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Cytochrome (cyt) b561 proteins are dihaem-containing membrane proteins, belonging to the CYBASC (cytochrome-b561-ascorbate-reducible) family, and are proposed to be involved in ascorbate recycling and/or the facilitation of iron absorption. Here, we present the heterologous production of two cyt b561 paralogs from Arabidopsis thaliana (Acytb561-A, Acytb561-B) in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris, their purification, and initial characterisation. Spectra indicated that Acytb561-A resembles the best characterised member of the CYBASC family, the cytochrome b561 from adrenomedullary chromaffin vesicles, and that Acytb561-B is atypical compared to other CYBASC proteins. Haem oxidation–reduction midpoint potential (EM) values were found to be fully consistent with ascorbate oxidation activities and Fe3 +-chelates reductase activities. The ascorbate dependent reduction and protein stability of both paralogs were found to be sensitive to alkaline pH values as reported for the cytochrome b561 from chromaffin vesicles. For both paralogs, ascorbate-dependent reduction was inhibited and the low-potential haem EM values were affected significantly by incubation with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) in the absence of ascorbate. Modification with DEPC in the presence of ascorbate left the haem EM values unaltered compared to the unmodified proteins. However, ascorbate reduction was inhibited. We concluded that the ascorbate-binding site is located near the low-potential haem with the Fe3 +-chelates reduction-site close to the high-potential haem. Furthermore, inhibition of ascorbate oxidation by DEPC treatment occurs not only by lowering the haem EM values but also by an additional modification affecting ascorbate binding and/or electron transfer. Analytical gel filtration experiments suggest that both cyt b561 paralogs exist as homodimers.  相似文献   
Abstract: The developmental lipid profiles in the human cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem are presented, with special reference to galactolipids as myelin markers to trace myelination in the three main parts of the human CNS. A group of undernourished children were also studied to test the vulnerability of myelinogenesis in the different regions of the human brain. Myelination was well advanced in the brain stem with regard to the other brain regions, a fact reflected in the much higher concentration of myelin lipids in the brain stem of the human foetus of 26 weeks of gestational age. The cerebrum, on the other hand, had the lowest galactolipid concentration during the prenatal period, galactolipid levels in the cerebellum being four times higher. From just before the end of gestation the accretion of galactolipids accelerated enormously in the cerebrum, whereas it slowed down considerably in the cerebellum. Consequently, in relation to prenatal levels galactolipids increased most rapidly in the cerebrum, followed by the cerebellum and finally by the brain stem. These regional differences were in clear contrast to data from the rat, as was the finding that only the cerebrum of undernourished children had a galactolipid concentration significantly decreased with respect to normal values. A relationship between the different myelination patterns in the human and the rat and the distinct vulnerability of myelinogenesis in the two species is suggested.  相似文献   
We detected, for the first time, the occurrence of vegetative incompatibility between different isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species Glomus mosseae. Vegetative compatibility tests performed on germlings belonging to the same isolate showed that six geographically different isolates were capable of self-anastomosing, and that the percentage of hyphal contacts leading to fusions ranged from 60 to 85%. Successful anastomoses were characterized by complete fusion of hyphal walls, protoplasm continuity and occurrence of nuclei in the middle of hyphal bridges. No anastomoses could be detected between hyphae belonging to different isolates, which intersected without any reaction in 49 to 68% of contacts. Microscopic examinations detected hyphal incompatibility responses in diverse pairings, consisting of protoplasm retraction from the tips and septum formation in the approaching hyphae, even before physical contact with neighboring hyphae. Interestingly, many hyphal tips showed precontact tropism, suggesting that specific recognition signals may be involved during this stage. The intraspecific genetic diversity of G. mosseae revealed by vegetative compatibility tests was confirmed by total protein profiles and internal transcribed spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles, which evidenced a higher level of molecular diversity between the two European isolates IMA1 and BEG25 than between IMA1 and the two American isolates. Since arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi lack a tractable genetic system, vegetative compatibility tests may represent an easy assay for the detection of genetically different mycelia and an additional powerful tool for investigating the population structure and genetics of these obligate symbionts.  相似文献   
The kinetics of the transfer of stearic acids between human serum albumin (HSA) and long circulating sterically stabilised liposomes (SSL) composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and of submicellar content of the polymer-lipid poly(ethylene glycol:2000)-dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (PEG:2000-DPPE) have been studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The study exploits the fact that HSA has a single tryptophan (Trp) residue and that the intrinsic Trp-emission intensity is quenched by the presence of doxyl spin-labelled stearic acids (SASL). Protein/lipid dispersions are considered in which SASL molecules are inserted either in the protein or in the SSL, and the transfer of SASL between the protein and SSL is conveniently monitored by the time variation of the inherent Trp-fluorescence intensity of HSA. It was found that the transfer of fatty acids between HSA and SSL depends on the type of donor and acceptor matrix, on the temperature (i.e., on the physical state of the lipid bilayers) and on the grafting density of the PEG-lipids at the lipid/protein interface. In the absence of polymer-lipids, the rate of transfer increases with temperature in both directions of transfer, and it is higher for the passage from DPPC bilayers to HSA. The presence of polymer-lipids reduces the rate of transfer both in the mushroom and in the brush regime of the polymer chains, especially at low grafting density and for lipid membranes in the fluid phase.  相似文献   
Biotin synthase, a member of the "radical SAM" family, catalyzes the final step of the biotin biosynthetic pathway, namely, the insertion of a sulfur atom into dethiobiotin (DTB). The active form of the enzyme contains two iron-sulfur clusters, a [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster liganded by Cys-53, Cys-57, and Cys-60 and the S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet or SAM) cosubstrate and a [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster liganded by Cys-97, Cys-128, Cys-188, and Arg-260. Single-point mutation of each of these six conserved cysteines produced inactive variants. In this work, mutants of other highly conserved residues from the Y(150)NHNLD motif are described. They have properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme with respect to their cluster content and characteristics. For all of them, the as-isolated form, which contains an air-stable [2Fe-2S](2+) center, can additionally accommodate an air-sensitive [4Fe-4S](2+) center which is generated by incubation under anaerobic conditions with Fe(2+) and S(2-). Their spectroscopic properties are similar to those of the wild type. However, they are inactive, except the mutant H152A that exhibits a weak activity. We show that the mutants, inactive in producing biotin, are also unable to cleave AdoMet and to produce the deoxyadenosyl radical (AdoCH(2)(*)). In the case of H152A, a value of 5.5 +/- 0.4 is found for the 5'-deoxyadenosine (AdoCH(3)):biotin ratio, much higher than the value of 2.8 +/- 0.3 usually observed with the wild type. This reveals a greater contribution of the abortive process in which the AdoCH(2)(*) radical is quenched by hydrogen atoms from the protein or from some components of the system. Thus, in this case, the coupling between the production of AdoCH(2)(*) and its reaction with the hydrogen at C-6 and C-9 of DTB is less efficient than that in the wild type, probably because of geometry's perturbation within the active site.  相似文献   
The microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS, or MIDAS) is an X-linked dominant male-lethal disorder almost invariably associated with segmental monosomy of the Xp22 region. In two female patients, from two families, with MLS and a normal karyotype, we identified heterozygous de novo point mutations--a missense mutation (p.R217C) and a nonsense mutation (p.R197X)--in the HCCS gene. HCCS encodes the mitochondrial holocytochrome c-type synthase that functions as heme lyase by covalently adding the prosthetic heme group to both apocytochrome c and c(1). We investigated a third family, displaying phenotypic variability, in which the mother and two of her daughters carry an 8.6-kb submicroscopic deletion encompassing part of the HCCS gene. Functional analysis demonstrates that both mutant proteins (R217C and Delta 197-268) were unable to complement a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient for the HCCS orthologue Cyc3p, in contrast to wild-type HCCS. Moreover, ectopically expressed HCCS wild-type and the R217C mutant protein are targeted to mitochondria in CHO-K1 cells, whereas the C-terminal-truncated Delta 197-268 mutant failed to be sorted to mitochondria. Cytochrome c, the final product of holocytochrome c-type synthase activity, is implicated in both oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and apoptosis. We hypothesize that the inability of HCCS-deficient cells to undergo cytochrome c-mediated apoptosis may push cell death toward necrosis that gives rise to severe deterioration of the affected tissues. In summary, we suggest that disturbance of both OXPHOS and the balance between apoptosis and necrosis, as well as the X-inactivation pattern, may contribute to the variable phenotype observed in patients with MLS.  相似文献   
Bacteria commonly exchange genetic information by the horizontal transfer of conjugative plasmids. In gram-negative conjugation, a relaxase enzyme is absolutely required to prepare plasmid DNA for transit into the recipient via a type IV secretion system. Here we report a mutagenesis of the F plasmid relaxase gene traI using in-frame, 31-codon insertions. Phenotypic analysis of our mutant library revealed that several mutant proteins are functional in conjugation, highlighting regions of TraI that can tolerate insertions of a moderate size. We also demonstrate that wild-type TraI, when overexpressed, plays a dominant-negative regulatory role in conjugation, repressing plasmid transfer frequencies approximately 100-fold. Mutant TraI proteins with insertions in a region of approximately 400 residues between the consensus relaxase and helicase sequences did not cause conjugative repression. These unrestrictive TraI variants have normal relaxase activity in vivo, and several have wild-type conjugative functions when expressed at normal levels. We postulate that TraI negatively regulates conjugation by interacting with and sequestering some component of the conjugative apparatus. Our data indicate that the domain responsible for conjugative repression resides in the central region of TraI between the protein's catalytic domains.  相似文献   
  1. Ongoing intensification and fragmentation of European agricultural landscapes dramatically reduce biodiversity and associated functions. Enhancing perennial noncrop areas holds great potential to support ecosystem services such as ant‐mediated pest control.
  2. To study the potential of newly established grassland strips to enhance ant diversity and associated functions, we used hand collection data and predation experiments to investigate differences in (a) ant community composition and (b) biocontrol‐related functional traits, and (c) natural pest control across habitats in cereal fields, old grasslands, and new grassland transects of three years of age.
  3. Ant species diversity was similar between new and old grasslands, but significantly higher in new grasslands than in surrounding cereal fields. Contrary, ant community composition of new grasslands was more similar to cereal fields and distinct from the species pool of old grasslands. The functional trait space covered by the ant communities showed the same distribution between old and new grasslands. Pest control did not differ significantly between habitat types and therefore could not be linked to the prevalence of functional ant traits related to biocontrol services in new grasslands.
  4. Our findings not only show trends of convergence between old and new grasslands, but also indicate that enhancing ant diversity through new grasslands takes longer than three years to provide comparable biodiversity and functionality.
  5. Synthesis and applications: Newly established grasslands can increase ant species richness and abundance and provide a consistent amount of biocontrol services in agroecosystems. However, three years after their establishment, new grasslands were still dominated by common agrobiont ant species and lacked habitat specialists present in old grasslands, which require a constant supply of food resources and long colony establishment times. New grasslands represent a promising measure for enhancing agricultural landscapes but must be preserved in the longer term to promote biodiversity and resilience of associated ecosystem services.
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