouse myeloma cells. The resultant hybrid cells were screened for production of antibody using a solid-phase, double antibody radioimmunoassay. The mature rat spleen, shown previously to be abundant in eosinophils, contains high peroxidase activity. Spleen peroxidase purified by the same procedure as the uterine enzyme cross-reacted with a monoclonal antibody, designated IgG-107B, used in all subsequent studies. Peroxidase extracted from isolated rat eosinophils also cross-reacted with the antibody and yielded identical titers as the spleen and uterine peroxidases. Spleen, uterine and horse eosinophil peroxidase had the same apparent molecular weight, 57000, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Following electrophoretic transfer to nitrocellulose, spleen, uterine and eosinophil peroxidase reacted with monoclonal antibody, using an immunoblotting technique. These results provide biochemical and immunological evidence that the majority of the calcium chloride-extractable peroxidase activity from the uteri of estrogen-treated rats is derived from infiltrating eosinophils. 相似文献
E. Aubert-Foucher B. Font D.C. Gautheron 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1984,232(1):391-399
In rabbit heart, results show that two isoenzymes of hexokinase (HK) are present. The enzymatic activity associated with mitochondria consists of only one isoenzyme; according to its electrophoretic mobility and its apparent Km for glucose (0.065 mm), it has been identified as type I isoenzyme. The bound HK I exhibits a lower apparent Km for ATPMg than the solubilized enzyme, whereas the apparent Km for glucose is the same for bound and solubilized HK. Detailed studies have been performed to investigate the interactions which take place between the enzyme and the mitochondrial membrane. Neutral salts efficiently solubilize the bound enzyme. Digitonin induces only a partial release of the enzyme bound to mitochondria; this result could be explained by the existence of contacts between the outer and the inner mitochondrial membranes [C. R. Hackenbrock (1968)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA61, 598–605]. Furthermore, low concentrations (0.1 mm) of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) or ATP4? specifically solubilize hexokinase. The solubilizing effect of G6P and ATP4?, which are potent inhibitors of the enzyme, can be prevented by incubation of mitochondria with Pi or Mg2+. In addition, enzyme solubilization by G6P can be reversed by Mg2+ only when the proteolytic treatment of the heart homogenate is omitted during the course of the isolation of mitochondria. These results concerning the interaction of rabbit heart hexokinase with the outer mitochondrial membrane agree with the schematic model proposed by Wilson [(1982) Biophys. J.37, 18–19] for the brain enzyme. This model involves the existence of two kinds of interactions between HK and mitochondria; a very specific one with the hexokinase-binding protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane, which is suppressed by glucose 6-phosphate, and a less specific, cation-mediated one. 相似文献
The passive transport of water through the endothelial cell layer junctions is considered from the standpoint of hydrodynamic theories based on ultrastructural information. The local geometry of tight junctions based on molecular level forces and elastic membrane properties has been modeled and leads to estimates of the hydraulic resistance of the clefts. It is shown that the large resistance measured experimentally can be accounted for in this model. The transport of large macromolecules via vesicles which diffuse across the endothelial cell has been developed, but recent experimental data do not appear to support this mechanism as a primary pathway. Fused vesicles forming an open channel appear to be rare. Leaky junctions, such as around dying endothelial cells or produced by cytoskeletal changes within the cells, may be important in control of endothelial permeability. Another kind of model is a fiber matrix model of the endocapillary layer, extending into the intercellular clefts which can also account for the molecular seiving properties of the endothelial cell layer but may produce a large resistance to water flux. 相似文献
N-acetyltransferase polymorphism in Thailand 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
V Kukongviriyapan V Lulitanond C Areejitranusorn B Kongyingyose P Laupattarakasem 《Human heredity》1984,34(4):246-249
A series of 222 individuals from the northeastern provinces of Thailand were studied with respect to acetylator phenotypes. Among individuals of pure Thai descent 55.5% were rapid acetylators. The corresponding figure for Chinese was 66.0%. There were no significant differences between Thais and Chinese. The result shows a lower frequency of rapid acetylators in Thais than in previous reports on Thais. 相似文献
Evidence presented elsewhere (G.B. Williams, E.M. Elder, and M. Sussman 1984, Dev. Biol. 105, 377-388) indicates that NH3 and certain carboxylic acids including propionate, succinate, and acetate modulate the cAMP relay in Dictyostelium discoideum. The former appears to act as a cAMP accumulation inhibitor, the latter as cAMP release inhibitors. The cohesive properties of aggregation competent cells have been assayed quantitatively in the presence of these modulators. The following results were obtained: (1) At pH 7.5, EDTA-resistant cohesivity was greatly inhibited by NH4C within the concentration range tested (30-3.8 mM). Even at the higher concentrations the effect was not immediate but required ca. 10 min for full expression. At the lower concentrations, the inhibitory level was only slightly reduced but the time for full expression progressively increased. At pH 6.5, the level of inhibition was marginal, indicating that NH3 is the active molecular species. By themselves, neither ambient pH nor ionic strength appeared to affect cohesive performance within the ranges employed. The inhibition was immediately and completely reversed upon removal of NH4Cl or a shift of ambient pH from 7.5 to 6.5. The presence of cycloheximide did not affect the recovery of cohesivity after NH4Cl removal. (2) The presence of 15 mM succinate, propionate, or acetate also reduced cell cohesivity. The timing and extent of the inhibition were identical at pH 7.5 and 6.5. The inhibition was expressed immediately and was reversible. Each of the acids acted synergistically with NH4Cl. The relative potencies of these metabolites acting singly or in combination as inhibitors of cohesivity corresponded roughly to their potencies as modulators of the cAMP relay (Williams et al., 1984). (3) The sensitivity to the metabolites was stage specific, being maximal during and shortly after aggregation and disappearing abruptly at 11-12 hr. This corresponds to the time at which this cohesive system, responsible for the end-to-end cell associations evident during aggregation (H. Beug, G. Gerisch, S. Kempff, V. Riedel, and G. Cremer, 1970, Exp. Cell. Res. 63, 147-158) is supplanted by a newly arisen, serologically and genetically distinct system which thereafter maintains the integrity of the aggregate (C. Steinemann and R.W. Parish, 1980, Nature (London) 286, 721-724; D.K. Wilcox and M. Sussman, 1981, Dev. Biol. 82, 102-112, and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 358-362; C.L. Saxe III and M. Sussman, 1982, Cell 29, 755-759). The activities of the metabolites, detailed above, are discussed in relation to their previously demonstrated activities as morphogens. 相似文献
D Lecat M Lemonnier C Derappe M Lhermitte H van Halbeek L Dorland J G Vliegenthart 《European journal of biochemistry》1984,140(2):415-420
Plants performing crassulacean acid metabolism show a large nocturnal accumulation of malic acid in the vacuole of the photosynthetic cells. It has been postulated that an H+-translocating ATPase energizes the transport of malic acid across the tonoplast into the vacuole. In the present work we have characterized the ATPase activity associated with vacuoles of the crassulacean-acid-metabolism plant Kalancho? daigremontiana and compare it with other phosphohydrolases. Vacuoles were isolated by polybase-induced lysis of mesophyll-cell protoplasts. The vacuoles had a high activity of unspecific acid phosphatase (pH optimum 5.3). The acid phosphatase was strongly inhibited by ammonium molybdate (with 50% inhibition at about 0.5 mmol m-3), but was not completely inhibited even at much higher ammonium-molybdate concentrations. In contrast, the vacuolar ATPase activity, assayed in the presence of 100 mmol m-3 ammonium molybdate, had a pH optimum of 8.0. ATP was the preferred substrate, but GTP, ITP and ADP were hydrolyzed at appreciable rates. The mean ATPase activity at pH 8.0 was 14.5 nmol h-1 (10(3) vacuoles)-1, an average 13% of which was attributable to residual acid-phosphatase activity. Inorganic-pyrophosphatase activity could not be demonstrated unambiguously. The vacuolar ATPase activity was Mg2+-dependent, had an apparent Km for MgATP2- of 0.31 mol m-3, and was 32% stimulated by 50 mol m-3 KCl. Of the inhibitors tested, oligomycin slightly inhibited the vacuolar ATPase activity and diethylstilbestrol and NO-3 were both markedly inhibitory. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and tributyltin were also strongly inhibitory. Tributyltin caused a 50% inhibition at about 0.3 mmol m-3. This is taken as evidence that the vacuolar ATPase might function as an H+-translocating ATPase. It is shown that the measured activity of the vacuolar ATPase would be of the right order to account for the observed rates of nocturnal malic-acid accumulation in K. daigremontiana. 相似文献