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Proteins are generally classified into the following 12 subcellular locations: 1) chloroplast, 2) cytoplasm, 3) cytoskeleton, 4) endoplasmic reticulum, 5) extracellular, 6) Golgi apparatus, 7) lysosome, 8) mitochondria, 9) nucleus, 10) peroxisome, 11) plasma membrane, and 12) vacuole. Because the function of a protein is closely correlated with its subcellular location, with the rapid increase in new protein sequences entering into databanks, it is vitally important for both basic research and pharmaceutical industry to establish a high throughput tool for predicting protein subcellular location. In this paper, a new concept, the so-called "functional domain composition" is introduced. Based on the novel concept, the representation for a protein can be defined as a vector in a high-dimensional space, where each of the clustered functional domains derived from the protein universe serves as a vector base. With such a novel representation for a protein, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is introduced for predicting protein subcellular location. High success rates are obtained by the self-consistency test, jackknife test, and independent dataset test, respectively. The current approach not only can play an important complementary role to the powerful covariant discriminant algorithm based on the pseudo amino acid composition representation (Chou, K. C. (2001) Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 43, 246-255; Correction (2001) Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 44, 60), but also may greatly stimulate the development of this area.  相似文献   
本文综述了小RNA病毒和小DNA病毒的主要结构特征,绘制出了它们的三维结构模型,从中找出了两者间的共同点和差异,为进一步研究两种病毒提供了依据。  相似文献   
(1) Neurogenesis driven by neural stem cells (NSCs) is regulated by physiological and pathological factors. Melatonin (MT) has profound neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects. Hence, we studied the role of MT in regulating the viability and differentiation of NSCs derived from rat ventral midbrain. (2) NSCs were isolated from the rat ventral midbrain. The viability of NSCs was determined by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-ulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium assay. The differentiation of NSCs was examined by analyzing the expression of the neural markers, MT receptors, brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) with semi-quantitative RT-PCR, immunofluorescence cytochemistry, and Western blot. (3) Our results showed that MT could promote the viability of NSCs. In addition, MT could significantly elevate the mRNA and protein levels of tyroxine hydroxylase (TH), a marker of dopaminergic neurons, and decrease the expression of the astrocytes maker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). MT also increased the production of BDNF and GDNF in the cultured NSCs. Meanwhile, we first found that two subtypes of MT receptors, MT1 and MT2, were expressed in the ventral midbrain NSCs. (4) These results demonstrated that MT could induce NSCs to differentiate into dopaminergic neurons and decrease astrocyte production. These findings also suggest that MT could offer a beneficial tool in guiding directional differentiation of NSCs.  相似文献   
Aims Nighttime sap flow of trees may indicate transpiration and/or recharge of stem water storage at night. This paper deals with the water use of Acacia mangium at night in the hilly lands of subtropical South China. Our primary goal was to reveal and understand the nature of nighttime sap flow and its functional significance.Methods Granier's thermal dissipation method was used to determine the nighttime sap flux of A. mangium. Gas exchange system was used to estimate nighttime leaf transpiration and stomatal conductance of studied trees.Important findings Nighttime sap flow was substantial and showed seasonal variation similar to the patterns of daytime sap flow in A. mangium. Mean nighttime sap flow was higher in the less precipitation year of 2004 (1122.4 mm) than in the more precipitation year of 2005 (1342.5 mm) since more daytime transpiration and low soil water availability in the relatively dry 2004 can be the cause of more nighttime sap flow. Although vapor pressure deficit and air temperature were significantly correlated with nighttime sap flow, they could only explain a small fraction of the variance in nighttime sap flow. The total accumulated water loss (E L) by transpiration of canopy leaves was only ~2.6–8.5% of the total nighttime sap flow (E t) during the nights of July 17–18 and 18–19, 2006. Therefore, it is likely that the nighttime sap flow was mainly used for refilling water in the trunk. The stem diameter at breast height, basal area and sapwood area explained much more variance of nighttime water recharge than environmental factors and other tree form features, such as tree height, stem length below the branch, and canopy size. The contribution of nighttime water recharge to the total transpiration ranged from 14.7 to 30.3% depending on different DBH class and was considerably higher in the dry season compared to the wet season.  相似文献   
为了及时掌握中国脊椎动物新增物种情况, 本文系统检索和整理了2020年发表的分类学文献, 汇总结果表明: 2020年中国脊椎动物共新增109种, 其中新物种100种, 国家级新记录种9种。包括鱼类新种24种、两栖类新种41种和新记录4种、爬行类新种30种和新记录4种、鸟类新种1种、哺乳类新种4种和新记录1种。上述新增物种中有92种描述报道时应用了分子遗传学证据, 占新增物种数量的84.4%。在新增脊椎动物物种中, 两栖类集中于无尾目、爬行类全部属于有鳞目, 分别有43种和34种, 其累计占比超新增物种总数的70%。在云南、西藏、湖南、贵州、四川等省区发现新物种数量较多, 均有10种及以上, 累计占比超新增物种总数的60%。绝大部分物种为中国学者发表, 绝大多数论文发表于英文期刊。总结数据提示今后需持续加强我国低等脊椎动物多样性的调查研究, 重视运用分子系统学技术进行物种识别。  相似文献   
在对产琥珀酸放线杆菌代谢分析的基础上选育出高产突变株对琥珀酸的工业生物转化有重要意义.在矩阵分析代谢通量基础上,围绕柔性节点下的副产物乙酸及乙醇的降低分别实施软X诱变及定点突变选育,并对比分析了突变株与出发株相关酶活及基因序列变化.针对出发株的流量分析显示产物琥珀酸的代谢通量为1.78(mmol/g/h),主要副产物乙酸与乙醇的代谢通量分别为(0.60mmol/g/h)和(1.04 mmol/g/h),并发现乙醇代谢加剧了琥珀酸合成中的H电子供体的不足;筛选出的氟乙酸抗性突变株S.JST1的乙酸代谢通量降低了96%,为0.024(mmol/g/h),酶活检测表明磷酸乙酰转移酶(Pta)的酶比活力从602降低到74,进一步的序列对比分析发现pta突变基因中产生了一个突变位点:adh定点复合突变株S.JST2的乙醇代谢通量降低了98%,为0.020(mmol/g/h),酶活检测表明Adh的酶比活力从585降低到62.最终突变株S.JST2琥珀酸累积产量达65.7 g/L.围绕产琥珀酸放线杆菌Pta及Adh酶活的降低实施定向选育,在降低副产物流量的同时,有助于改善细胞H供体代谢平衡进而提高琥珀酸的流量.所获突变株具有工业应用潜力.  相似文献   
The eye is a very important organ, and keratitis, corneal neovascularization, floaters, age-related macular degeneration, and other vision problems have seriously affected people's quality of life. Among the ophthalmic treatments, laser photocoagulations have been proposed and have shown therapeutic effects in clinical settings. However, corneal thinning and bleeding lesions induced by laser damage have led to limit its applications. To treat the issues of traditional hyperthermia treatments, photosensitizers [e.g., indocyanine green (ICG)] have been investigated to increase the therapeutic effects of corneal neovascularization and choroidal neovascularization. In the recent study, with the help of ICG, laser-induced nanobubble was proposed to treat vitreous opacities. The developed strategies could enlarge the effect of laser irradiation and reduce the side effects, so as to expand the scope of laser treatments in clinical ophthalmic diseases.  相似文献   
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